Re: [debian-mysql] About packages that depend on mysql-* / mariadb / virtual-mysql-*

2016-07-08 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Otto Kekäläinen's message of 2016-07-03 12:46:29 +0100:
> > 3.
> Here theres's no concensus yet within the pkg-mysql-maint team on this one.

And IMO, there won't be one until MariaDB accepts that they've created a
forked library that is API-incompatible with libmysqlclient.

> I suggest we extend the mysql-defaults source package to provide a
> real default-mysqlclient-dev metapackage, which other packages can
> build depend on, using versions if needed (just as default-jdk does).
> Current mariadb-10.0 source package does not ship any
> libmariadbclient18 nor libmariadbclient-dev packages at all, as
> previously it was seen as against the policy (but mariadb-5.5 in
> Debian did). I suggest we start producing them now again to make a
> available from mariadb-10.0.
> Having two files from two different packages is a
> controversial topic. They are not identical so it is ugly to use the
> same name. This is however a necessity dictated by the need to provide
> a drop-in-replacement that can be used directly without going into
> every single clienting program and editing the C headers and soname
> calls.

It's _extremely_ ugly to use this name. MariaDB needs to stop shipping a
library that claims to be libmysqlclient, but is not.

This notion of a drop-in replacement is just a bait-and-switch tactic
(even if it isn't meant to be one). By allowing somebody to build
against a new API without changing their build scripts, it's just
allowing them to accidentally use that new API and then unknowingly be
dependent on symbols only available in the forked library. There's a
different between ABI equality, and ABI compatibility, and IMO, the
former is more important for Debian.

> It should be noted that the Debian packages shipped directly from
> have provided the file since forever and
> there has not been problems and the drop-in-replacement function has
> been fullfilled as expected. All packages that used to depend on
> Oracle MySQL client library have continued to function with the
> MariaDB equivalent when repositories are activated.

There have not been problems that users reported to MariaDB, because
the issue is extremely subtle and subversive. Those users would only
ever know that there was a problem if they wanted to distribute their
code and had another user try to build on libmysqlclient. For the
average MariaDB user, that's not such a big deal, as they may not be
distributing their code. For Debian, we're distributing all of it, and
we have a duty to give users reliable software. We don't want to build
against libmariadbclient-dev-compat and then the software just doesn't
work with from MySQL.

> It should also be noted that the soname version number 18 has been
> used in Oracle MySQL for a long time without bumping it despite
> changes in the API. The API changes have also gone undocumented all
> the time as the libmysqlclient18 package does not have .symbols file.
> Oracle has finally bumped the soname version to 20 in MySQL 5.7. The
> number 19 is not used anywhere, but was left as something that can be
> resorted to in 5.6, in case somebody would complain too much that 5.5
> and 5.6 API differ but have same version number. No one has, so for
> all practical purposes, the current situation is OK.

The past was horrible, and MySQL obviously did weird things and our
packages were not sufficient to police this properly. But that doesn't
change the fact that MariaDB has hijacked the mysqlcient soname.

> The solution I suggest works nicely in the scope of
> libmysqlclient18/libmariadbclient18 and is resilent for scenarios
> where libmysqlclient20 is introduced or where even more client
> libraries are available (mainly libmariadb2), but I won't go into the
> details of those now, as I think here is enough information to decide
> on whether or not it is OK to provide from a
> libmariadbclient18 package. This would also mean we introduce the
> default-libmysqlclient-dev pmetaackage which depends on either
> libmariadbclient-dev or libmysqlclient-dev package.
> Please comment and advice on how to proceed with packaging to satisfy
> with the switchable defaults requirement.

IMO, it's only OK for MariaDB to provide if it is 100%
equivalent to MySQL's If there are extra API calls,
and extra symbols, it's not the same, and it won't produce a compatible
program linked to

Re: [debian-mysql] [Summary] Request for release team decision on MySQL and MariaDB

2016-01-27 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Steven Chamberlain's message of 2016-01-27 12:30:09 -0800:
> I'll try to make this my last intervention in this thread.  Because
> it's not my decision, or area of responsibility, and I likely won't be
> one of the people having to do the work when a decision is made, but...

I appreciate your words very much Steven.

> Clint Byrum wrote:
> > most of these CVE's would remain fully undisclosed and unfixed in both
> > MySQL and MariaDB if the MySQL engineering team or customers had not
> > found them.
> Sorry, this is not compelling.  As long as Oracle sells MySQL to
> enterprise, it *must* do these things, and release source code to
> satisfy legal obligations of what is a GPL codebase.  It is really only
> doing the bare minimum in that regard.  It was also a condition of
> Oracle's acquisition of MySQL AB:
> "As part of the negotiations with the European Commission, Oracle
> committed that MySQL server will continue until at least 2015 to use the
> dual-licensing strategy long used by MySQL AB, with proprietary and GPL
> versions available"
> according to 
> Oracle may still drop MySQL support like a hat due to market conditions,
> regardless of whether Debian has already shipped it by then.

The code dump is definitely a condition, but it turns out that's also
prevented an actual fork of their work from forming. MariaDB does pull
things in, but it's forked so far now that there's still enough compelling
reason to run Oracle's code-dumped version that people choose to do it
every day.

> And apart from sponsoring Debian packaging work, Oracle seems
> conspicuously missing from:

I think this unfairly characterizes them as free riders when the point
we've been trying to make is that they're not free riding, but just
choosing to contribute with engineering time.

> Clint Byrum wrote:
> > [...] if it were written down somewhere as an actual policy. [...]
> Norvald H. Ryeng wrote:
> > Tell us exactly what you want, in detail. If you don't then I don't
> > think your position is reasonable.
> Robie Basak wrote:
> > So please: the security team needs to engage directly with Oracle by
> > responding to Norvald's email and enumerating exactly what is wrong.
> I don't see that Debian has to do that, at all.  Other upstream projects
> seem to 'just get it', so Oracle management is really expecting special
> treatment.  IMHO I respond to bad dealings with a company by shopping
> elsewhere, not helping them improve their business practices.

Of course Debian doesn't have to do it. However, here you have a
corporate citizen who _wants_ to contribute, and they're being told to
buzz off. When asking why, they're getting derisive "if you have to ask
you'll never know" type of treatment.

Just because we don't like them, doesn't mean we can kick them out of
our club.

> This is perhaps more significant than a mere decision over what goes
> into the next release.  I see a really fantastic, rare opportunity for
> Debian to take a moral stand against Oracle for shameful mistreatment
> of free software to date.  rock on \m/

So basically "they're bad people by my own conjecture, so let's stick
it to them". I am sorry, but I thought Debian would welcome those who
follow our rules.

> Niels Thykier wrote:
> > I appreciate that the release team failed on action item several
> > months back and have not been very proactive in the communication.
> > And I am sorry that it has (and probably will) inconvenience you and
> > MySQL upstream.
> I do have personal sympathy for Debian contributors who became entwined,
> by their career choices, with the business preferences of Oracle and
> Canonical.  And the team of MySQL developers who must work under
> Oracle's non-disclosure policies.  But I don't think it should get in
> the way of doing whatever seems right for Debian's users and by its
> own principles.

This is a very broad statement, and I suggest you add _specifics_ to
any accusations that somehow having MySQL in the archive is bad for
Debian's principles. Which principles are not being upheld? The users
are getting well maintained Free software. The fact that it's being
done a way that we all think is silly (and make no mistake, I think it
is one of the silliest things I've ever seen in open source software)
isn't a valid reason to reject it. It just feels good to say.

If you want to kick them out, by all means, do it. But have an actual
reason please.

Re: [debian-mysql] [Summary] Request for release team decision on MySQL and MariaDB

2016-01-27 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Holger Levsen's message of 2016-01-26 02:45:32 -0800:
> Hi,
> On Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016, Clint Byrum wrote:
> > However, I have confidence that our friends in the MySQL engineering
> > team can frame the loss of the last foothold for MySQL in Linux distros
> > as a direct path toward _less_ money for Oracle.
> why do you think so? I mean, doesn't less Mysql mean more OracleDB, thus 
> *more* money for Oracle? ;)
> (I'm not saying that's the case either, I was merely explaining why I'm 
> surprised abour your confidence.)

I'm not so confident it will be _enough_ money to change the security
policy. However, I am confident that a decision has already been made
to support Debian and Ubuntu continuing to ship MySQL. There is direct
evidence of it in the form of Oracle engineers directly contributing to
the packaging effort.

I won't speculate too much on why they believe this, but I imagine one
reason is simple: If Ubuntu and Debian don't have them, it will make
them harder to find, and might push people to select PostgreSQL, or
"anything else that isn't in the distro" when making choices.

> > So if we can just be
> > patient with them, and actually facilitate their participation in this
> > grand community of Debian, it's possible that a compromise can be found.
> Oracle bought Sun in 2010, so personally I don't see how we should be more 
> patient, especially because… the following aint anything new nor special…

Have you ever seen how slowly things change in large corporations?

I know it's hard to believe this, but even _Debian_ moves slowly

That is the first we talked about removing MySQL for these problems.
Oracle responded directly and has remained engaged since then. That they
haven't changed everything is largely a function of us not being
extremely focused in what we're asking for.

> > Meanwhile, I'd like to challenge someone to point to the exact requirement
> > from any official source affiliated with Debian as to what constitutes
> > an acceptable level of disclosure for a package to remain in the archive.
> sigh.
> go to 
> and 
> count occurances of the string "Unspecified vulnerability", if you do this 
> with iceweasel it will not even tell you the exact number of matches, just 
> "over 100".
> Now go to 
> and do the same. The count is at 66 here, but the counter only started 2015.
> So, once again: the exact requirement to be considered is: publish specific 
> information about specific vulnerabilities. Provide meaningful patches for 
> each specific issue.
> Don't release updates with 23 or 42 fixes bundled together with basically no 
> explainations whatsoever.
> And/but this is nothing new and it's very very tiring having to explain this, 
> again and again and still in 2016. It's not like we havent discussed this in 
> 2014, 2013, 2012 and probably also 2011 and 2010.

Holger, I very much value your opinions, and I _hope_ for the same things
from any open source software project. However, you wouldn't have to
explain it if it were written down somewhere as an actual policy. If it
is, please point us to that, so we can point Oracle to it, and provide
them with an ultimatum.

Re: [debian-mysql] [Summary] Request for release team decision on MySQL and MariaDB

2016-01-25 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Holger Levsen's message of 2016-01-25 17:04:57 -0800:
> Hi,
> On Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> [...other valid points not quoted here…]
> > Assuming MariaDB is affected by the same issues, I may not be in a
> > technically better situation if I switched to using that.  (Although, it
> > seems one of the recent CVEs did not affect MariaDB?).  But I look at
> > their public bug dashboard as a model of how open I want development to
> > happen, and it makes me _feel_ more comfortable and optimistic in that
> > project already.
> Steven, thanks for wording this (all of it, also the non quoted parts) much 
> better than I care to do. As I said on IRC on #debian-release:
> * | h01ger is tempted to reply "tl;dr; - mysql is the db with the NDA from 
> oracle, mariadb is the free fork shipped everywhere - without NDAs and 
> without 
> a history of screwing free software, so let's EOT here" to the recent mail in 
> that thread…
> - I know this is somewhat too simplefied, eg I do acknowledge and hope that 
> Oracle can do better than "screwing free software", but… *they* need to show 
> this *by themselves*. 
> Yet when I read this in Robie's mail: "It is not reasonable for S to expect
> U[MySQL] to change their policy in order to meet a goal if S refuse to
> tell U[MySQL] how success against that goal will be measured." I have little 
> hope + motivation to explain this better - CVE is a public database.
> So, another summary: there's a software from a company with NDAs (which have 
> been applied to the question at hand, no less) and "a history of screwing 
> free 
> software" and there's a project to reuse the same codebase (and then build on 
> it) to not do that.
> Also, I wonder why … ;-)

Holger, I understand this frustration entirely. But let's be completely
honest here. Nobody has told Oracle exactly what Debian wants. I know,
it seems like it should be obvious, but for Oracle, they speak money
_first_, and then software. I know, also, that this is anathema to many
users, and this alone is enough to drive some to want to have nothing
to do with MySQL. _I get that_. MariaDB is right over here, and I invite
those of you who feel this way to switch to that fine fork of MySQL.

However, I have confidence that our friends in the MySQL engineering
team can frame the loss of the last foothold for MySQL in Linux distros
as a direct path toward _less_ money for Oracle. So if we can just be
patient with them, and actually facilitate their participation in this
grand community of Debian, it's possible that a compromise can be found.

Meanwhile, I'd like to challenge someone to point to the exact requirement
from any official source affiliated with Debian as to what constitutes
an acceptable level of disclosure for a package to remain in the archive.

Re: [debian-mysql] [Summary] Request for release team decision on MySQL and MariaDB

2016-01-25 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Steven Chamberlain's message of 2016-01-25 16:48:23 -0800:
> Hi,
> As a mere user (systems administrator), I'll share some questions /
> criticisms from my perspective that might help shed some light on the
> underlying issues.
> I was wondering why after the 2016-01-19 announcement, there is still no
> patched mysql-5.5 in jessie or wheezy;  and also why mariadb was only
> just patched today.  Debian is typically much faster than this at
> getting out patches.  Is it to do with complexity, available manpower,
> or other things?
> Another concern I have is that when I check Debian's Security Tracker, I
> although I can see which CVEs apply to my (still unpatched) systems, the
> only descriptions I have are for example:
> "[...] allows remote authenticated users to affect integrity via unknown
> vectors related to encryption"
> That is definitely not okay in a free, open-source software project.  I
> want to be able to evaluate how/whether my specific configuration is
> vulnerable and assess the risk for myself, while I wait for patches to
> come, and decide if I even want to apply them at all.
> Why is it that way?  It reflects badly on Oracle that they don't or
> can't do better, and it reduces my personal trust in them.
> (It's in the Debian Social Contract, "we will not hide problems").
> In contrast, for something as complex as the Linux kernel, I'm usually
> pointed to a specific Git commit showing how and where the bug was
> fixed, and there's often public discussion of the vulnerability in Red
> Hat's bug tracker or other sources.
> Assuming MariaDB is affected by the same issues, I may not be in a
> technically better situation if I switched to using that.  (Although, it
> seems one of the recent CVEs did not affect MariaDB?).  But I look at
> their public bug dashboard as a model of how open I want development to
> happen, and it makes me _feel_ more comfortable and optimistic in that
> project already.

Hi Steven. Thanks very much for your participation in this discussion.

One of the nuances that gets missed in these undisclosed, vague
vulnerability messages, is that most of these CVE's would remain fully
undisclosed and unfixed in both MySQL and MariaDB if the MySQL engineering
team or customers had not found them.

Does this excuse Oracle for their misguided policy of non-disclosure?
Absolutely not. But I want to make it clear that we wouldn't even know
about these vulnerabilities were it not for them. So which is worse:
knowing that you might be broken, or not knowing at all.

Regarding the speed of patching: MySQL is massive. It takes several
hours to build and fully test on a good quality machine. Because the
patched version came out before the CVE's and CPU's attached to it, some
of this was already done. But a final set of binaries must be prepared,
tested, and uploaded. I think it is understandable that this might take
more than 5 days. But it should be completed soon.

Re: [debian-mysql] Request for release team decision on MySQL and MariaDB [was: Re: Bug#793316: Bug#793316: transition: mysql-5.6]

2016-01-14 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Moritz Mühlenhoff's message of 2016-01-14 13:11:22 -0800:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 08:14:06PM +, Robie Basak wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 07:27:30PM +0100, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> > > *Sigh*. And that is exactly the problem (and we've already pointed this
> > > out at DebConf half a year ago)
> > > 
> > > We should really go ahead and move forward, the freeze isn't terribly far 
> > > away.
> > 
> > I don't think it's reasonable to use a security question raised by
> > MariaDB as an excuse to kick out MySQL. Because whether you do so or
> > not, your situation with getting information about CVEs in relation to
> > MariaDB will not change.
> >
> > Let's treat the situation with each on their own merits and be
> > constructive about this.
> This policy equally hurts us for mysql alone. Debian LTS had go through
> a messy 5.1-5.5 transition because of Oracle's policies.

That's a real shame. That said, I think that is a one-time fallout from
the fact that 5.5 was _really_ late getting into Debian, and basically
missed a release because nobody was working on MySQL for a while.

Still, it's worth noting that the ridiculous "no disclosure" policy puts
users in the awkward position of either being forced down the path to
newer releases, or accepting that they just know _that there is a
problem_, and not _what the problem is_.

> > That *is* something that might be able to be addressed directly by
> > Oracle, and if it does get addressed then MariaDB's situation could
> > improve too, and Debian wins.
> We've already raised this at DebConf with Norvald from Oracle half a year
> ago and nothing happened. Several other parties didn't get these infos
> from Oracle in the past (not even Red Hat). The VirtualBox developers
> were equally shut down by Oracle (after being cooperative for a while).
> I see no chance that this will really happen. We'll definitely not
> wait for it and we need to make a move ASAP. The freeze is only like
> eight months away and a transition from mysql to mariadb takes it's
> time.

To be clear, it is not a transition from mysql to mariadb. MariaDB is
there, and available, and users may use it as they please. The
suggestion is that because it is there, we can discontinue inclusion of

> > So please: the security team needs to engage directly with Oracle by
> > responding to Norvald's email and enumerating exactly what is wrong.
> > Otherwise nobody can reasonably claim about what Oracle is not doing in
> > relation to security, because the security team refuses to say what the
> > problem is.
> *sigh* That as already been raised multiple times and it was all reported
> to Oracle at DebConf. Information about specific security issues and
> their mapping to fixes (just like raised by Otto, which explains the
> need very well) need to be publicly available (we're unable and unwilling
> to sign an NDA).

Full disclosure will not happen, and we shouldn't expect it to. If that
is actually a requirement for inclusion in Debian, then MySQL should be
dropped immediately and a transition to using MariaDB for libmysqlclient
should be started in place of the 5.6 transition. But, my understanding
was that it was _not_ required, and that the point release shipping has
gone relatively well, aside from the fact that the security team has been
uploading the updates (we need to fix the communication channel there,
but I think that's under way).

Bug#804810: RM: python-repoze.what/1.0.9-5

2015-11-12 Thread Clint Byrum

Excerpts from Emilio Pozuelo Monfort's message of 2015-11-12 01:18:55 -0800:
> On 11/11/15 23:32, Clint Byrum wrote:
> > Package:
> > Severity: normal
> > User:
> > Usertags: rm
> > 
> > This package is blocking python-repoze.who 2.2-2 from entering testing.
> > That, in turn, blocks python-pysaml2 v3 from entering testing, which is
> > in turn blocking keystone from entering testing.
> > 
> > Meanwhile, the project upstream has not received any commits for several
> > years. The only real reverse dependency in the archive, turbogears2
> > will hopefully remove the dependency on python-repoze.what-plugins given
> > this bug:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > tg.devtools is already removed from testing and so would not block this.
> > 
> > So, once that bug is acted upon, it should be quite simple to
> > remove this and python-repoze.what-plugins from testing (and likely
> > eventually from the archive if they are not updated to work with modern
> > python-repoze.who).
> Please ping us once that bug is fixed.

Hi Emilio, thanks for the quick response. Laszlo fixed 804809 just now,
so once python-turbogears2 2.3.7-1 migrates to testing, I believe that
means python-repoze.what and python-repoze.what-plugins can be removed
from testing.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

Bug#804810: RM: python-repoze.what/1.0.9-5

2015-11-11 Thread Clint Byrum
Severity: normal
Usertags: rm

This package is blocking python-repoze.who 2.2-2 from entering testing.
That, in turn, blocks python-pysaml2 v3 from entering testing, which is
in turn blocking keystone from entering testing.

Meanwhile, the project upstream has not received any commits for several
years. The only real reverse dependency in the archive, turbogears2
will hopefully remove the dependency on python-repoze.what-plugins given
this bug:

tg.devtools is already removed from testing and so would not block this.

So, once that bug is acted upon, it should be quite simple to
remove this and python-repoze.what-plugins from testing (and likely
eventually from the archive if they are not updated to work with modern

Bug#793316: [debian-mysql] Bug#793316: transition: mysql-5.6

2015-07-25 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Vincent Bernat's message of 2015-07-25 05:28:15 -0700:
  ❦ 23 juillet 2015 07:17 -0700, Clint Byrum :
  I'd be interested to hear the security team's impressions on how shipping
  micro releases of MySQL has gone for them. They've been doing most if not
  all of the work, and I haven't seen bug reports flying in about those
  updates, so I suspect our primary gripe about MySQL may actually be no
  big deal. Sure they have a _ridiculous_ policy about not telling us what
  the actual security problems were. But they also have quite impressive
  policies on not breaking things in micro releases.
 One minor gripe about that: MySQL doesn't provide a stable ABI across
 those micro releases for external engines. So, any external engine has
 to be recompiled. I have the problem with pinba-engine-mysql and didn't
 want to make the way to stable with the problem unaddressed. I've asked
 the release team for guidance [1] but didn't get an answer.
 I understand that there are more serious matters to address.

Agreed, this is one of those why don't they just do that? situations.
I tried to package HandlerSocket and have given up for similar reasons.

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Bug#793316: [debian-mysql] Bug#793316: Bug#793316: transition: mysql-5.6

2015-07-24 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Paul Wise's message of 2015-07-23 21:09:13 -0700:
 On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 5:06 AM, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
  The wish of the release team and security team has been to keep just
  one MySQL variant. If such a decision is made, it must be made above
  the pkg-mysql-maint team as the team will never be able to agree which
  favourite is the best one.
  After Clint's MySQL 5.7 advertisement I am tempted to present what I
  like feature wise in MariaDB (in current and upcoming versions), but
  let's not start such an discussion, as this is not the time or place
  for such a contest. Let's just be happy that we have Free Software
  based options and competition that drives innovation forward for
 Stupid question on behalf of a lurker: what would it take for Oracle
 MySQL, MariaDB, Percona and any other MySQL forks to be merged into
 one upstream project?

An act of god?

The orgs running the projects simply have different goals, and the
architecture doesn't lend itself to an apache-style just make a mod to
make it do what you want community. Drizzle was an attempt to modularize
MySQL, but it fizzled out when corporate sponsorship dried up.

I _could_ see MariaDB merging most of the patches in the Percona variants
(many have already been merged), but Percona would likely still want to
run its own fork to be able to address their customers' service needs
in an open-source platform. If Oracle didn't have a private bug tracker,
or their weird policies, Percona might also be able to just work in-tree
for MySQL, but that's just not going to happen. :-P

It's a tangled web, so there's no really obvious answer to all of this.

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Bug#793316: [debian-mysql] Bug#793316: transition: mysql-5.6

2015-07-23 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Emilio Pozuelo Monfort's message of 2015-07-23 01:59:15 -0700:
 On 22/07/15 21:24, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
  Usertags: transition
  Severity: normal
  Control: block -1 with 793314 793315
  On behalf of the MySQL maintainers I'm filing this transition bug.
  Please keep the list Cc:ed on replies.
  The core packages involved here are mysql-5.5, mysql-5.6, mariadb-10.0.
  In order for mysql-5.6 to enter testing mysql-5.5 has to leave and
  mariadb-10.0 has to migrate at the same time.
 Didn't we agree that we would release Stretch with only mariadb? When do you
 plan to start working on that so we can drop mysql-* from testing?

Please do read up on the differences. MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0 are
already a little bit incompatible, but 5.7 will introduce some features
that MariaDB will likely be chasing for some time.

Thus far I think the main feature of MariaDB is it's not made by
Oracle. However, frankly, Oracle have been helping maintain MySQL more
than MontyProgram/SkySQL (easy to be above 0) and have demonstrated that
they are in fact very interested in doing what is needed to keep MySQL
in Debian. Otto K., a MariaDB community member, has done an amazing
job at improving MariaDB and keeping it in some ways ahead of the MySQL
packaging, so I think the two databases are neck and neck at this point.

I'd be interested to hear the security team's impressions on how shipping
micro releases of MySQL has gone for them. They've been doing most if not
all of the work, and I haven't seen bug reports flying in about those
updates, so I suspect our primary gripe about MySQL may actually be no
big deal. Sure they have a _ridiculous_ policy about not telling us what
the actual security problems were. But they also have quite impressive
policies on not breaking things in micro releases.

So, shipping two, or three, is a drain on resources, but there seem to
be enough developers to commit to maintaining both. Perhaps we should
just keep shipping both.

Also sorry Percona, I've lost track of you, your Galera work is vital
to OpenStack, so I hope you'll keep maintaining things as well. In the
past you were right there with Oracle supporting your fork. :)

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Bug#768930: unblock: pynag and syslog-nagios-bridge

2014-11-14 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Daniel Pocock's message of 2014-11-14 04:01:10 -0800:
 On 14/11/14 12:33, Julien Cristau wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 22:05:49 +0100, Niels Thykier wrote:
  On 2014-11-11 19:24, Clint Byrum wrote:
  Excerpts from Daniel Pocock's message of 2014-11-11 00:59:36 -0800:
  On 11/11/14 06:05, Clint Byrum wrote:
  I think we should unblock 0.9.1.
  Release team have been a bit reluctant to unblock whole new versions
  without any justification at all
  In this case though, maybe they can accept that there was a good reason
  why it wasn't in testing before the freeze:
  The upload only missed being in testing by 3 days, and fixes a number
  of issues. We don't want to ship with an old API. Seems like an easy
  unblock this early in the freeze.
  Honestly, no - the arguments present are really not all that
  interesting.  In fact, they are a-dime-a-dozen right now.
  In particular, my argument for rejecting pynag/0.9.1 is that the diff is
  simply too large to reasonably comprehend.
  I've added rm hints for both packages.
 Hi Julien,
 I had offered to NMU the fix against pynag 0.8.9 and was just waiting
 for Clint to respond to that

Apologies for not realizing thats what you were proposing. I would
prefer that we ship the latest upstream, but I'm not going to fight for
that. Please NMU if that will address the problem.

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Bug#768930: unblock: pynag and syslog-nagios-bridge

2014-11-11 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Daniel Pocock's message of 2014-11-11 00:59:36 -0800:
 On 11/11/14 06:05, Clint Byrum wrote:
  Excerpts from Daniel Pocock's message of 2014-11-10 12:19:19 -0800:
  On 10/11/14 20:56, Niels Thykier wrote:
  Control: tags -1 moreinfo
  On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 10:31:03 +0100 Daniel Pocock 
  syslog-nagios-bridge requires pynag 0.9.1+, older versions have a bug in
  check result file generation:
  I added a constraint in syslog-nagios-bridge well before the freeze so
  it would not propagate to testing until pynag 0.9.1 was uploaded:
  Note that the pynag upload in unstable is also cleaning out minified
  jquery and other things that make the package more compliant with Debian
  I am afraid I will have to reject this request in its current form.
  The changes to pynag is beyond what can be reasonably reviewed and
  indeed it is not a targeted fix for #768928.  The changes to
  syslog-nagios-bridge are reasonable and I could accept them, but I
  understand it is of no use without pynag as well.
  Can you please provide a targeted fix for pynag?
  This (just a few lines) could be dropped into
  Clint, would you be happy to upload 0.8.9 with that or would you like me
  to NMU perhaps?
  Or is there any reason why the whole 0.9.1 should be considered for jessie?
  I think we should unblock 0.9.1.
 Release team have been a bit reluctant to unblock whole new versions
 without any justification at all
 In this case though, maybe they can accept that there was a good reason
 why it wasn't in testing before the freeze:
 a) 0.9.1 was tagged 5 August
 b) I sent a private email to Palli on 14 August about the bug and
 uploading 0.9.1
 c) sent follow up and commented on the bug tracker 29 September
 d) noticed Palli's email bouncing on 3 November, you then made the
 upload immediately, also removing some jquery artifacts to make it more
 dfsg compliant
 e) syslog-nagios-bridge is the only dependent package that I know of and
 I have been testing that against pynag v0.9.1 locally.  Do you know of
 any other packages using pynag as a dependency?
 It appears that a range of issues were fixed upstream in 0.9.0 and 0.9.1
 - do you know if any of these issues justify an unblock for 0.9.1 or
 maybe the collection of all these issues together justifies an unblock?

The upload only missed being in testing by 3 days, and fixes a number
of issues. We don't want to ship with an old API. Seems like an easy
unblock this early in the freeze.

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Bug#768930: unblock: pynag and syslog-nagios-bridge

2014-11-11 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Niels Thykier's message of 2014-11-11 13:05:49 -0800:
 On 2014-11-11 19:24, Clint Byrum wrote:
  Excerpts from Daniel Pocock's message of 2014-11-11 00:59:36 -0800:
  On 11/11/14 06:05, Clint Byrum wrote:
  I think we should unblock 0.9.1.
  Release team have been a bit reluctant to unblock whole new versions
  without any justification at all
  In this case though, maybe they can accept that there was a good reason
  why it wasn't in testing before the freeze:
  The upload only missed being in testing by 3 days, and fixes a number
  of issues. We don't want to ship with an old API. Seems like an easy
  unblock this early in the freeze.
 Honestly, no - the arguments present are really not all that
 interesting.  In fact, they are a-dime-a-dozen right now.
 In particular, my argument for rejecting pynag/0.9.1 is that the diff is
 simply too large to reasonably comprehend.

Who exactly are we affecting negatively by unblocking this package?

Because we're going to waste a number of pynag users' time by not
unblocking it and witholding the fixes and new features, as well as
wasting the syslog-nagios-bridge maintainers' time by requiring them to
backport to the old API, so I want to understand the reason we want to
do that.

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Bug#768930: unblock: pynag and syslog-nagios-bridge

2014-11-10 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Daniel Pocock's message of 2014-11-10 12:19:19 -0800:
 On 10/11/14 20:56, Niels Thykier wrote:
  Control: tags -1 moreinfo
  On Mon, 10 Nov 2014 10:31:03 +0100 Daniel Pocock wrote:
  syslog-nagios-bridge requires pynag 0.9.1+, older versions have a bug in
  check result file generation:
  I added a constraint in syslog-nagios-bridge well before the freeze so
  it would not propagate to testing until pynag 0.9.1 was uploaded:
  Note that the pynag upload in unstable is also cleaning out minified
  jquery and other things that make the package more compliant with Debian
  I am afraid I will have to reject this request in its current form.
  The changes to pynag is beyond what can be reasonably reviewed and
  indeed it is not a targeted fix for #768928.  The changes to
  syslog-nagios-bridge are reasonable and I could accept them, but I
  understand it is of no use without pynag as well.
  Can you please provide a targeted fix for pynag?
 This (just a few lines) could be dropped into
 Clint, would you be happy to upload 0.8.9 with that or would you like me
 to NMU perhaps?
 Or is there any reason why the whole 0.9.1 should be considered for jessie?

I think we should unblock 0.9.1.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [debian-mysql] MySQL in Jessie

2014-10-01 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Emilio Pozuelo Monfort's message of 2014-10-01 08:01:46 -0700:
 [ Fixing the team@security.d.o Cc ]
 On 26/09/14 11:31, James Page wrote:
  Hi Jonathan
   On 26/08/14 00:46, Jonathan Wiltshire wrote:
  Currently Jessie has version 5.5, and we would anticipate you
  shipping 5.6. Only experimental has seen an upload of 5.6. What's
  your plan here?
  Given the situation with upstream's approach to security releases,
  the security team are also in CC in case they have an opinion.
  We'd ideally like a situation where we only ship one fork of the
  codebase, so let's get your plans and take it from there.
  As I emailed before, the plan was to get mysql-5.6 into unstable prior
  to freeze; however we hit a snag that needed investigation upstream
  which has delayed things a bit; specifically an ABI enum change -
  Norvald from Oracle has done some in-depth investigate into this problem:
  The break is a minor one and only impacts three in-archive packages
  that would need a no-change rebuild post upload of mysql-5.6; so that
  we don't end up with a crazy Debian specific version of
  libmysqlclient, the recommendation is that we don't undertake a full
  transition but deal with the three exceptions as a one off, and
  resolve the soname version bump with mysql-5.7 in the future.  I'm not
  100% comfortable with this but it appears to be the best compromise we
  can come up with.
  If the release team is OK with this, we'll go ahead and upload
  mysql-5.6 to unstable and raise bugs for the three impacted packages.
  Please can you confirm.
 I think it's rather late for such an upload, especially when it involves an 
 break. I asked other RT members and the answer I got also was that it was too
 late for this.
 So I'd say we stay at 5.5 for Jessie.
  Robie and I are also working with Percona on PXC 5.6 (and PS 5.6);
  that might not land in time so percona-xtradb-cluster-5.5 might have
  to skip this release as I want to have a base compatibility of 5.6 for
  this Debian release.
 I'm not sure what you mean here.
 Also, I haven't seen an answer as to which MySQL fork we want for Jessie. We
 can't have all 3 (or 4?) of them.

I've answered already. There are people willing to do work on all of
them, and they are significantly different from each-other. Some of
those people are actually paid to do this work.

I understand this is more work for security, and I don't want to say
we have to ship all of them. I'm saying that nobody is going to step
forward and say not mine and nobody is going to step forward and say
only mine, in part because some people think all three are important.

Fedora made their decision with a steering committee, and I believe
that decision was at least in part motivated by a business feud between
RedHat and Oracle. I don't know if the CTTE would have to be involved,
but it may be the only way to choose a course of action unless I am
mistaken and members of this team are willing to nominate some of the
forks for non-inclusion.

My personal feeling is that we should include the ones that have a
company ready to stake their reputation on it by committing publicly to
maintaining it for the life of Jessie. Oracle? Percona? MariaDB? Want
your fork in Debian? Let us know!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [debian-mysql] MySQL in Jessie

2014-10-01 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Norvald Ryeng's message of 2014-10-01 11:37:58 -0700:
 - wrote:
  On 01/10/14 16:01, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
   If the release team is OK with this, we'll go ahead and upload 
   mysql-5.6 to unstable and raise bugs for the three impacted
   packages. Please can you confirm.
   I think it's rather late for such an upload, especially when it
   involves an ABI break. I asked other RT members and the answer I
   got also was that it was too late for this.
   So I'd say we stay at 5.5 for Jessie.
  OK; upstream support lifetimes are OK for this so should be ok.
 There's one more issue. MySQL 5.6 is already almost 2 years old. 5.7 is 
 probably released before jessie+1, but the recommended upgrade path is 5.5 - 
 5.6 - 5.7, so there should be one release with 5.6 first in order to provide 
 an upgrade path.

Are you suggesting that mysql_upgrade in 5.7 cannot upgrade from 5.5

That would be most unfortunate. I still don't think we can ship 5.6 in
jessie if there are ABI issues.

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Re: [debian-mysql] MySQL in Jessie

2014-10-01 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Colin Charles's message of 2014-10-01 11:57:41 -0700:
 On 2 Oct 2014, at 00:48, Clint Byrum wrote:
  My personal feeling is that we should include the ones that have a
  company ready to stake their reputation on it by committing publicly to
  maintaining it for the life of Jessie. Oracle? Percona? MariaDB? Want
  your fork in Debian? Let us know!
 As I have a vested interest in this, I'm shying away from discussion. But 
 MariaDB will support MariaDB 5.5 for the lifetime of Jessie. We have made a 
 similar commitment to Red Hat  SUSE for their enterprise releases as well. 

In order for our friends on the security team to feel good about going
forward with multiple forks, this needs to be specific. Not support
MariaDB, but maintain the MariaDB packages in Jessie.

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Re: [debian-mysql] MariaDB in Jessie

2014-09-14 Thread Clint Byrum
Oops, forgot to include debian-release in the response.

Excerpts from Clint Byrum's message of 2014-09-13 19:35:51 -0700:
 Excerpts from Jonathan Wiltshire's message of 2014-09-13 15:01:54 -0700:
  On 2014-08-26 11:27, Colin Charles wrote:
   Upstream will publish security releases for many years to come -- it
   is the choice of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, so the commitment is
  Can you quantify this? I mean, did anyone actually ask upstream what 
  their support commitment is going to be?
 Colin is upstream, and while he didn't make it a point to speak with the
 voice of MontyProgram, I believe he does.
   However, newer is always newer, so shipping MariaDB 10.0 would be nice
   if we have time to finalize it after it comes out from the NEW queue..
   I agree.
  10.0 left NEW on 26th August. Since then, it hasn't been uploaded to 
  unstable, though I do see a version on mentors from yesterday.
  It has the following problems:
- lintian error build-depends-on-obsolete-package
- rewrites changelog history
  It's past the end of transitions for Jessie. Does moving from MariaDB 
  5.5 to 10.0 in Jessie have any transition implications? There's at least 
  one symbol that goes away completely.
 AFAIK, there aren't any packages that depend on libmariadbclient. The
 biggest thing is that 10.0 is not guaranteed to be data-compatible with
 MySQL 5.5, so care needs to be taken that there aren't any cases where
 data from MySQL might be converted forward to MariaDB 10.0 leaving the
 user unable to move back to MySQL.

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Re: [debian-mysql] MySQL in Jessie

2014-08-26 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Adam D. Barratt's message of 2014-08-26 09:33:39 -0700:
 [fixing team@security.d.o CC]
 On 2014-08-26 10:05, Bjoern Boschman wrote:
  there are already several patches prepared to start mysql-5.6
  transition for sid [0].
 It's rather late for that - as per , 
 the deadline for accepting new transitions is now less than two weeks 

Sounds like we need to get on our horses and get this moving ASAP.
Unfortunately I've no time in the next 2 weeks to contribute. So all I
can do is crack the whip. :-P

  We, generally speaking of pkg-mysql, would favour shipping different
  mysql-forks starting of jessie. This would include oracle-mysql,
  mariadb, percona-xtradb-cluster, percona-xtradb-cluster-galera.
 In general, we (the release team at least, and I believe the security 
 team; please confirm) would prefer _fewer_ forks, not more - 
 particularly when at least some of those forks aren't in testing yet 
 (possibly not even in unstable).

This is such a delicate situation. IMO Debian should just ship one,
and it should be the one with the most community involvement. However,
we have had equal parts help from Percona employees, Oracle employees,
and MariaDB users, so I don't really know if we could pick a winner there.

This is really a problem that this weird community has created by
forking rather than modularizing. It's mind bending sometimes but they
all seem to be achieving at least some degree of commercial success
while going down this path. So, I can't see Debian saying no to people
who are willing to show up and do the work.

  Therefor my fellow collegues have introduced virtual-mysql packages 
  Hopefully this helps?
 Unfortunately, it's actively _un_helpful. The virtual packages lie about 
 what they provide, which makes builds fail when the mariadb packages are 
 installed; see 
 for an example.

Thanks for highlighting this problem. It sounds like the next stop after
the transition submission is this bug.

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Justification for MySQL 5.5.30 going into unstable now

2013-03-22 Thread Clint Byrum
Hello Release team.

MySQL in testing is currently 5.5.28.
MySQL in unstable is currently 5.5.29.
MySQL upstream has released 5.5.30.

MySQL 5.5.30 is the current stable release of MySQL. We can anticipate
5.5.31 very soon. I suspect there will be security fixes in that release,
although Oracle will not tell me either way. Because we know that there
will likely be more security problems found, and that we will likely
have to ship subsequent MySQL 5.5 releases in stable-security, I would
like to propose that we do everything we can to ship the latest release
of MySQL with wheezy.

I know that this is not Debian's normal preference, but Oracle has
left us little choice. We have packagers working on bringing MariaDB
to Debian, and other alternatives exist, but MySQL is so popular that
I feel compelled to keep it as well maintained as we can.

So, I have prepared 5.5.30 packages and done light testing of them for
the last week. I would like to upload these to unstable. These packages
also fix one RC bug:

The other remaining RC bug is a bit more complicated and somewhat lower
priority, and I suggest we release without fixing it (or delay the
release until MySQL upstream fixes it):

So, I am asking for advice. Release team, should I go ahead with this
upload and can I reasonably expect a freeze exception?

The packaging diff is summed up in these two commits:

Thank you for your time and efforts!

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MySQL 5.5.30 does not fix CVE-2012-4414, what to do next?

2013-03-08 Thread Clint Byrum
Please refer to [1] as the rest of this message assumes the reader has
read the log thus far.

I have just now comitted MariaDB's test for CVE-2012-4414 to the SVN
repo where we maintain mysql-5.5 unstable packaging. The package fails
to build right now because this test fails.

Lifting the test out of the commit is easy. To lift the fix out, is much
more complicated. I know it can be done, because Percona did it in their
branch. But I do not have the time to commit to such a delicate operation.

So, we are left with some options:

1) Un-block unstable's 5.5.29 and let it proceed into testing, which
will fix several other CVE's. This will introduce CVE-2012-4414. Its a
lower priority fix, so this seems like a valid option if we are pressed
for time.

2) Somebody step up and give us a patch for 5.5.30 which fixes
CVE-2012-4414.  There's probably a commit in percona's tree somewhere
that can solve the issue with perhaps some fuzz to resolve.

3) Wait until 5.5.31 comes out, and pray that Oracle have actually fixed
this security vulnerability. They've been releasing patch versions on a
2-3 month pace, so we should be able to expect 5.5.31 by late April at
the latest. Its actually a good sign that the changelog for 5.5.31 [2]
has nothing in it. The security fixes are never enumerated there due to
Oracle's non-disclosure policy. We will end up shipping 5.5.31 in the
security pocket anyway.

This is as much FYI as halp! for the release team. Any advice is

Thank you


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Re: [debian-mysql] Bug#674267: facing upto #674267

2012-06-19 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Nicholas Bamber's message of 2012-06-19 08:35:29 -0700:
 I have tested with gcc-4.4 and it seems to work okay. So that is an option.

We should do some general performance benchmarks with 4.4 vs. 4.7 before
we consider this option. It would be a shame to compromise the whole of
mysqld's performance just to improve SSL performance, as only a small
fraction of users actually make use of SSL and/or the encrypt functions.

I think at this point I'm leaning toward TAOCRYPT_DISABLE_X86ASM on
i386 as the short term fix. If Oracle figures out the ASM issue and
can give us a patch for it soon, then we can apply that, but for now,
this seems the solution that penalizes the fewest users.

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Re: [debian-mysql] Bug#674267: facing upto #674267

2012-06-19 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Nicholas Bamber's message of 2012-06-19 11:24:10 -0700:
 On 19/06/12 19:08, Clint Byrum wrote:
  Excerpts from Nicholas Bamber's message of 2012-06-19 08:35:29 -0700:
  I have tested with gcc-4.4 and it seems to work okay. So that is an option.
  We should do some general performance benchmarks with 4.4 vs. 4.7 before
  we consider this option. It would be a shame to compromise the whole of
  mysqld's performance just to improve SSL performance, as only a small
  fraction of users actually make use of SSL and/or the encrypt functions.
  I think at this point I'm leaning toward TAOCRYPT_DISABLE_X86ASM on
  i386 as the short term fix. If Oracle figures out the ASM issue and
  can give us a patch for it soon, then we can apply that, but for now,
  this seems the solution that penalizes the fewest users.
 Assuming we don't just stick one of thumbs in the air, how would you
 plan to go about this? We could just compare the build times. We could
 add some timestamps to debian/rules so we can focus on the test part of
 the build. I don't think I have got much more stomach for any more
 testing than  that as I have dealt with a fair few RC bugs over the past

I discussed this briefly with Adam Conrad whom knows a fair bit more
about GCC than I do.

He assured me that 4.4's i386 code would be mostly identical to 4.7's,
so there shouldn't be risk of performance regression.

So, if 4.4 is indeed staying, then it sounds like a good option to just
build with gcc 4.4 on i386, and 4.7 on all other platforms.

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Bug#671115: [debian-mysql] Bug#671115: transition: mysql-5.5

2012-05-25 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Adam D. Barratt's message of Sat May 19 08:51:34 -0700 2012:
 On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 06:18 -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:
  On May 8, 2012, at 2:04, Julien Cristau wrote:
   On Tue, May  1, 2012 at 22:52:22 +0100, Nicholas Bamber wrote:
   At some point we need to transition from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5. We
   would like to do this before the freeze though we appreciate that time
   is now short. We arrived at this position as the Debian MySQL Team became
   increasingly understaffed. It is better now but not ideal.
  To be fair, this transition was already completed in Ubuntu and I
  filed bugs against all packages that failed with patches. Most if not
  all of these patches have been applied.
  I would expect this transition to go quite smoothly and just to
  require rebuilds given the  experience we had in Ubuntu.
 The problem is that the recent set of php5 security updates are
 currently stuck in unstable, because they picked up a dependency on
 For most library transitions, this wouldn't be such a big problem as we
 could push the new version of the source in and have britney keep the
 old library around in testing for as long as there were
 reverse-dependencies; indeed there was some hope that with mysql-5.5
 being a separate source package, this would be even easier as the two
 source packages could co-exist.
 However, it turns out that won't work - the 5.5 packages have:
 Breaks: mysql-client-5.1 ( 5.5), mysql-server-5.1 ( 5.5),
 mysql-server-core-5.1 ( 5.5)
 and there are no versions of those packages with versions = 5.5 (so I'm
 not entirely sure what the logic behind the version constraints is).
 Various -5.1 packages have versioned dependencies on other binaries from
 that source, which means we can't even mitigate the problem by adding
 Provides from the 5.5 packages.  Providing them as real transitional
 packages from the 5.5 source would probably work, unless there's some
 reason that's a crazy suggestion?
 (There's also a mysql-5.1 upload which can't migrate to testing, as
 britney is convinced that it needs mysql-5.5 to migrate first;
 presumably because the latter now provides the
 mysql-{client,common,server} binary packages in unstable.)

I've done some testing on this. The piece of my.cnf that I thought
would break client and libmysqlclient does not. It only breaks

120525  0:20:34 [ERROR] mysqld: unknown variable 

So the Breaks: on 5.5's mysql-common can be dropped to just

Breaks: mysql-server-5.1, mysql-server-core-5.1

It seems to me that this plan will let things migrate into testing at
that point:

* Upload mysql-5.1 with all unversioned and server packages removed:
* Upload mysql-5.5 (5.5.24 is out and fixes a security flaw)  with the
Breaks: on mysql-comon relaxed as above.

This should allow us to progress 5.5 into testing without making anything
uninstallable except mysql-server-5.1, and mysql-server-core-5.1. Users
who have those installed *should* get 5.5 as an upgrade since it
breaks/replaces the -5.1 packages. Their only rdepends in unstable are:

pvpgn - suggests only
|python-mysqldb - suggests, optional 'mysql-server'
mahara - recommends, optional 'mysql-server'

I am still very new to the Debian release process though, so please do
educate me on reasons this would be a bad idea, assuming 5.5 is ready
to migrate to testing.

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Bug#671115: [debian-mysql] Bug#671115: transition: mysql-5.5

2012-05-21 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Adam D. Barratt's message of Sat May 19 08:51:34 -0700 2012:
 On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 06:18 -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:
  On May 8, 2012, at 2:04, Julien Cristau wrote:
   On Tue, May  1, 2012 at 22:52:22 +0100, Nicholas Bamber wrote:
   At some point we need to transition from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5. We
   would like to do this before the freeze though we appreciate that time
   is now short. We arrived at this position as the Debian MySQL Team became
   increasingly understaffed. It is better now but not ideal.
  To be fair, this transition was already completed in Ubuntu and I
  filed bugs against all packages that failed with patches. Most if not
  all of these patches have been applied.
  I would expect this transition to go quite smoothly and just to
  require rebuilds given the  experience we had in Ubuntu.
 The problem is that the recent set of php5 security updates are
 currently stuck in unstable, because they picked up a dependency on

For anything critical like the PHP update, would it be prudent to upload
a new one with the build dependency bumped back to libmysqlclient16-dev
so they can progress to testing independent of this transition?

 For most library transitions, this wouldn't be such a big problem as we
 could push the new version of the source in and have britney keep the
 old library around in testing for as long as there were
 reverse-dependencies; indeed there was some hope that with mysql-5.5
 being a separate source package, this would be even easier as the two
 source packages could co-exist.
 However, it turns out that won't work - the 5.5 packages have:
 Breaks: mysql-client-5.1 ( 5.5), mysql-server-5.1 ( 5.5),
 mysql-server-core-5.1 ( 5.5)

mysql-common  5.5 will break 5.1 because there are new configuration
options used in /etc/mysql/my.cnf that will *break* mysql 5.1, as in,
it will refuse to run, libmysqlclient will throw errors, etc. This is
an unfortunate, but necessary evil.

We can upload a version of 5.1 that has no mysql-server, mysql-client,
or mysql-testsuite packages, and also that depends on a mysql-common-5.1
which breaks/replaces mysql-common  ${binary:Version}, and conflicts
with mysql-common  ${binary:Version}, so that everything remains
installable during the transition. mysql-common in 5.5 would also then
need a Breaks/Replaces of that package to handle upgrades properly.

 and there are no versions of those packages with versions = 5.5 (so I'm
 not entirely sure what the logic behind the version constraints is).
 Various -5.1 packages have versioned dependencies on other binaries from
 that source, which means we can't even mitigate the problem by adding
 Provides from the 5.5 packages.  Providing them as real transitional
 packages from the 5.5 source would probably work, unless there's some
 reason that's a crazy suggestion?
 (There's also a mysql-5.1 upload which can't migrate to testing, as
 britney is convinced that it needs mysql-5.5 to migrate first;
 presumably because the latter now provides the
 mysql-{client,common,server} binary packages in unstable.)

The above idea would allow testing users to get the new 5.1 updates
while we finish the 5.5 transition. I'm not sure how important that is.

Perhaps I don't understand the transition process though.. how long will
it actually take? I'm really sorry for the total lack of understanding of
that process.. in Ubuntu where we don't have maintainers, I completed it
in about 2 days of no change rebuilds, and 1 day of patching the obvious
FTBFS's. The rest of the transition was actually fixing the 2 or 3 big
incompatibilities. With all of that work already done and those patches
submitted to all the Debian packages/upstreams/etc., I'd expect things to
go more smoothly in Debian. I understand there are more architectures, but
will it really take so long that we need to keep the 5.1 packages healthy?

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Bug#671115: [debian-mysql] Bug#671115: Bug#671115: transition: mysql-5.5

2012-05-21 Thread Clint Byrum
Excerpts from Nicholas Bamber's message of Mon May 21 12:47:19 -0700 2012:
 On 21/05/12 20:21, Julien Cristau wrote:
  On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 11:34:16 -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:
  mysql-common  5.5 will break 5.1 because there are new configuration
  options used in /etc/mysql/my.cnf that will *break* mysql 5.1, as in,
  it will refuse to run, libmysqlclient will throw errors, etc. This is
  an unfortunate, but necessary evil.
  We can upload a version of 5.1 that has no mysql-server, mysql-client,
  or mysql-testsuite packages, and also that depends on a mysql-common-5.1
  which breaks/replaces mysql-common  ${binary:Version}, and conflicts
  with mysql-common  ${binary:Version}, so that everything remains
  installable during the transition. mysql-common in 5.5 would also then
  need a Breaks/Replaces of that package to handle upgrades properly.
  I'd rather see a new mysql-5.1 upload that builds *only*
fixed top post
 That should be trivial. We need only remove all the other binary 
 stanzas, right?

You will also need to fold /etc/mysql/my.cnf into libmysqlclient16 as the
library needs that file for default settings, and then you need to make
it conflict with mysql-commont = 5.5 so as to not pick up the broken
config options.

Either way, basically nothing that depends on libmysqlclient16 will be
able to be co-installed with anything that depends on libmysqlclient18.

Welcome the to the crack that is libmysqlclient. :)

I will do some tests, maybe we can get the two libs to share a common
transitional library only my.cnf.

But, I think really we just have to finish the transition ASAP.

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Bug#671115: [debian-mysql] Bug#671115: transition: mysql-5.5

2012-05-08 Thread Clint Byrum

On May 8, 2012, at 2:04, Julien Cristau wrote:

 On Tue, May  1, 2012 at 22:52:22 +0100, Nicholas Bamber wrote:
 Severity: normal
 Usertags: transition
 At some point we need to transition from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5. We
 would like to do this before the freeze though we appreciate that time
 is now short. We arrived at this position as the Debian MySQL Team became
 increasingly understaffed. It is better now but not ideal.
 We certainly will get mysql-5.5 into unstable in the next few weeks.
 The question
 is can we migrate all the dependencies over and drop mysql-5.1 before the
 *sigh* apparently you uploaded this to sid without even waiting for an
 answer, so we now have an uncoordinated libmysqlclient SONAME bump on
 our hands...

To be fair, this transition was already completed in Ubuntu and I filed bugs 
against all packages that failed with patches. Most if not all of these patches 
have been applied.

I would expect this transition to go quite smoothly and just to require 
rebuilds given the  experience we had in Ubuntu.

 If that fails then we will be left supporting a version of MySQL that is not
 supported upstream.
 Given how well that support works anyway I'm not sure how much of a
 loss that is.

I'm not sure that is fair to Oracle. While their policies around security 
disclosure are a bit baffling and perhaps dangerous for their users, they are 
responsive to bug reports and still provide changes as individual commits in 
public bzr trees. Oracle deserves our ire, but Debian users who depend on MySQL 
will be better served by 5.5 than 5.1.

 As far as I can see the upstream packages that are likely to require
 recompilation are:
 That's an awfully long list to be breaking without coordination.  I'm
 not amused.
 pkg-mysql-maint mailing list

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Re: Bug#594607: libdbi upload to SID reverted (was: Freeze exception for libdbi and libdbi-drivers)

2010-09-01 Thread Clint Byrum
You're timing is fine from my point of view Markus, this should be
enough time to fix for 10.10. We'll be in beta freeze for 10.10
for another week or so.

Upon importing the tarball into the ubuntu package, it builds
correctly with I was also able to build libdbi-drivers,
including the testing suite, without errors (nice to have those
tests! :)

There is some more work to do, namely renaming libdbi0-dev to
libdbi-dev (as it should have been originally I think) and renaming
libdbi0 to libdbi1.

Then we'll need to tweak all of the packages that build-depend on
libdbi0-dev to libdbi-dev, and rebuild them.

As far as squeeze goes, this probably won't happen. But it should
be doable for Ubuntu 10.10.

Markus, thanks for pushing this out quickly!

On Aug 31, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Markus Hoenicka wrote:

 Clint Byrum writes:
 I believe all that is needed is to bump 'LIB_CURRENT' in from 0 
 - 1, and autoreconf.
 I hope it's not too late, but I've prepared a 0.8.4 test tarball:
 This isn't officially released yet, but I could do so in no
 time. Please have a look at the tarball and let me know if this
 serves your immediate needs.
 I've used the 0.8.3 sources and changed the following things:
 - bumped the package version number to 0.8.4
 - updated some autotools-related things in,,
  and (recent versions need AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR set
  properly, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bootstrap the build on my
  FreeBSD development box)
 - fixed the --disable-docs behaviour of configure (this had been fixed
  long ago in HEAD)
 Markus Hoenicka
 AQ score 38

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Re: libdbi upload to SID reverted (was: Freeze exception for libdbi and libdbi-drivers)

2010-08-28 Thread Clint Byrum

On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:49 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:

 Now, version 0.8.2 is back to SID. I can't upload a new 0.8.3 to
 experimental, because I need you to change your so version number before
 I can upload (otherwise, there's collisions). Please let me know when I
 can download a new fixed version of the 0.8.x series, and upload it to
 experimental (so that Ubuntu gets a chance to have the new package we've
 been working on before 10.10 is out in few month, which was the
 motivation of Clint Byrum).

Markus, it would be great if an 0.8.4 or release arrived with
soname bumped. We could just rebuild all of our rdepends, but then anybody
who has depended on libdbi0 will break when the new version arrives.

Either way, I'd prefer not to revert to 0.8.2 in Maverick, being in Beta
freeze right now. Its much better if we can just upload the new version,
and then rebuild all these rdepends:

$ apt-cache rdepends libdbi0
Reverse Depends:

I have created a bug report in Ubuntu to link to the Debian report.

I believe all that is needed is to bump 'LIB_CURRENT' in from 0 - 
1, and autoreconf.

Markus, please let me know if we can do anything to assist with this, its 
fairly urgent, but not
something we can really work around with a patch.

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Re: Please consider migrating gearman-interface 0.13.2-2 to testing

2010-08-23 Thread Clint Byrum
Hi Adam, thanks very much for taking a look!

On Aug 21, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Adam D. Barratt wrote:

 On Sat, 2010-08-21 at 09:17 -0700, Clint Byrum wrote:
   * debian/rules: moving tarball .c files out of the way so swig will
   rebuild and ship the .py files. (Closes: #593642)
 So far as I can see, this:
 [ -f python/libgearman.c.orig ] || [ -f python/libgearman.c ]  mv -f 
 python/libgearman.c python/libgearman.c.orig || true
 will attempt the mv if python/libgearman.c.orig exists but
 python/libgearman.c does not; was that intentional?

Definitely not. The intention is to only do the move if libgearman.c.orig
does not exist, and libgearman.c does.

I suppose this actually does the same thing:

mv -n python/libgearman.c python/libgearman.c.orig || true

   * add description of gearman to long description (quiets lintian)
   * Removing unnecessary build depends on ruby/rubygems
   * Version build-dep on python3
   * change python:Provides to python3:Provides
   * re-enable dh_usrlocal
 Why was the override added in the first place?

Somehow this slipped through, it was overridden during a bit of frantic
iterative building/failing early in the package's life, and never 
re-enabled, but the override was never actually necessary.

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Please consider migrating gearman-interface 0.13.2-2 to testing

2010-08-21 Thread Clint Byrum
Hello Debian Release Team, and thank you for your hard work!

I am the maintainer for the gearman-interface source package.

I hope that you will consider migrating v0.13.2-2 of gearman-interface and its 
associated binaries, python-gearman.libgearman and python3-gearman.libgearman, 
into testing, rather than dropping them. Currently the version in testing has 
this grave bug:

0.13.2-2 was recently uploaded to unstable, and fixes the problem, which is 
purely a build issue. It has this changelog:

   * debian/rules: moving tarball .c files out of the way so swig will
   rebuild and ship the .py files. (Closes: #593642)
   * add description of gearman to long description (quiets lintian)
   * Removing unnecessary build depends on ruby/rubygems
   * Version build-dep on python3
   * change python:Provides to python3:Provides
   * re-enable dh_usrlocal
   * Added watch file

Because the python3 change adds a versioned build dependency on python3 (= 
3.1.2-6~), it will have to wait for python3 3.1.2-6 to migrate into testing, 
which I see, has already been granted an exception and should be migrated in 3 

please cc: me on any replies as I am not subscribed to debian-release.

Thank you for your time, 

Clint Byrum

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Re: Suggestion: Release sarge without security support

2004-11-22 Thread Clint Byrum
On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 19:13 +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
 * Andre Lehovich:
  On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Florian Weimer wrote:
  Why can't we treat security support like a broken package, and remove
  it if it isn't fixed by its maintainers?
  The security team are doing a great job supporting Woody.
 But only if the basic infrastructure to do their job is in place.  If
 there isn't a full set of buildds, they are screwed.  (AFAIK, we don't
 have a full set of security buildds for neither sarge nor woody right
 now.  Not the fault of the security team, of course.)

This brings up something that has bothered me for months.

Help me out here. I'm not a debian developer, but I'm an avid user
(since slink), and a believer in the concept. What really annoys me is
that there is a tyrrany of the minority in Debian.

How many people are running Debian on MIPS? What about on s390? Lets
face it, its hard to get things to work exactly right on what, 11

If you remove security, the users will never forgive you.

If you remove MIPS, and s390, and maybe 1 or 2 other obscure and problem
ridden arches, the users will praise you, and probably those few that
needed those arches will understand.

I'm willing to wait for Debian's stable releases. They are glorious and
legendary in their correctness. But please please *please* stop this


Re: Suggestion: Release sarge without security support

2004-11-22 Thread Clint Byrum
On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 20:53 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
 Furthermore, d-release is _not_ a discussion list.

Point taken, and discussion ended.


Why is sarge 3.1?

2004-08-09 Thread Clint Byrum
Forgive me if this has been discussed before. I searched the archives of
debian-user, debian-devel, and debian-release, and saw nothing about

It appears that Sarge will be called 3.1. Why is that? I personally
think it should be 4.0, as do many others I have spoken with..

1) Kernel v2.2 is no longer available on install, much less the default.
2) The installer was totally rewritten.
3) [the big one] gcc-3's C++ ABI is totally incompatible with
gcc-2.95's. This alone should force a major number upgrade. What if I
have my critical custom C++ applications running on woody, and I see
Oh, 3.0 to 3.1.. I'll dist-upgrade, its no big deal .. blammo,
everything breaks!

Am I crazy? Is it too late to bring this up? Wrong forum? 

Sorry if I seem a little lost.. but I am. I'm surprised nobody has
brought this up recently.. which is why I suspect I've missed something