

On 06/13/2016 09:32 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 06/13/2016 07:37 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>> On 06/10/2016 09:19 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>> On 06/10/2016 04:39 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>>>> On 06/09/2016 06:36 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>>>>> On 06/09/2016 01:21 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:
>>>>>> I've put some revised mockups at
>>>>>> http://techdesignpsych.com/Temporary/snowdrift/ based on recent thoughts
>>>>>> and conversations.  Two new things they include are (a) a
>>>>>> red/yellow/green max status indicator on every page, and (b) the project
>>>>>> pages list three ways it makes a difference to the project whether
>>>>>> you're a patron or not.
>>>>>> Looking forward to further discussion.
>>>>> Thanks, Michael! I like this direction in various ways.
>>>>> Main item: if we're keeping the global setting for pledge-base-level,
>>>>> then there are ramifications of that that need to play out in the rest
>>>>> of the mockups.
>>>>> For example, the amount of cost for a given patron *and* the amount of
>>>>> matching in dollars will vary based on this pledge-base variable. A
>>>>> generous pledge base will get less than 1:1 matching and the presence of
>>>>> generous pledge bases from others will result in a minimal patron
>>>>> getting greater than 1:1 matching.
>>>>> It would be ideal if the interface successfully communicates that this
>>>>> is happening and makes the understanding of it clear and
>>>>> self-explanatory… The current mockups all have numbers that are when all
>>>>> patrons are at a minimum. So what happens in other cases? And is it
>>>>> clear enough to people?
>>>>> Otherwise, I like the 3-benefits informative bit.
>>>>> Here's an aspect I've wanted that we had in earliest mockups: In the
>>>>> place where people can change their pledge-base, a message could say
>>>>> "remember, the *best* way to donate more is to promote the project to
>>>>> others and gain new patrons (who you will match)" or something to that
>>>>> effect. It's nice to note that larger pledge-base could itself provide
>>>>> more incentive to others though. My concern here overall is how the
>>>>> interface can successfully justify the variable pledge-base and help
>>>>> people use it effectively and not counter-productively.
>>>> I've made adjustments to all three project mockups to account for
>>>> variable pledge-base-level, using the phrase "average pledge value per
>>>> patron" to indicate that the pledge value is not the same for every patron.
>>> Nice. Maybe we should have a mockup of what happens if you hit "change"
>>> for the pledge level in the dashboard.
>> Try the "Change" links for pledge level and monthly max at
>> http://techdesignpsych.com/Temporary/snowdrift/dashboard_sufficient.html
>> . The "Suggest" button also works, suggesting in this case 20x whatever
>> you put in the pledge level multiple field.  The "Change" button doesn't
>> actually make the changes, but the idea is you'd return to the regular
>> dashboard view with the changes in place.  (If the change you made
>> resulted in one or more pledges being suspended, then the dashboard
>> would should that of course, but the idea of the "Suggest" button and
>> associated messaging is to prevent that from happening for the most part.)
> I don't know why I didn't try clicking.
> What about using 0.1¢ instead of $0.001 ?
> I think some degree of guidance in this case makes sense. I don't find
> the "suggest" button transparent though, like why this is the suggestion.
> So, there's this concern about thwarting the matching effect by just
> adjusting pledge base to unreasonably high base. I could imagine more
> clear guidance indicating that 0.1¢ is considered the standard minimum
> default. We could make it more clear that 0.2¢ is a "double pledge" or
> something like that. We could indicate that the *reason* for a higher
> base as an option is for wealthier folks to offer more, or alternately
> stated: because the world is full of wealth inequality so we can't
> pretend that it makes sense for everyone to be at the same level.
> *Ideally* we'd be able to tell people who are millionaires that their
> pledge base should be at least 10¢ or something. Basically, some
> guidance for levels.
> My preference would be an interface with several clear radio options and
> an "other" field instead of just open-ended. People need some anchors.
> As in https://action.aclu.org/donate-aclu which has $25, $50, $75, $100,
> other.
> We discussed this a while back when we were considering "shares" still,
> and I liked: 0.1¢, 0.2¢, 0.3¢, 0.5¢, 1¢, other. (The implication being
> that 1¢ was pretty high generous level, etc) and we tried doing some A/B
> ideas with that vs 0.1¢, 0.2¢, 0.4¢, 0.8¢, 1.6¢, other etc.
> Michael, you'd be the right person here to think about the best way to
> research (and the best info from existing general research) for how to
> set up this choice list. I think we should start with this type of radio
> options and then see how the presentation affects people.
> My hypothesis is that offering just a blank field will get far too many
> people trying overly high levels initially.
> This outdated page from the time we were using "shares" may be useful
> perspective while we figure out this design:
> https://wiki.snowdrift.coop/archives/communications/shares

I see the issue.  I probably won't be able to spend more time on this
until next week, but will think about this.

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