RE:spyder/3.1.0 in Stretch

2017-01-23 Thread PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel

I will upload it, is it compatible with qtpy  lower that 1.2 ?



> I am currently testing a build of the spyder packages with version 3.1.1.

Do not hesitate to push your packaging into the git repository.
I just saw that we need to add a few dependencies.
chardet, numpydoc



RE:spyder/3.1.0 in Stretch

2017-01-22 Thread PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
Hello Ghislain

> A snapshot release of jedi 0.10 was recently uploaded.

yes :( I hope that it will not break rdepends...

> It has been released yesterday alongside qtpy-1.2.1. Could you sponsor
> its upload, please?


no problem, is it possible for you to upload into mentors.
then I will do the job.

> I will take care of qtawesome later today or tomorrow.


> Not much news on that front yet.

hopefully it will be before the 25th.


RE:spyder/3.1.0 in Stretch

2017-01-18 Thread PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
Hello Ghislain

it is ok for the taurus upstream to work with 3.1.0

So can you prepare the qtawesome package.

I will prepare the spyder package and I woud like to upload this as soon as 
possible to let them enought time in order to fix taurus.
before the 25th



RE:spyder/3.1.0 in Stretch

2017-01-18 Thread PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
> Considering they have a test suite and a sanely crafted, it
> should be straightforward to test taurus in a venv with the newly
> released spyder version, no?

I never did this because, you need to have a working tango database, populated 
with something.
Now than the upstream decided to use Debian for their OS. I would like them to 
add the autopkgtest to taurus for Buster.
But for now I do not have the time to do this...


let's see if they are ok.

Here the output of a grep spyder in taurus sources
:~/Debian/taurus/taurus$ rgrep spyder *
debian/changelog:- python-spyderlib (>= 2.2)
debian/control:   python-spyderlib,
debian/control: python-spyderlib (>= 2.2)
Binary file doc/ matches
doc/'guidata', 'guiqwt', 'spyderlib', 
'IPython', 'ply']
doc/   'spyderlib.scientific_startup',
doc/   'spyderlib.spyder',
lib/taurus.egg-info/PKG-INFO:Requires: spyder (>=2.2)
lib/taurus/core/ __get_spyderlib_version():
lib/taurus/core/ spyderlib
lib/taurus/core/ spyderlib.__version__
lib/taurus/core/ __get_spyderlib_version_number():
lib/taurus/core/ = __get_spyderlib_version()
lib/taurus/core/ spyderlibver_str is None:
lib/taurus/core/"spyderlib": ("2.0.0", "2.0.0"),
lib/taurus/core/ = "Checking for spyderlib >=%s..." % 
lib/taurus/core/, recspyderlib = map(
lib/taurus/core/, currspyderlibStr = 
lib/taurus/core/, __get_spyderlib_version()
lib/taurus/core/ currspyderlib is None:
lib/taurus/core/ currspyderlib < minspyderlib:
lib/taurus/core/ 1, "{msg} {WARN} (Found {fnd}. 
Recommended >={rec})".format(msg=m, fnd=currspyderlibStr, 
rec=r['spyderlib'][1], **MSG)
lib/taurus/core/ 0, "{msg} {OK} (Found 
{fnd})".format(msg=m, fnd=currspyderlibStr, **MSG)
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ spyderlib
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ = 
spyderlib.__version__.split('.', 2)[:2]
Exception("TaurusEditor needs spyderlib >= 2.1")
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ Exception("TaurusEditor 
needs spyderlib >= 2.1")
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ spyderlib.utils.qthelpers 
import create_toolbutton
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ spyderlib.widgets.findreplace 
import FindReplace
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ spyderlib.widgets.editortools 
import OutlineExplorerWidget
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ spyderlib.widgets.editor import 
EditorMainWindow, EditorSplitter
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/editor/ spyderlib.plugins.editor import 
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/util/"""Rope patch for better 
performances. Based on spyderlib.rope_patch"""
lib/taurus/qt/qtgui/util/ spyderlib.utils.dochelpers 
import getargs
LICENSE.txt:( are licensed under the MIT 
PKG-INFO:Requires: spyder (>=2.2)'spyder (>=2.2)',  # [Taurus-Editor] --> or maybe move it to 
sardana 'Taurus-Editor': ['spyder>=2.2'],  # [Taurus-Editor] --> or 
maybe move it to sardana

If you see something problematic do not hesitate to speak :)

RE:spyder/3.1.0 in Stretch

2017-01-18 Thread PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
> Even better, I should be able to the a team-upload since I am a member of the 
> DPMT too.

> Argh, python-jedi is still on svn :-(. Is it ok if I seek sponsorship
> directly to you once the fix for jedi is tested?

I think that you should contact the current maintainer in order to see if this 
NMU is ok for him.
Then I can sponsorise the upload or if he is ok it can do it.

let's see.

> Is that something you can do already using spyder/3.1.0 in a Python 3
> venv, or does it have to be with the packaged version?

I contacted the taurus upstream and I will see his response.
If this is a blocker for taurus, I can not affort an upload of spyder 3.1. :((


RE:spyder/3.1.0 in Stretch

2017-01-18 Thread PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel

> Thanks for sponsoring python-qtpy/1.2.0 earlier today. If all goes well
> with upstream, I should also have an update to python-qtawesome ready
> today, which should make all b-deps satisfied for the just released
> spyder/3.1.0.

Could you prepare an NMU of python-jedi in order to have the autocompletion 
available in Stretch ?

ok for me with spyder/3.1.0, it is just that we should check that it works with 
taurus whcih is important for the
synchrotron radiation community.

> Shall we try to get this version of spyder out for Stretch then? I am
> using it extensively these days, so I could test it thoroughly in time
> before the 25th. Please let me know.

I would says that it will be easier to support spyder 3.1.x than 3.0.x for 
So let's try :)

> (Happy new year if I forgot btw)

You too :)

