[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-05-19 Thread Neil Burlock
I did have a long list of tests to attach here, but using dstat over the
last couple of hours it appears that one of my drives that is connected
via eSATA might be faulty.  Until last week when I purchased a new 640GB
I was using it (WD 500GB ext4) as my desktop drive and prior to that as
my server drive.

I got the following from a transfer test of the 500GB WD drive:

2906193920 bytes (2.9 GB) copied, 62.6089 s, 46.4 MB/s

Which seems OK.  However in my tests I've found that the eSATA slowdown
is occurring only when reading from this particular drive, not when
writing to it.  I've tested several other WD drives, none of which are
showing any slowdowns in reading or writing over eSATA.  For now, eSATA
is off the hook as being involved in this problem and I will dispose of
the 500GB drive once I've got the rest of my data off it.

I'll begin testing USB and network transfers tomorrow.  Potentially,
this drive could have been involved in a lot of the performance problems
since much of my copying is from flash to desktop to server and back in
the reverse order.  I'll need to do more testing.

In the meantime, I can't thank you enough Theodore Ts'o for explaining
that performance test and dstat.  I wish someone had suggested it a year

I've attached a copy of the dstat from reading the 500GB drive for

** Attachment added: "dstat from what is likely a faulty 500GB drive (sdb3)"

file transfers on USB disk are very slow
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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-05-18 Thread Neil Burlock
Forgot to mention, that dstat is for the destination drive only.  I'm
also not seeing as much of a slowdown if I copy from the source to the
internal drive, then to the destination drive.

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-05-18 Thread Neil Burlock
Theodore, thanks for the info.

I don't have a lot of time this morning before work, but I was able to
run one test which illustrates the problem.  In the attached dstat
output, I copied 3.4GB between two eSATA HDD.  It started off fast (as
usual), but by the time the copy finished the dialog was showing about

I'll look into it more later today.

** Attachment added: "dstat.txt"

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-05-18 Thread Neil Burlock
No, it's not Ubuntu specific and Canonical didn't cause it.

Right now I'm copying between two SATA drives, connected to my PC via
eSATA.  So far a lousy 600MB has been copied and I'm already down to
5MB/s and falling.

Here is what I know about the problem:

It affects ALL hardware.

It affects ALL file copying connections to varying degrees: USB,
network, SATA/eSATA.

In some instances, it also affects multitasking, all but locking the
computer up despite little to no CPU use in System Monitor.

There are no error logs, messages or anything else that occur when the
problem is happening.

In my experience, if you test for the problem and nothing seems to be
wrong, then that's because you aren't copying enough data, you don't
know how fast your hardware should be copying files, or you are lucky
enough to only be subtly affected that time.  Try copying more multi-
gigabytes of data, several times and see if you can't get wildly
different durations for the same data size.  As I state above, all
hardware I have tested is affected to varying degrees, some hardware
shows minor performance degradation over time, some hardware is all but
useless for file copying.

If you ask me, it's either the scheduler (GUI lockups with no CPU usage
makes me think this) or whatever performs the actual file copy process.
It's definitely not a USB problem because it affects network copying

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-01-20 Thread Neil Burlock
I've finished reinstalling and testing 32bit 8.10.

The problem seems to be greatly diminished.  Once I had all my software
installed (system updates, Thunderbird, VMWare, restricted extras, nfs
driver, nVidia driver) Firefox was showing some symptoms of running
slower on Slashdot, but nowhere near as bad as it had been under 64bit -
I assume that it's Java related from the restricted extras.

File transfer over the network has improved.  I'm finding that it's
still hit and miss when it comes to speed, however I have yet to see it
gradually slowing down while copying.  A file may start slowly (the
lowest I've seen in my tests was about 4MB/s, up from 1.8MB/s
previously) but over the duration it will remain stable or increase
slightly.  The first few files (each about 700MB in size) that are
copied to my server after mounting the device are typically getting
9MB/s to 11MB/s in bursts.

chris larsen: I have previously found a link between re-mounting a
device and resetting it's copying speed, so I'm not surprised you are
seeing an improvement there.

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-01-20 Thread Neil Burlock
I took a chance and reinstalled my system with 32 bit 8.10, as
suggested.  I've done some quick testing and my USB devices are
operating much faster, and the speed remains stable.  Additionally, the
whole system is *far* more responsive.  Previously, I couldn't even use
Firefox because it was too slow on certain web pages like Slashdot, with
problems like scrolling down an article taking up to a minute due to
incredibly sluggish screen redrawing.  Previously doing simply things
would also max out a single CPU core, however now the CPU is barely
being hit unless I do something that is actually CPU intensive.

It's early days and I still need to install everything I use day to day,
and do some more testing, but it would certainly seem that this is a bug
in the 64 bit kernel that is affecting the whole system, but presenting
most obviously as a file copying problem.  Maybe it's multi-tasking

I'll report back when I've done some more testing.

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-01-19 Thread Neil Burlock
I just noticed that vmware is loading way faster now, down from about 3
minutes to 20 seconds to open a 768MB RAM virtual machine.  That's a
major improvement.

Copying is still broken though.

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-01-19 Thread Neil Burlock
Yes, I rebooted and no, I don't have a performance option in the bios.

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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

2009-01-19 Thread Neil Burlock
"noatime, nodirtime" hasn't improved the situation on my PC much, if at
all.  Copying speed is still all over the place, one time it'll copy
fine, the next it stalls every couple of megabytes, blocking file i/o to
any other device connected to the system and stalling the gui.

I've noticed that it affects devices differently.  The following are
listed in order of most likely stall to least likely: network file
transfers, my collection of USB flash drives, 1" USB HDD, 3.5" USB HDD.
Maybe it's device speed related?

For those trying to escalate the problem, I hit a brick wall last year
trying to do the same.  I was basically told to give it up because it's
going to take a kernel developer who has been afflicted by the bug, and
who notices it, to fix it.  Well, that, and I don't know the secret
handshake that gets things done...

file transfers on USB disk are very slow
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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs

2008-10-04 Thread Neil Burlock
I never got around to reinstalling.  Rather than waste any more time on
this, I've moved on to the 8.10 beta.  File copying is improved on my
system, but it's still not working reliably.

I've been copying some data (about 30GB for each test) from my local USB
drive to the my network server and I'm still experiencing a gradual
slowdown over time, however it's taking a lot longer to slow down than
it did under Hardy, and instead of locking the whole computer up for the
duration, only file access is being periodically blocked.  Any
applications that were open prior to when the copy commenced remain

Overall, the experience is still highly erratic, sometimes a copy works
at full speed, sometimes it stalls.  It's a lot better than it was

file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs
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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs

2008-08-28 Thread Neil Burlock
Savvas Radević, there's nothing to post, nothing is added to dmesg other
than the usual USB messages when plugging it in.  This is the reason why
it's attached to gvfs even though nobody is sure what is causing it.

I tried formatting my laptop yet again and stuck on the new Hardy .1
release.  It's been more stable, maintaining higher speeds without the
boot option.  Maybe it's a configuration issue during the install?  I'm
going to try formatting my desktop machine again to see if I can get any
improvement, but first I'll need to do a full backup and that's going to
take a while... I'll report back when I get enough spare time to have a
go .

file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs
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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs

2008-08-01 Thread Neil Burlock
My pci=routeirq helped, but didn't turn out to be everything I hoped
for.  I can get away with copying a few GB of files now before the
slowdown sets in, but it's still happening.  The pattern is slightly
different with this tweak however, since it seems to be copying fine for
a certain number of files, then it'll start on the next file and the
slowdown will start.

If this issue isn't related to gvfs, then shouldn't it be assigned
elsewhere?  It'd be nice if we could narrow down exactly which package
was causing this.  My vote at the moment is the kernel because of the
improvement I've experienced from changing the boot options, but I'm
hardly qualified.

file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs
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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs

2008-07-24 Thread Neil Burlock
I seem to have happened upon a "solution".

I added pci=routeirq to the grub boot options and I got my USB and
network performance back, and the GUI is actually *usable* while copying
files too

I haven't run extensive tests, but I've been able to copy simultaneously
over the network and to two USB devices at the same time with the
transfer speed remaining constant, near the speed that I've been
expecting (for so long), and I've done that repeatedly.  That simply was
impossible previously.

Over time I checked for this problem on three computers, and found it on
all of them.  Coincidentally, the three affected computers are all dual
core AMD systems no more than 18 months old running various nVidia
chipsets from various manufacturers.

This problem needs to be investigated because I can't be so unlucky as
to have seen this bug so often and yet have the bug be one that  "only
some people get".  Many more users out there must be experiencing this
on a daily basis and thinking that "Ubuntu can't copy files properly",
not realising that there's something wrong, and getting more and more
frustrated, as I have been.

file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs
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[Bug 197762] Re: file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs

2008-07-01 Thread Neil Burlock
I'm going to add a bit more that might be useful because this bug is
driving me crazy.

It affects both my systems, one a laptop, the other a brand new desktop
I purchased two weeks ago and is happening on both USB and network file
transfers (via either Samba or UFS to my NAS box).  I've also been
experiencing occasional degraded GUI performance if I let a very large
file copy (three GB or more) continue.  My PC would gradually become un-
responsive to the point that mouse clicks and key presses took seconds
to be recognised and windows were being redrawn in slow motion.  All the
while, system monitor showed that both CPU's were nearly idle.  When I
closed the file copy window, performance returned to normal and there
were no dmesg errors.

For anyone experiencing the problem, there's a kind of workaround that
some people have had luck with (myself included).  Try copying one file
at a time and then pausing between each one to let the cache empty out,
(since writing appears continue long after the copy dialog has closed).
On USB devices in particular, try unmounting and re-mounting between
files to make sure the file you are working on is really finished.
Obviously, this is only going to work if you are copying a few large
files around.  If you have lots of small files to move, then zip them up
before copying them and you might get lucky.

file transfer on USB disk slows down with gvfs
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[Bug 208269] Re: Cannot mount USB Drive from "computer:///"

2008-04-18 Thread Neil Burlock
Sebasiten: Sorry, I just did a bulk update - there were dozens of
packages, so I can't be sure what fixed it

Cannot mount USB Drive from "computer:///"
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[Bug 208269] Re: Cannot mount USB Drive from "computer:///"

2008-04-03 Thread Neil Burlock
With the latest updates this problem is now fixed for me

Cannot mount USB Drive from "computer:///"
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[Bug 208269] Re: Cannot mount USB Drive from "computer:///"

2008-04-02 Thread Neil Burlock
I'm getting this exact problem with today's updates.

It's a USB flash drive formatted NTFS, an icon appears under
"computer:///", but it cannot be mounted.

Cannot mount USB Drive from "computer:///"
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