
I've  posted  FOOTER32, a Declude Junkmail add-in that can add footers
to both text/plain and text/html MIME parts. Development was triggered
by  an  IMail  user's request to add legal disclaimers to all outgoing
messages  (currently  impossible  with vanilla IMail/Declude), but the
tool can certainly be used to add footers for other purposes.

Installation  is  simple:  FOOTER32  is  a  Declude external test with
(typically) a weight of 0.

Configuration is by means of a few basic command-line switches:

-  Like  our  SPAMC32,  FOOTER32  offers  the option to have a skip-if
weight  (-sw  switch)  so  that  it will not be run if the message has
already  achieved  a  predefined weight (if the message is going to be
quarantined or deleted, there may be no reason to add a footer).

-  Maximum  message size (-a) for rare occasions when processing power
is very limited and you don't want to parse out and rewrite very large
messages.  This  will certainly not be workable for legal disclaimers,
but could be for other uses.

-  Footer file (-yf) allows you to specify the text file that contains
your  footer text. Different hosts can have different footers, or none
at  all,  by  passing  the Declude %LOCALHOST% variable on the command

- No-footer file (-nf) allows you to specify the signal file (can be a
0-byte  file) that will turn off a disclaimer for selected hosts. This
is  helpful if you are using a single shared footer file for all hosts
except a chosen few.

-  Outgoing-only  (-oo)  only adds footers to outgoing messages, using
the Declude %INOROUT% variable.

Operation is by means of simple insertion within MIME assembly:

-  Text  body  parts  have  the  contents  of the footer file appended

-  HTML  body parts have the contents of the footer file appended in a
fixed-width   font,   with   HTML   entity   codes   substituted   for
carriage-return  and  space characters. This allows for full-justified
footer.txt  files  to  be  appended in a businesslike, neutral format.
There  are  currently  no plans to change this behavior -- FOOTER32 is
designed  to adapt plain-text footers to plain-*looking* HTML footers,
not to provide a design platform for fancy signatures!

The download URL is:


-  Support  and  feature requests will be through the Declude Junkmail

-  The  usual  disclaimers  about  modifying message bodies in transit
apply (PGP, iCal, etc.).

-   Badly  malformed  MIME  messages  will  cause  the  tool  to  exit
harmlessly,  but  without adding the footer. You can forward unaltered
messages  to  me, and I'll see what I can do, but that can be a can of
worms:   this   isn't   a  security  application,  so  working  around
non-standard mailers was far from a priority. The main goals here were
(1)   to  reliably  add  footers  to  rich-text  messages  created  by
RFC-compliant   mailers,  (2)  to  show  "good  faith"  in  attempting
modifications to broken messages, and (3) and to degrade gracefully if



Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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