Hola foro

Grabo 3 cds correctamente, al grabar el cuarto me da este error:

cdrecord.mmap: Input/output error. flush cache: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 02 FF 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x02 Qual 0xFF (no seek complete) [No matching qualifier] Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 12.473s timeout 120s
Trouble flushing the cache
cdrecord.mmap: Cannot close track.
Writing  time:   75.767s
Average write speed   0.3x.
Min drive buffer fill was 57%
Fixating time:   44.313s
cdrecord.mmap: fifo had 1213 puts and 1150 gets.
cdrecord.mmap: fifo was 0 times empty and 1091 times full, min fill was 57%.

porque puede ser?


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