RE: Delphi 2009 and Strings

2009-05-05 Thread Robert Meek
Okay, that makes sense.  I thought perhaps there was some other
reason I wasn't getting.  Thanx.

from Robert Meek dba Tangentals Design
Creative Concepts Programming for Windows Vista
Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so!
[Bertrand Russell  1872-1970]

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Francois Piette
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 7:44 AM
To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
Subject: Re: Delphi 2009 and Strings

Simply do a search and replace to change all
occurrences of String type to AnsiString type. The compiler will
automatically convert AnsiString to UnicodeString when it is necessary.
will work although you will not
benefit from Unicode.

I realize I'm missing something obvious here, but why won't it
benefit from Unicode if the strings are converted?

To benefit from Unicode, you must use Unicode all the way between user input
to user output, passing by database and everything. If a single element in
the chain handle strings as AnsiString, then you won't be able to handle
Unicode properly.

Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)

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RE: Delphi 2009 and Strings

2009-05-05 Thread Robert Meek
Working for a firm where someone else can make such decisions like
this is a bear I guess, and it’s the same in any firm.  At least it has been
for every company I've ever worked for.  I've always been happier working
for myself and being a little poorer.  I guess I should be ecstatic these
days, huh! g  
Btw...have you tried to port Imagelib yet?  I had no problems
porting the last release which was for d5 or 6 I believe, over to D2007, but
I haven't yet tried for D2009.

from Robert Meek dba Tangentals Design
Creative Concepts Programming for Windows Vista
Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so!
[Bertrand Russell  1872-1970]

-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Cameron Cole
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 10:20 AM
To: Delphi-Talk Discussion List
Subject: Re: Delphi 2009 and Strings

 With all respect, but the code samples presented are really examples of 
 coding. Personally I wouldn't expect this kind of code to survive such a

While again not my code and in 3rd party components, I think you will find a

large number of 3rd party components that are older are written in a similar

way.  Also while I think it could be written better, I wouldn't consider it 
bad.  Code works, is fairly fast and readable.  Changing SizeOf was the 
problem in the first and StrPas while out-dated was a necessary evil for a 
long time and most components we use date back to Delphi 1.  They have been 
upgraded along the way, but older code that works still remains.  Switching 
between AnsiString and String in definitions is bad though.  I would also 
point out that code was from a fairly well known 3rd party component 
package.  I won't name names, but I know several companies that continue to 
use their products.

True, but the boss sees a port as necessary at some point.  So long as we
keep the product patched and low maintenance there isn't any justification
to move it.

 In that case you might as well keep your old Delphi version on your 

That is on the table, but getting to x64 would be a big selling point to our

customers as our middle tier servers could actually take great advantage of 
it.  This is a step in that direction.  We could maintain our servers in 
2009 (or whatever the next Delphi is with x64 support) and client in 2007, 
but that would be a PIA and a difficult sell to management.  Plus I am not 
sure how our middle tier would react to having client side String routines

work one way and server side work another.  We could cast everything going 
out server side as AnsiString but another PIA.  Oh and the middle tier is an

easy Delphi upgrade since all the code there is very generic.

However, we deal with a lot of encryption, compression and
multi-platform code

 C# is no option with multi-platform code.

You would be wrong there.  I have written several apps in C# using mono that

work great.  Besides, the code I am referencing doesn't need to be 
multi-platform for us but was written that way to handle data from other 
OSes.  We only use the Win code, but the other OS considerations in the code

couldn't be easily uncoupled.

Besides, we have been waiting for some time to have a window to upgrade as 
we don't get many lulls in our workload to perform these types of upgrades 
and testing.  Since it will probably be another couple years before we can 
pull off an upgrade of this scale, C# has to be considered and we would be 
fools not to.

 I realize your problems are a lot more
 varied, but if you switch to C# you're going to have to re-purchase all 
 components anyway!

We already have most the components and licenses since our shop does work in

C#.  Until now C# has been limited to HTTP based front ends and some back 
end services.  This really wouldn't be that difficult for us, C# already 
talks to our Delphi middle tier (the real bear to rewrite since all the 
business logic is there).  It would take a lot longer for us to port the 
client, but our client that uses these components is UI only and some 
utility code that handles various file inputs.

 It's a matter of money for time or money for purchase,
 and if you can simply hold on for a year, porting only those components 
 must, the third-party vendors are going to have to update their offerings

Whether we port a component or buy it makes no difference to them 
financially since both cost money.  Also, we have a lot of components that 
simply aren't in business any longer.  Granted it would be best to get off 
those components (Jasmine, XDom, ImageLib and some others) but in some cases

the change is as drastic as writing all new code.  The big minus for Delphi 
is that any changes look to management as money wasted which makes getting 
funding for these projects difficult.  If we put the same effort and money 
into C#, it is a pretty easy sell

Re: Delphi 2009 and Strings

2009-05-04 Thread Francois Piette
Simply do a search and replace to change all
occurrences of String type to AnsiString type. The compiler will
automatically convert AnsiString to UnicodeString when it is necessary.
will work although you will not
benefit from Unicode.

I realize I'm missing something obvious here, but why won't it
benefit from Unicode if the strings are converted?

To benefit from Unicode, you must use Unicode all the way between user input
to user output, passing by database and everything. If a single element in
the chain handle strings as AnsiString, then you won't be able to handle
Unicode properly.

Author of ICS (Internet Component Suite, freeware)
Author of MidWare (Multi-tier framework, freeware)

Delphi-Talk mailing list -

Re: Delphi 2009 and Strings

2009-05-03 Thread Cameron Cole
 Borland may have made a change that will cause us to leave Delphi.  The
 change in strings is creating a near epic conversion for us.  We use a 
 of third party controls and apparently it was pretty common to 
 AnsiString with String as well as use functions like StrPas.

 Bad code.

I won't argue that it is bad form to interchange AnsiString and String, but 
in many cases it is just a holdover from dealing with old Unicode problems. 
In other situations it was one way of getting the job done... For example, 
can't do this any longer (not my code):

MTime: Array[0..11] Of Char;

IntToOctStr(UnixDate, SizeOf(MTime), True, MemBuf);
CopyMem(@MemBuf[0], @MTime[0], SizeOf(MTime));
MTime[SizeOf(MTime) - 1] := #0;

In other places the functions themselves have to be reconciled.  For 
example, this requires a casting to work:


 So now we have
 weeks of hacking through code casting, changing, etc.  After our pilot
 project to convert a small set of controls that normally would take about
 ten minutes to upgrade to the latest Delphi over about three days.  The
 is asking if we would be better off spending that time and money
 our client to C#.  This could be the end for us using Delphi.  Shame.

 Converting to C# would be tremendously more time consuming and you'll have
 the risk to introduce a huge number of bugs because not only will you 
 language but also all components and runtime.

True, but the boss sees a port as necessary at some point.  So long as we 
keep the product patched and low maintenance there isn't any justification 
to move it.  However, why spend a month upgrading objects and buying more 
source when we can take that money and time and start on a port they see an 
inevitable.  Sort of like an old car that has a head gasket blown on it.  Is 
it worth it to put another $2000 in repairs into the old car or should you 
just bite it off and take that money and use it as a deposit for a new one. 
By creating additional work and in some cases substantial work, CodeGear has 
opened the door for leaving them.  Maybe not as bad as VB to but 
worse than all that CLX crap they put in a few years back.  A good example 
for us is the XDom.  It no longer exists, has a lot of old Unicode string 
manipulation that needs to be redone and we use it all over the place.  The 
alternatives are to fix the old XDom (ouch), swich components to ADom or 
some other control (ouch) or create our own XDom objects built on top of 
another control (ouch).  All of those options requiring new unit tests to be 

 The big dumb question of the day is there any directive to turn off
 UnicodeString or to force String to be defined the old way?

 Simply do a search and replace to change all occurences of String type to
 AnsiString type. The compiler will automatically convert AnsiString to
 UnicodeString when it is necessary. This will work altough you will not
 benefit from Unicode.

If only it were that easy.  That is the tact we took on our test project, 
but the samples above (and another couple dozen) required a programmer to 
sit down and figure out the right course of action.  If your app has no 
strange old Unicode support or funky string manipulation, it probably wasn't 
a big deal.  However, we deal with a lot of encryption, compression and 
multi-platform code so we have a lot of components that cost to upgrade or 
are no longer in business so we have to upgrade/replace.  It wouldn't even 
be a conversation if Delphi had unified onto one string.  I am sure there 
are good reasons to have AnsiString, UnicodeString, etc but from our 
standpoint making them all the same thing or a Defines that would have 
allowed us to keep the backwards compatibility in a unit would have been 

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