Re: Arranque dual LILO (linux + windows 98)

2001-10-12 Por tema Enrique Marcote Peña
Qué hay Ostots:

Gracias por tu respuesta.  Voy a probar ahora mismo con lo que me dices.
Osea, que en contra de lo que dice el man, -L y lba32 no son totalmente
equivalentes ¿no?  Es bueno saberlo.



Ostots wrote:

 Hola Enrique,

 El Friday, October 12, 2001, 1:02:22 AM, escribiste:

 EMP Mi lilo.conf es el siguiente:

 EMP # /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
 EMP # ---   `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
 EMP #   and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

 EMP # +---+
 EMP # |!! Reminder !! |
 EMP # |   |
 EMP # | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this |
 EMP # | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel.  The |
 EMP # | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image  |
 EMP # | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'.  |
 EMP # |   |
 EMP # +---+

 EMP # Disk geometry.
 EMP #
 EMP #disk = /dev/hda
 EMP #   bios  = 0x80
 EMP #   sectors   = 63
 EMP #   heads = 64
 EMP #   cylinders = 1023

 EMP # Support LBA for large hard disks.
 EMP #
 EMP lba32

 Prueba a quitar o a comentar la linea de lba32 pero cuando hagas lilo,
 pon lilo -L . yo no me acuerdo porque quite esta opcion y me decante
 por la otra pero si era por algun problema de esos...

 Saludos y ta luego,
  Ostotsmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Arranque dual LILO (linux + windows 98)

2001-10-12 Por tema Enrique Marcote Peña
Qué tal, me gustaría hacer un apunte a mi mensaje anterior:

Antes tenía en la misma máquina un arranque dual Red Hat + Potato y todo
funcionaba perfectamente.  La Potato estaba donde está ahora, en el disco
grande, la Red Hat donde ahora está güindos.  Al instalar güindos decidí
dedicarle la partición primaria del disco pequeño, para contentar al nene tuve
que cambiar los discos de orden (antes tenía el de 2.4 Gb como secondary
master y lo pasé primary master) por que según tengo entendido necesita estar
instalado en la partición primaria del primer disco.  Pues eso, que con los
discos intercambiados (y sin el virus este con forma de SO) el LILO me funcionó
siempre a la perfección.



Enrique Marcote Peña wrote:


 No soy capaz de poner a funcionar el LILO con windows 98.  Tengo dos
 discos duros hdc de 10 Gb con Potato y el hda de 2.4Gb, donde contra mi
 voluntad he tenido que instalar el windows ese.  Instalo el LILO y no
 logra arrancar, me da el error 40, osea

 L 40 40 40 40 ...

 He mirado en la documentación del LILO y para este error en concreto no
 dice gran cosa (Seek failure.  This might be a media problem.  Try
 booting again) lo intento y nada.  También  he probado a especificar la
 geometría del disco...más de lo mismo.

 ¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información al respecto?¿Alguien ha tenido
 algún problema similar?

 Muchas gracias,


 Mi lilo.conf es el siguiente:

 # /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
 # ---   `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
 #   and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

 # +---+
 # |!! Reminder !! |
 # |   |
 # | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this |
 # | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel.  The |
 # | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image  |
 # | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'.  |
 # |   |
 # +---+

 # Disk geometry.
 #disk = /dev/hda
 #   bios  = 0x80
 #   sectors   = 63
 #   heads = 64
 #   cylinders = 1023

 # Support LBA for large hard disks.

 # Specifies the boot device.  This is where Lilo installs its boot
 # block.  It can be either a partition, or the raw device, in which
 # case it installs in the MBR, and will overwrite the current MBR.

 # Specifies the number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds) LILO should
 # wait before booting the first image.

 # Enable map compaction:
 # Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
 # read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the
 # map smaller.  Using `compact' is especially recommended when
 # booting from a floppy disk.  It is disabled here by default
 # because it doesn't always work.


 # Specifies the VGA text mode at boot time. (normal, extended, ask,
 # vga=ask
 # vga=9

 # Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. (`/')

 # Installs the specified file as the new boot sector

 # Specifies the location of the map file

 # You can set a password here, and uncomment the `restricted' lines
 # in the image definitions below to make it so that a password must
 # be typed to boot anything but a default configuration.  If a
 # command line is given, other than one specified by an `append'
 # statement in `lilo.conf', the password will be required, but a
 # standard default boot will not require one.
 # This will, for instance, prevent anyone with access to the
 # console from booting with something like `Linux init=/bin/sh',
 # and thus becoming `root' without proper authorization.
 # Note that if you really need this type of security, you will
 # likely also want to use `install-mbr' to reconfigure the MBR
 # program, as well as set up your BIOS to disallow booting from
 # removable disk or CD-ROM, then put a password on getting into the
 # BIOS configuration as well.  Please RTFM `install-mbr(8)'.
 # password=tatercounter2000

 # You can put a customized boot message up if you like.  If you use
 # `prompt', and this computer may need to reboot unattended, you
 # must specify a `timeout', or it will sit there forever waiting
 # for a keypress.  `single-key' goes with the `alias' lines in the
 # `image' configurations below.  eg: You can press `1' to boot
 # `Linux', `2' to boot `LinuxOLD', if you uncomment the `alias'.
 # message=/boot/bootmess.txt
 #   prompt
 #   single-key
 #   delay=100
 #   timeout=100

 # Kernel command line options that apply to all installed images go
 # here.  See: The 

Arranque dual LILO (linux + windows 98)

2001-10-11 Por tema Enrique Marcote Peña

No soy capaz de poner a funcionar el LILO con windows 98.  Tengo dos
discos duros hdc de 10 Gb con Potato y el hda de 2.4Gb, donde contra mi
voluntad he tenido que instalar el windows ese.  Instalo el LILO y no
logra arrancar, me da el error 40, osea

L 40 40 40 40 ...

He mirado en la documentación del LILO y para este error en concreto no
dice gran cosa (Seek failure.  This might be a media problem.  Try
booting again) lo intento y nada.  También  he probado a especificar la
geometría del disco...más de lo mismo.

¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información al respecto?¿Alguien ha tenido
algún problema similar?

Muchas gracias,


Mi lilo.conf es el siguiente:

# /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
# ---   `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
#   and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

# +---+
# |!! Reminder !! |
# |   |
# | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this |
# | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel.  The |
# | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image  |
# | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'.  |
# |   |
# +---+

# Disk geometry.
#disk = /dev/hda
#   bios  = 0x80
#   sectors   = 63
#   heads = 64
#   cylinders = 1023

# Support LBA for large hard disks.

# Specifies the boot device.  This is where Lilo installs its boot
# block.  It can be either a partition, or the raw device, in which
# case it installs in the MBR, and will overwrite the current MBR.

# Specifies the number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds) LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.

# Enable map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the
# map smaller.  Using `compact' is especially recommended when
# booting from a floppy disk.  It is disabled here by default
# because it doesn't always work.


# Specifies the VGA text mode at boot time. (normal, extended, ask,
# vga=ask
# vga=9

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. (`/')

# Installs the specified file as the new boot sector

# Specifies the location of the map file

# You can set a password here, and uncomment the `restricted' lines
# in the image definitions below to make it so that a password must
# be typed to boot anything but a default configuration.  If a
# command line is given, other than one specified by an `append'
# statement in `lilo.conf', the password will be required, but a
# standard default boot will not require one.
# This will, for instance, prevent anyone with access to the
# console from booting with something like `Linux init=/bin/sh',
# and thus becoming `root' without proper authorization.
# Note that if you really need this type of security, you will
# likely also want to use `install-mbr' to reconfigure the MBR
# program, as well as set up your BIOS to disallow booting from
# removable disk or CD-ROM, then put a password on getting into the
# BIOS configuration as well.  Please RTFM `install-mbr(8)'.
# password=tatercounter2000

# You can put a customized boot message up if you like.  If you use
# `prompt', and this computer may need to reboot unattended, you
# must specify a `timeout', or it will sit there forever waiting
# for a keypress.  `single-key' goes with the `alias' lines in the
# `image' configurations below.  eg: You can press `1' to boot
# `Linux', `2' to boot `LinuxOLD', if you uncomment the `alias'.
# message=/boot/bootmess.txt
#   prompt
#   single-key
#   delay=100
#   timeout=100

# Kernel command line options that apply to all installed images go
# here.  See: The `boot-prompt-HOWO' and `kernel-parameters.txt' in
# the Linux kernel `Documentation' directory.
# append=

# Boot up Linux by default.

#   restricted
#   root=/dev/hdc2
#   alias=2
#   alias=2
#   label=LinuxOLD
#   read-only
#   optional
#   restricted
#   alias=3
# If you have another OS on this machine to boot, you can uncomment the
# following lines, changing the device name on the `other' line to
# where your other OS' partition is.
#   restricted

Re: Arranque dual LILO (linux + windows 98)

2001-10-11 Por tema Ostots
Hola Enrique,

El Friday, October 12, 2001, 1:02:22 AM, escribiste:

EMP Mi lilo.conf es el siguiente:

EMP # /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
EMP # ---   `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
EMP #   and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

EMP # +---+
EMP # |!! Reminder !! |
EMP # |   |
EMP # | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this |
EMP # | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel.  The |
EMP # | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image  |
EMP # | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'.  |
EMP # |   |
EMP # +---+

EMP # Disk geometry.
EMP #disk = /dev/hda
EMP #   bios  = 0x80
EMP #   sectors   = 63
EMP #   heads = 64
EMP #   cylinders = 1023

EMP # Support LBA for large hard disks.
EMP lba32

Prueba a quitar o a comentar la linea de lba32 pero cuando hagas lilo,
pon lilo -L . yo no me acuerdo porque quite esta opcion y me decante
por la otra pero si era por algun problema de esos...

Saludos y ta luego,
 Ostotsmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]