Re: internet from lan

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Hopeless noobie
 Installed sarge on wallstreet (500 G3 sonnet, OS9/OSX/Ubuntu/Debian  
 partitions) booting with BootX.
 How do I connect to my LAN (DSL through router) to get internet to  
 finish the install?
 Sorry for the stupid question, read al the MAN pages and lots of  
 boards but...
 To start with I am obviously on the terminal and greeted with:
 Failed to bring up eth0

Could you please provide a bit context, i.e., what else is going on when that
appears? Next, have a look at and/or paste /etc/network/interfaces.


Description: PGP signature

Re: internet from lan

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Thanks for the response, here is what I got...
 (transcribed, no pasting, cant contact the box...)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /etc/network/interfaces
 -bash: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied
/etc/network/interfaces is not a script nor any other executable, it's just a
config file. You should rather do:

cat /etc/network/interfaces


PS.: Please keep CC'ing or even simply replying to debian-powerc

Description: PGP signature

Re: internet from lan

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 thanks, that clears up one thing : ) Linux makes me feel stupid...
 OK, here is what I have:
 #the loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp

ok: does your DSL router provide usual DHCP or do you rather need to use PPPOE
or PPTP?


Description: PGP signature

Re: internet from lan

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 the configure IPv4 uses 'Using DHCP' on the Ethernet

what happens if you run (as root)

ifup -v eth0


Description: PGP signature

Re: internet from lan

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 debian:/home/bear# ifup -v eth0
 Configuring interface eth0=eth0 (inet)
 run-parts --verbose /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
 dhclient -e -pf /var/run/ -if /var/run/ 
 dhclient.eth0.leases eth0
 Internet Software Consortium DHCP Client 2.0p15
 Copyright ...
 Pease contribute..
 For Info.
 socket: Address family not supported by protocol
 Make sure to set CONFIG_PACKET=Y AND CONFIG_FILTER=Y in your kernel  
 Failed to bring up eth0.

Hmmm, you are using some standard kernel, aren't you? Please provide the output
of uname -a

See ya,

Description: PGP signature

Re: internet from lan

2006-10-28 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 By the way, the iso that I used for install was:
 thanks for your help, barry

Could you try to use the testing release? You can find an image at

However, I don't know whether the current release ought to work on powerpc,
maybe someone else knows a bit more about that!?

Other than that, I've never owned a Wallstreet and thus I don't know whether
there are any known issues with a 2.4 kernel or the like.


Description: PGP signature

Re: location of iptables data

2006-02-20 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 i feel somewhat silly in asking this - especially here.
 nevertheless, could someone point me to where debian stores its
 iptables data? (ie the config files)

Which config files do you expect to find? What would be the purpose of a config
file of iptables?


Description: Digital signature

Re: location of iptables data

2006-02-20 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 perhaps i should explain myself
 where iptables rules are stored so they are restored
 at boot time

There is no such script (anymore) in init.d, but you can get the old one from
/usr/share/doc/iptables/examples/oldinitdscript.gz - for details, please refer


Description: Digital signature

Re: location of iptables data

2006-02-20 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 so the kernel now has its own method of retaining iptables

Not really, or did you think of iptables-save/iptables-restore as the method of
the kernel?


Description: Digital signature

Re: mplayer debian package

2006-02-02 Thread Michael Tautschnig
   Regarding installation of mplayer-g4: you need to install first
   mplayer-powerpc then mplayer-g4 (dpkg craps out with a dependency loop
  I did not have any such problems while installing mplayer-g4. So I am
  not sure what you mean.
 Might be a bug in my dpkg version. I got a error message reading
 approximately like this;
 assert (depent = 4) fails
 from dpkg during postinstall. This completely breaks installation of
 further packages until mplayer-g4 is removed. The problem appears to be a
 circular dependency between mplayer-g4 and mplayer-skin-blue.

AFAIK this is a known issue, see


Description: Digital signature

Re: Help BCM430x

2006-01-21 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 cold:~# iwconfig eth2 essid any
 Error for wireless request Set ESSID (8B1A) :
SET failed on device eth2 ; Operation not supported.

Please attacht the output of dmesg, otherwise we can't help you.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Strange behavior

2006-01-12 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -la /sda1
 total 4908
 drwxr-xr-x  14 root root   16384 Jan  1  1970 .
 drwxr-xr-x  37 root root4096 Jan 11 16:19 ..
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root6148 Jan 10 13:56 .DS_Store
 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root2048 Nov 23 12:27 .Trash-swe
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 180 Jan 11 15:59 hints
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /sda1
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo chown -R swe /sda1
 chown: changing ownership of `/sda1': Operation not permitted
 chown: changing ownership of `/sda1/.Trashes': Operation not permitted
 chown: changing ownership of `/sda1/macintosh.pdf': Operation not permitted
 chown: changing ownership of `/sda1/hints': Operation not permitted
That seems strange to me, what filesystem is it? The only thing I could imagine
is that the filesystem doesn't support the operation - VFAT?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /sda1/hints
 bash: /sda1/hints: Permission denied
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo cat /sda1/hints
 bash: /sda1/hints: Permission denied
 LinuxPPC:~# cat /sda1/hints
 The user swe has the same group as root (0).
 What's going on here?

I think that's pretty much ok. sudo cat /sda1/hints will run cat as root,
but /sda1/hints is interpreted by your shell, running as swe... And, as
listed above, the group swe is a member of (0) doesn't have priveledges to write
to the file.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Trouble getting bcm43xx driver to work

2006-01-08 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 No such logs on the AP. It just shows me attached dhcp clients and websites 
 accessed. My iBook is not listed as an attached DHCP client.

What about the current source revisions/snapshots? Do they work any better?
Could you please post your current dmesg and the exact steps you performed
(ifconfig, iwconfig ...)


Description: Digital signature

Re: Trouble getting bcm43xx driver to work

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 At first I suspected that I had missed something basic but now I fear that 
 have found a more difficlut to find problem. If someone doesn't point out 
 where I have stuffed up I will resort to systematic trail-and-error with all 
 settings (wireless channel, essid, etc.) just in case there is an obscure bug 
 I can identify.

Does your AP provide any logs? As DHCP failed at your site I'd suspect some
authentication/association problem...


Description: Digital signature

Re: Trouble getting bcm43xx driver to work

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
  I have same problem and when I run 
  krachsna:~# ifconfig eth1 up
  SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory

Why should that be the same problem!? Nevertheless, what does dmesg tell you?


Description: Digital signature

Re: Trouble getting bcm43xx driver to work

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Johannes Berg at Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 02:44:07PM CET wrote:
  On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 14:41 +0100, Milan Toth wrote:
   bcm43xx: Error: Microcode bcm43xx_microcode5.fw not available or load 
  fix your hotplug setup.
 can you please point me how to do this? i have hotplug installed  
 i look at /etc/defaults/hotplug but i can't see anything  
 interesting in it 
Are you using testing or unstable? Then you should not have hotplug anymore but
udev running!?


Description: Digital signature

Re: external screen powerbook 12 6,8

2006-01-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 would you mind posting it here and/or somewhere on the web? BTW I got the
 external monitor (vga) working but not LCD at the same time

Here we go...


# XF86Config-4 (XFree86 X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the XF86Config-4 manual page.
# (Type man XF86Config-4 at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xfree86 package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xfree86
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following commands as root:
#   cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.custom
#   md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum
#   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

Section Files
FontPathunix/:7100# local font server
# if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on these

Section Module

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  keyboard
Option  CoreKeyboard
Option  LeftAlt   Meta
Option  RightAlt  Meta
Option  ScrollLockCompose
Option  RightCtl  Control
Option  XkbRules  xfree86
Option  XkbModel  pc105
Option  XkbLayout de
Option  XkbVariantnodeadkeys

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Configured Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option  CorePointer
Option  Device/dev/input/mice
Option  Protocol  ImPS/2
Option  Emulate3Buttons   true
Option  ZAxisMapping  4 5

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Synaptics Touchpad
Driver  synaptics
Option  SendCoreEventstrue
Option  Device/dev/input/mice
Option  Protocol  auto-dev
Option  LeftEdge  60
Option  RightEdge 800
Option  TopEdge   0
Option  BottomEdge380
Option  MinSpeed  0.2
Option  MaxSpeed  0.9
Option  AccelFactor   0.07
#   Option  FingerLow 50
#   Option  FingerHigh60
Option  MaxTapMove0
#   Option  HorizScrollDelta  0
#   Option  VertScrollDelta   30
Option  SHMConfig on
#   Option  UpDownScrolling   on
#   Option  TouchpadOff   0
#   Option  RTCornerButton0
#   Option  RBCornerButton0 

#Section Device
#   Identifier  NVidia
#   Driver  nv
#   Option  CrtcNumber1
#   Option  UseFBDev  true
#   BusId   PCI:0:16:0
#   Screen  0

Section Device
Identifier  dviout
Driver  nv
Option  CrtcNumber0 
BusId   PCI:0:16:0
#   Screen  1

Section Monitor
Identifier  Cinema HD
HorizSync   30-82
VertRefresh 50-75
Option  DPMS

#Section Monitor
#   Identifier  Generic Monitor
#   HorizSync   30-82
#   VertRefresh 50-75
#   Option  DPMS

Section Modes
Identifier  Cinema
Modeline 1920x1200 193.156 1920 2048 2256 2592 1200 1201 1203 1242 
+hsync +vsync

#Section Screen
#   Identifier  Default Screen
#   Device  NVidia
#   Monitor Generic Monitor
#   DefaultDepth24
#   SubSection Display
#   Depth   

Re: external screen powerbook 12 6,8

2005-12-20 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Hi Michael,
 | - You need to reboot your PB with the external screen attached to it (maybe 
 |   cable suffices, don't know)
 |   Note: Waking up your system from suspend-to-disk is fine too.
 | - Your xorg.conf's Device-section must contain the line
 |   Option  CrtcNumber0
 |   i.e., you need to change your xorg.conf every time you switch and restart 
 | If you're interested in the complete xorg.conf, I'd post it here.
 These are GOOD NEWS
 Tomorrow I'll give it a try, because today I'm staying at home.
 BTW you say 
   from suspend-to-disk is fine too
 Could you please be so kind as to explain me how to enable that? I have
 just installed ubuntu and this is not working for me. 
Do you have the hibernate-package installed? I'll send you my hibernate.conf in
private mail too. I'm not sure whether the kernel shipped with the distro works
right away as I compiled my own kernel - does anybody else know?

 And yes, I'd be interested in the xorg.conf file. But maybe it enough if
 you send it to me, so that we don't full up the server with our posts :)

I'll do that in a few minutes!


Description: Digital signature

Re: swsusp2, kernel 2.6.14 and iBook (mid-2005)

2005-12-20 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 In fact, I made the mistake to create a swap partition
  with exactly the same size as my RAM. Later on, I read
  somewhere that your swap partition must be at least
  1.5 times bigger than your RAM. Since I do not want to
  reinstall everything (Linux+MacOS) just to add some more
  swap space  (unless there is another method ?) I thought
  I could try  swsusp2 since you can compress the RAM image,
  or write  it into a file.

I think one needs 1.5 times the size of the actually used memory - I've
got 1.25 GB RAM and 1 GB swap an swsusp1 works like a charm...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: external screen powerbook 12 6,8

2005-12-19 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 1- An external screen will not work (at least I tried to give a talk and the
 video projector was not showing anything)
You can make it working - see below.

 2- Sleep is not working


Well, AFAIK it won't work in the near future - blame NVidia for it...

Maybe someone knows something better, but for me (TM) the folling works:

- You need to reboot your PB with the external screen attached to it (maybe the
  cable suffices, don't know)
  Note: Waking up your system from suspend-to-disk is fine too.
- Your xorg.conf's Device-section must contain the line
  Option  CrtcNumber0
  i.e., you need to change your xorg.conf every time you switch and restart X.

If you're interested in the complete xorg.conf, I'd post it here.


BTW: I'm writing this using my PB6,8 and my external screen :-)

Description: Digital signature

Re: sudden power loss (WAS: sudden power loss on tibook)

2005-12-01 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Can you resend the patch or direct me to the message in the archive? I
 was planning to include it for some time but lost track of it.

It needs a few changes for kernel versions  2.6.12, but just check the diff...

 Either way, all this points at is the CPU running full tilt for some time,
 _with interrupts and scheduling still working fine_. You could try the
 limit_adjust parameter to make the fan start sooner to see if it really is
 a temperature problem.

Actually I _did_ lower the limit_adjust and _then_ found machine shutting down
because the fan needed to spin so fast to get it down to that temperature...


Description: Digital signature

Re: sudden power loss (WAS: sudden power loss on tibook)

2005-11-30 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 I'm a gentoo-user and compiling frequently, but my iBook (G4,1.2GHz, got 
 it Feb05) never dies on _high_ cpu load.
 it happens mostly when I'm typing some stuff in vim or composing 
 mails/forum posts, many open rxvts,  running firefox, opera, 
 thunderbird, xchat, maybe mpd, but the cpu is still 80%+ idle.
 I got the feeling, it's more frequently with some pbbuttonsd versions, 
 but I'm not sure... sometimes I try a new kernel release and the system 
 powers of three times this day, then runs stable for over a week...
 I'm not running a daemon for cpu frequency, setting it manually when I 
 need the power.
 my current kernel is 2.6.14-gentoo-r2 and I'm running pbbuttonsd 0.7.2.


Does this also mean that your fan is not running at high speed before those


Description: Digital signature

Re: sudden power loss (WAS: sudden power loss on tibook)

2005-11-30 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Yes, now as you say it, I can confirm this for an iBook G4. I had the
 same problem with high CPU load. The fan starts spinning and increase
 its speed until it runs very fast. Then it starts to pulse (increase
 speed - decrease speed - inc...) and after a minute or so the iBook
 powers off. I thought the firmware caused the shutdown due to a too
 high temperature, but if I hear you, it makes me wonder. I think I
 could reproduce this, but it happened some times ago. Since then I pay
 attention on the CPU load and run programs like firefox with nice to
 make cpufreqd do not speed up the CPU.


Are you using the therm_adt746x-module? Then I might at least be able to explain
those increase/decrease behaviour: One of the sensors (probably the one nearby
the graphics chip) is fairly cold, whereas the other one shows hot temperature.
I posted a patch for the module some time ago to change that behaviour and at
least it worked for me (TM).


Description: Digital signature

Re: sudden power loss (WAS: sudden power loss on tibook)

2005-11-29 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Hrm... never happen on any of the machines I have around here.
 Could it be related to the temperature ?

Today somebody noted a possible relationship to the fan - until then I ignored
this thread, but this message reminded me of my situation:

The last time it happend is a few weeks ago, but at least on my PowerBook6,8 it
only happend when the fan had spinning at full speed for some time (due to high
CPU usage, so it was ok that the fan was spinning so fast). I considered this
a feature of the firmware (?) that did some emergency stop once the fans weren't
able to do their job successfully anymore. But I should add that it was rather
the fan spinning too much than the high temperature as it also occured while
experimenting (lowering) the settings of the therm_adt746x-module.

Could somebody confirm similar behaviour or is my note completely unrelated to
your problems?


BTW (might have been discussed before): Are you all using the therm_adt746x

Description: Digital signature

Re: Which Printer?

2005-11-24 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 On Nov 23 2005, Michael Tautschnig wrote:
  If you're really willing to buy another one, I could offer some hints,
  but I'd prefer to do that in private mail.
 Why would you prefer to give recommendations on hardware in private
 mail? Is there any secret with that?
 Good printers with open source drives are of interest to anybody
 concerned with running Free Software.

I simply don't want google to associate any brands and my opinion about these
with my name...


Description: Digital signature

Re: Which Printer?

2005-11-24 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 If have opinions on printers that would interesting for anyone willing
 to by a printer, why not post them anonymously the list?

Everyone on the list has my email address and is free to ask me for my opinion,
I simply don't want to publish it here; I'm commited to my opinion so I don't
want to post it anonymously.

BTW.: Fritz asked me for it in private mail and I told him what I currently
consider good inkjet printers.

Best regards,

PS.: Yes, maybe I'm paranoid...

Description: Digital signature

Re: Which Printer?

2005-11-23 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 I use a Canon i550 right now but unfortunatley this model isn't suported 
 for Linux by Canon... - so I have to look for another make. It's not 
 easy because it should be a model with different cassettes for every 
 color and it should be supported by Linux/Cups.
Sorry, but google turn up quite a few hits, and one of them was this one:

 What experience do you have? Any recommendation?

If you're really willing to buy another one, I could offer some hints, but I'd
prefer to do that in private mail.

Best regards,

Description: Digital signature


2005-11-19 Thread Michael Tautschnig

 E [19/Nov/2005:11:08:43 +0100] Unable to convert file 0 to printable format
 for job 11!
 I [19/Nov/2005:11:08:43 +0100] Hint: Do you have ESP Ghostscript installed?
 I [19/Nov/2005:11:08:43 +0100] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to debug.
So - do what it says: Change LogLevel in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to debug, restart
cups and try again; But most probably either your printers.conf or your ppd is
broken, which could be repaired by reconfiguring the printer using the web

 btw. what HTH stands for?

Hope This Helps :-)


Description: Digital signature


2005-11-18 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 I hope it was a good idea to install cups from debian-etch and after to copy
 the cups-defs fro MacOS X 10.4.3 over the defs from Linux.
Could you please explain in more detail what your cups-defs are? Thanks...

 I can see the printer in the under http://localhost:631/admin, I can print
 the testpage but it never appears on the printer - Canon i550. In the tab
 http://localhost:631/jobs?which_jobs=completed I see all my test pages.

What does /var/log/cups/error_log tell you? But your cupsd.conf from MacOS might
have changed that path...


Description: Digital signature

Re: suspend-to-ram with 2.6.13

2005-09-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 hi all,
 i compiled kernel 2.6.13 on my 12 powerbook (newest model).
 /sys/power/state looks like: standby mem disk
 i tried:
 echo -n mem  /sys/power/state
 echo -n standby  /sys/power/state
 the suspend-process starts and falls back to console with no errors.

Just curious - did it ever work? I thought there was some problem with the
nvidia-chip and thus suspend-to-ram  wouldn't work at all!?


Description: Digital signature

Re: [patch] therm_adt746x.c

2005-09-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 On 9/2/05, Michael Tautschnig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   hi michael,
   i struggeled with the same problem - the patch works fine!
   is it possible to setup a minimum speed as default?
   so the temperature would not rise up that fast.
  One possible approach would be the change of this line
  new_speed = ( ( new_speed * step ) + th-last_speed[fan_number] ) / 2;
  new_speed = ( ( new_speed * step ) + fan_speed + th-last_speed[fan_number] 
  ) / 2;
  This should do the trick and you can set it using the modules parameter
 The problem with this approach is that it will drain your battery
 faster when not on AC.

Did you mean the above change by this approach - if so, what else would you
suggest? IMHO one could then easily change this by unloading the module and 
it again with fan_speed=0 . 


Description: Digital signature

Re: suspend-to-ram with 2.6.13

2005-09-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 so the only possibility is to work with spuspend-to-disk (swsusp2)?

Yes, at least
says so.


Description: Digital signature

Re: [patch] therm_adt746x.c

2005-09-03 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 According to Michael Tautschnig, on Sat, 3 Sep 2005
 Did you mean the above change by this approach - if so, what else would you
 suggest? IMHO one could then easily change this by unloading the module and 
 it again with fan_speed=0 . 
 better to make an entry fan_speed in /sys IMO...

There is

but I don't know whether it works the way you'd probably like to use it.


Description: Digital signature

Re: [patch] therm_adt746x.c

2005-09-02 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 hi michael,
 i struggeled with the same problem - the patch works fine!
 is it possible to setup a minimum speed as default?
 so the temperature would not rise up that fast.

One possible approach would be the change of this line

new_speed = ( ( new_speed * step ) + th-last_speed[fan_number] ) / 2;


new_speed = ( ( new_speed * step ) + fan_speed + th-last_speed[fan_number] ) / 

This should do the trick and you can set it using the modules parameter


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[patch] therm_adt746x.c

2005-08-31 Thread Michael Tautschnig

At least on my post-Feb 2005 12 powerbook the therm_adt746x module sometimes
showed a fairly strange behaviour - my fan was steadily spinning up and down
every other second. AFAIK this happens, if either the GPU- or the CPU sensor
show an elevated temperature, but not both of them. 

The attached patch
- IMHO fixes this issue
- tries to do smoother speed-changes by considering the previous speed and
  temperature too
- shows the correct sensor-location in case of a single fan too
- does not use the fan_speed-parameter anymore - it tries to keep the speed
  appropriate for temperature relative to the limit, thus one can change the
  fan-speed/noise by changing the limit. Still, it could easily be changed back
  to the former use of this parameter.

Comments are appreciated,

PS.: I only modified the update_fans_speed-function, thus the patch, although
made for 2.6.13, should work for 2.6.12.x as well!
--- linux-2.6.13/drivers/macintosh/therm_adt746x.c  2005-08-29 
01:41:01.0 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.12-rc6/drivers/macintosh/therm_adt746x.c  2005-08-31 
22:47:20.0 +0200
@@ -282,28 +282,40 @@
int var = th-temps[i] - th-limits[i];
if (var  -1) {
-   int step = (255 - fan_speed) / 7;
-   int new_speed = 0;
-   /* hysteresis : change fan speed only if variation is
-* more than two degrees */
-   if (abs(var - th-last_var[fan_number])  2)
+   int step = 255 / 14;
+   int new_speed = var + th-last_var[i-1] + 2;
+   /* hysteresis : update last_var only if variation is
+* more than one */
+   if (var  0  abs(var - th-last_var[fan_number])  2) 
+   lastvar = var;
+   }
+   th-last_var[i-1] = (var + th-last_var[i-1])/2 + 1;
-   started = 1;
-   new_speed = fan_speed + ((var-1)*step);
-   if (new_speed  fan_speed)
-   new_speed = fan_speed;
+   if (i == 2  fan_number == 0  lastvar = var)
+   continue;
+   lastvar = var;
+   new_speed = ( ( new_speed * step ) + 
th-last_speed[fan_number] ) / 2;
+   if (new_speed  0)
+   new_speed = 0;
if (new_speed  255)
new_speed = 255;
+   if (new_speed == th-last_speed[fan_number])
+   continue;
+   started = 1;
printk(KERN_DEBUG adt746x: setting fans speed to %d 
 (limit exceeded by %d on %s) \n,
new_speed, var,
-   sensor_location[fan_number+1]);
+   sensor_location[i]);
write_both_fan_speed(th, new_speed);
-   th-last_var[fan_number] = var;
} else if (var  -2) {
/* don't stop fan if sensor2 is cold and sensor1 is not
 * so cold (lastvar = -1) */

Re: bluetooth mouse

2005-06-14 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Here is:
 My Xorg file the part concerning mice:
 Section InputDevice
 Identifier Configured Mouse
 Driver mouse
 Option CorePointer
 Option Device /dev/input/mice
 Option Protocol ImPS/2
 Option Emulate3Buttons true
 Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

IMHO that looks correct, so you might try xev -- it should report button 4
and button 5, if you try the scroll wheel.

BTW: You probably don't need the Emulate3Buttons-line, but it shouldn't cause
any trouble.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bluetooth mouse

2005-06-13 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 I have a bluetooth two button wheel mouse, two buttons work fine, wheel
 doesn't work except as emulated third button for unix quick cut/paste ,
 would like to use wheel for scrolling any ideas.
 Not sure what info is needed so waiting for instructions

Please check the configuration of your mouse in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and/or
post it to the list, if you don't know what to modify.


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Re: touchpad on powerbook5,6 (was: Questions about the new powerbook ?)

2005-06-12 Thread Michael Tautschnig
 Le vendredi 10 juin 2005 à 14:45 +0200, Bernhard Reiter a écrit :
   No, my driver is too dodgy because I couldn't figure out how to process
   the data I get appropriately. 
  Thanks for the great work!
 I have been working for a while on an improved version of the touchpad
 driver, and is starting to work quite well now, so I guess it's time for
 some wider testing.
 I've put the new driver and a bit of documentation at:
 Feedback is welcomed.

Thank you for your great work, it works really well using the synaptics driver.
Still, I had some issues:

- tapping only works for one finger, neither tapping with 2 or 3 fingers, nor
  tapping in one of the corners is recognized as it should be.
- horizontal scrolling does not work. That isn't very much of a problem, but
  still it might be useful.

Are these things simply not supported (yet), or might I have misconfigured

Thanks in advance,

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