Hi Mirek,
Am 09.07.2014 00:42, schrieb Mirek M.:
2014-07-08 8:21 GMT+02:00 K-J LibreOffice <k...@libreoffice.org>:
Am 08.07.2014 01:25, schrieb Mirek M.:

I hate Bugzilla and I'd love to move to Redmine, but we can't separate
design bugs from other bugs -- users need to be able to report and search
for both UX bugs and other bugs from the same place.

Ok, I missed the point that you talk about design bugs, I thought you talk about the whole design process (as for me design bugs are only a part of our work).

I think there is a possibility to do our work in Redmine:
The bug itself is in Bugzilla and it should stay there. The key points are defined there. But the process to work on is in Redmine. We can link one to the other. Sometimes we need to describe the current process in Bugzilla but I don't think that it would be so often when the system works. And I think the devs are able to handle Redmine too, except they don't want to do. A question for the next UX-Meeting. For now we do something similar: bug in Bugzilla, Whiteboard in wiki, discussion on ml.

We should try it. Maybe it doesn't work but maybe we get the right way to work on.

Or is it possible to synchronize Bugzilla bugs and the comments within with

I don't know but I don't think so. But we are able to link from one to the other.

Or am I completely missing the point?

I only look at an other side of the bottle.


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