Splix: 2.0.1 release, stop tarball and versioning nightmare

2024-04-03 Thread Till Kamppeter


The absence of a new SpliX release for 15 years now has caused some bad things 
with it, especially:


splix version 2.0.0+svn315-7fakesync1ubuntu0.22.04.1 in jammy is higher than 
versions in mantic and noble

To stop with this nightmare I came finally around to make a release, catching up 
all the commits after 2.0.0 and including all non-Debian-specific distro 
patches. It is 2.0.1, and as I cannot release on the old SourceForge site, I 
have moved the repo over to GitHub, under OpenPrinting:


Please update the Debian package to this release (Does not need to be within 
Ubuntu deadlines, having it for the 24.10 cycle is good enough). With this we 
can have an actual sync between Debian and Ubuntu again and we can remove all 
but the Debian-specific 0004-... patch.


Bug#1065157: cups-core-drivers: Filters ignore cupsManualCopies

2024-03-31 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 31/03/2024 22:23, Paul Szabo wrote:

(Sadly, my other issues were "declined" upstream. Maybe they know what
they are doing...)

Where did you report them?


Bug#1065157: cups-core-drivers: Filters ignore cupsManualCopies

2024-03-30 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 30/03/2024 23:19, Paul Szabo wrote:

Most issues now reported upstream:

The issue with pdftopdf not reported upstream, because I could not find
the corresponding "current" source.

Cheers, Paul

The current source of pdftopdf is libcupsfilters:



cups package: Please remove Debian's own cups.pc

2024-03-26 Thread Till Kamppeter


in cups 2.4.7-1 you have introduce your own cups.pc file, via debian/cups.pc.in 
and debian/rules. CUPS upstream has a cups.pc already since 2.4.6 and it is much 
more sophisticated than yours, especially it contains the system directories of 
CUPS (like /usr/share/cups/).

So in 2.4.7 you rudimentary cups.pc has overwritten the upstream one and this 
broke several things in Ubuntu noble, especially the autopkgtest of cups-browsed.

I have removed your cups.pc in Ubuntu, cups 2.4.7-1.2ubuntu2:



Could you do the same in Debian? Thanks.


Re: New HPLIP releases, now 3.23.12, but Debian package still 3.22.10

2024-02-28 Thread Till Kamppeter
Due to the Feature Freeze for Ubuntu 24.04 tomorrow I have done an 
Ubuntu package of HPLIP 3.23.12, it is downloadable on Launchpad now:


In the package you especially find all the patches which I had to adjust 
manually and also 2 new patches, one for compatibility with Python 3.12 
and the other to fix a messed up PPD file which broke the autopkgtests.

For repackaging the tarball I used the instructions in the file


The resolving of the conflicts of the patches during

make -f debian/rules get-orig-source

did not work for me, but the tarball was already created and so I have 
taken the tarball and done the rest manually, without using GIT.

So the tarball should be the same as it would be used by Debian for this 
version. Using exactly the same would be great to avoid a tarball 
mismatch when during the 24.10 cycle Ubuntu auto-syncs with whatever you 
create for Debian in March.

As we are on a good way to get scanning support into PAPPL and SANE 
backend retr-fitting into pappl-retrofit, at Ubuntu we will probably 
provide HPLIP as Snap from 24.10 on. After introduction of CUPS 3.x 
(25.04 at the earliest) we will provide all printer and scanner drivers 
in Snap format.


On 27/02/2024 23:34, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

On Tue, 27 Feb 2024, Till Kamppeter wrote:

Are there plans for further updates? Or plans for abandoning HPLIP in 

the update is on my agenda for March. I definitely do not plan to 
abandon the package.


New HPLIP releases, now 3.23.12, but Debian package still 3.22.10

2024-02-27 Thread Till Kamppeter


according to


HPLIP's current upstream version is 3.23.12, while the Debian package is 
still based on version 3.22.10:


Did you try to update and there occured any unexpected problems?

Are there plans for further updates? Or plans for abandoning HPLIP in 


Re: Debian packages of cpdb-libs and cpdb-backend-cups

2024-02-14 Thread Till Kamppeter
I have always used tags without 'v' recently, so for of all "my" 
OpenPrinting repos (all except cups, libcups, cups-shared, cups-local) 
you can search for version numbers without 'v' as release tags. Fore the 
CPDB package please consider also beta (like "2.0b1") and release 
candidate (like "2.0rc1") versions. 2nd generation of CPDB is 
essentially important. The first generation is lacking a lot of needed 


On 15/02/2024 00:04, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

On Wed, 14 Feb 2024, Till Kamppeter wrote:
Thorsten, would you introduce the packages cpdb-libs and 
cpdb-backend-cups (they are both from OpenPrinting) into Debian? You 
can use the Ubuntu packages as base for that, as they are already in 
Ubuntu and tested there.

cpdb-libs is already part of Debian in version 1.2.0 and 
cpdb-backend-cups is available in version 1.1.1.
The watch files of both packages don't show a new version. Are they 
broken or did the versioning change?

Hmm, the first versions look like v1.1.1 and the new ones are like 
2.0b1. This is rather bad. Would it be possible to name the tags 
consistent over time?


Debian packages of cpdb-libs and cpdb-backend-cups

2024-02-14 Thread Till Kamppeter


you have probably followed OpenPrinting and seen that for using CUPS 3.x 
(or any CUPS as Snap package) the printing functionality needs changes, 
especially the print dialogs must be able to work all-IPP without using 
PPD files and also need to cope with temporary CUPS queues. So they all 
need to get updated.

As this will not be the last major change on CUPS and we also want to 
ease the integration of any new, upcoming cloud printing services, we 
are separating off the support code for communicating with the print 
technologies in use (CUPS, clod printing service, ...). The 
communication will go into backends, one for each print technology, the 
Common Print Dialog Backends. Each backend will be maintained by the 
maintainer of the respective print technology (CUPS backend by 
OpenPrinting). The print dialogs need a common interface to talk with 
the backends by D-Bus and do not need to directly communicate with the 
print service. So if we change CUPS, we change the CUPS backend 
appropriately and print dialogs continue to work without the GUI and app 
maintainers have to run after each CUPS change.

See also


This would require in Debian to package cpdb-libs and cpdb-backend-cups 
and then change GUI libraries and apps which already support CPDB to 
actually use it. Up to now this is at least GTK4, others to come.

But the more urgent reason for adding cpdb-libs and cpdb-backend-cups to 
Debian is not this, but that we can build GTK4 in Debian with printing 
via CPDB and not directly with CUPS. This way we will get a smaller 
delta between the Debian and Ubuntu packages of GTK4. This would be 
awesome and reduce the maintenance burden a lot.

The same will happen for other software in the future: Qt, LibreOffice, 
Chromium Browser, Firefox, Thunderbird ...

Thorsten, would you introduce the packages cpdb-libs and 
cpdb-backend-cups (they are both from OpenPrinting) into Debian? You can 
use the Ubuntu packages as base for that, as they are already in Ubuntu 
and tested there.

Thanks in advance


Re: pstotext - OK to remove completely?

2024-01-06 Thread Till Kamppeter
I did not even know that pstotext exists, even not back in the early 
2000s when I established CUPS as Linux' standard printing environment.

So can be removed, nobody will miss it ...


On 06/01/2024 13:43, Steven Robbins wrote:


I randomly bumped into a reference to "pstotext" just now -- from ps2ascii

The pstotext package was removed from testing in 2018 due to grave bug

The last upstream release was 2004 and there is no trace of upstream on the
internet that I can see.  There's a wayback capture from mid 2007 but it was
removed shortly afterwards.


To me, it seems  that this should just be completely removed from Debian.
I'll file a removal bug unless there are objections?


Re: Picking up orphaned ghostscript

2023-12-23 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 23/12/2023 11:25, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Steven,

On 22.12.23 18:47, Steven Robbins wrote:

I noticed recently that ghostscript has been orphaned and decided I'll
volunteer to be maintainer.

great, so I can remove an item from my agenda :-).
>From the wiki site, I can see that ghostscript is listed as team maintained.  
However, the control file doesn't currently list the team in the Maintainer

field -- whereas "cups" does.  Is this just an individual maintainer preference

The repository is still within the Debian namespace, so the connection 
is not that close as with cups.

Would it be OK if I changed the maintainer to the team email (and list
myself as uploader)?

Yes, that would be fine.

I suggest to have Ghostscript under the Debian printing team umbrella to 
keep all the printing stack at one place. But Steven, mark yourself as 
uploader then.

For the foreseeable future Ghostscript will stay a central part of the 
printing stack, it is a mature PDF interpreter and also the only free 
software PostScript interpreter. Applications send the print job data in 
PDF and if the printer does not understands PDF, Ghostscript rasterizes 
the data into Apple Raster, PWG Raster, CUPS Raster, PCL 5c/e or turns 
it into other high-level formats as PostScript or PCL-XL.

Of what one finds in distros the only alternative of a PDF interpreter 
is Poppler, if no PostScript interpreter is needed. But Ghostscript is 
also more optimized for printing.



Final 2.0.0 release of the second generation of cups-filters!

2023-09-22 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done the final 2.0.0 Release of the new cups-filters components now!

It contains the fix for security vulnerability CVE-2023-4504 in libppd 
and several fixes for bugs reported after RC2.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release.


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2023-08-31 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 31/08/2023 12:30, Christoph Biedl wrote:


we had this discussion on printing several months ago ...

Till Kamppeter wrote...

On 25/12/2022 10:20, Christoph Biedl wrote:

This however should be discussed with all the related package
maintainers and on debian-devel as well. Nothing I can afford to spend
time on right now given the bookworm freeze timeline.

OK, let us aim for complete LPD/LPR/LPRng/legacy-libppd/gpr removal for
bookworm+1 ...

Well, back then we came up with a decision for libppd but the process
that followed did not go quite well (read: It was fairly demotivating
for me). Since then, bookworm was released. And I've seen you're going
to present something at DebConf[1] - which unfortunately I will not
attend in person but I'll try online.

The presentation on DebConf will be even the transition from the 
original CUPS realm to a second, new CUPS realm, ...

So, it's a good time to resume that topic. DebConf might be as well the
right moment to initiate a "Let's remove lpr-based printing from Debian"
discussion. How would you assess the situation and ideas today?

... so in my opinion as CUPS already well established and making its way 
to the New Architecture after 20+ years in its original architecture, 
and that not only in Debian, and therefore everything LPR/LPDish not 
being maintained any more, we should really remove the old LPR/LPD-based 
remainders from the Debian distro.

On the removal it can happen that one or another user complains, but 
there are millions using CUPS and content with it. Maintaining Debian 
packages of upstream-unmaintained software only for a handful of people 
is not worthwhile.

Without having looked into the old discussions, so just from memory:
Unike last December I'm more inclined today to just kick the old stuff
out of Debian, in my area that would be my legacy libppd and gpr which
depends on it. The latter would require some interaction with the
maintainer, but we could at least give that a try.

"maintainer" of gpr? Debian package or upstream? If there is a Debian 
package maintainer insisting on gpr's continuation, they should tell us why.

I would really remove all this from Debian.


Bug#1039983: Color Laser-Printer does only print in greyscale after upgrade to Debian 12

2023-07-22 Thread Till Kamppeter

Probably you are hitting this bug


The bug is fixed upstream in CUPS 2.4.3 and later and I have created 2 
Stable Release Updates (SRUs) for Ubuntu Jammy (CUPS 2.4.1) and Lunar 
(CUPS 2.4.2). So you could try these fixes and they could perhaps also 
get applied to Debian.

Second Release Candidate of the second generation of cups-filters released!

2023-07-04 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done the Second Release Candidate of the new cups-filters 
components now!

It covers the fixes of bugs reported shortly after the release of the 
first two distros (Ubuntu 23.04, Fedora 38) including cups-filters 2.x 

Also a fix resulting from testing the fully updated CUPS Snap are 
included, and the fix for our first security vulnerability report.

But I did not yet do the final release and did a second release 
candidate first, as I have synced the libppd code with the PPD file 
support code of current CUPS. The PPD support code of CUPS got spun out 
for starting libppd three years ago and after that there happened many 
changes not being synced during all this time, and therefore there 
should be a little more time for testing.

If nothing severe happens, I will release cups-filters 2.0.0 final in a 
few weeks, so that perhaps we can celebrate it on the GUADEC …

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release.


Re: Debian Packages for the New Architecture

2023-06-01 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 01/06/2023 00:18, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

On Wed, 31 May 2023, Till Kamppeter wrote:
I do not know how far the Bookworm release process has progressed and 
whether the new development cycle has already started.

the release is planned on 2023-06-10 and afterwards the fun may begin 

OK, so the week after the next one, Debian can start to get the nice new 
printing features ...

For the New Architecture for printing Debian needs to have the 
following packages:


I am missing KDE/QT in this list. Is everything already available there? 
Would KDE users still be able to print? In your PPA you only mention 

I have also Qt6 there with a print dialog which correctly works with 
CPDB. See also my instructions:


As the print dialog did not get actually changed for ~20 years, 
backporting the CPDB support to older versions of Qt should not be that 

I think xfce, lxde, cinnamon and some other desktop environments 
still depend on gtk3. Are there any efforts to implement CPDB there as 

I did not plan any backports yet, was primarily happy that CPDB support 
made it into the current GTK.

Also in GTK the print dialog stayed unchanged for long time, so that 
here a backport should also not be too complicated.

It looks like the old printing architecture needs to be available in 
parallel to CPDB. Would that be possible? If I remember correctly there 
are some hurdles, aren't they? What can we do when cups3 appears?

Principally this is no problem at all. Some print dialogs using CPDB and 
others not does not break any of them.

What CPDB adds is full support for the New Architecture, especially

1. No direct handling of the print queue's PPD files, for that printer 
properties and options are only polled from CUPS through standard APIs 
of libcups. Now download or local file access of the PPD file, no use of 
libcups functions to handle PPD files.

2. The dialog lists (and also prints on) not only permanent CUPS queues 
whic the user or admin creates, but also IPP print destinations for 
which CUPS does not need a permanent print queue, where, when one tries 
to print, CIUPS auto-creates a temporary queue and removes this queue 
again when the job is done.

To fulfill this, one has to use the newest, up-to-date (already for 
several years) CUPS API, the cups...Dest...() functions of libcups, like 
cupsEnumDests() to list available print destinations, both classic, 
permanent CUPS queues and IPP print destinations.

The CPDB CUPS backend does this.

The other advantage of CPDB is that we maintain the CUPS backend at 
OpenPrinting and when something else changes in CUPS we will update the 
backend, and so the CPDB-supporting print dialogs stay up-to-date.

Generally for print dialogs to work they only need to fulfill (1) and 
(2), usually by using the correct cups...Dest...() libcups API.  If a 
dialog misses CPDB but fulfills these criteria on its own, we are good 
enough, for now at least.

The workaround for print dialogs which do not comply is cups-browsed. 
cups-browsed, as it is pre-configured in the Ubuntu (and with this also 
in the identical Debian) package generates a classic, permanent CUPS 
queue (with a PPD file) for each discovered IPP print destination on 
which CUPS would print with a temporary queue. So even print dialogs 
which fail on both (1) and (2) will work.

With CUPS 2.x one can always use cups-browsed, even with the CUPS Snap 
(as long as it is still CUPS 2.x). With CUPS 3.x the current 
cups-browsed will not work any more, as we cannot create classic queues 
with PPD files any more. cups-browsed will then be replaced by a Printer 
Application (Cluster Printer Application? cluster-printer-app?) which 
continues its clustering functionality, but this one will not make 
outdated print dialogs working.

I want to get rid of installing and running cups-browsed by default. 
What we can do for the time being until we actually get CUPS 3.x (Mike 
has postponed it by a year, to end-2024, see my May News) is to make 
Debian packages containing not-complying print dialogs depend on 
cups-browsed (or at least recommend it): libgtk3, Qt4, Qt5, apps with 
their own print dialogs until those adopt CPDB. The (better) 
alternatives for old versions of the GUI libraries GTK and Qt is to 
backport the CPDB support of the current version, perhaps even as distro 

Apps with their own print dialogs often allow to click a button in the 
app's print dialog to open the "standard" or "system" print dialog, 
which is the GTK one. If that GTK dialog is GTK4 (CPDB support) or of a 
GTK with backported CPDB support, we could distro-patch the app top not 
show its own dialog at all but the GTK print dialog straight away.

For the NEW packages I suggest the following:

Jeremy and/or Seb upload/propose

Debian Packages for the New Architecture

2023-05-31 Thread Till Kamppeter


I do not know how far the Bookworm release process has progressed and 
whether the new development cycle has already started.

For the New Architecture for printing Debian needs to have the following 

- cpdb-libs 2.x
- cpdb-backend-cups 2.x
- cpdb-backend-file 2.x

   These packages need to get updated to the newest version

- gtk4 with CPDB support

   CPDB packages (see above) and gtk4 need to be updated
   gtk4 needs to be built with CPDB support, see example in my Ubuntu


   Package already in Debian

- LPrint Printer Application

   Package already in Debian

- libpappl-retrofit1
- libpappl-retrofit-dev
- legacy-printer-app

   pappl-retrofit needs to be added to Debian as NEW package

- ps-printer-app
- ghostscript-printer-app
- hplip-printer-app
- gutenprint-printer-app

   The retro-fitting Printer Applications need to get added as NEW

- hp-printer-app

   Also this one needs to get added as NEW package.

For the NEW packages I suggest the following:

Jeremy and/or Seb upload/propose the new packages so that Thorsten, who 
is then allowed to review the additions, reviews them as a person who 
knows well about Linux printing. If Thorsten would upload them it would 
get difficult to find a reviewer.

The creation/upload of the Debian package of pappl-retrofit should be 
easy as I have already created a Ubuntu package. The packaging of the 
Printer Application packages can be derived from the lprint package.

Generally packaging and testing examples for the New Architecture you 
find in my development PPA:




Release Candidate of the second generation of cups-filters released!

2023-04-12 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done the Release Candidate of the new cups-filters components now!

Finally checking through one bugs, not yet merged pull requests, and 
GSoC contributor candidate assignments, and also doing a lot of further 
testing, many bugs got fixed.

Especially the orientation-requested and landscape attributes are 
correctly working now, one can print plain text in landscape layout, 
suppress auto-rotating of images (via "landscape=false" or 
"orientation-requested=X", X = 3,4,5, or 6), print images also if the 
printer uses 16-bit-per-color, and has clean white dot-free backgrounds 
when printing 1-bit-dithered.

cups-browsed now prefers Apple Raster over PDF if the destination 
printer supports both, as PDF interpreters in printers are often 
unreliable and slow.

And Zdenek Dohnals fixes based on his Coverity scan on cups-browsed are 
now included in the release. Thanks, Zdenek, for this great work.

The 2.0rc1 releases of all the components are also the versions used by 
Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar Lobster, to be released in a week from now, on 
Thursday, April, 20!

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


Forth beta of the cups-browsed in the second generation of cups-filters released!

2023-03-21 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done the forth beta release of the new, separated cups-browsed 
package, one of the new components of the former cups-filters.

Central part of this release isa new test script, to be used both for 
build tests ( "make check") and tests on the packages installed into a 
system (like autopkgtests of Debian and Ubuntu).

This is not only for general QA but also a requirement for the package 
being accepted in the core part ("Main") of the Ubuntu operating system. 
See also


Developing of such a script naturally involves a lot of testing of 
cups-browsed itself, making us find several bugs and fix them. These 
fixes are also included in the new release.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


Re: Ghostscript orphaned

2023-02-14 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 14/02/2023 00:01, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Oh, I have to admit I have no clue what this means :-).
But in case leptonica is related to leptonlib, keeping the convenience 
copy is a very bad thing as leptonlib is affected by lots of CVEs.

The same seems to happen with tesseract ...
And please don't shoot the messanger, this sound like something that has 
to wait until after the release.

I do not actually know what leptonlib is and that it existed. I am 
already using the convenience copy of leptonica in Ghostscript for a 
longer time as the system's leptonica is not in Main. There were no 
complaints and especially no CVEs about that, and so I simply relied on 
Ghostscript's upstream developers in terms of upstream maintenance and 
security here.

According to doc/HowToBuildTheDocs.txt:
"This documentation relies on Sphinx to publish HTML & PDF docs from 
markdown files written with restructured text / RST"

At least debian/rules uses sphinx-build ...

I only had a look into the debian/ directory and did not see the 
doc/HowToBuildTheDocs.txt file.

Thank you very much.


Re: Ghostscript orphaned

2023-02-14 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 13/02/2023 23:46, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
This is just some Wiki page. Before Jonas orphanded the package, the 
Maintainer: was set to the Debian Printing Team but the repository was 
still in the Debian-namespace.
Now, the Maintainer: is set to the QA team and just this Wiki page 
mentions this relation to the printing team.

Thanks for the update o this.


First beta of the second generation of the Common Print Dialog Backends released!

2023-02-14 Thread Till Kamppeter


We are now releasing the second beta of the second generation of the 
Common Print Dialog Backends (CPDB).

In the 4.9.4 version of GTK the Merge Request [1] for Gaurav Gulerias 
GSoC work [2] on adding CPDB support to GTK’s print dialog got finally 
accepted. To reach this goal, Gaurav also needed to do a lot of 
enhancements on CPDB itself, and when his merge request got accepted 
into GTK, CPDB 2.0b1 was already 2 months old and after that a lot of 
changes have been done, ending up with GTK’s CPDB support not building 
with any released version of CPDB [3]. Therefore we have now released 
version 2.0b2 of all the three components of the CPDB to allow easy 
building of the first CPDB-supporting GTK.

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/merge_requests/4930
[2] https://github.com/TinyTrebuchet/gsoc22/
[3] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/5589

The components we are currently maintaining got all updated and released 
as version 2.0b2.

We especially added support for starting print the dialog with a 
complete list of available printers and keeping the list up-to-date 
while the dialog is open. We also added support for option groups (like 
"Media", "Color", "Finishing", ...) and translations for option, choice, 
and group names, letting in the first place the backends obtain the 
translations from the printing system and/or the printer, before the 
frontend uses translations for standard names. And, as usual, there are 
many bug fixes.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


Re: Ghostscript orphaned

2023-02-13 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 13/02/2023 19:30, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

On 13.02.23 11:44, Till Kamppeter wrote:

For me this means that Jonas has dropped maintainership of this 
package. Am I right?

yes, you are right.

Thorsten, as Ghostscript is mainly used for printing (rasterizing PDF, 
converting PDF to PostScript), it would be great if you could take 
maintainership and put it under the Debian Printing Team umbrella. 
What do you think?

I have seen this and had hoped that somebody else steps up to maintain 
ghostscript. As nobody seems to be interested, yes, the package should 
be part of the Printing Team.

Great! Thanks already now.

As I said I am updating the Ubuntu package of Ghostscript currently.

With Jonas it often was not easy to cooperate, when I suggested 
something which helped to reduce the delta between the Ubuntu and the 
Debian packages he often did not accept my suggestions, he wanted to 
have HIS packaging ...

Now I want to ask you whether we could do some better cooperation for 
reducing the delta between Debian and Ubuntu.

Especially the big difference between Debian and Ubuntu is that in 
Debian all the packages are in one, single repository, but Ubuntu is 
devided up in Main and Universe, where Main is the Canonical-supported 
core part and Universe are the community-maintained extra applications.

The printing stack is a core part of an operating system, therefore in 
Ubuntu the printing stack is in Main. This also means that all 
dependencies of the printing stack have to be in Main. This is also 
valid for Ghostscript.

To move a package from Universe to Main one has to do a Main Inclusion 
Request so that it can be determined whether a package is 
well-maintained, fulfills all standards, especially security, for being 
covered by commercial support. This is a lot of work, and sometimes it 
can take months until Canonical's security team approves a promotion.

Therefore it would be great if we try to maintain together a Ghostscript 
package which has a complete functionality but does not take up 
dependencies which are in Ubuntu Universe (or not in Ubuntu at all) if 
it is not absolutely necessary. As this will hold back updating 
Ghostscript in Ubuntu or requiring extra delta as Ubuntu has to apply 
different approaches for packaging Ghostscript than Debian. I succeeded 
very well with your predecessor Didier Raboud ("OdyX") to eliminate most 
of the Debian/Ubuntu delta in all the other printing-related packages. 
Improving on Ghostscript would be great now.

Currently, the delta is the following:

- New re-packaging of Ghostscript 10.00.0, keeping the leptonica and
  tesseract convenience copies in as they are not in Ubuntu Main.
  Added appropriate remark to debian/copyright.
- Just mark all libtesseract symbols optional and be done with it.
  They are also arch-specific so causing build failures on non-x86.
- Also keep the lcms2mt convenience copy as it is heavily patched by
  Ghostscript's upstream developers, especially for multi-threading
  (mt) support.
- Upstream patch (commit 387f094) for the CUPS/PWG/Apple Raster
  output device not to match custom page sizes against the sizes
  defined in the PPD file, to avoid unwished rotations or size
  adjustments. (cups-filters upstream issue #484).

I think with the first 2 we can live very well in general, but the last 
2 in the list should actually get into Debian's Ghostscript.

- Debian should use the lcms2mt convenience copy of lcms2, too as it is
  heavily adapted to Ghostscript and adds multi-threading.
- The upstream patch is an important fix which I did after the 10.00.0
  release of Ghostscript. It is especially important with the new
  libcupsfilters 2.x. It is only temporary, in Ghostscript 10.01.0 it
  will be included.

I do not actually understand the


in debian/control. Which documentation is generated with this? 
Ghostscript is not a Python project.


Ghostscript orphaned

2023-02-13 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have looked into the Debian package of Ghostscript 10.00.0 now and 
seen the following in its changelog:

ghostscript (10.0.0~dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * orphan package: set maintainer to Debian QA Group

 -- Jonas Smedegaard   Mon, 24 Oct 2022 13:54:55 +0200


For me this means that Jonas has dropped maintainership of this package. 
Am I right?

Thorsten, as Ghostscript is mainly used for printing (rasterizing PDF, 
converting PDF to PostScript), it would be great if you could take 
maintainership and put it under the Debian Printing Team umbrella. What 
do you think?


Third beta of the second generation of cups-filters released!

2023-01-31 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done the third beta releases of the new cups-filters components now!

During creation of the Debian, Ubuntu, and Red Hat packages for the 
components of the 2nd-generation of cups-filters and also during the 
investigation of reported issues some more bugs got discovered and fixed.

Especially in all the component’s source code tarballs the LICENSE file 
was missing, which is a problem for Linux distributions using the 
packages. Now all license- and copyright-relevant files, AUTHORS, 
COPYING, LICENSE, and NOTICE are included in the source tarballs of all 
the 4 components.

Also unnecessary dependencies, remaining from the times when everything 
was only a single repository, and overlooked during the separation, got 
removed, especially in libcupsfilters.

And minor functional glitches and shortcomings, discovered by users 
(using cups-filters 1.x but the problem continued in 2.x) and by 
Debian's and Ubuntu’s automatic testing during package build 
(autopkgtest), got spotted and fixed.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


cups-filters 1.28.17 released!

2023-01-24 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.17 now, with the following changes:

- libcupsfilters: In PPD generator create only one *cupsFilter2:
  line for raster. Only use the most desirable/reliable format,
  usually Apple Raster.
- libcupsfilters: In get_printer_attributes() poll
  "media-col-database" separately if needed. On some printers
  one gets "media-col-database" only this way. Often it reveals
  important functionality, like for example borderless
- libcupsfilters: Let PPD generator also parse
  "media-col-ready" IPP attribute. "media-col-ready" lists the
  loaded media, in contrary to "media-ready", as list of
  complete descriptions of the media ("media-col" data
  structure).  This often lists also variants like borderless
  (it is the same physical paper). Especially useful when
  "media-col-database" is not available.
- libcupsfilters: In generate_sizes() consider all margin
  alternatives. When generating the PPD file for a driverless
  printer, and in the media-{left,right,top,bottom}-margin-
  supported printer IPP attributes there was more than 1 value,
  the first value (which often was the 0 for borderless
  printing) was not considered, leaving the borderless
  functionality of many printers undiscovered (Issues #492).

Bug fix release, to more reliably discover all printer capablities from 
driverless printers, especially borderless printing, and to preferably 
use Apple Raster instead of PWG Raster or PCLM.

This is primarily for Bookworm as Bookworm will most probably not adopt 
cups-filters 2.x.

Thanks in advance.


PAPPL Update to 1.3.1

2023-01-22 Thread Till Kamppeter


could you update PAPPL to 1.3.1 in Ubuntu unstable if the Bookworm 
freezes still allow it? Thanks.


Re: compiler warnings against recent CUPS

2023-01-22 Thread Till Kamppeter

Do you mean all these warnings about deprecated PPD-file-related functions?

These are harmless for now, as long as the target distro, like Bookworm 
(and also Ubuntu 23.04 and 23.10) currently, uses a CUPS 2.x version 
with libcups2.

The deprecated functions get actually removed in CUPS 3.x which will get 
released near the end of this year and so will be the CUPS version used 
by Ubuntu 24.04 and of the first Debian release after Bookworm.

Functionality of printing into a PDF file is nowadays provided by print 
dialogs, so the situation does not change. cuṕs-pdf is to print to PDF 
from the command line or to create a print queue not having a printer at 
hand, for development and debugging.

cups-pdf is currently a classic CUPS printer driver and would need to be 
turned into a Printer Application, an emulation of an IPP printer. This 
is the format of printer drivers in the world after PPDs being abolished.



and also the video linked there.



I can help you later on with that.


On 22/01/2023 11:33, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:


While making a last-minute check on CUPS-PDF before the freeze, I
noticed the following compiler warnings (see attachment).

These seem to suggest an API migration that, at this stage, merely
triggers a warning.

Googling up returned no existing patch on other distros that I could use.

Nonetheless, I would guess that other CUPS filters have already
upgraded their code to match. I was thus wondering if anyone could
help me with patching this?


Re: Debian printing packages

2023-01-16 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 16/01/2023 15:15, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

oh, I am afraid I won't attend this DebConf ...

Had been nice to meet you in India ... But I am also not sure yet 
whether I will go. There are many conferences throughout the year.

You could perhaps do uploads of the New Architecture stuff into 
Experimental to get some more testing.

Yes, this would be possible.

Great, this would help me a lot.

So I will better wait for you next HPLIP upload before I update the 
HPLIP Printer Application?

It looks like the current version has to wait for a finished python3 
transition. So the new upload might take some time, but yes, it might be 
better to wait for it.

Python3 transition? Will this transition already happen in Bookworm or 
only afterwards?


Re: Debian printing packages

2023-01-15 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 15/01/2023 09:21, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

The new version sounds like a SONAME change in cpdb-libs? So, yes this 
is too late for Bookworm.

Yes, I has API changs as we had to add several important features, 
especially human-readable UI strings, translations and options grouping.

No problem, it is only essentially needed for the New Architecture. 
Simply leave Bookworm as it is now and we put in everything new only 
when development re-opens for the next Debian release and let it mature 
the full cycle. I will do all the updates Ubuntu-only for now and once 
Debian re-opens after Bookworm we have already done first rehearsals on 
Ubuntu. We could even kick off the introduction of the New Architecture 
on the DebConf in India ...

You could perhaps do uploads of the New Architecture stuff into 
Experimental to get some more testing.

By the way, is Debian's HPLIP package up-to-date with upstream? And if 
not, could you update it? Bookworm should not come with outdated HPLIP.

I just uploaded a new version and now have a look at some bugs, so the 
next upload will follow soon.

Thanks for updating HPLIP.

So I will better wait for you next HPLIP upload before I update the 
HPLIP Printer Application?


Debian printing packages

2023-01-11 Thread Till Kamppeter


thank you very much for your inclusion of the Common Print Dialog 
Backends packages in Debian. they will make the base for the Ubuntu 
packages, ideally by syncing, and they will also help me to get the MIRs 
(Main Inclusion Requests) of these packages in Ubuntu accepted.

For all of these there is a new generation (2.0b1) available upstream 
now and cpdb-libs and cpdb-backend-file would be easy to update already. 
cpdb-backend-cups depends on libcupsfilters2 which is about to be 
updated to in Debian. None of the CPDB packages depends on libppd2 (the 
CUPS backend is ready for the New Architecture, but works with current 
CUPS as well).

The betas should get finally released in ~1 month or so. If this is too 
late for Bookworm, we should update to the 2.0b1 versions of the 
cpdb-... packages at least in Experimental.

By the way, is Debian's HPLIP package up-to-date with upstream? And if 
not, could you update it? Bookworm should not come with outdated HPLIP.


Second beta of the second generation of cups-filters released!

2023-01-08 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done the second beta releases of the new cups-filters components now!

During creation of the Debian/Ubuntu packages for the components of the 
2nd-generation cups-filters and also during the further development of 
the Common Print Dialog Backends (CPDB) some bugs were discovered which 
are fixed now.

Also the adaptation of the source code documentation files to the 
individual components was not yet complete.

So there were many things to fix and these fixes are now available in 
the second beta release.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


Introduction of the Common Print Dialog Backends into Debian

2023-01-03 Thread Till Kamppeter


in 2017 I had created a new concept to maintain the printing technology 
support in GUI toolkits and applications centralized and separate from 
the GUI toolkits and applications, the Common Print Dialog Backends (CPDB).

The problem is that the print dialogs in GUI toolkits (GTK/Qt) and GUI 
applications with own print dialogs (Firefox, Chromium, LibreOffice, 
...) do not catch up quickly when something changes in CUPS, like 
introduction of temporary queues for IPP printers for example. Also if a 
new print technology, like a cloud printing service appears, the GUI 
developers do not provide support in a timely manner. Especially most of 
these projects do not have enough (voluntary) people-power to keep up 
with this.

To solve this, we move the responsibility on keeping up with the print 
technologies away from the GUI/app/desktop developers to the creators of 
the print technologies, OpenPrinting for CUPS and print-to-file, any 
provider of a cloud printing technology only needs to make their backend 
to get their technology into all print dialogs. And the CPDB are also 
easily snappable so that such a backend could be distributed by the Snap 

Also for the New Architecture the CPDB are important, as the changes are 
performed in the CPDB CUPS backend and so the GUI dialog maintainers do 
not need to adapt their dialogs if the adopt the CPDB.



After 2017, I had problems to find volunteers or GSoC contributors to 
implement the support for the CPDB in the actual GTK and Qt print 
dialogs, but last year, 2022 I finally succeeded to find a great 
contributor and he succeeded to implement the CPDB support in the GTK 
and Qt print dialogs. Along with this he also vastly improved the CPDB 
framework, especially with support for human-readable and translated 
option and choice names, option groups/categories (like Media, Quality, 
Finishing, ...), and a modern CUPS backend using up-to-date CUPS APIs 
and not handling PPD files at all (so perfectly prepared for the New 





The principal pull/merge requests in the GUI projects are





And this was leading to the mentioned improvements in the CPDB and 
therefor a second generation of them:


And therefore I want to ask you to introduce the components of the CPDB 
into the Debian distributions. It does not need to be in Bookworm, an 
introduction into Experimental for now and moving it up to unstable 
after the Bookworm release would be good enough.

In addition to getting Debian smoothly into the New Architecture and 
sharing as much as possible of the printing stack between Debian and 
Ubuntu it is also helpful for me to get the MIR (Main Inclusion Request) 
for cpdb-libs approved:


And for an easy start, Debian packages (at least of 1.x versions) 
already exist in Ubuntu Universe. They could be the base. The needed 
packages are cpdb-libs, cpdb-backend-cups, and cpdb-backend-file. The 
package cpdb-backend-gcp is discontinued as Google Cloud Print got given 
up by Google.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-30 Thread Till Kamppeter
For smooth updating and easy fade-out of PPD file support on the actual 
switchover to the New Architecture, I will create the following 
relationships between Debian packages (note that on the old system we 
had cups-filters 1.x and CUPS 2.x and after the update we want 
cups-filters 2.x components replacing cups-filters 1.x and we want to 
stay with CUPS 2.x):

Source: libcupsfilters 2.x

Needs libcups2

 - libcupsfilters2
   o Depends:
 + libcupsfilters2-common (>= ${source:Version})
 - libcupsfilters2-common
   o Recommends:
 + libcupsfilters2 (>= ${source:Version})
   o Breaks:
 + cups-filters (<< 2.0~)
   o Replaces:
 + cups-filters (<< 2.0~)
 - libcupsfilters-dev
   o Depends:
 + libcupsfilters2 (= ${binary:Version})

Source: libppd 2.x

Needs libcupsfilters2, libcups2

 - libppd2
   o Depends:
 + libppd2-common (>= ${source:Version})
 - libppd2-common
   o Recommends:
 + libppd2 (>= ${source:Version})
 - libppd-dev
   o Depends:
 + libppd2 (= ${binary:Version})
 - ppdc
   o Depends:
 + libppd2-common (>= ${binary:Version})
   o Breaks:
 + cups-ppdc
   o Replaces:
 + cups-ppdc
   o Provides:
 + cups-ppdc

Source: cups-filters 2.x

Needs libppd2, libcupsfilters2, libcups2

 - cups-filters-core-drivers
   o Depends:
 + bc
 + cups-ipp-utils
 + poppler-utils
   o Breaks:
 + cups-filters (<< 1.13.0)
   o Replaces:
 + cups-filters (<< 1.13.0)
 - cups-filters
   o Depends:
 + bc
 + ghostscript
 + poppler-utils
 + cups-filters-core-drivers (>= ${binary:Version})
   o Provides:
 + foomatic-filters
 + foomatic-filters-beh
 + ghostscript-cups
   o Recommends:
 + colord
   o Suggests (or Recommends?):
 + printer-driver-braille
   o Conflicts:
 + foomatic-filters
 + foomatic-filters-beh
 + ghostscript-cups
   o Replaces:
 + foomatic-filters
 + foomatic-filters-beh
 + ghostscript-cups

Source: braille-printer-app 1.x

Needs: cups-filters 2.x, libppd2, libcupsfilters2, libcups2, libpappl1

 - braille-printer-app
   o Recommends:
 + liblouisutdml-bin | liblouis-bin
   o Suggests:
 + antiword
 + docx2txt
 + foomatic-db-compressed-ppds | foomatic-db
 + imagemagick
 + lynx
 - printer-driver-braille
   o Recommends:
 + liblouisutdml-bin | liblouis-bin
   o Suggests:
 + antiword
 + docx2txt
 + foomatic-db-compressed-ppds | foomatic-db
 + imagemagick
 + lynx

Source: cups-browsed 2.x

Needs: libppd2, libcupsfilters2, libcups2

 - cups-browsed
   o Pre-Depends:
 + init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~)
   o Depends:
 + cups-daemon
 + lsb-base
   o Recommends:
 + avahi-daemon
   o Breaks:
 + cups-filters (<< 1.4.0~)
   o Replaces:
 + cups-filters (<< 1.4.0~)
   o Enhances: cups

There is no libfontembed any more. Its functionality is folded into 
libcupsfilters. -> What has to beadded to libcupsfilters's dependencies 
for that?

The API of libfontembed got discontinued/removed. There are actually no 
packages using it.

There are not really many changes, as there was already a splitting of 
the cups-filters source Debian package into binary packages. Some files 
got split off cups-filters into the -common binary packages of the 2 
libraries. The depencies shown here should handle this, please correct 
if I am wrong.

libcupsfilters can be installed alone without the other 4 components, so 
PPD file support can be easily discontinued/removed.

The upstream package braille-printer-app is intended to build without 
libppd/PPD file support if one builds only the Printer Application and 
not the classic driver, which is intended to be done in the future.

The binary Debian package braille-printer-app is also supposed to not 
depend on libppd. If needed, I will create a braille-common binary 
Debian package to manage this.

In a future version cups-browsed upstream will be a Printer Application 
which has no PPD file support, not even internally and then not depend 
on libppd any more.

In case of an update of a Debian installation with CUPS 2.x and 
cups-filters 1.x, all installed binary packages will get updated and 
libppd and printer-driver-braille newly installed if needed. After that 
one should be able to uninstall everything which contains PPD support 
(simply "apt remove libppd2") and so get a smooth transition to the 
future PPD free CUPS 3.x/CUPS Snap environment.

Please also tell me additional dependencies have to be added to the 
scheme above for correctly coping with libppd0/libppd-legacy on the system.


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-30 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 30/12/2022 06:19, Christoph Biedl wrote:

Christoph Biedl wrote...

2. Allow co-existence by renaming legacy libppd

The conflicting binary package from (legacy) libppd is renamed to
avoid a conflict with your version. So "libppd-dev" could become
"libppd-legacy-dev", and keep policy 10.1 in mind². Also, gpr needs
an according adjustment. I would take care of that as well.

Status update:

The renamed src:libppd package was just uploaded as src:libppd-legacy.

Great, thank you.


@Till: There are some things you could start working on:

First, you could upload your libppd as soon as -legacy was ACCEPTED.
As I understand things, there's no need to RM the old one, although it
could make things more obvious to observers.

I will prepare the package right now ... The actual upload needs to get 
sponsored, as I am not a Debian Developer. Thorsten could most probably 
do this. Once in Debian, we will sync into Ubuntu.

Also, as I prefer to be open in what I do, and especially here where
we're doing something rather unsual: Let's give some clues to those
who are disturbed once they ever discover this process. In other
words, I'd appreciate if you could add a transition notice in the
descriptions of your packages, until trixie, something like "Debian
used to ship a different software as libppd0, that one is now provided
via libppd-legacy-dev and libppd-legacy1".

I will add appropriate info to the package. So I should use the package 
descriptions (in debian/control) for that?

If you want to upload *all* your new stuff to Debian - and I haven't
understood yet what is preventing you from doing so:

What prevented me from doing so was Thorsten telling me that it is to 
short before Bookworm. So I suggested this Ubuntu-only roadmap in an 
earlier e-mail in this thread.

We can naturally also:

1. Upload it into Debian right away and let it be the cups-filters of 

For this note at first that we are not required to switch into the New 
Architecture by that. Including all the 5 parts we have the same 
functionality as before, especially classic CUPS filters and PPD file 
support for CUPS 2.x. Especially for now I have developed using libcups2 
and not libcups3. From libcups2 nothing PPD-supporting is used so that a 
later transition to libcups3 will be easy.

All the code stems either from the former cups-filters, libcups, and the 
ppdc/ subdirectory of the CUPS (2.x) source (PPD compiler). So the risk 
of a severe design flaw is low. There can be bugs still, but we are not 
yet releasing Bookworm but still going through a testing and debugging 
process. I also expect to do final (2.0.0) releases of the components 
within 1-2 months.

So replacing cups-filters 1.x by all the the components of cups-filters 
2.x should be smooth.

We sync then to Ubuntu.

2. Upload the new packages to experimental and sync to Ubuntu from 
experimental. This way we skip Bookworm and promote to unstable when 
unstable opens for the next Debian development cycle.

I would also send
a message like "News from the CUPS printing in Debian" to debian-devel
where you, among all the other things, would mention the libppd
situation, and how we resolved it. This would also be of help in my
upcoming discussiong with the release team: My change to libppd
implies a transition, even if it's about just one package (gpr).

No problem to send such a message.

So finally about the time frame: Transition freeze will be in less
than two weeks, so there is not much time to lose. Unless they are
willing to grant an exception for that minimal situation, but I'd
prefer to not exercise that.

I think I will be able to do the Debian packaging of the 5 components by 


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-28 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 28/12/2022 16:40, Christoph Biedl wrote:

Thanks for that, I guess all my concerns are resolved.



This gives for libppd2:


None of my business, but I'd expect some ${DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH} here.

Yes, the Deabian packages have these in /usr/lib/x86*/


Only clashes would be /usr/lib/libppd.so and
/usr/lib/libppd.a (are these files really needed?), so we need to mark a
comflict and rename thelegacy libppd-dev package lippd-legacy-dev or

As I had to learn the hard way, conflicting packages are not enough,
policy 10.1 forbids identical filenames anywere across the archive. So
I've renamed the library as well.

Current packages content is now:

You have to use the binary package name libppd-legacy1 here, as you have 
raised the soname to 1: libppd-legacy.so.1.0.1





Next step is testing an adjusted gpr, and before developing a test plan.
Otherwise, upload should happen in about three days, once the libppd
2:0.10-9 has migrated to testing.

OK, this way it should all work.

Thank you very much.


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 27/12/2022 09:33, Christoph Biedl wrote:

Till Kamppeter wrote...

[ migrating legacy-libppd applications to libppd2 ]

Unfortunately, it is not that simple but also not over-complicated. The
developers had ripped the code for PPD handling from libcups, but they did
not like Michael Sweet's original API. They replaced the API by a glib-based
one. To keep gpr happy one would need to create wrapper functions with the
new API to the outside and calling the original functions in libppd. One
would use the code of the legacy libppd, remove each API-function's (there
are ~20 API functions) inner workings and replace them by calls of functions
in the current libppd. The resulting code could be put together all into one
pp/ppd-legacy.c file.

I do not actually know how much work this would be and whether it is
worthwhile for the actual number of users of gpr or ppdfilt to do this work.

Errrm. I mean, if you got a lot of time to kill, or are thrilled to do
this, or at least could earn an academic degree from such work ... but
perhaps let's rather forget the idea?

Unfortunately I do not have a lot of time to kill ...

[ ppdfilt ]

and I was wondering where your toolset will provide an replacement as
well. While I could continue to ship legacy libppd with only this binary
package, it might be a good opportunity to drop this one and therefore
complete libppd as well. It seems ppdfilt is used by gpr and
printfilters-ppd ("filters from the GNUlpr printing system"), another
thing from old times. Both are maintained by A Mennucc1, we should take
them into the loop at some time.

As I found out in the meantime (the dusty corners): printfilters-ppd has
dropped out of testing almost six years ago because of mpage removal
and some other issues. And nobody bothered to resolve the situation -
which I admit is not a trivial task to do.

In other words, no need to take care of printfilters-ppd.

Good to know ...

Probably most users had already switched to Foomatic, partially also 
guided by their distro, already before it adopted CUPS ...

Probably your (2) could perhaps be the way to go?

Yes. Current mood, besides kicking lpr* completely (see my other mail):

Long-term goal is actually kicking lpr*, going (2) is only interim ...

Go indeed (2). It's a step not too big. There is however still a little
obstacle: If you'll introduce your libppd-dev later, none of its file
names may collide with my libppd-legacy-dev. That will be your problem,
not mine - still now is a good time to prevent this from happening.
That's why I asked for your preliminary libppd packaging: Do we share
file names, especially in /usr/include/ and /usr/share/man/?

My current step to do is preparing the libppd package. As a preview we 
can simply look at what "make install" actually installs:

$ ls -R

include  lib  share


ppdc.h  ppd-filter.h  ppd.h

libppd.a  libppd.la  libppd.so  libppd.so.2  libppd.so.2.0.0  pkgconfig


doc  ppdc



epson.h  font.defs  hp.h  label.h  media.defs  raster.defs


This gives for libppd2:


for libppd-dev:


for libppd2-common:


For the -dev packages the headers (*.h) do not clash as the legacy 
libppd puts the files directly into /usr/lib and the current libppd uses 
/usr/lib/ppd/. Only clashes would be /usr/lib/libppd.so and 
/usr/lib/libppd.a (are these files really needed?), so we need to mark a 
comflict and rename thelegacy libppd-dev package lippd-legacy-dev or 

The legacy libppd has no ppdc stuff and the current libppd no ppdfilt, 
so there are no further conflicts.


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 27/12/2022 09:33, Christoph Biedl wrote:

No, this was rather to Thorsten, and suggesting we could ship cups-filters
in both versions in bookworm. That was a service for our users as they can
freely choose when to migrate, and maintainers have less pressure to fix
any bugs immediately.

But I admit I have no idea whether it's technically possible, doable in
time, and some other constraints.

Principally, one can have libraries of different API generations 
installed on the same system, to allow old apps to continue to work. For 
this we have the soname, a number which is increased with each new API 
version. As the legacy libppd has soname 0 and the current libppd has 
soname 2 (and I even could still bump it again) it should work. We need 
to rename the source package and -dev file to things like "libppd0..." 
or "libppd-legacy..." though.

[ Removing lpr*-based printing from Debian ]

This however should be discussed with all the related package
maintainers and on debian-devel as well. Nothing I can afford to spend
time on right now given the bookworm freeze timeline.

OK, let us aim for complete LPD/LPR/LPRng/legacy-libppd/gpr removal for
bookworm+1 ...

Having looked a few other fairly dusty corners I'm even more inclined to
go that way, and for a brief moment considered pushing this by writing
an e-mail to debian-devel right now. But it's madness - to begin with, I
don't have an idea which packages will be affected by this. Also, I'm
not really into printing, so I doubt I have the competence to drive the

Write the mail to

Debian Printing Team 

or you have already written it as this list is CCed in this thread.

To find out which packages are really affected, go through these 
packages with

   apt rdepends NAME

With NAME being binary packages.

We need to investigate the binary packages of these source packages: 
lpr, lpd, lprng, libppd, ppdfilt, gpr, ...

Also the found reverse dependencies need to be checked for reverse 
dependencies themselves.

I expect this is only a small amount of packages and some could be even 
rebuilt without LPD/LPR/LPRng support.

Thoughts on this by other folks in the loop (or are you already bored?)

Unfortunately, many people get bored by printing-related subject matter, 
see the audience of my last OpenPrinting micro-conference here:



Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-26 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 25/12/2022 10:20, Christoph Biedl wrote:

Thorsten Alteholz wrote...

On Fri, 23 Dec 2022, Till Kamppeter wrote:

Now one question: Could we implement (2) already in the current Debian
release (the one which freezes in a few weeks) or do we have to stay
with cups-filters 1.x there and do all the changes only after that
release so that they are in place one Debian release later?

the next Debian release will still have cups-filters 1.x
As long as libppd is independent of cups-filters 2.x (at least I understood
your first email this way), the new libppd could be already added.

Um, is there a reason why we cannot have both in the upcoming Debian 12
("bookworm")? Since Till shows an exuberant amount of enthusiasm in that
matter, I'd prefer it the project could benefit from that soon.

You mean both legacy libpd and current libppd? With main binary packages 
being libppd0 and libppd2? Renaming legacy source package libppd to 
libppd0, legacy dev header binary package to libppd0-dev?

Related, looking deeper into printing in Debian: While we are too close
to the bookworm release to do huge changes - it might be an idea for the
next development cycle to drop lpr-based printing support completely.

I am in favor of this, too. All the LPR/LPD/LPRng and related stuff is 
unmaintained and probably buggy, even with security bugs, and nobody 
cares of this. It gets also in the way of future development as we 
currently see with libppd.

Not that I'm a huge fan of CUPS (although in general it works), but
lprng itself is orphaned to start with, other maintainers are more or
less MIA, and all the code is very old and likely full of bugs.

Yes, therefore better do away with his.

This however should be discussed with all the related package
maintainers and on debian-devel as well. Nothing I can afford to spend
time on right now given the bookworm freeze timeline.

OK, let us aim for complete LPD/LPR/LPRng/legacy-libppd/gpr removal for 
bookworm+1 ...


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-26 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 25/12/2022 10:20, Christoph Biedl wrote:

Till Kamppeter wrote...

As both libppd are rip-outs from CUPS, their APIs are very similar, so one
could add some *.h file (and perhaps one *.c file with simple wrapper
functions) to make my modern libppd replacing the legacy one so that we can
ditch it for good, and continue gpr ...

That's pretty exciting, and I didn't dare to think this was an option.
So if this works ...

Unfortunately, it is not that simple but also not over-complicated. The 
developers had ripped the code for PPD handling from libcups, but they 
did not like Michael Sweet's original API. They replaced the API by a 
glib-based one. To keep gpr happy one would need to create wrapper 
functions with the new API to the outside and calling the original 
functions in libppd. One would use the code of the legacy libppd, remove 
each API-function's (there are ~20 API functions) inner workings and 
replace them by calls of functions in the current libppd. The resulting 
code could be put together all into one pp/ppd-legacy.c file.

I do not actually know how much work this would be and whether it is 
worthwhile for the actual number of users of gpr or ppdfilt to do this work.

So I would suggest

4. Replace the legacy libppd by my modern libppd

... certainly put that in front of the list.

Still not sure, see above.

The gpr Debian package only needs a no-change rebuild to use libppd2
instead of libppd0.

That I can do.

In Debian we have to remove the legacy libppd then and put the modern
one into its place.

Agreed on libppd-dev and libppd0.

However, src:libppd also ships

| Package: ppdfilt
| Architecture: any
| Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends},
| Section: utils
| Description: filter that inserts printer specific commands into print jobs
|  ppdfilt is a filter program designed to be used within a filter
|  script or from the command line tool to insert printer specific
|  commands to a PostScript print job. This can be used to tell the printer
|  to duplex or staple the print job, or tell it what paper tray to draw
|  paper from. In the GNULpr printing environment, users do not call ppdfilt
|  directly, but its features are accessed by using 'lpr' or 'gpr' (see)

and I was wondering where your toolset will provide an replacement as
well. While I could continue to ship legacy libppd with only this binary
package, it might be a good opportunity to drop this one and therefore
complete libppd as well. It seems ppdfilt is used by gpr and
printfilters-ppd ("filters from the GNUlpr printing system"), another
thing from old times. Both are maintained by A Mennucc1, we should take
them into the loop at some time.

One would treat ppdfilt the same way as the legacy libppd, replace the 
core functionality of the executable by calling a function in the 
current libppd, in this case ppdFilterPSToPS() and include this 
executable in the libppd package.

For these changes I have put the priority low, as I want to get the new 
cups-filters into Ubuntu at first (see my roadmap in my earlier mail). I 
have also already put ab a request for Ubuntu removing the legacy libppd 
and gpr:


Probably your (2) could perhaps be the way to go?


Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-23 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 23/12/2022 22:01, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

the next Debian release will still have cups-filters 1.x
As long as libppd is independent of cups-filters 2.x (at least I 
understood your first email this way), the new libppd could be already 

The new libppd needs libcupsfilters 2.x, so it needs the new 
cups-filters generation.

So I will switch over Ubuntu-only for now and everything gets a 
rehearsal on Ubuntu 23.04 (probably only cups-filters 2.x and perhaps 
also CPDB-based print dialogs, New Architecture optional via CUPS Snap 
and PPA) and on Ubuntu 23.10 (New Architecture using CUPS Snap 2.4.x or 
2.5.x, cups-filters 2.x, CPDB-based print dialogs, G-C-C with new 
Printers module, printer drivers as Printer Application Snaps).

So both Ubuntu 23.04 LTS and the next Debian release will run with full 
New Architecture (Ubuntu with CUPS Snap 3.x, Debian with CUPS DEB 
packages 3.x), with the components already having being tested, 
debugged, and refined for several months (in the "small" Ubuntu releases).

So we leave the upcoming Debian completely untouched (or 
maintenance/hardware-enablement-only) in terms of printing, to keep it 
as stable as possible and switch only over when all is already 
well-tested and established by Ubuntu (and I got told "It works better 
than Windows/Mac." on several more conferences ...).

What concerns legacy libppd would mean that we could kill off this old 
stuff in Ubuntu only, simply removing it on syncing it from Debian any 
more (Seb, WDYT?) and for Debian we only need to decide on how to 
proceed once the release is out (when will this be?) and development has 
re-opened for the next Debian release.



Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-23 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 23/12/2022 19:30, Till Kamppeter wrote:
Is the API of the legacy libppd complex? Or could one find someone who 
could add this API to my modern libppd to keep these users happy and 
give them even a maintained library.

I have downloaded the upstream source of the legacy libppd now and 
investigated ...

The API adaption looks like rather easy, adding only some extra *.h 
files to my modern libppd.

My modern libppd is a very sophisticated and complete rip-out of the PPD 
support functionality of CUPS, to conserve this functionality for 
CUPS-driver retro-fitting Printer Applications when it goes away in CUPS 
3.x. The original CUPS APIs are mainly conserved, only a few functions 

The legacy libppd is also a rip-out of CUPS' PPD support functionality, 
but not that sophisticated and done 20 years ago to make CUPS' PPD 
support functionality available to LPD/LPR/LPRng users. It got rarely 
used, probably there were more of these LPD/LPR/LPRng users using my 
Foomatic instead.

As both libppd are rip-outs from CUPS, their APIs are very similar, so 
one could add some *.h file (and perhaps one *.c file with simple 
wrapper functions) to make my modern libppd replacing the legacy one so 
that we can ditch it for good, and continue gpr ...

So I would suggest

4. Replace the legacy libppd by my modern libppd

   As described above we add an "API adapter", some *.h files with
   macros to "translate" old names to new names and a *.c file with
   wrapper functions for changes between the APIs of CUPS 1.x and CUPS
   2.x. The user will need libppd and libcups then (some of libppd's
   functions are not actually having to do with PPDs and so in my CUPS
   setup I have left them to be supplied by libcups (but using libcups
   does not require to run a CUPS daemon).

   When packaging, my libppd will have epoch 3 and so considered newer
   than legacy libppd, so updates should simply replace the old library
   by the new one and new installations of libppd-dev grab the new

   The gpr Debian package only needs a no-change rebuild to use libppd2
   instead of libppd0.

   In Debian we have to remove the legacy libppd then and put the modern
   one into its place.



Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-23 Thread Till Kamppeter


thanks for the explanations.

First, I am really wondering that there are still users using some 
lpr/LPD/LPRng-type printing system, to my knowledge they are all 
unmaintained for decades and many years ago I have dropped their support 
from Foomatic. Nobody complained.

I am also wondering that as GUI/printer setup tool the totally 
unmaintained gpr, with unattended severe bug, is used.

My general recommendation is to switch to CUPS, the only fully 
maintained print environment. CUPS itself is continued to be developed 
by original author Michael Sweet, the integration, cups-filters, 
Foomatic, Common Print Dialog Backends is done by me. Also integration 
in GUI's is done by me, organizing appropriate Google Summer of Code 
projects for this. For all this I have a full-time employment at 
Canonical. So further maintenance is assured.

Another possibility to print, without CUPS, are the Printer 
Applications, emulations of driverless IPP printers. With these the user 
does not need to deal with PostScript. They take PDF or PWG/Apple Raster 
as input. The PostScript Printer Applications supports ALL PostScript 
printers (you can add PPD files to it if needed). So the user's client 
software does not need to deal with PPD files (I assume on non-CUPS 
spoolers, like LPD, PPD files and legacy-libppd are only used for 
PostScript printers). The Printer Applications are also developed by 
Michael Sweet and me and are also part of OpenPrinting and they use my 
new libraries. The user could send the jobs to a Printer Application (is 
there an IPP backend for LPD/LPRng/lpr?).

Modern desktop applications also produce PDF and not PostScript as print 
output, so best is to print with CUPS and/or Printer Applications with it.

Also practically all modern printers are (driverless) IPP printers. CUPS 
just prints on them, for using any print environment which does not 
support IPP 2.x, one would need any fallback, like PostScript or PCL, 
which would need a driver again and also is not available in cheaper 
printer models.

This all means that if a user opts for LPR/LPD/LPRng + PostScript/PPD 
files as printing environment, they will have a VERY special case. 
Extreme resource confinement, PostScript printer, no security requirements.

This can only be a very small amount of users.

In the existing user base there can also be users who are running a 
setup for decades, which simply works for them and so they do no 
modernize and rely on Debian to do at least a basic maintenance on it.

One would need to find and ask these users, to find out why tihey do not 
switch to CUPS.

For these few users I do not want to add such long piece as 
"openprinting-" to the names of my packages for the eternity, especially 
as this old system will fade out and all printers which worked with 
that, also work with CUPS and/or Printer Applications, even in a more 
comfortable and user-friendly way. So (3) has disqualified.

I would prefer (1), but (2) will be a good compromise to keep these 
legacy libppd users happy.

Now one question: Could we implement (2) already in the current Debian 
release (the one which freezes in a few weeks) or do we have to stay 
with cups-filters 1.x there and do all the changes only after that 
release so that they are in place one Debian release later? That later 
Debian release MUST adopt cups-filters 2.x as it will use CUPS 3.x, 
which has abolished PPD support and requires the use of Printer 
Applications for non-IPP-driverless legacy printers. Doing this 
switchove only after the relase also should give time that everything 
which needs to go through NEW will have enough time.

In Ubuntu I will switch to cups-filters 2.x with my libppd immediately 
(23.04 Lunar Lobster) and ditch the old libppd and gpr there (they are 
only in Universe), not adopting the renamed legacy libppd.

So I will package my libppd with epoch 3 and let it Breaks: and 
Conflicts:  with equally-named packages of a lower epoch. Am I right? Do 
I also have to set Replaces: in this situation?

WDYT about this?

Is the API of the legacy libppd complex? Or could one find someone who 
could add this API to my modern libppd to keep these users happy and 
give them even a maintained library.


On 23/12/2022 16:52, Christoph Biedl wrote:

Hi there,

Till Kamppeter wrote...

Christoph, as you are the Debian maintainer of it, I want to ask you whether
this package has still any use or whether you could invoke the process of
requesting removal of it.

First, to avoid any misunderstanding: My motivation to take
maintainership of libppd (I'll use the name "legacy libppd" from now on
for clarity) in Debian was that package being in dire need of attention,
again. Following Debian's social contract, my interest was users of that
package are not harmed by its removal from the next release. Besides
that, I have no particular connection to it, in other words: Once I'm
convinced that package's time h

Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

2022-12-22 Thread Till Kamppeter


I am Till Kamppeter, leader of the OpenPrinting project 
(http://www.openprinting.org/). Here we maintain practically everything 
printing-related, CUPS, cups-filters, Foomatic, Printer Applications, 
... So I am responsible for printing in Linux and similar (POSIX-style) 
operating systems.

Recently I have released the second generation of cups-filters:


One main feature of it is that I have separated the PPD file support 
completely out of libcupsfilters and put it into a new library which I 
have called libppd (did not know that there already existed a libppd, 
see below). I have done this as with CUPS 3.x we are abolishing PPD 
files and classic CUPS drivers:


This we call the "New Architecture".

The new cups-filters is also split into separate upstrewam repositories, 
so libcupsfilters, libppd, cups-filters, braille-printer-app, and 
cups-browsed are independent projects, indpendent source packages.

Now I have started to split the old source Debian package into 5 new 
source Debian packages, one being named lbppd and producing the binary 
packages libppd2 and libppd-dev (and perhaps some more, like libppd-utils).

In the mean time, before I uploaded anything to Ubuntu, one of our GSoC 
2023 candidates has tried to build the new cups-filters 2.x packages 
during our selection/onboarding process. They grabbed the source of 
cups-filters 2.0b1 right away and tried to fulfill the dependencies by 
Debian packages, actually finding a libcupsfilters (the wrong one, it is 
1.x) and libppd (the wrong one, this old thingy we come to later here) 
and complained that they were not able to build cups-filters.

So I got aware that there was a libppd in the repositories which I did 
not know about. So I entered

$ apt info libppd0

and got

Package: libppd0
Version: 2:0.10-8
Priority: optional
Section: universe/libs
Source: libppd
Origin: Ubuntu
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers 
Original-Maintainer: Christoph Biedl 
Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug
Installed-Size: 67.6 kB
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7)

Download-Size: 21.7 kB
APT-Sources: http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu kinetic/universe amd64 

Description: postscript PPD file library
 PostScript was designed as a device independent language. To be able
 to access device specific features like selecting different paper
 trays and turning on different imaging models, each printer vendor
 supplies a PostScript Printer Definition or PPD file. This library
 reads those PPD files and provides functions that allow a program to
 modify PostScript print jobs to access these special features.

and as a next step I followed the link under "Homepage:" and this 
revealed that this libppd was unmaintained for 20 (!) years, last 
touched in 2002!

I have started working as the Linux printing guru since mid-2000 (and 
was one of the founders of OpenPrinting in 2001):


and in all the time I never, ever heard about this package! No 
questions, no bugs, nothing!

So I am very confident that there is nobody using this package and if it 
goes away, nobody will complain. If there is actually some other package 
using this, it is probably also unmaintained for at least a decade and 
nobody uses it.

Therefore I would like to have this package removed, to avoid the name 
clash of my libppd with this old, unmaintained package.

Christoph, as you are the Debian maintainer of it, I want to ask you 
whether this package has still any use or whether you could invoke the 
process of requesting removal of it.

Thanks in advance


First beta of the second generation of the Common Print Dialog Backends released!

2022-12-13 Thread Till Kamppeter


We are now releasing the first beta of the second generation of the 
Common Print Dialog Backends (CPDB).

As part of making everything ready for the New Architecture of printing 
we have finally added CPDB support to the print dialogs of the major 
desktop environments/GUI toolkits, GNOME/GTK and KDE/Qt. This was done 
in Gaurav Guleria's GSoC project and in the course of his work on the 
print dialogs he also did a lot of improvements on the CPDB framework, 
mainly due to missing features but also to work well in a PPD-less world.

The components we are currently maintaining got all updated and released 
as version 2.0b1:

- **cpdb-libs:** The central library package implementing both ends of 
the D-Bus interface (backend = server, frontend = client) and the APIs 
for frontends and backends.
- **cpdb-backend-cups:** The CUPS backend. It allows the print dialogs 
(frontends) to print with CUPS. It polls the list of available printers 
(queues) from CUPS and also the option/setting list for a selected 
printer, and it passes on jobs with option settings to CUPS. It uses the 
current APIs of libcups for that and does not interact with PPD files at 
all, so that porting the backend to CUPS 3.x will be easy.
- **cpdb-backend-file:** This backend allows the print dialogs to print 
into a file. As most print dialogs have already their own functionality 
for that, this backend will probably not be needed in production. We 
have it at least for sake of completeness, but it is also useful as code 
example for backend developers.

We especially added support for human-readable (user interface) strings 
for option and setting names, better support for media sizes, especially 
also supporting more than one margin variant for the same page size. 
asynchronous functions to query printer details, cpdb-libs completely 
inependent of libcups, ... and many bug fixes.

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


First beta the second generation of cups-filters released!

2022-11-18 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have done another cups-filters release now!

But now it is a special on: After more than 2 years of hard work and 
following the needs of the New Architecture for printing and scanning, 
of the Printer Applications, of the abolishment of PPD file use in CUPS 
3.x, ... I have now completed cups-filters 2.x, the second generation of 

The cups-filters project is now split into several parts, similar to 
CUPS on its transition to the 3.x series. This way the PPD file support 
for retro-fitting legacy printer drivers is complete separated (in 
libppd) from the core filter code and so the filters (as filter 
functions in libcupsfilters) are conserved into the PPD-less future and 
can be used in Printer Applications for example.

This way we can continue development on the filter code and have the PPD 
support code in maintenance mode for the retro-fitting Printer Applications.

There are the following parts now:

- libcupsfilters: The central library with the filter functions and some
  useful functions for printer drivers, human-readable strings and
  translation handling for IPP attributes, … It does not contain any
  support for PPD files.

- libppd: PPD file support library providing the complete support for
  PPD files from libcups (2.x and earlier, see ppd/ppd.h), the CUPS PPD
  compiler and utilities (ppdc, see ppd/ppdc.h) and functions to convert
  PPD Options into IPP attributes, to add PPD file support to the filter
  functions of libcupsfilters, to handle collections of PPD files, …
  This library is only for legacy PPD and driver support, it should not
  motivate anyone to create new PPD files!

- cups-filters: Legacy CUPS filter/backend executables for CUPS 2.x.
  Uses both libcupsfilters and libppd. Any XXXtoYYY filters, foomatic-
  rip, driverless, …

- braille-printer-app: The Braille embosser driver code plus Chandresh
  Soni’s GSoC work to turn this code into a Printer Application.

- cups-browsed: Daemon to automatically create local print queues for
  network printers and remote CUPS queues and to create printer
  clusters. Will be turned into a Printer Application later (GSoC

Here we go:


There are also GitHub discussions set up for each release now.


Re: cups-filters 1.28.16 released!

2022-08-24 Thread Till Kamppeter
And do not forget to add libexif-dev to the build dependencies, 
otherwise the changes will not work.


On 24/08/2022 15:21, Till Kamppeter wrote:


I have released cups-filters 1.28.16 now, with the following changes:

 - imagetoraster, imagetopdf, libcupsfilters: Added support for
   reading the resolution of an image from its EXIF data when
   loading it. This way we get the image reproduced in its
   original size with "print-scaling=none" (Issue #362).
 - libcupsfilters: Replaced deprecated data types uint16 and
   uint32. The function to read TIFF image files via libtiff in
   cupsfilters/image-tiff.c uses the deprecated types uint16
   and uint32. The replacements for these types are uint16_t
   and uint32_t.

Bug fix release, to make images be printed in their original size with 
"print-scaling=none" and to not use deprecated data types for reading 
TIFF images.

Please release this on Debian so that it can be synced into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


cups-filters 1.28.16 released!

2022-08-24 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.16 now, with the following changes:

- imagetoraster, imagetopdf, libcupsfilters: Added support for
  reading the resolution of an image from its EXIF data when
  loading it. This way we get the image reproduced in its
  original size with "print-scaling=none" (Issue #362).
- libcupsfilters: Replaced deprecated data types uint16 and
  uint32. The function to read TIFF image files via libtiff in
  cupsfilters/image-tiff.c uses the deprecated types uint16
  and uint32. The replacements for these types are uint16_t
  and uint32_t.

Bug fix release, to make images be printed in their original size with 
"print-scaling=none" and to not use deprecated data types for reading 
TIFF images.

Please release this on Debian so that it can be synced into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Re: gutenprint_5.3.4.20220624T01008808d602-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

2022-08-17 Thread Till Kamppeter


I would like to know why you are updating the Debian package of 
Gutenprint to this upstream GIT snapshot (the version number suggessts 
that this is a snapshot and not a release). Especially also whether I 
need to also update the Gutenprint Printer Application Snap. Does this 
fix an important bug, add support for new printer models, ...?

Could you also put the reasoning for an update into the debian/changelog 
message in the future?


On 17/08/2022 11:20, Debian FTP Masters wrote:
> Accepted:

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 20:10:00 +
Source: gutenprint
Architecture: source
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Printing Group 
Changed-By: Thorsten Alteholz 
  gutenprint ( unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to new upstream version
  4e299fc4928fe880347a63c1585add52861cbd7d 3186 
  989e85fae158cc04249f9092ce17587f7a6358fc 5345892 
  6e8788d412333e928eaa8ebbd369c824fa3f312d 94852 
  09edbf51b3dbc46d7403636c00d1e0586e787f2a 21599 
  09d5f35b112bfc2ef10562474723a64586114b56ab8bbede0783c237587183c0 3186 
  ef514d4ca567b5871cfe7697127bee2c14d5d71d7fbc68d8fee96b0faaed90e7 5345892 
  a76469994087ab7325eb88f05dd101bb2295bd818e5e2ff6d324e95fab90afbf 94852 
  f0d5d98f39531713e61d9a7f71e70c5b6d6e8bbe6311e25719b6e6d5472a1158 21599 
  3f7dfa655d4294ff52ba14d929f79852 3186 graphics optional 
  c40d554aa1c36a954775c9775ac18998 5345892 graphics optional 
  26e15409e8a556394ba181cb0eedff86 94852 graphics optional 
  9a8f47149e82d078993da138dda039b7 21599 graphics optional 

> Thank you for your contribution to Debian.


2022-08-16 Thread Till Kamppeter
The new version of the HPLIP Printer Application (with HPLIP 3.22.6) is 
available in the Snap Store now 
(https://snapcraft.io/hplip-printer-app). Thanks again Thorsten, for 
your Debian package update.


On 16/08/2022 20:17, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

On 11.08.22 20:07, Till Kamppeter wrote:

could you update the Debian package of HPLIP to the newest version 

I did now and had to add a new patch due to stricter checks of gcc12 as 



2022-08-16 Thread Till Kamppeter
Thank you very much. I am test-building the new HPLIP Printer 
Application Snap right now.

The Ubuntu package will be auto-synced with Debian until tomorrow.


On 16/08/2022 20:17, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

On 11.08.22 20:07, Till Kamppeter wrote:

could you update the Debian package of HPLIP to the newest version 

I did now and had to add a new patch due to stricter checks of gcc12 as 



2022-08-11 Thread Till Kamppeter


could you update the Debian package of HPLIP to the newest version 
(3.22.6?)? We have Feature Freeze at Ubuntu in 2 weeks and it would be 
great to have a newer HPLIP included.

Thanks in advance.


Bug#1013437: cups: Nothing prints from driverless IPP queues unless added via lpadmin

2022-06-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 27/06/2022 19:26, Gareth Evans wrote:

"testq" already exists, so I changed the queue name to avoid any potential 
caching effects etc in case that were possible.

$ sudo lpadmin -p testqq -v ipp:// -E -m 
lpadmin: Printer drivers are deprecated and will stop working in a future 
version of CUPS.
lpadmin: Unable to open PPD "/tmp/075ef62bac756": Missing PPD-Adobe-4.x header 
on line 0.

That's the first time I've seen this error message.

Seems that it is able to access the printer for sending a job to it 
(done as user "lp"?) but not to poll the printer's capabilities via IPP 
(when running the "lpadmin" command).

Bug#1013437: cups: Nothing prints from driverless IPP queues unless added via lpadmin

2022-06-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

And are you able to print now?


On 27/06/2022 17:57, Gareth Evans wrote:

However that is when the laptop is connected to 5GHz wifi.
If I change to the 2.5GHz connection (same router) on which (router and 
frequency) the printer is connected:

$ avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp
+ wlp1s0 IPv4 Brother MFC-L2740DW seriesInternet Printer
= wlp1s0 IPv4 Brother MFC-L2740DW seriesInternet Printer
hostname = [mfcl2740dw.local]
address = []
port = [631]
txt = ["print_wfds=T" "UUID=e3248000-80ce-11db-8000-30055ca3d8ec" "PaperMax=legal-A4" "kind=document,envelope,label" "URF=W8,CP1,IS4-1,MT1-3-4-5-8,OB10,PQ4,RS200-300-600,V1.3,DM1" "rfo=ipp/faxout" "TBCP=F" "Transparent=T" "Binary=T" 
"PaperCustom=T" "Scan=T" "Fax=T" "Duplex=T" "Copies=T" "Color=F" "usb_CMD=PJL,PCL,PCLXL,URF" "usb_MDL=MFC-L2740DW series" "usb_MFG=Brother" "priority=25" "adminurl=http://mfcl2740dw.local./net/net/airprint.html; "product=(Brother 
MFC-L2740DW series)" "ty=Brother MFC-L2740DW series" "note=" "rp=ipp/print" "pdl=application/octet-stream,image/urf,image/pwg-raster" "qtotal=1" "txtvers=1"]

$ avahi-browse -rt _uscan._tcp

HPLIP 3.22.4 is out

2022-05-02 Thread Till Kamppeter


HPLIP 3.22.4 got released:


I am grateful when the Debian package could soon be updated, so that I 
can update the HPLIP Printer Application Snap in the Snap Store.


cups-filters 1.28.15 released!

2022-04-11 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.15 now, with the following changes:

- pdftops: In pdftops identify old LaserJets more precisely
  for working around PostScript interpreter bugs, older
  printers need Poppler, newer models need Ghostscript
  (Ubuntu bug #1967816).

Bug fix release, to make all HP LaserJet PostScript printers correctly work.

Please release this on Debian so that it can be synced into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Bug#1008997: cups: impossible to print on hp envy 5536 from sid

2022-04-06 Thread Till Kamppeter

Now run the command


and, if you get the URI, run

lpadmin -p envy -E -v ipp://localhost:6/ipp/print -m everywhere

Does it work now?


On 06/04/2022 11:28, alain wrote:

Package: cups
Version: 2.4.1op1-2
Followup-For: Bug #1008997
X-Debbugs-Cc: compte.perso.de-al...@bbox.fr

alain@sid:~$ sudo dpkg -l ipp-usb
Souhait=inconnU/Installé/suppRimé/Purgé/H=à garder
| État=Non/Installé/fichier-Config/dépaqUeté/échec-conFig/H=semi-
|/ Err?=(aucune)/besoin Réinstallation (État,Err: majuscule=mauvais)
||/ NomVersion  Architecture Description
ii  ipp-usb0.9.20-1 amd64Daemon for IPP over USB printer

alain@sid:~$ sudo systemctl status ipp-usb
● ipp-usb.service - Daemon for IPP over USB printer support
  Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ipp-usb.service; static)
  Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-04-06 11:18:17 CEST; 7min ago
Docs: man:ipp-usb(8)
Main PID: 66418 (ipp-usb)
   Tasks: 11 (limit: 38313)
  Memory: 15.5M
 CPU: 52ms
  CGroup: /system.slice/ipp-usb.service
  └─66418 /sbin/ipp-usb udev

avril 06 11:18:17 sid systemd[1]: Started Daemon for IPP over USB printer

alain@sid:~$ lsusb
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 005 Device 004: ID 1b1c:1b2e Corsair Corsair Corsair Gaming M65 Pro RGB
Bus 005 Device 003: ID 1b1c:1b3d Corsair Corsair Corsair Gaming K55 RGB
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 03f0:e807 HP, Inc HP Webcam HD 4310
Bus 005 Device 006: ID 03f0:c311 HP, Inc ENVY 5530 series
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0b05:18f3 ASUSTek Computer, Inc. AURA LED Controller
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0951:16a4 Kingston Technology HyperX 7.1 Audio
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

-- System Information:
Debian Release: bookworm/sid
   APT prefers unstable
   APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (100, 'testing'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 5.16.0-6-amd64 (SMP w/24 CPU threads; PREEMPT)
Locale: LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /usr/bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages cups depends on:
ii  cups-client2.4.1op1-2
ii  cups-common2.4.1op1-2
ii  cups-core-drivers  2.4.1op1-2
ii  cups-daemon2.4.1op1-2
ii  cups-filters   1.28.13-1
ii  cups-ppdc  2.4.1op1-2
ii  cups-server-common 2.4.1op1-2
ii  debconf [debconf-2.0]  1.5.79
ii  ghostscript9.56.0~dfsg-1
ii  libavahi-client3   0.8-5
ii  libavahi-common3   0.8-5
ii  libc6  2.33-7
ii  libcups2   2.4.1op1-2
ii  libgcc-s1  12-20220319-1
ii  libstdc++6 12-20220319-1
ii  libusb-1.0-0   2:1.0.25-1
ii  poppler-utils  22.02.0-3
ii  procps 2:3.3.17-7+b1

Versions of packages cups recommends:
ii  avahi-daemon  0.8-5
ii  colord1.4.6-1

Versions of packages cups suggests:
ii  cups-bsd   2.4.1op1-2
pn  cups-pdf   
pn  foomatic-db-compressed-ppds | foomatic-db  
pn  smbclient  
ii  udev   250.4-1

-- debconf information:
   cupsys/raw-print: true
   cupsys/backend: lpd, socket, usb, snmp, dnssd

Bug#1008997: further information

2022-04-05 Thread Till Kamppeter

First step is to go to


There you scroll down and find a link to the "Driverless Printers" list. 
Click "Browse". You get onto


into the search field enter "Envy 553". The last digit does not matter. 
Different last digits usually only mean different power plugs for the 
different destination countries.

So your printer supports AirPrint, one of the driverless IPP standards.

Your printer's Wi-Fi is flaky, so use IPP-over-USB. Keep the printer 
connected to USB and install the "ipp-usb" package. Having done this 
your printer should appear already in the print dialogs of many 

If not, create a driverless print queue:

First, run


You will get an URI for your printer, most probably


Create a driverless queue with this URI:

lpadmin -p envy -E -v ipp://localhost:6/ipp/print -m everywhere

Now all your apps should show your printer with queue name "envy". Can 
you print on this queue?


P. S.: Avoid HPLIP if you do not REALLY need it.

cups-filters 1.28.14 released!

2022-04-04 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.14 now, with the following changes:

- pdftopdf: Correct the output when suppressing auto-rotation
  (option "nopdfAutoRotate"). Depending on the situation pages
  got cropped in the wrong orientation or de-centered.
- pdftopdf: Correct the output when the
  "orientation-requested" or the "landscape" option is
  supplied. Output could be de-centered (Issue #456),
  portrait-oriented pages be wrongly cropped and division of
  the output page into cells for N-up done in the wrong
- rastertopdf: In PCLm output mode the filter failed to
  generate PCLm if the printer has no
  "pclm-source-resolution-default" IPP attribute.

Bug fix release to get correct PDF output when using "landscape", 
"orientation-requested", and/or "nopdfAutoRotate" options, and to get 
PCLm printing work on printers not telling their PCLM default resolution.

Please release this on Debian so that it can be synced into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Bug#1008175: #1008175

2022-03-27 Thread Till Kamppeter
The log message "Unable to do two-sided printing" comes from the "ipp" 
CUPS backend, part of CUPS. It seems that the backend does not find the 
"sides" attribute in the printer's IPP attributes.

See the code here:
ipp_status == IPP_STATUS




  * One or more options are not supported...


  if (ippFindAttribute(response, "sides", IPP_TAG_ZERO))



* The sides value is not supported, revert to one-sided as 


const char *sides = cupsGetOption("sides", num_options, options);

if (!sides || !strncmp(sides, "two-sided-", 10))


  fputs("DEBUG: Unable to do two-sided printing, setting sides 
to 'one-sided'.\n", stderr);

  num_options = cupsAddOption("sides", "one-sided", 
num_options, );




cups-filters 1.28.13 released!

2022-03-27 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.13 now, with the following changes:

- pdftopdf: Fix N-up printing when paper is taken
  long-edge-first by the printer.
- pdftopdf: Fix cropping ("print-scaling=none" and
  "print-scaling=fill") when paper is taken long-edge-first by
  the printer (Issue #454).
- pdftops: Use Poppler for all Apple LaserWriter models (Issue

Bug fix release, for correct printing on printers which take in the 
paper long-edge-first and for Apple LaserWriter printers.

Please release this on Debian so that it can be synced into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


HPLIP 3.22.2 is out!

2022-03-07 Thread Till Kamppeter


HPLIP 3.22.2 got released:


Could you update the Debian package?



Bug#1006892: cups-browsed: Local queues are not created for discovered printers

2022-03-07 Thread Till Kamppeter

Probably cause by https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1006853


CUPS 2.4.1

2022-02-18 Thread Till Kamppeter


some days ago, CUPS 2.4.1 got released, but Debian seems to be still on 
CUPS 2.3.3op2 from September 2021, whereas most other printing-related 
packages got updated.

Could you update CUPS in unstable? Or is there something broken in CUPS 
2.4.0 and 2.4.1?

I would be very grateful if you could do it before Ubuntu 22.04 Feature 
Freeze on Thursday, Feb 24. If this is not possible, please tell me as 
soon as possible.

Thanks in advance


cups-filters 1.28.12 released!

2022-02-17 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.12 now, with the following changes:

- imagetoraster, imagetopdf: Fixed comparison of the image
  size with the page size for print-scaling=auto. The image
  size in pixels was compared with the page size in PostScript
  points (1/72 inch).
- imagetoraster, imagetopdf: Fixed the "print-scaling=none"
  (crop-to-fit) mode, also use crop-to-fit always when
  requested, do not fall back to fit-to-page when the image
  size differs significantly from the page size (Issue #362).
- libcupsfilters: Changed the default PPI resolution for
  images as input files from 128 to 200 (Pull request #446).
- implicitclass: Do not check availability of "gs" and
  "pdftops" executables, instead, check by the presence of
  "gstoraster" and "pdftoraster" filters whether we have
  configured cups-filters for Ghostscript and/or Poppler use.
- libcupsfilters: In the PPD generator for the driverless
  utility and cups-browsed add "*cupsFilter2: ..." lines for
  all supported driverless data formats (PDF, Apple/PWG
  Raster, PCLm), and add lines for legacy data formats (PCL,
  PostScript) only if no driverless formats available.
- libcupsfilters: Always use encryption for ipps. RFC7472
  requires that 'ipps' must be used over HTTPS, but the
  driverless utility does not enforce encryption (Pull request
- serial: Add a 10-msec sleep and at the end add a tcdrain().
  For some unknown reason, every printing file need sleep a
  little time to make sure the serial printer receive data is
  right (Pull request #431).
- libcupsfilters: Fix resolver functions for DNS-SD-based
  URIs, to make resolve_uri() also work when DEVICE_URI env
  variable is set and to make ippfind_based_uri_converter()
  not re-direct stdin.
- pdftopdf: Set default for print-scaling to avoid "should
  never happem" log messages and undefined behavior.
- pdftopdf: Fix orientation-requested = 0. Consider
  this as "automatic selection and not as error.
- pdftopdf: Fixed all combinations of print-scaling and
  number-up for printers with asymmetric margins (top !=
  bottom or left != right) and for input files containing
  pages with different sizes and/or orientations. Fixes
  backported from 2.x branch.
- pdftopdf: Add 2% tolerance for input size larger than output
  page when "print-scaling=auto" or "print-scaling=auto-fit"
  is used and too large input pages should be scaled, fitting
  documents not. This prevents a random-looking behavior if
  input and output page size seem to be equal, but in reality
  there are slight differences between size dimensions.

Bug fix release, containing backports of many of the bugs recently fixed 
during the preparation of the cups-filters 2.x release. This time many 
page geometry bugs in the pdftopdf and imageto… filters were fixed 
especially with print-scaling and number-up, but also bugs in 
cups-browsed and in the serial backend got fixed.

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu, 
preferably before Feature Freeze for Ubuntu 22.04 on Thu, Feb 22.04.

Thanks in advance.


cups-filters 1.28.11 released!

2022-01-15 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.11 now, with the following changes:

- libcupsfilters: Let PPD generator take default ColorModel
  from printer (CUPS issue #277).
- Braille: In vectortopdf check inkscape version to call
  inkscape with the correct command line (Issue #315, Pull
  request #443).
- Build system: Make missing DejaVuSans.ttf non-fatal in
  ./configure as the font is only needed for test programs,
  not for actual use of cups-filters (Issue #411).
- libcupsfilters: In imagetoraster() fixed crash with SGray
  (Issue #435).
- cups-browsed: Naming of local queues is matched to CUPS'
  current naming of temporary queues (no leading or trailing
  underscores), to avoid duplicates in print dialogs which
  support CUPS' temporary queues.
- libcupsfilters: Make cupsRasterParseIPPOptions() work
  correctly with PPDs (Issue #436).
- libcupsfilters: Let colord_get_profile_for_device_id() not
  return empty file name, to avoid error messages in CUPS
- foomatic-rip: Debug message was wrongly sent to stdout and
  not to log (Issue #422).

Bug fix release, containing backports of many of the bugs recently fixed 
during the preparation of the cups-filters 2.x release. Important is 
that cups-browsed’s queue naming is aligned with CUPS’ temporary queue 
naming now and several bugs affecting driverless printing are fixed.

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


HPLIP 3.21.10 is out

2021-11-09 Thread Till Kamppeter


here is the new HPLIP:



Re: Two Debian printer driver packages unusable: c2050 and fxlinuxprint

2021-10-22 Thread Till Kamppeter

Thank you very much.

I have updated the Snap now, so that it loads the current versions of 
the Debian packages and does not apply the patches by itself anymore.

It is up in the Snap Store now.


On 21/10/2021 17:36, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:

Hi Till,

thanks a lot for the patches. Updated package should be available now.


Two Debian printer driver packages unusable: c2050 and fxlinuxprint

2021-10-19 Thread Till Kamppeter


above-mentioned printer driver packages are currently unusable as their 
filter executables segfault, especially c2050 always crashes, 
independent of the input. The filters of fxlinuxprint at least sometimes 

I have fixed both, eliminating the crashes completely.

For fxlinuxprint the attached patch is the solution. The second patch 
improves the PPD file to make the supported printer models get 
explicitly listed in printer setup tools (and so make users find the 
driver more easily).

For c2050 you get the C source code corrected by running the following 
commands (you can use them to generate a patch, see also commit link below):

perl -p -i -e 's/register i\b/register int i/' c2050.c
perl -p -i -e 's/^SweepBuffer_Init\b/void SweepBuffer_Init/' c2050.c
perl -p -i -e 
blkbytesize * 2)/' c2050.c

I have found these bugs when retro-fitting all the old printer drivers, 
these ones in the GhostScript Printer Application:



Could you apply these fixes to the Debian packages? Thanks.

   Till--- fxlinuxprint.ppd.orig	2021-10-18 12:49:28.877351303 +0200
+++ fxlinuxprint.ppd	2021-10-18 14:04:46.341317886 +0200
@@ -24,16 +24,130 @@
 *LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
 *cupsLanguages: "ja"
-*Manufacturer:	"FX"
-*Product:	"(FX Printer Driver for Linux)"
+*Manufacturer:	"Fuji Xerox"
+*Product:	"(PDF Printer)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II 3000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II 4000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II 5000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II 6000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II 7000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II C2200)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II C3300)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II C4300)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II C5400)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II C6500)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-II C7500)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III 3010)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III 4000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III 5000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III 6000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III 7000)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C2200)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C2205)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C3300)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C3305)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C4400)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C4405)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C5500)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C6500)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-III C7600)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV 3070)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV 4070)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV 5080)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV 6080)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV 7080)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C2270)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C2275)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C3370)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C3375)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C4470)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C4475)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C5570)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C5575)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C5580)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C6680)"
+*Product:	"(ApeosPort-IV C7780)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre C1101)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre C2101)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II 3000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II 4000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II 5000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II 6000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II 7000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II C2200)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II C3300)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II C4300)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II C5400)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II C6500)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-II C7500)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 2000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 3000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 3010)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 4000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 5000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 6000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III 7000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C2200)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C2205)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C3300)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C3305)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C4400)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C4405)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C5500)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C6500)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-III C7600)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 2060)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 3060)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 3070)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 4070)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 5080)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 6080)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV 7080)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C2260)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C2263)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C2263N)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C2270)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C2275)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C3370)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C3375)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C4470)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C4475)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C5570)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C5575)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C5580)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C6680)"
+*Product:	"(DocuCentre-IV C7780)"
+*Product:	"(DocuPrint 2060)"
+*Product:	"(DocuPrint 3000)"
+*Product:	"(DocuPrint 3000s)"
+*Product:	"(DocuPrint 3050)"
+*Product:	"(DocuPrint 3100)"
+*Product:	"(DocuPrint 4050)"

Bug#990210: fixed in cups-pdf 3.0.1-12

2021-10-01 Thread Till Kamppeter

Sorry, I had overlooked the link in the very first post.

Also thanks for the patch which shows how cups-filters (most probably 
pstops) massages the file.

The file has actually 993 pages:

$ gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bbox all.ps 2>&1 | grep 
%%BoundingBox: | wc -l


or simply display it with

gs all.ps

(and press Enter 993 times).

evince also shows only the 422 pages which your PostScript viewer shows 
to you.

The file has strange internal page numbering:

$ grep -i '%%Page: ' all.ps | wc -l
$ grep -i '%%Page: ' all.ps

It redefines "showpage" (the PostScript function to display/print a page 
when completed rendering it:

$ grep showpage all.ps | wc -l

$ grep showpage all.ps
/p{pop showpage pagesave restore /pagesave save def}def

This makes a single "p" displaying/printing the page.

So let us search for those "p"s:

$ grep ' p$' all.ps | wc -l


So Ghostscript (or the print process) outputting 993 pages seems correct 
to me, and I do not understand why evince and also your PostScript 
viewer only output 422 pages. Perhaps they consider duplicate page 
numbers as duplicate pages and skip them.

First numbers in "%%Page:" lines:

$ grep -i '%%Page: ' all.ps | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort | uniq | wc -l


Second numbers in "%%Page:" lines:

$ grep -i '%%Page: ' all.ps | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq | wc -l

The changes coming from cups-filters/the pstops filter mainly only 
change the DSC comments, letting the second number in the "%%Page:" 
lines going from 1 to 993 instead of being the same as the first number, 
starting from 1 again and again. This seems to make the viewers 
accepting all pages.

I hope this gives some insight.

On 01/10/2021 13:11, Andre Heider wrote:

Hi Till,

On 01/10/2021 12:32, Till Kamppeter wrote:
Andre, could you attach your PostScript file, once the original and 
also the one you get after pre-processing when using "GSCall echo %s 
%s %s;

cp %s /tmp"? Thanks.

attached a patch for the original .ps file, see the first post for a link.

But maybe that patch already hints at the problem?


Bug#990210: fixed in cups-pdf 3.0.1-12

2021-10-01 Thread Till Kamppeter
Andre, could you attach your PostScript file, once the original and also 
the one you get after pre-processing when using "GSCall echo %s %s %s;

cp %s /tmp"? Thanks.


On 28/09/2021 14:20, Andre Heider wrote:

Indeed, still only getting an empty pdf on that file too.

That's another problem than the empty pdf files I was seeing before.
That issue prevented cups-pdf to produce non-empty files at all, no
matter what the input was. Even the cups test page failed.

Now it seems specific to this file. My pdf viewer atril claims the
original ps has 422 pages. If I fix it up with `ps2ps all.ps all2.ps`
the new file reports 993 pages, atril even shows another first page...

And printing that with `lp -dPDF all2.ps` works just fine.

The error handling from cups-pdf sure is funky here.



On 29/09/2021 09:11, Andre Heider wrote:

Did some more digging since I reused this bug because I thought it's the
same issue...

If you set the GSCall config to the default value but append
"1>/tmp/gs.out 2>&1" you can see an error in that file:

--- 8< ---
Error: /nocurrentpoint in --currentpoint--
Operand stack:
   (--)   80
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
  --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1990   1   3
%oparray_pop   1989   1   3   %oparray_pop   1977   1   3   %oparray_pop
  1833   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop
.runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2
%stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:736/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:89/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 10444
GPL Ghostscript 9.54.0: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
--- 8< ---

The reason it fails with lp but succeeds with the manual gs cmdline is
that cups preprocesses the input file. If you use "GSCall echo %s %s %s;
cp %s /tmp" it'll copy the actual file used for cups-pdf to /tmp, for
which you then get the same error if you manually use the gs cmdline on it.

I don't know enough about the printing stack/postscript to tell if
that's fixable, but it all sounds like a corrupt ps file to me.

Re: Printing works but still getting error messages

2021-09-19 Thread Till Kamppeter
I now have done a fix on the GIT of cups-filters (both branches, master 
and 1.x) to prevent the error you mentioned.


On 19/09/2021 15:07, Daniel Haid wrote:
Till, it is exactly as you said: After manually adding the queue, the 
one from cups-browsed disappeared. Then I removed the manual queue, and 
the one from cups-browsed appeared again.

I enabled debug messages, restarted cups with an empty error_log, and 
printed once with the queue from cups-browsed (where the error does 
appear). Unfortunately /var/log/cups/error_log is still 69525 lines 
long. The error occurs in line 67663. Find attached.



Re: Printing works but still getting error messages

2021-09-19 Thread Till Kamppeter

Thanks for the error_log.

The error message

E [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] File \'\' not found

is harmless. It only means that no color management profile is present 
for this printer. In this case a standard profile of Poppler is used.

We should demote this message to DEBUG instead of ERROR level. See

D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Color Manager: Calibration Mode/Off
D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Calling 

D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Found device 

D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Calling 

D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Calling 

D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Found device 
D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Calling 
D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Found profile 
D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Calling 

D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Use profile filename: \'\'
D [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] Color Manager: ICC Profile:
E [19/Sep/2021:12:16:51 +0200] [Job 13] File \'\' not found

Otherwise the log makes an impression of a job which has been processed 
and printed correctly. I do not find anything wrong with that.

So all what I can do is demoting the error message to a debug message in 
the cups-filters code, so that print dialogs do not shout it out.


On 19/09/2021 15:07, Daniel Haid wrote:
Till, it is exactly as you said: After manually adding the queue, the 
one from cups-browsed disappeared. Then I removed the manual queue, and 
the one from cups-browsed appeared again.

I enabled debug messages, restarted cups with an empty error_log, and 
printed once with the queue from cups-browsed (where the error does 
appear). Unfortunately /var/log/cups/error_log is still 69525 lines 
long. The error occurs in line 67663. Find attached.



Re: Printing works but still getting error messages

2021-09-19 Thread Till Kamppeter

[ Re-posting for Daniel Haid, original poster ]

On 18/09/2021 22:30, Daniel Haid wrote:

The entry is not in the 'lpstat -t' output. You are not using the
Brother drivers too, are you? I'm without a good idea here.

No, but I have read that the GTK printing dialog does its own searching 
for IPP everywhere printers and moreover only sends PDF to the printer. 
Maybe the problem is that my printer does not support PDF.

If the GTK dialog does this, you should report it to GTK as a bug. IPP 
printers advertise themselves via DNS-SD (this way the dialog finds 
them) and in the DNS-SD record they tell what exactly they support, 
especially which job data formats. So the print dialog should not send 
blindly PDF to any IPP printer.

Driverless IPP does not include by default the capabilities of spooling 
and of understanding PDF. Therefore we need CUPS. It spools print jobs 
and converts data formats. So a print dialog should print through CUPS 
and not directly to IPP devices.

Anyway, do this:

   lpadmin -p L2550 -v URI_FROM_PREVIOUSLY -E -m everywhere >
and print to the L2550 queue.

I did it and now the error message in the log file does not appear 
anymore. The error still appears when using the old queue. But what is 
the difference between the queues? Should the command above not be what 
cups-browsed runs when it finds a printer?

cups-browsed does not do exactly the same. cups-browsed does not only 
create single queues for single printers. it has the capability of 
creating printer clusters, for distributing high amounts of jobs in a 
load-balanced group of (usually equal) printers (what CUPS did before 
version 1.6, the clusters being called classes), or, for having a queue 
which by the job option settings passes on the job to the most suitable 
of (typically completely different) printers.

For the latter use case, having completely different printers in a 
cluster, each member printer would need a completely different filter 
chain (at least the filters after pdftopdf) as the printers use 
different types of drivers. The queue which cups-browsed creates on CUPS 
has only one PPD file where the options are merged from the member 
printer's PPDs and the final data format to send off to the backend is 
always PDF. The backend is cups-browsed's own "implicitclass" then.

This backend asks cups-browsed to check the option settings and to 
determine the cluster member(s) which can fulfill them, to select one of 
the suitable printers, and tell which final data format the printer 
needs. The backend then passes the print data through filters to convert 
the data into the member printer's final format and send the job off to 
the printer.

Due to this technique filter chains can vary between a 
cups-browsed-generated queue and a manually created queue. We will need 
your error_log (in debug mode) to find out what is wrong with 
cups-browsed's filter chain.

And can I remove the old queue without cups-browsed recreating it again 

Generally cups-browsed does not auto-create queues to printers for which 
there is already a manually created queue. You do not even need to 
remove the queue created by cups-browsed. Stop cups-browsed and start it 
again and the queue should go away.

If it is your only printer, you do not need cups-browsed once after 
having created a queue manually, you can disable it. Only if you are in 
a network with many printers or you roam with a laptop between different 
networks with different sets of printers, cups-browsed comes in handy.

By the way, the printing dialog still shows a printer error, but I do 
not really care about that. It seems to be buggy anyway with its 
detection of everywhere-printers with the wrong capabilities.

Please report a bug on the GTK print dialog, to GTK.


cups-filters 1.28.10 released!

2021-08-17 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.10 now, with the following changes:

- Sample PPDs: Add borderless page size definitions to Generic
  PDF Printer, HP Color LaserJet CM3530 MFP PDF, and Ricoh PDF
  Printer PPD files.
- Sample PPDs: From the PDF PPD files removed the unneeded
  "*cupsFilters2: ..." line. For CUPS it does not make any
- libcupsfilters: Fixed pdftopdf filter to correctly support
  page ranges without upper limit, like "10-" (Pull request
- libcupsfilters: Use wildcard tag (IPP_TAG_ZERO) search for
  "media-type" and "media-type-supported" in the PPD
  generator (Pull request #398).
- implicitclass, parallel: Added missing newlines at error
- libfontembed: Removed unneeded fontembed/main.c and ttfread
  executable. Eliminates the dependency on DejaVuSans.ttf
  (Issue #386).
- gstoraster: Refactor the filter a little to clarify handling
  of page counts and set job-impressions for TotalPageCount in
  PWG-Raster header (Pull request #394).
- cups-browsed: Make NotifLeaseDuration configurable and renew
  after half the lease duration not 60 sec before end. The
  early renewal improves reliability on busy systems a
  lot. For easier development and debugging short durations
  from 300 sec on can get selected (Pull request #378).

Bug fix release: More reliable legacy CUPS browsing in cups-browsed, 
improved PDF printer sample PPDs, with borderless page sizes, eliminated 
unneeded dependency on DjVu font, minor fixes

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu. I 
appreciate if you could do this until Wednesday as we have Feature 
Freeze for 21.10 on Thursday.

Thanks in advance.


Re: driverless printing awesomeness

2021-07-09 Thread Till Kamppeter

Tomas, thanks for your information!

Alex, another scanner working with sane-airscan: EPSON ET-3750_Series

Could you add it to your list?


On 09/07/2021 12:49, Tomas Pospisek wrote:

Hi Brian,

On Tue, 6 Jul 2021, Brian Potkin wrote:

On Tue 06 Jul 2021 at 09:54:29 +0200, Tomas Pospisek wrote:

It does 8-O 

    $ scanimage -L
    device `airscan:e0:EPSON ET-3750 Series (USB)' is a eSCL EPSON 
ET-3750 Series (USB) ip=
is a EPSON ET-3750_Series

    $ airscan-discover
  EPSON ET-3750 Series (USB) =, eSCL

launched xsane, did a scan preview and then a 1200dpi (max) scan and
marveled about the crisply visible fibres of the paper.

Oh thank you!!!

Thanks. There are two devices. Please would you confirm scanning
takes place with

xsane "airscan:e0:EPSON ET-3750 Series (USB)"

confirming. Scanning indeed takes place with that command.

Thanks a lot & best greetings!

Re: driverless printing awesomeness

2021-07-02 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 02/07/2021 21:52, Brian Potkin wrote:

Thank you for your appreciative mail. Is the device USB- or

Also thanks for your mail. Great to also hear from an Epson user (Epson 
ET-3750) that our driverless printing support is working.

It's USB connected.

You are using ipp-usb.

The author of ipp-usb, Alexander Pevzner (CCed), got inspired to create 
it when I tested his sane-airscan with the former ippusbxd (now 
discontinued and replaced by ipp-usb), and showed him that his 
driverless scanning does also work on USB (and that not even being IPP). 
I (and many other users) did a lot of testing with Alex.

You should get driverless scanning too; installing sane-airscan
would be a good move. If you follow this advice, please give

  scanimage -L


Thanks for letting me know! Should airscan work over USB too?

For me it work perfectly on the HP OfficeJet Pro 8730 (both network and 
USB), after a lot of testing and debugging with Alex. So if it does not 
work perfectly for you, please "reply-to-all" right on this e-mail and 
Alex will solve the problem with you (and add your printer to the "hall 
of fame" on https://github.com/alexpevzner/sane-airscan#compatibility).


cups-filters 1.28.9 released!

2021-06-15 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.9 now, with the following changes:

- libcupsfilters: Silenced compiler warnings
- libcupsfilters: Removed duplicate code in the
  apply_filters() function.
- driverless: If there are no driverless IPP printers
  available let "driverless" terminate with exit code 0 and
  not 1, to follow CUPS' standard of backends in discovery
  mode terminating with 0 if there are no appropriate printers
  found (Issue #375).
- gstoraster, foomatic-rip: Fixed Ghostscript command line for
  counting pages as it took too long on PDFs from evince when
  printing DjVu files (Issue #354, Pull request #371, Ubuntu
  bug #1920730).
- cups-browsed: Renamed ldap_connect() due to conflict in
  new openldap (Issue #367, Pull request #370).
- pdftoraster: Free color data after processing of each page
  (Pull request #363).
- cups-browsed: Always save "...-default" option entries
  from printers.conf, regardless of presence or absense
  of PPD file (Pull request #359).
- cups-browsed: Start after network-online.target (Pull
  request #360).
- texttopdf: Set default margins when no PPD file is used
  (Pull request #356).

Bug fix release, fixes backported from the master (2.x) branch.

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Release Notes for Debian 11 (bullseye)

2021-04-04 Thread Till Kamppeter

For me this looks all OK.

Thank you very much for documenting this.


On 04/04/2021 17:03, Brian Potkin wrote:

It is remiss of me not to have drawn everyone's attention to this
documentation before now. Please cast an eye over it to see
whether it fits the bill.


Re: cups-filters 1.28.8 released!

2021-03-30 Thread Till Kamppeter

Thank you very much.


On 30/03/2021 19:51, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

Le jeudi, 25 mars 2021, 18.54:41 h CEST Till Kamppeter a écrit :


I have released cups-filters 1.28.8 now, with the following changes:

- libcupsfilters: Made check whether the driverless PPD to
  generate should be a fax out PPD more reliable (Issue #343).
- foomatic-rip: Options in the 5th command line argument of
  the CUPS filter command line are separated only by white
  space and not by comma, also make sure that an option "none"
  is not considered a custom page size (Issue #348).
- implicitclass: Raise timeout for cups-browsed's answer from
  20s to 60s (Pull request #346).
- libcupsfilters: In the PPD generator really give priority to
  Apple Raster against PDF (Issue #331).

Bug fix release, to fix several different issues

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu.

Given the freeze, uploaded to experimental.


cups-filters 1.28.8 released!

2021-03-25 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.8 now, with the following changes:

- libcupsfilters: Made check whether the driverless PPD to
  generate should be a fax out PPD more reliable (Issue #343).
- foomatic-rip: Options in the 5th command line argument of
  the CUPS filter command line are separated only by white
  space and not by comma, also make sure that an option "none"
  is not considered a custom page size (Issue #348).
- implicitclass: Raise timeout for cups-browsed's answer from
  20s to 60s (Pull request #346).
- libcupsfilters: In the PPD generator really give priority to
  Apple Raster against PDF (Issue #331).

Bug fix release, to fix several different issues

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Bug#983474: ipp-usb: breaks scanning with HP Deskjet 5275

2021-02-24 Thread Till Kamppeter
Updating SANE (libsane1, sane-backends) from 1.0.31 to 1.0.32 could 
perhaps fix the scanning with installed ipp-usb and the "escl" backend. 
1.0.32 (released upstream a few weeks ago) has a lot of fixes and 
improvements on the "escl" backend.

You could install sane-airscan. This is an extra SANE backend which 
provides more sophisticated support for driverless scanning (scanning 
with ipp-usb, "IPP over USB" always uses driverless scanning and 
printing standards).

Classic drivers (as HPLIP's "hpaio" work only without ipp-usb.


On 24/02/2021 20:47, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

Package: ipp-usb
Version: 0.9.17-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

I recenty realised I cannot scan with my scanner (part of a multi-function
printer/scanner HP Deskjet 5275).

Disabling ipp-usb enabled scanning.

With ipp-usb running:

$ time scanimage -L
device `escl:' is a HP DeskJet 5200 series [FC8002] (USB) 
flatbed scanner
device `hpaio:/usb/DeskJet_5200_series?serial=TH8A86C27C' is a Hewlett-Packard 
DeskJet_5200_series all-in-one

sys 0m0.087s

$ time scanimage -x 100 -y 100 --format=tiff >image.tiff
scanimage: open of device escl: failed: Out of memory

sys 0m0.109s

$ time scanimage --device 'hpaio:/usb/DeskJet_5200_series?serial=TH8A86C27C' -x 
100 -y 100 --format=tiff >image.tiff
scanimage: open of device hpaio:/usb/DeskJet_5200_series?serial=TH8A86C27C 
failed: Error during device I/O

sys 0m0.013s

With ipp-usb stopped:

$ time scanimage -L
device `hpaio:/usb/DeskJet_5200_series?serial=TH8A86C27C' is a Hewlett-Packard 
DeskJet_5200_series all-in-one

sys 0m0.103s

$ time scanimage -x 100 -y 100 --format=tiff >image.tiff

sys 0m0.105s

$ identify image.tiff
image.tiff TIFF 295x295 295x295+0+0 1-bit Bilevel Gray 11125B 0.000u 0:00.000

$ dpkg-query -W sane-utils libsane1
libsane1:amd64  1.0.31-4
sane-utils  1.0.31-4

-- System Information:
Debian Release: bullseye/sid
   APT prefers testing
   APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: arm64

Kernel: Linux 5.9.0-5-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU threads)
Kernel taint flags: TAINT_WARN
Locale: LANG=en_IL, LC_CTYPE=en_IL (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en_IL:en
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages ipp-usb depends on:
ii  avahi-daemon  0.8-5
ii  libavahi-client3  0.8-5
ii  libavahi-common3  0.8-5
ii  libc6 2.31-9
ii  libusb-1.0-0  2:1.0.24-2

ipp-usb recommends no packages.

ipp-usb suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

Printer driver meta package

2021-02-23 Thread Till Kamppeter


I got aware about which printer drivers are auto-installed when 
installing a printer driver meta package (printer-driver-all, 


The list needs a slight update.

First, HPIJS is deprecated for several years now and hpcups (also part 
of HPLIP) should be used instead. Therefore "hpijs" should be removed 
from this list. We could even remove the HPIJS-related packages from HPLIP.

Second, "oki" and "indexbraille" need to get added (the latter we should 
think about as it is really specialty).


Re: HPLIP 3.21.2

2021-02-21 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 21/02/2021 18:30, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

Le vendredi, 19 février 2021, 21.44:58 h CET Till Kamppeter a écrit :


HPLIP 3.21.2 is available now. I appreciate a lot if it could be
packaged so that it can get synced into Ubuntu.

Despite the current Bullseye freeze, I uploaded hplip 3.21.2+dfsg0-1 to
unstable some minutes ago. You can sync from it to Ubuntu.

I'm not yet sure it will make it to Bullseye  (= "I shouldn't have uploaded it
to unstable, but to experimental"), but it's too late to change the fact the
upload happened.

Thank you very much.

I did not know about the freeze, but we can also (at least manually) 
sync from Experimental should uploads to Unstable be closed for the release.


HPLIP 3.21.2

2021-02-19 Thread Till Kamppeter


HPLIP 3.21.2 is available now. I appreciate a lot if it could be 
packaged so that it can get synced into Ubuntu.


Bug#982742: cups: config of usb printer now impossible due to usblp and libusb conficting (used to work!)

2021-02-15 Thread Till Kamppeter
OK, no I understand, fresh installation or live ISO all works perfectly 
as intended, old installation shows the problem, so further 
investigations only on the old installation ...


Bug#982742: cups: config of usb printer now impossible due to usblp and libusb conficting (used to work!)

2021-02-15 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 15/02/2021 14:27, mh wrote:

I then investigated the LIVE-ISO. To my surprise ipp-usb is installed
within the LIVE-ISO. 

ipp-usb is part of the standard installation in Debian and Ubuntu, to 
support printers which do driverless IPP printing. Standard-conforming 
printers should work out-of-the-box with that.

All the commands which failed/did have an empty
output on my default system work here with the expected output (I
guess), except for # avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp due to avahi-browse not
being installed:

# /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb
DEBUG: Loading USB quirks from "/usr/share/cups/usb".
DEBUG: Loaded 98 quirks.
DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=9
DEBUG: Failed to detach "usblp" module from 06bc:0357

The "usb" backend probably simply encounters your printer's USB occupied 
by some process here, not knowing that it is actually ipp-usb and not 
the "usblp" kernel module. The method for getting rid of the kernel 
module seems no to remove the connection of ipp-usb.

# systemctl list-units "ipp-usb*" | grep service
   ipp-usb.service loaded active running Daemon for IPP over USB printer

# lpstat -t
Zeitplandienst läuft
Keine systemvoreingestellten Ziele
Gerät für OKI_DATA_CORP_B432:
OKI_DATA_CORP_B432 akzeptiert Anfragen seit Mo 15 Feb 2021 12:45:49 CET
Drucker OKI_DATA_CORP_B432 ist im Leerlauf.  Aktiviert seit Mo 15 Feb
2021 12:45:49 CET

# lpstat -l -e
OKI_B432_010E46_USB_ network none
OKI_DATA_CORP_B432 permanent

This looks like that a driverless print queue got created automatically. 
Could you run these two commands:

lp -d OKI_B432_010E46_USB_ ~/.bashrc
lp -d OKI_DATA_CORP_B432 ~/.bashrc

Do you get something printed? If yes, by the first command? By the 
second? Both?

# avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp
Command 'avahi-browse' not found, but can be installed with:
apt install avahi-utils

Install this command by actually doing

sudo apt install avahi-utils

Then run the command again and post the output here.

@ till.kamppeter
As much as I'm willing to help, from what I can tell now I assume there
is not much to debug *direktly* related to the printer. Tell me if you
think otherwise.

If the printer is capable of driverless printing via an auto-generated 
all is OK. But if it is not capable of that but pretends to be capable 
then somewhere is a bug, in our software or in the printer, in the 
latter case we caould perhaps work around in our software.

BTW (not related the this malfunction):
There are already some OKI PPD files available in the cups config,
including the PPD file for the preceding model.

What do you mean with this? Is there a PPD for your printer included in 
Debian or Ubuntu? Or did you download it directly from Oki?

Could I do anything to
help to include the appropriate vendor PPD file
for my printer (freely availabe on their webite) in the
printer-driver-oki package (or whichever package is the rightone)?

If the PPDs are under a free software license we can add them to 
OpenPrinting (and this way to all distributions and also the PostScript 
Printer Application).


Bug#982742: cups: config of usb printer now impossible due to usblp and libusb conficting (used to work!)

2021-02-15 Thread Till Kamppeter




Michael Hatzold (CCed) reports a problem with ipp-usb. The printer 
provides a 7/1/4 interface on USB, meaning that it supports IPP-over-USB 
and with this, according to the standards, driverless printing (and 
scanning if it is a MFP).

This particular model seems to have some bug though. Due to it providing 
7/1/4 ipp-usb attaches to it but it does not provide driverless IPP 
printing then.

As this can possibly be a bug in ipp-usb or the need of a quirk 
exception in ipp-usb, I want to ask you whether you could debug this 
together with Michael as you also had made my scanner work together with me.

Thanks in advance.


On 15/02/2021 11:26, Brian Potkin wrote:

On Sun 14 Feb 2021 at 20:31:28 +0100, mh wrote:


# ippfind -T 5

An IPP printer is not found. This would fit the observation that
cups-browsed has not set up a print queue. I have come to the
conclusion that the B432 does not implement IPP-over-USB correctly.

A queue set up with a vendor PPD will not function while ipp-usb is
active, so purge it and proceed as you did with the Live ISO. Also
see #982190:




Bug#980973: Cups attempts to probe, configure unsupported Canon USB printers

2021-01-26 Thread Till Kamppeter

Please report this to CUPS upstream at


Note trhat CUPS is not maintained at Apple any more but at OpenPrinting now.

We need the USB IDs (VID/PID) of all affected devices, at least of as 
many devices as possible.


On 24/01/2021 23:46, Chris Bainbridge wrote:

Package: cups
Version: 2.3.3op1-7

Cups does not support Canon CAPT USB printers (this requires a 
proprietary driver which uses /dev/usb/lp0), but these printers are not 
blacklisted, so when one is plugged in, cups sets up a new, 
non-functional printer, and probes the USB device, the kernel logs as a 
USB disconnect, and disrupts operation of the Canon driver. Running 
lpstat also seems to do some probe and cause a USB device disconnect. 
The kernel logs:

Jan 23 23:45:29 debian kernel: usblp0: removed

It appears the fix would be to add CAPT printers to 
/usr/share/cups/usb/org.cups.usb-quirks as so:

# Canon, Inc. LBP3010/LBP3018/LBP3050 Printer
0x04a9 0x26da blacklist


PAPPL - Library for Printer Applications

2021-01-14 Thread Till Kamppeter


PAPPL has been officially released as a stable version:



I wold appreciate if it gets packaged for Debian. We will sync it also 
into Ubuntu then and this is a great base for printer driver developers 
to provide their drivers as Printer Applications, both in Debian 
packages and in Snaps.


CUPS 2.3.3op1: Possible delays when starting CUPS, autopkg tests in debian/tests/ not working

2021-01-08 Thread Till Kamppeter


in the OpenPrinting fork of CUPS we got a contribution from Zdenek 
Dohnal switching cups to the systemd service typoe "notify":

commit e96e96b4bd0d4e6f634bbb66b95d6e475501541c
Author: Zdenek Dohnal 
Date:   Wed Nov 25 08:12:32 2020 +0100

[Fedora] cups.service.in: Use 'notify' service type and run after 

1) If the service is defined with 'simple' type, the result of 
'systemctl' is 0 regardless of actual startup result, because it reports 
success/failure of forking process (even before cupsd is started). This 
way errors due bad configuration or programming errors are masked during 
systemctl invocation.
The 'notify' type depends on executable sending a 'Im running' type 
of message to systemd after successful start and systemctl's return code 
depends whether this message came or not, which solves the issue.
2) The service needs to be started after all units needed for 
network.target are activated. This prevents starting cupsd before we 
have ports ready.

Fedora bugs:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1153660 (adding 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1088918 (change of the 
service type)


This makes systemd waiting for cupsd giving an "I am up and running" 
notification on the socket /run/systemd/notify. As cupsd is under 
AppArmor control it cannot write to this socket and systemd gets stuck 
until reaching a timeout. This timeout leads to a significant delay when 
starting cupsd and also to the failure of all autopkg tests.

To fix this I have added

  # CUPS is of systemd service type "notify" now, meaning that cupsd 

  # systemd when it is up and running, give CUPS access to systemd's
  # notification socket
  /run/systemd/notify w,

to the AppArmor profile debian/local/apparmor-profile in 

I recommend to update the Debian package appropriately.


Bug#979177: cups-filters-core-drivers: Adding a printer impossible because "driverless" is too slow

2021-01-07 Thread Till Kamppeter

I have released cups-filters 1.28.7 with the fix now.


cups-filters 1.28.7 released!

2021-01-07 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.7 now, with the following changes:

- driverless: Removed the support quality check from Pull
  request #235 as it takes significant time for each printer
  being listed, making cups-driverd (`lpinfo -m`) timing out
  when there are many printers (OpenPrinting CUPS issue #65).
- libcupsfilters: In the PPD generator give priority to Apple
  Raster against PDF (Issue #331).
- libcupsfilters: Added NULL check when removing ".Borderless"
  suffixes from page size names (Issue #314, Pull request
- libcupsfilters: In the cupsRasterParseIPPOptions() map the
  color spaces the same way as in the PPD generator (Issue
  #326, Pull request #327). 
- libcupsfilters: Fixed addition of grayscale mode in
  generated PPD files, to avoid duplicate entries
  (OpenPrinting CUPS issue #59).

Bug fix release to remove the support quality check from the 
"driverless" utility to do not break CUPS' PPD listing facility and 
several fixes for generating PPDs for driverless printers

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Bug#979177: cups-filters-core-drivers: Adding a printer impossible because "driverless" is too slow

2021-01-07 Thread Till Kamppeter
I have investigated the problem further and the problem is caused by 
"driverless" sending get-printer-attributes IPP requests to each printer 
it lists, to check the quality of driverless printing support. See


This makes "driverless" taking too long time, especially if there are 
many printers. See the investigations on


Therefore I have removed the feature again now, on both master and 1.x 
branches of cups-filters:



Please test, this should solve your problem.

I will release cups-filter 1.28.7 soon, with this change included.

Bug#979177: cups-filters-core-drivers: Adding a printer impossible because "driverless" is too slow

2021-01-06 Thread Till Kamppeter

The problem also got reported upstream:


Could you also see the discussion there and try what got suggested there?

I by myself am not able to reproduce it, so I need someone who can 
reproduce it to find out under which conditions it happens.


Re: Contact possibility for Odyx/Didier

2020-12-04 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 03/12/2020 19:44, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:

Thanks for the explanation.

Are the man page translation are also transferred there? If so, would
it be possible that I continue to (dirictly) manage it (i.e. keep the
translation current)?



Where do your man page translations reside? In the Debian packaging GIT 
repo or in the CUPS upstream repo? Does the CUPS upstream repo contain 
any man page translations?

The correct place would be the CUPS upstream repo as the original 
English man pages are part of CUPS.


cups-filters 1.28.6 released!

2020-12-02 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.6 now, with the following changes:

- libcupsfilters: In generated PPDs add a grayscale mode if
  there are only color printing modes (from OpenPrinting
- libcupsfilters: In generated PPDs add an "OutputBin" option
  also if it has only one choice (OpenPrinting CUPS pull
  request #18).
- libcupsfilters: Generated PPDs could have an "Unknown"
  default InputSlot (OpenPrinting CUPS issue #44).
- cups-browsed: Removed unneeded IPP attribute additions
  preventing the created local queues from preserving a
  location or description the user assigns to them (Issue
- cups-browsed: Removed all calls of the resolve_uri() function
  of libcupsfilters, as these are not actually needed and in
  case the supplied DNS-SD-based URI is not resolvable, the
  function gets stuck for ~5 seconds.
- cups-browsed: Fixed several memory leaks, mainly from the
  code to merge printer IPP attributes for clusters (Pull
  request #322).
- cups-browsed: Silenced compiler warning.
- foomatic-rip: Fix infinite loop and input from file on raw
  printing (Pull request #318).
- foomatic-rip: Remove temporary file created during pdf-to-ps
  conversion (Pull request #313).

Bug fix release, fixing lots of memory leaks in cups-browsed, fixed 
cups-browsed hanging several seconds when there are local print queue 
with invalid DNS-SD-based URIs, several fixes on the PPD generator for 
IPP printers, taken from OpenPrinting's fork of CUPS, and fixing bugs on 

Please release this on Debian so that it can sync into Ubuntu.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Contact possibility for Odyx/Didier

2020-12-01 Thread Till Kamppeter
Apple seems to have stopped developing CUPS since Michael Sweet has left 
Apple in the end of 2019.

After some time I have created together with Michael Sweet a fork of the 
CUPS upstream repository on OpenPrinting:


Michael Sweet is actively applying pull requests from the former Apple 
repository, fixing bugs, and applying distro patches in this new upstream.

This is now the upstream of CUPS for many distributions, especially 
Debian and Ubuntu. The first release, 2.3.3op1 is the current release of 
Debian unstable now.

The Debian packaging GIT repository should have stayed the same as before.

See also my monthly news posts and Michael's announcements on 


On 01/12/2020 21:37, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:

Ok, thanks.

I daily mirror the cups git repository, but for quite some time no
changes appeard, however, some kind of message which I could not
figure out:
Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'refs/heads/debian/master'
from the remote, but no such ref was fetched.

Today, I got an updated of cups (in stable) which, amongst others,
* Refresh manpage translation pofiles for 2.3.3op1

Did the CUPS git repository change? Where can I find the current
(unstable) place to maitain the man page translation, whenever the
need arises (the upstream text change)?

Thanks for the correct pointers


Re: cups-filters 1.28.5 released!

2020-10-14 Thread Till Kamppeter

On 14/10/2020 18:44, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

Le mardi, 13 octobre 2020, 17.38:13 h CEST Till Kamppeter a écrit :


I have released cups-filters 1.28.5 now.




cups-filters 1.28.5 released!

2020-10-13 Thread Till Kamppeter


I have released cups-filters 1.28.5 now, with the following changes:

- cups-browsed: UUID from IPP response was used after its
  pointer was freed by ippDelete() (Pull request #311).

Bug fix release for a quick, potential crasher correction in cups-browsed

Please release this on Debian. On Ubuntu I have already uploade it as we 
have Final Freeze for Groovy (20.10) this Thursday.

Thanks in advance.


Re: cups-filters 1.28.4 released!

2020-10-10 Thread Till Kamppeter

Thank you very much.


On 10/10/2020 10:54, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:

Le jeudi, 8 octobre 2020, 12.35:58 h CEST Till Kamppeter a écrit :


I have released cups-filters 1.28.4 now


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