I've just uploaded the latest version of QtPy (source: python-qtpy,
binary: python3-qtpy).  But I'm disturbed by the dependency list.

QtPy is a wrapper for PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2 and PySide6 providing a
uniform interface to these different packages.  As such, setup.py
etc. do not specify a dependency on any Qt library, but the package is
of no use without at least one of them installed.

At present, the Debian python3-qtpy package depends on 17
python3-pyqt5* packages, which seems to be at odds with the intention
of the package to be Qt-package agnostic.  It seems that it would be
cleaner for python3-qtpy to
  Recommends: python3-pyqt5 | python3-pyside2.qtcore
or perhaps to Depends: on these, and then if any packages require any
more functionality than that provided by python3-pyqt5 or
python3-pyside2.qtcore, they should explicitly state the packages they
depend on.  But it seems strange that a package depending on
python3-qtpy should automatically pull in
python3-pyqt5.qttexttospeech, for example.

On the other hand, there are 13 packages in testing that depend on
python3-qtpy, so they would potentially all require modifications to
their dependencies if we made this change.  (Three of these are
"mine", but that still leaves 10 that are not.)  I have not yet gone
through all 13 to see what python3-pyqt5.* dependencies they actually

I'd appreciate thoughts on how to proceed from this group before doing

Best wishes,


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