On 01.08.2016 23:30, Michael Siepmann wrote:
> We discussed this in today's meeting.  Here's a revised mockup, also attached 
> in 
> .ods format. This shows payment processing fees, two successive months of 
> carry-over, and an example where a pledge was suspended:

Thanks for clarifying via the mockup.
I think it can be simplified in several ways:


* a pledge value/month next to a total/month isn't necessary.
It only matters what you actually paid that month.
So I would only show one sum/month.

* items that did not contribute to a months spending can be omitted for
clarity. Carried over pledges appear on the respective new month.
Suspended projects are not treated different as non-pledged and should
not show up specially. Notifications can be used to communicate all details.

* I also like keeping the history tab consistent with the running months
matching tab.

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