Reminder: I'm working on converting the db-derby moin wiki to the new
Derby confluence space.

Please don't make any changes to either space right now; I will send
out a message when I've successfully migrated the wiki.

For now, I'm having a little trouble with the tools: INFRA-18081 if
you want to follow along.



On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 7:35 PM Bryan Pendleton
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Quoting from an internal Apache email:
>      "As you may be aware moin wiki service has been deprecated for
> some time now - we have not been accepting new moin wikis. "
>     "Infra has decided to close down the service, and so all projects
> that still have a moin wiki are being asked to migrate away to
> Confluence. We have set a deadline of May 31st, 3 months from now"
> The Derby wiki ( is a MoinMoin wiki.
> The purpose of this mail is:
> 1) To let people know that we're going to need to migrate the Derby wiki.
> 2) To find out if anyone can help with this task: there is a migration
> tool that will hopefully do most of the mechanical steps for us, but
> then we need some folks to sign on to the new wiki, make sure that the
> conversion has gone successfully, fix problems that are present after
> the conversion, help us find broken links that need to be changed,
> etc.
> 3) To propose that I will make a first attempt at using the wiki
> conversion tool over the weekend of Mar 22nd, 2019.
> Please let us know any feedback or ideas.
> thanks,
> bryan

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