Control: tags -1 patch

This should fix this (and as the filename suggests, also re-adds spme older fixes that seem to have been dropped by mistake between -1.1 and -2), but has not been tested: the relevant tests aren't run by default and there vaguely might be legal issues around ulmo's tests.
Description: Don't fail on malformed or changed test data

CDEC has malformed lines that pandas 1.4+ errors out on
(I'm not sure why earlier pandas didn't do the same);
GHCN has simply changed at the source.

Author: Rebecca N. Palmer <> (but upstream independently came up with the on_bad_lines part)
Forwarded: partly no, partly not-needed, partly

--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def test_get_stations():
     stations_file = 'cdec/historical/all_stations.csv'
     with test_util.mocked_urls(stations_file):
         stations = ulmo.cdec.historical.get_stations()
-    assert 2000 < len(stations)
+    assert 1900 < len(stations)
     assert u'PRA' in stations.index
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import test_util
 test_stations = [
         'country': 'US',
-        'elevation': 286.5,
+        'elevation': 325.8,
         'gsn_flag': 'GSN',
         'hcn_flag': 'HCN',
         'id': 'USW00003870',
-        'latitude': 34.8831,
-        'longitude': -82.2203,
+        'latitude': 34.8833,
+        'longitude': -82.2197,
         'name': 'GREER',
         'network': 'W',
         'network_id': '00003870',
--- a/ulmo/cdec/historical/
+++ b/ulmo/cdec/historical/
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ def get_stations():
         # I haven't found a better list of stations, seems pretty janky
         # to just have them in a file, and not sure if/when it is updated.
     url = ''
-        # the csv is malformed, so some rows think there are 7 fields
-    col_names = ['id','meta_url','name','num','lat','lon','junk']
-    df = pd.read_csv(url, names=col_names, header=None, quotechar="'",index_col=0)
+        # the csv is malformed, so some rows think there are 7-8 fields
+    col_names = ['id','meta_url','name','num','lat','lon']
+    df = pd.read_csv(url, names=col_names, header=None, quotechar="'",index_col=0,on_bad_lines='skip')
     return df
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def get_station_sensors(station_ids=None, sensor_ids=None, resolutions=None):
             sensor_list.columns = ['sensor_id', 'variable', 'resolution','timerange']
             sensor_list.columns = ['variable', 'sensor_id', 'resolution', 'varcode', 'method', 'timerange']
-        sensor_list[['variable', 'units']] = sensor_list.variable.str.split(',', 1, expand=True)
+        sensor_list[['variable', 'units']] = sensor_list.variable.str.split(',', n=1, expand=True)
         sensor_list.resolution = sensor_list.resolution.str.strip('()')
         station_sensors[station_id] = _limit_sensor_list(sensor_list, sensor_ids, resolutions)
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