Fwd: Re: whonix.org DNSSEC/DANE

2020-03-13 Thread estellnb

Dear readers of the debain-security mailing list

  I have recently described on how to set up a secure emailing terminal 
at https://www.elstel.org/DANE/. Since then I have got dozens of replies 
from people who said that they did not receive my emails before, not 
even in the spam folder. There are only two people whom I could still 
not reach. One of them is Patrick Schleizer. He normally always responds 
to me but I know he is reading debian-security and that is why I have 
decided to write you today. The email was on how easy it is to enable 
DANE for a custom domain: enable DNSSEC and provide a TLSA record. The 
other contact is Claudio Guarnieri. He also works in a security related 
context. He appears not to have received my emails though I sent out the 
same email a dozen of times.

Yours Sincerely,
Elmar Stellnberger

Betreff: Re: whonix.org DNSSEC/DANE
Datum: 08.03.2020 07:55
Von: estel...@elstel.org
An: Patrick Schleizer 

Am 29.12.2019 10:43, schrieb Elmar Stellnberger:

Hallo Patrick

  Also wenn deine Domain DNSSEC unterstützt, dann ist DANE Support
watscheneinfach zu haben:

Ich verwende immer DANE-EE & Use full certificate. Das ist auf der
Kommandozeile am einfachsten zu überprüfen. Mein TLSA Eintrag sieht
dann folgendermaßen aus:

$ drill m.root-servers.net +trusted-key=/usr/share/dns/root.key
+topdown +sigchase TLSA _443._tcp.elstel.org | egrep -v "^$|^;"
_443._tcp.elstel.org.   19819   IN  TLSA3 0 1

siehe auch:

so geht es auch:
dig @$dns +trusted-key=/usr/share/dns/root.key +topdown +sigchase TLSA

Gutes neues Jahr und schöne verbleibende Festtage wünscht Dir

Am 02.09.19 um 15:55 schrieb Patrick Schleizer:

Elmar Stellnberger:
P.S.: Wie sieht es mit der Unterstützung von DANE auf whonix.org 

Ich habe gesehen, daß Domain-Provider wie inwx.de inzwischen schon
DNSSEC/DANE unterstützen.

DNSSEC sieht gut aus.


DANE: noch nicht



Naja, ist halt ein Hetzner Server. Nichts gegen Hetzner, aber viel
Sicherheit kann man heutzutage von keinem Serveranbieter erwarten.

Betreff: Re: analysis of a complete rootkit
Datum: 08.03.2020 07:54
Von: estel...@elstel.org
An: Nex 

Dear Claudio Guarnieri

I just wanted to ask you whether you know about the current mass 
surveillance plaintiff against the BND? The EFF has said it could even 
become a legal precedent for US law. As you care about the analysis of 
rootkits I thought you could be interested. Please respond shortly to my 
email so that I will know whether you have received it. I have sent you 
this email now a dozen of times without getting a reply. Please look at 
https://www.elstel.org/DANE/ and https://www.elstle.org/atea/ and on the 
message I will post on debian-security in some time on how to get a 
secure emailing client. You are one of two contacts who does not 
respond. All others (dozens) have responded me since I have secure DANE 

Best Regards,

External check

2020-03-13 Thread Security Tracker
Loaded CA certificate '/etc/ssl/ca-global/ca-certificates.crt'
GnuTLS: Error in the pull function.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
The output might be a bit terse, but the above ids are known elsewhere,
check the references in the tracker. The second part indicates the status
of that id in the tracker at the moment the script was run.