Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] Overflow directory and a note about Windows 2003 DNS

2005-01-24 Thread David Sullivan
Hello Darrell,

Monday, January 24, 2005, 5:38:51 PM, you wrote:

Dsic> We do the same thing.  One thing you can do is fake mail coming in.  I 
use a
Dsic> batch file. 


Thanks we'll give it a shot. This should be a great help.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] Overflow directory and a note about Windows 2003 DNS

2005-01-24 Thread David Sullivan
Declude Queue is nice and was invaluable before the Queue
Manager service on Imail.

The only problem is this:

RSP> than X.  At that point, when an E-mail arrives, Declude will start enough
RSP> Declude processes to hit the limit of X (each of which scans a single 

DQ requires a continues flow of email in order to clear the /overflow
folder. Sending a single message through will not keep the DQ delivery
process going.

We're still having a number of Imail/PF issues and when a
machine gets swamped we switch processing entirely to another box.
Then we're stuck with q files in the /overflow folder and no way to
get them out. If you copy them into the /spool they don't get scanned
by Declude JM or Virus

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] Overflow directory

2003-01-07 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> Why  they don't answer with an 5xx code? There was one single "531 -
> Mailbox has exceeded disk quota" today...

Because  they're stupid. They don't want to wait, so they just keep it
comin' 1/2 hour later.

>> If the server terminates the session and blacklists you temporarily
>> or permanently for future attempts...

> According to our MRTG-Stats and SMTP-Logfiles they neither has done
> this.

Even  more  enraging--they don't even know how to be smart about being

> Do  you  remember  some  keyword  or  the subject line? In this list
> Imail-keywords are commonly used ;-)

The thread is called "Hotmail rejection" from Dec 2002.

> It's not so easy: Most of the users aren't able to differentiate between
> kB and MB...

Word to that.


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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] Overflow directory

2003-01-07 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> So  there  are  a lot of msgs where the remote mailserver after some
> mb's   of   transfered   data   terminates   the   trasmission.

Any  mail  server that terminates the session instead of sending a 5xx
is  broken,  as  it's  just  inviting more waste on both sides. If the
server  terminates  the  session  and  blacklists  you  temporarily or
permanently  for  future attempts, that's "politically" draconian, but
at  least  it's  technically  wiser  about  bandwidth. I had a lengthy
argument about this with Len Conrad on the IMail list; you may wish to
look it up.

As  you  mention, setting an outgoing size limit may help. But it will
not  help if you set a (generous, but not crazy) 10 MB limit and users
send to domains with even lower limits. And these domains are the ones
most  likely  to  muck with your retries. It is, essentially, a no-win
situation  unless  you  counsel  users to be sure that the destination
domain willaccepttheirattachments--fareasierin
corporate-to-corporate situations than in person-to-person.


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