I just tried building 2.2.10 on a 2.2.1 system and got this:

vfork(BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: dynamic-link.h: 57: elf_get_dynamic_info: 
Assertion `! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!)                                 = 12682

(from strace -fv make oldconfig) I'm pretty sure it isn't kernel build
specific, I suspect just about any make that actually vforks would do
it.  However, the 2.2.9 image would hang (on my SS1+, sun4c) after
running for a little while.  Do I just wait for 2.2.(x > 9) kernel
images?  libc6 2.1.1-13 doesn't indicate a kernel dependency, is there
a newer (or older) one I should be using instead?  Or is this just
random lossage and I should try again closer to debian-2.2 :-)

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