On 2017-09-18 00:26, Russ Allbery wrote:
2. Set the entire environment to the environment specified in buildinfo
   when doing a reproducible build.  I think this is conceptually the
   simplest, but it means that we should make every tool that builds
   official Debian packages use the same environment variable logic so
   that the buildinfo file completely captures the environment (without
   leaking random, inappropriate things into buildinfo).  It also means
effectively giving up on debian/rules build being a path for making a reproducible build, since we don't have control over that environment,
   but I think it will be hard to make that work anyway.

FWIW this is the approach we've taken on both of the Baserock build tools, and for BuildStream [1].

Given that it's trivially easy for a build script to try to call out to the internet (eg fetch tarball, git clone), or look for custom environment variables, we think it's clearly safest to put everything in a sandbox and be explicit about resources, network and environment variables.


[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/BuildStream/

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