Re: Bug#681289: debian-policy: Changelog and copyright should be package metadata

2012-07-12 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Thomas Preud'homme  [2012-07-12 17:59:19 CEST]:
> Le jeudi 12 juillet 2012 17:09:46, Gerfried Fuchs a écrit :
> >  Did I miss a thread on debian-devel about this?
> There was a thread indeed. See this one:

 Well, that's debian-release, not debian-devel.  Thanks for the pointer

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Bug#681289: debian-policy: Changelog and copyright should be package metadata

2012-07-12 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

* Raphaël Hertzog  [2012-07-12 08:46:03 CEST]:
> Both the changelog and the copyright files are stored with a package's
> normal data (within data.tar in the .deb) but they are really package
> metadata (that should be part of control.tar in the .deb).

 Are they?  I consider them documentation and expect them be next to the

> All the tools and services that currently extract both of those files
> (packages.d.o, apt-listhanges, etc.) would benefit from being able to
> extract them with the rest of the package metadata.

 No, please don't use packages.d.o as a reasoning without having talked
to the packages.d.o maintainers.  This is also the reason why I tend to
close your bugreport against packages.d.o because the plan is to not
extract them anymore.  ftpmasters/dak are extracting them already and
providing them to us, so the packages.d.o site will *not* extract this
information in the future.

 And without any more than that statement I'm not really buying that it
really would be a benefit?

> Additionnaly it also solves a problem that we have with multi-arch same
> packages and bin-nmu. Such a bin-nmu means that the changelog on the
> bin-nmued architecture will be different from the other arches and the
> package is thus no longer co-installable.

 That might be the real issue, please don't push other reasonings to
front without contacting the people involved there whether this is
really the case.

> 2/ that programs that want to retrieve the changelog and/or copyright file
>of an installed package should try to use "dpkg-query --control-show 
>" and fall back to the usual path if that fails.
>Those interfaces are available in wheezy's dpkg (>= 1.16.5).

 So that would force services to upgrade to wheezy as soon as the first
such package lands in unstable, right?

> 3/ that programs that want to retrieve the changelog and/or copyright file
>of a .deb file should use dpkg-deb -I  " (or
>look for the changelog/copyright file in the directory extracted
>with dpkg-deb -e )

 "that programs" are also end-users, not?  Users expect the copyright
and changelog information to be readily available to them.  How do you
address their expectations?  Will they be in
/var/lib/dpkg/info/package.{changelog,copyright}, so a symlink could
help with that?

 Is there any other solution that would help the multiarch issue

 Did I miss a thread on debian-devel about this?

 Last thing: policy is about document current practises, not about
future possibilities.  Doesn't this bugreport come a bit early?

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alternative dependency ordering - with respect of packages in main

2011-09-20 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

 Policy is clear on packages in main aren't allowed to depend on
packages outside of main.  Now in a fair amount of cases this has been
worked around by having the package outside of main as alternative
dependency and a package in main offer basic functionality for the
package to still be able to work.

 I know that the buildd system likes to pull in the first package in
such an alternative dependency chain.  And now I start to wonder:

 Is it allowed for a package in main to have a package _outside_ of main
as first component of an alternative dependency?  The package in
question is extremely unlikely to ever be used as Build-Depends, so this
is of a more general question.

 What also might be used as argument is the social contract, DFSG #4:
"Our priorities are our users and free software" -- it can be argued
that we don't put the priority on free software in such a case.

 tl;dr - what do you think, is a "Depends: foo-contrib | foo" acceptable
for packages in main or should it be "Depends: foo | foo-contrib"

 Thanks for answering to the short strawpoll,
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[patch] experimental and uploads to unstable

2010-12-03 Thread Gerfried Fuchs

 I just found this part in the devref which should get removed since
version tracking in the BTS is in place.  Find the patch attached, as
per README-contrib I'm not commiting it myself, at least not until I'm
told so. ;)

 Last day of starting in
   34 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom on
 * ScottK hands dholbach an "r".
 Are they fundraising again?
Index: resources.dbk
--- resources.dbk	(Revision 7825)
+++ resources.dbk	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -753,12 +753,6 @@
 An alternative to experimental is to use your personal web
 space on
-When uploading to unstable a package which had bugs fixed
-in experimental, please consider using the option
--v to dpkg-buildpackage to finally get
-them closed.

Bug#536790: debian-policy: please clarify 'required target' in section 4.9

2009-07-13 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Jamie Strandboge  [2009-07-13 16:39:43 CEST]:
> Section 4.9 of
> states that there a number of required targets for debian/rules.
> Specifically:
> "This file must be an executable makefile, and contains the
> package-specific recipes for compiling the package and building binary
> package(s) from the source.
> At a minimum, required targets are the ones called by dpkg-buildpackage,
> namely, clean, binary, binary-arch, binary-indep, and build."
> If the policy is to be read very strictly, then all of the required
> targets must be present in debian/rules,

 That's wrong reading, it doesn't claim so. It has to contain the
recipes - but it doesn't claim that they have to be in there directly.
If you do a s/present/implemented/ you might be able to follow. :)

> For someone new to CDBS, debhleper 7, or any other existing or future
> package helper, the reader of policy must either ignore the violations
> from this strict reading or relax the interpretation of policy in such
> a way to infer that helper programs provide these targets even though
> they are not explicitly listed. This is ambiguous.

 This are the required targets that debian/rules has to implement and to
be working.

> A specific example occurred recently when reviewing a package with a
> debian/rules file similar to /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny
> and running an older lintian on it. Lintian complained about the
> targets, so policy was consulted, and a strict reading shows that the
> rules file was in violation of policy. A discussion ensued and quite a
> bit of developer time was lost.

 Well, older lintian version surely also complain about other things
that are in full compliance with both current practices and policy.
That's why it switched to use "debian/rules -n $target" for tests these
days. Using an older and buggy version of lintian is quite an
interesting argumentation line if you ask me. lintian never claimed to
be perfect nor is this one of its target aims.

> Adding something like the following would greatly reduce the ambiguity
> of section 4.9:
> "A required target is one that is either explicitly listed in
> debian/rules or supplied by a helper program."

 Why does it have to be a "helper" program and not be allowed to be any
other means? This is just as ambigious as you claim it to be currently.

 Just my thoughts,

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Re: Relative and absolute symlinks

2008-08-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-08-27 16:57:58 CEST]:
> Do we have consensus that a:
>  a) links that do not climb directory trees should be encouraged to be
> relative (do not break case 2)
>  b) subdirectories of /var/*/ and /usr/* should be treated as top level
> directories for the purposes of the relative/absolute symlink rule:
> any links that climbs out of /usr/foo/bar or /var/foo/bar should be
> absolute, and the rest of the current rule stays in place?

 That would totally be along the lines that I thought and I'm glad that
others think the idea makes sense, too.

 Thanks. :)

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Re: Relative and absolute symlinks

2008-08-15 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Lionel Elie Mamane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-08-15 16:47:41 CEST]:
> (Further discussion should happen on [EMAIL PROTECTED], but please
> CC me.)

 Same with me, I plan to scan the archives of the list, but am not

> During Manoj's "policy" talk at DebConf8, Gerfried opened the subject
> of the policy's stand on relative and absolute symlinks, which
> currently is "absolute if going through top-level, relative
> otherwise".
> I wanted to give another data-point: Mailman switched its intra-/var/
> symlinks to be absolute, because relative symlinks there broke setups
> of people that "moved" their /var/lib/mailman/ directory to another
> partition, not through mounting, but through replacing their
> /var/lib/mailman/ directory by a symlink to elsewhere -
> e.g. /u/mailman . This broke e.g. relative symlinks
> /var/lib/mailman/log to ../../logs/mailman. Bugs #413604 and #408855
> contain the whole story.

 The story was raised for me by different users of the wesnoth package.
People seem to move at least their /usr/games section to some other
place and symlink it because of its size. I also am aware that there are
people doing the same for /var/spool. In general my suggestion was to at
least allow /usr/* and /var/* symlinks to be absolute between different
hierarchies in there instead of putting the weight of a should in there.
Rationale being that the structure within /usr and /var is quite split
up and it does make sense to allow people to do the same stuff with
direct root directories without any pains.

> I must say I don't quite see in what scenario relative symlinks make
> something work that absolute symlinks do not make work.
> So, is there any reason at all to use relative symlinks?

 Quite some times I experienced them to be more pain than gain, too. It
might be useful if people shift around complete hierarchies, but we are
not really speaking of package-internal symlinks here usually.


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Bug#444270: debian-policy: policy doesn't say anything on ~ in Version numbers

2007-09-27 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
Package: debian-policy
Severity: normal


 It would be kind if in section 5.6.12. `Version' the usage of ~ could
be noted, at least saying that it is an allowed character, too.
Currently every package with a ~ in its version (either upstream or
debian part of it) is violating the policy in that respect.

 So long,

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