Hi Henry, and thanks for this update, 

Le mardi, 21 juin 2011 06.33:05, Henry velez a écrit :
> Maybe you checked the git repo, I think it is ready.

I checked it rapidly, and it sounds "mostly" ready, as you haven't pushed the 
tags to the repository, as I already mentionned in the message you have 
replied to.

> So, I was trying to build the package, but i am getting an error.
> To start with the package I did this.
> 1. I deleted the debian folder of the source. (previously i did a copy in
> another place)
> 2. I ran the "dh_make" command to generate the debian folder again.
> 3. I copied the rules and the changelog files of the old (ubuntu) package
> into the new debian folder
> 4. I ran the "debuild -rfakefoot" command.

Why have you done that ? I mean; the idea of "adapting the Ubuntu source 
package to Debian" is to _reuse_ their work, not to throw it away.

To build a source package, you need to:

        1) install the build-dependencies
                ( mk-build-deps, install the generated package, solve 
        2) run "debuild -us -uc"

(pbuilder does that for you, use it !)

To test-build the package in sbuilder, I just added a debian/changelog entry 
targetted at "unstable": dch -i --distribution=unstable ; created the source 
package with "debuild -S -sa" then I launched my sbuilder, and it indeed built 

Now, the next steps are still valid, in that order.

> > 1) send an ITP bug (reportbug wnpp), that uses the information from
> > debian/control.
> > 2) build the package in a clean chroot and make all needed changes
> > towards the
> > Debian upload (the lintian output is a very good starter)
> > 3) commit each change independently with a good commit message.

Finally, note that I will be on "Debian vacation" until July 23rd, so don't 
expect much answers from me before that date; hopefully someone else from the 
team will guide you trough.


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