I'm proud to announce a slight, but significant change, in the published
security announcements (DSA) availables at security.debian.org. Starting
tomorrow (as you can appreciate from Apache's DSA at 
http://www.debian.org/security/2002/dsa-131). Published DSAs now include
cross references to vulnerability databases (currently supported are CVE,
CERT, and Bugtraq).

This will, hopefully, make Debian user's easier to see an track which
general advisories have already been covered by Debian. It can also be
used as a way to retrieve more information (non-Debian specific) regarding
the vulnerabilities that the DSAs report as fixed in Debian. 

I have just commited to CVS (and should be available tomorrow) security
references to most DSAs published in the year 2001. We will be working on
providing this same information to this year's advisories. 

        Best regards

        Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

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