Debian Hugo Website

2021-04-05 Thread Abraham Raji

My name is Abraham Raji and I'm a Debian User and Contributor. If you're 
already working to shift the Debian website to Hugo, I'd like to volunteer to 
help. I'm a UI/UX designer and a frontend developer and have worked with Hugo 
in the past. Looking forward to your reply.

Abraham Raji

Re: Complete Website Revamp

2021-03-20 Thread Abraham Raji

If I'm being honest though we could use a better looking website with easier 
ways to do things, bringing in react or vue seems like an overkill. I don't 
really see any merit in doing that especially since our use case is so simple. 
Please explain your car further.

Abraham Raji

On 2021, മാർച്ച് 20 3:52:22 PM IST, Arpit Patidar  
>Hello Debian Team,
>I am Arpit Patidar, the founder and Chief Operating Officer of MarsX
>I have recently switched from Ubuntu to Debian and I love it. Its great. 
>but I noticed that the website look hasn't been updated in ages and it 
>looks pretty much outdated.
>And so, I would like to propose a complete revamp of website where we 
>switch from wml to advanced frontend frameworks like Vue/React.js. coz I 
>think there is literally a huge community of debian and the website now 
>needs an update.
>with the help of community we can update the entire site in 2-3 months. 
>so, I guess we should ask the community about the website revamp.
>Also, if you guys need my help then I would love to help the team out 
>with the frontend.
>Waiting for your response.
>Arpit Patidar
>Founder and Chief Operating Officer of MarsX

Re: A new style for the Debian Project website

2021-02-22 Thread Abraham Raji
In all honesty, I've wanted to do this for a while but I didn't know who to go 
to. I also felt that since a functioning system is already in place the admins 
wouldn't be very open to any radical changes. I do think that moving to a 
modern framework will make it easier to maintain the website, to add new 
features as per need and to find more people willing and able to contribute.

It may take a while to get it up and running but in my opinion the effort would 
be totally worth it.

I am a product designer and web developer who uses Debian GNU/Linux as his 
daily driver. I also contribute to ruby, js and go teams on Debian by 
maintaining a few packages. I also help organize Debian events in India. I'm 
very much invested in the Debian Project and would wholeheartedly volunteer my 
time to build a new website for Debian.

Abraham Raji

On 2021, ഫെബ്രുവരി 23 12:45:16 AM IST, "Lucas Marçal Coutinho" 
>Hi guys all right?
>Some time ago I saw that they changed the homepage of the site a little,
>but only a few days ago I saw the blog post saying that they were open to
>receive help.
>I don't know much, but I took advantage of my last days of vacation before
>returning to classes to try to give you some ideas.
>Even if you already have ideas, I hope you like it!
>Hugs! 
>Debian Project Website Reimagined

3 things I'd change about

2020-11-02 Thread Abraham Raji
Hey Everyone,

My name is Abraham Raji. I contribute to the Debian project by helping the
Debian JS, Ruby and Go teams to maintain software I'm familiar with the age old
wise saying, "If it ain't broke don't fix it." and most of you will argue that
it's not broken. I agree with you.. for the most part.

Here's what I love about
- The website is completely usable from a terminal.
- How accessible it is.
- The team's commitment to adhering to standards.
- The simplicity of it all.
- The general lack of JavaScript.

Here's my wish-list for
- Better UI. No I'm not talking about those modern monstrosities that you may
 have come across in your day to day lives but something along the lines of ( 
and if we're feeling particularly pretty
 even something like 
( .
- Better navigation. Suppose I wish to package a ruby library for Debian and
 like a sane person I start looking from and start looking for
 resources. I need to go through 4 separate pages before I reach the Ruby Team
 page on Debian Wiki. This is assuming I know how Debian works and is not an
 absolute newbie. Even if I reach the Team page there's no real way to
 intuitively navigate through the various pages maintained by the Ruby Team
 except of course for the literal paragraph of links at the bottom of the Ruby
 Team page. This is not good.
- Modern Technology to power the website. This is something that makes sense to
 me and I'm not going to push for this as much as I would for the top two.
 Perl is good... but it isn't great.
 Modern day web frameworks aren't exactly perfect and some of them are indeed
 pure trash but some of them aren't really that bad either. We would probably
 need new volunteers if we switch to a different technology but I would argue
 that it is way more easier to find people working with python or ruby or PHP
 in comparison to those working with Perl these days and it's only going to get
 tougher to find people for Perl as time goes by.

That's it. Just these three things.

If not today we'd have to address these issues someday and then you'd wish that
you had started working on it earlier. I'm not aware of any on-going effort to
address these issues but if there's something like that going on great! I'd love
to be a part of that effort. I hope I haven't offended anyone here but if I have
I would like to say that, that was never my intention.

I am willing to work with everyone here for as long as it takes to address these
issues with the website. I may be wrong about a lot of things here, please let
me know what they are. I would love to hear your thoughts regarding everything
I've said in this mail.

- Abraham Raji
Mea navis aëricumbens anguillis abundat.