Re: Force TLSv1.2 or higher for the server

2018-07-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
There was a similar, but not identical, discussion around these topics
four years ago, when the code was changed to remove SSLv3 and SSLv2
support. See DERBY-6764 for the full details.

I think it would certainly be possible to change the code in a similar way
to allow more configurability, but I am not sure of the implications, and if
it is similar to the DERBY-6764 work, a fair amount of testing is required.

According to this article:
you might investigate using the
system property.

Perhaps you could investigate whether the referenced blog article
allows a configuration that suits your needs?

Please let us know what you learn!



On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 3:25 AM, Peter  wrote:
> Hello,
> I cannot find a way to force the server to just use TLSv1.2. Currently
> it says:
> Apache Derby Network Server - - (1765088) Enabled Protocols
> are TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
> even when using
> -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
> or similar settings found on the internet. Then I saw in the source:
> SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
> that it seems to ignore command line settings. Is it possible to add
> such a property or a different workaround to avoid older TLS versions?
> Regards
> Peter

Register now for ApacheCon and save $250

2018-07-09 Thread Rich Bowen

Greetings, Apache software enthusiasts!

(You’re getting this because you’re on one or more dev@ or users@ lists 
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And don’t forget to reserve your hotel room. We have negotiated a 
special rate and the room block closes August 24.

Our schedule includes over 100 talks and we’ll be featuring talks from 
dozens of ASF projects.,  We have inspiring keynotes from some of the 
brilliant members of our community and the wider tech space, including:

 * Myrle Krantz, PMC chair for Apache Fineract, and leader in the open 
source financing space
 * Cliff Schmidt, founder of Literacy Bridge (now Amplio) and creator 
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 * Bridget Kromhout, principal cloud developer advocate at Microsoft
 * Euan McLeod, Comcast engineer, and pioneer in streaming video

We’ll also be featuring tracks for Geospatial science, Tomcat, 
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As usual we’ll be running our Apache BarCamp, the traditional ApacheCon 
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to be there.

Register today at and we’ll see you in Montreal!

Rich Bowen
VP, Conferences, The Apache Software Foundation

Force TLSv1.2 or higher for the server

2018-07-09 Thread Peter

I cannot find a way to force the server to just use TLSv1.2. Currently
it says:

Apache Derby Network Server - - (1765088) Enabled Protocols
are TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2

even when using


or similar settings found on the internet. Then I saw in the source:

SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");

that it seems to ignore command line settings. Is it possible to add
such a property or a different workaround to avoid older TLS versions?


Fwd: Got a security exception calling SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR with Derby 10.14

2018-07-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Yes, this is a known result of  DERBY-6987. The default security
policy file for Derby no longer allows unlimited access to your
computer's local filesystem.

Please see these resource for how to adjust your security settings to
explicitly authorize loading your jar into Derby:

In particular, see the section on "Backups/imports/jars".



-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 11:22 PM
Subject: Got a security exception calling SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR with Derby 10.14

Hi Bryan,

I got following exception with derby 10.14. This exception does not
occur with derby 10.13 but does occur now that I have upgrade to

[sql] Failed to execute:  CALL SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR('./demo.jar',
'CSEM.csemderby', 0)
[sql] java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: The exception
' access denied
("" "./demo.jar" "read")' was thrown while
evaluating an expression.

I got the following info in derby.log file.

Wed Jul 04 14:25:03 CST 2018 : Security manager installed using the
Basic server security policy.
Wed Jul 04 14:25:03 CST 2018 : Apache Derby Network Server -
- (1828579) started and ready to accept connections on port 1527

The application that is starting the JVM that is running Derby Network
Server has not changed. Only the version of Derby has changed.
So could you please give me any advice to solve the issue ?

Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.


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