Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-22 Thread Martin Jackson

I would like to point out some things for those who are willing
to listen:

1)  Mark has not stated that the window controls decision has been
finalized.  He said that he supported the interface team's decision to
do it this way for the beta.  I think we do Ubuntu and the Canonical
team great disservice if we believe they won't consider community input.

I work in a corporate environment, and one of the most precious things
in that setting is the ability to make decisions.  What happens to the
interface team if Mark turns around and says, ZOMG!  The community is
ON FIRE!  Revert the window controls change NOW!  Not only does that
undermine the interface team, it undermines every other team in Ubuntu,
because it sets a precedent that says that Mark will override anyone,
at any time.

While I'm skeptical about this particular change, I give Mark a lot of
credit for backing the people he has hired to make these decisions.  I
have trust that they will ultimately do the right thing.

2)  It's fairly straightforward to work around, should the final
decision be to leave controls on the left for the release of 10.04.  I
agree with those who are asking for a radio button or other easy config
dialog to choose which side to use.

[Master] Window Control buttons: position/order/alignment
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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread CyrusCT
Does anyone know if this bug might be related to maximus failing to hide
the window decorations?  I am currently running ubuntu (not the netbook
remix) with maximus and window-picker to maximize on desktop real

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Mr. X
John Lewis wrote on 2010-03-19: 
 Basically when everything has to be decided
 by committee/consensus view it a) slows the
 decision making process down a lot and 
 b) some pretty silly decisions get made in the
 interests of trying to keep everyone happy.

Rafael Gattringer wrote on 2010-03-20:  
 Regarding the decision making process I think
 it is good that Mark backs the decision of the
 design group. That gives the groups security
 that their decisions are respected.

I agree with the posters above. Even under pressure, Mark shows that is
a true leader.

However, I still hope he will discuss the issue with the design team and
revert the change.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread aodhagan
Honestly people.  Really? This whole thread has devolved into watching a
flock of birds peck at one another.  Trying to belabor this process to
death by having a running popularity contest of who likes what where
won't convince anybody of anything.  I would be willing to go out on a
limb and suggest that everyone who has posted to this tread thinks the
same thing now as before they posted.

I in fact have been employed within the field of human computer
interaction.  This type of change just really isn't that significant.
It is annoying to relearn, but so is everything else ever so subtly
different between any two systems.  Haven't you ever sat down at a
friends computer and felt the psychological discomfort that comes from
having different programs installed, short-cuts in different locations,
and configuration settings slightly different?

My hat's off to the whole Ubuntu community for building a hell of a
system.  My hat is off, and will remain so, to Mark S. for his
generosity in funding Canonical and the Ubuntu community with his
personal resources, including his time and his wealth.  Show some
gratitude and stop acting like my six year old.

Mark and the design team are making a tough call.  That's what they do.
That's why they are in the positions they inhabit.  Even wolves and
lions recognize that any group needs leaders.  In the end, a committee
creates excellent dialogue, but the chairperson has to make the
decisions and live with the results.

My two cents suggest that the current position of the close button on
the right side of the three windowing buttons 'feels' wrong.  The
buttons were kept in the same order as on the right, but simply moved to
the left.  Understanding the danger of using the same layout as Mac OS
X, and the comments of copying and emulation that will undoubtably
ensue, the close button seems to belong in the corner.  However, its not
my call.  I love enough about Ubuntu not to get in a huff over one
issue.  If a persons commitment to something can't even weather one
issue failing to meet expectations, then their commitment was zero

Thank you again to everybody who has worked so hard to make Lucid such a
well developed system, especially those whose contributions have spanned
not only this release, but all those that came before - those long hours
of incremental improvement have made this a highly anticipated release
in my Free Software experience.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread whiskeyfrances
To whom it might concern:

- The proposed changes should not happen suddenly on a LTS.
- Things should happen for a reason: Do you have a way to show us where this is 
leading to? Do you have factual data that supports that this is the best 
- Our changes and customization should not be written over. It's understandable 
that a new installation will come with new features and different options than 
before.  It's not unreasonable to ask that, when upgrading the distro, changes 
are not overwritten, so our options get respected.
- A way to opt out some of the proposed features would be also great to have.

While this community is not a democracy, one would expect real respect
and consideration from whomever has the steering wheel.

So, basically, what many us, the community, are doing here is affirming
their right to disagree with you, the company.  Yes, we can disagree
with your decisions, that's what ultimately Linux is all about; we
customize our desktops to suit our needs.  What we need from you is
respect, so that your decisions don't affect ours and our productivity

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Optimus55
I honestly can't believe what I read here.

Mark's response to fewt were clear and very truthful. If everyone out
there got to make design decisions for ubuntu, it would ship by default
with hundreds of xp, vista + osx clone themes and thousands of tasteless
bikini wallpapers with ubuntu tagged on.

This thread almost makes me want to stop using ubuntu not because of the
window borders, but I don't want to be associated in any way with the
kind of people I see here, crying and complaining. Completely

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Mark Appier
Optimus 55, if you don't like the ability to customize your desktop or
implement alternative themes, there are a number of proprietary
operating systems that already accommodate you.  As for Ubuntu, one of
the really neat things is that it does have a number of themes that ship
with it as well as several hundred if not thousand variations and
alternatives that are desktop ready on  To me, this is a
plus, not a minus.

Regarding the community, the reason there are so many comments is
because there are a lot of people that care about Ubuntu.  If a similar
change were made on one of the less popular distributions, hardly anyone
would notice.  People are here that want to see it succeed!

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Michael Noyce
Personally, at the time of writing this, I do not like this change as it
seems to be more a change for changes sake in an effort to simply be
different. There seems to have been an element of groupthink in the
design and decision process. This is a pity because for the most part,
despite a few edge cases here and there, I actually quite like the look
of the new Lucid themes.

The top-left of the window is now overloaded and looks cluttered with
the window buttons, window title, application menus, and icon bars. Even
more so when the window is maximised and you have the Gnome Panel and
Gnome Menu Bar in the top-left as well. The old Window layout was more
balanced with the actual application icon, window title, and window
buttons spaced across the top of the window. (I have not tried this with
Gnome Shell yet, but I can foresee problems unintentionally entering the
Activities Overview. And just to add to the confusion when using the
Activities Overview a close button appears on the top-right of the
window under the mouse.)

Even after several days usage I am struggling to over come my muscle
memory. I still instinctively move the mouse to the upper-right to
maximise, minimise, and close my windows. When I then look at the top-
right of the window to actually select the window button I want I have
found myself momentarily confused (Hey, where are the window buttons?)
before correcting myself (Hey, they are on the left now, remember.). I
still get caught out using the maximise and minimise buttons.

Perhaps this is being made more difficult because I am also using other
computers running Windows and Karmic so the existing muscle memory is
being re-enforced using these. Whatever the reason, I am finding it
frustrating and it makes the time to perform the intended action longer.

I am sure there are usability and GUI experts out there that would have
a field day explaining why this is the case. Thankfully, unlike some
other desktop environments, with Ubuntu I can change the theme and
window button positions if I decide this change is not for me in the
long-term. I guess time will tell.

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread JD Evora
I'm against making that change, at least now, without having them a few 
months in beta testing for find out all the regression bugs that it 
generates and how the people feel about it.
Maybe since the first 10.10 alpha?

 The fact that this is an LTS cuts both ways. If I'm confident that
 10.10, 11.04 and future releases will have the controls on the left, it
 makes even more sense to do it now (because the LTS will then not look
 dated compared to newer releases). As a precedent, we shipped Firefox
 3.0*beta* for 8.04 LTS, which caused an uproar but was the right
 decision given that 2.0 was nearing its end of life at the time.
I don't think that the FF 3 situation is the same, you knew that a few 
months later everything was going to be OK.
Now you will have a half backed solution that will still around for 2 years.
I think that you can always give the 10.4 users the option to move the 
buttons to the left in 6 months in an update if all those experiments 
work out.

 Our design roadmap calls for us to reduce the visibility of scrollbars,
 and emphasise:

  - touch scrolling
  - scrollwheels

 Most people don't scroll with the scrollbar any more. The use the
 scrollbar to gauge how much fo the document am I seeing.

Please don't get rid of it, I don't think that the mouse is going away 
any time soon, specially in the enterprise and the scroll bar is the 
best way to go directly to a specific  point in a large document.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread jerrylamos
Moved them back to the right side from the left (wrong side for me)
by doing this thanks to iRock:

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string

Among other things, with them on the Beta default left, I frequently
lose a line on the 1024x768 laptop display.  I need every line I can


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Optimus55
@Mark Appier,
I couldn't agree with you more. The reason there are so many comments is 
because people do feel passionate about Ubuntu, which implies they are doing 
something very right. I love customizing my desktop and understand that if i 
want to change something, I can.

It doesn't matter if I like the button placement by default or not. I
have the option to change it.

My problem is with people who are seriously offended because ubuntu has
made a design change which they (ubuntu) believe will help them advance
linux desktop usability and differentiate the product from dozens of
other run of the mill distros.

You need to understand. Ubuntu has done leaps and bounds for the
usability image of linux based OSes. They got to where they are by doing
what they were doing all along. Why now should the process change?
People shouldn't feel a god-given sense of entitlement to control the
development decisions. The code is open, you can make your own changes
to the interface, you can even contribute ideas and suggestions.

It's fine if people disagree, but disagree respectfully. Offer a ppa or
workaround option. Show something quantifiable.

I feel glad knowing that there are so many passionate open source users.
Just do it logically and with taste is my advice.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Pako
Putting the buttons on the left side is very functional. Make a test and
you'll notice that whenever you open the window, the pointer is always
closer to the left than the right side of the window, meaning less
pointer movements over the desktop.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread owen.c
Fine add it as an option to put it on the left, but leave it on the
right for default as the little gain (which is very debatable) does not
to weigh the outrage from users. Look at what yo have from alpha testers
which are people who expect change and want to try something different.

Imagine what will happen when the other (less tolerable) 99% realise,
and then find out how you completely ignore the testers input (in this

And if you are stuck on the idea then add it as an option on the live cd
so the user can choose upon installation.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-21 Thread Denis.K
@Mark Shuttleworth  (if you still check this)
Given the amount of disappointment, I (as well as the design team) would listen 
to what people are saying, but of course, you said it wasn't reasonable to do 
so for the future (for new features). Then at least give our thoughts *some* 

Since the decision is to put the buttons on the left now, the only
logical, and understandable action to take would be to completely mirror
the original layout onto the left. Therefore making the order, Close -
maximize - minimize. Note that this still isn't the same as OSX. (OSX-
Close, Minimize, Maximize)

Now, I can see you give the counterpoint that it's in the same order on
the left as it is on the right. Sure it's a valid point, but the brain
still tends to want to click the [left] corner to close, because it used
to be in a corner originally.

I still don't understand what is holding us back from keeping the button
layout on the left, but in a different order. If you could explain, it
would be great, so people, like me, will stop worrying and trying to
give counterpoints in an attempt to persuade somebody, that might, or
might not be listening. (It's like firing a gun a night)

There should not be any reason to not make a huge change, slightly less
easier to adapt to.

Thanks, and I hope you and the design team will still consider some sort
of change to the order.. of course, if you had the time to read this.

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread Requiem Masamune

On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 00:55 +, j_baer wrote:
 My belief is this decision was not made by the flip of a coin, the toss
 of a dart, or the personal preference of any single individual. I
 believe the concept was discussed, debated, and evaluated as to adding
 value to Ubuntu as it exists today and what it will become tomorrow.
 As to the order of the buttons, the same arguments apply.
 My suggestion is let’s not be too quick to judge and give it a try. I
 see a work-a-around is already in place for those who feel strongly
 the placement is incorrect.

I have to politely take issue with this give it a try attitude.

Firstly I feel underestimated, do you really think I don't know what I
want? that *we, linux users* don't know what I want? Simply choosing
linux already implies having strong opinions about computers.

Secondly, I have business to do, and a life, enough free software is of
alpha and beta quality for me to be enrolled into a usability study to
justify someone's pet windows configuration I never asked for.

Thirdly, this is a LTS, do you want to make an experimental release out
of a LTS? Making it opt-in is the best option.

Fourthly,  if the polls reflect the preferences of the users (when in
reality polls are visited by early adopter types) I predict most users
will simply google for ubuntu fix window buttons where they will find
this one liner in the forums

$ gconftool --type string --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout

And go about their business as usual.

Certainly this change won't break ubuntu (except for a few hundred kids
who will as a result of this hate ubuntu as soon as their school forces
them to use it) it will only make it slightly more annoying, this will
simply be added to the list of stuff we have to do every time we upgrade
like installing codecs and such.

The tragedy is, the ubuntu packers will go around thinking they made
everybody happy *while* proving everybody wrong! haha! But no, listen to
the polls, the polls are the answer.

Some else said that this is not an issue people over which choose their
distro. It's true,probably, ubuntu won't loose much users from this
change, certainly, it won't gain any. And the people who don't and won't
care will still not care. so what do the people that do care think? Is
their opinion that unimportant?

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread Denis.K
I would of expected a user survey to go out, or something along those
lines to get an accurate, and full understanding of what USERS would
feel best with. After all, ubuntu is an OS that is built around open and
free ideals. Not letting everyone, or at least OPENLY DISCUSS CHANGE, is
a breach of its own beliefs and mission

Seeing as that changing the side of the window buttons is a pretty big
UI change, many users feel that they aren't getting a say in the changes
that they dislike, and is why there are a lot of negative thoughts, with
negative attitudes. But, however, if it is put into perspective, it is
reasonable to be acting in such a way.

For years, ubuntu has had its window buttons on the same side, in the
same order. With the new changes the buttons are now on the left, but
not only that, they are in a different order. I strongly believe that
this completely ruins the consistency factor of ubuntu. And on the other
side, seeing as this is it's 10th release, and a LTS, it is also
reasonable that there is going to be some change.

However, the main problem is that every, every, every popular OS has the
close button in a corner, and never towards the center...this is
probably the greatest concern of all the people who are against the
change, and NOT the side of the buttons.

Whats done is done, unless the UI Freeze is lenient. But for NEXT TIME, 
Canonical should put extreme care in making sure users are satisfied.
(Surveys, surveys, surveys, heck, even Google is doing it!)

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread Tylerratboy
This has probably been mentioned many times before, however. The way I
look at it, I don't mind them on the left side. What I have a problem
with, is that they just threw the buttons on the left side, and left it
in the same order as they were on the right, meaning the close button is
on the inside, and the minimize button is on the corner, which makes
things really really awkward. I've used them on the left many times
before, however, when I always put them on the left I always put the
close button in the corner, and the minimize button in the inside.

So, my problem isn't the fact that they did it. My problem is the fact
they just swapped the three buttons and the Menu button/icon, and didn't
try to re-arrange it in a way that would put the close button on a

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread double
Moving the buttons left is a *big* step ahead. User look from the top-left to
bottom-right. Currently I am a KDE-user (Kubuntu) but will switch to GNOME
with lucid. Aligning the title left is also a very good idea. I never liked
centered titles.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread RagTimE
very bad decision

like to have the window controls on the right

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread Martin Kaba
For me it makes no big difference, left or right, if the developers want
it this way, let it be.  I left Windows almost 10 years ago, and I've
changed my habits several times, this is certainly not going to be the
last or the biggest.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread steveacab
I would have a more constructive idea that respects the ideas of
canonical and the ideas of some users of the community.

should also be easy to implement.

Bug #542772

2 click and we are all happy.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-20 Thread Jason
I too am strongly opposed to this change. I just hope it does not catch
on in Kubuntu, or Linux Mint.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread server_3249
I think it's amazing how Ubuntu manages to screw up every major version
with some serious deal-breaker. 9.10 broke my wireless and graphics
drivers (that worked perfectly in 9.04), and asked me for a password
every minute. I never got to using it.  And now 10.04 comes along with
ridiculous purple colors and window buttons with changed position by
default. I mean seriously don't you have enough problems with Ubuntu?
There are more pressing UI failures in Ubuntu than window buttons.  Why
do you need a stupid double taskbar and the user to type a password
(that can't even be set to a short one) every minute- Not all users are
dealing with government secrets you know? -  is something I have never

You should start thinking of messing with such things once you have as
much UI poish / taste as Firefox. Also Mark Shuttleworth's attitude to
this whole matter has been egregious, rude, haughty and alarming.  You
just lost another user.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Yann
Looking back at this thread, the issue seems completely misunderstood by
Ubuntu representatives.

Maybe to understand the debate, it should be made clear that this is the
straw that broke the camel's back!

Someone hereupper complain about regressions every 6 months... the most
annoying and not quirkable maybe the wifi: In a world where more laptops
are now shipped than desktops, do you think this is a minor issue? As
well as constant changes in acpi/power management that break suspend
since... Dapper! No, it's not.

For wifi, since ipw replacement by iwl, Intel boards (so widely shipped
in centrino based laptops) are subject to regressions since 2 years (and
latest LTS, still not reliable):  Yesterday I tried the lucid dailly
build ISO (probably what will be the b1): My 3945 was at 60% strenght,
limited to the worst modulation sheme (that limit wifi g BW to 1Mb/s!),
3 meters from AP... That's worse than hardy...

More surprising, I'm now trying alternatives: One of them caught my
attention, PCLinuxOS. Same iwl driver, but full strenght and BW, a beta
that works like a charm from live USB with nvidia proprietary drivers
loaded: Never seen that before.

I don't know if I'll keep hardy till next year support end... and switch
to Debian 6.0 that should be there meantime... or try something that is
still more on the edge, but with users in mind (because sticky to the
basis, as ubuntu at the beginning: Good HW support, acceptable
reliability, clean interface without social networking stupidity/Apple
bad copy. Hassle free rolling release: Another user centric feature
delayed by ubuntu by 6 months... every 6 months!)... but upgrading to
lucid is no more in my plans even if a full reinstall bothers me.

The confusion between what democraty should trigger (general long term
distribution orientation, usability priorities...) and what meritocraty
should apply to in ubuntu  process (kernel/driver expertise, applicative
sw test and integration)... is really worth reading!

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Tom Arnold
OK, just a short comment:
I like change and I think Ubuntu should be able to change things to be better 
than their competition.
But I also use Chrome, Kubuntu and Windows and this is really hard to get used 
to (I tried for weeks now).

IMO it is better to change these things with upstream in Gnome 3.0 and
not in a LTS.

Thanks to all that care about Ubuntu

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread mystiko
I am somewhat disappointed that none of the community contributors as so
far is aware of the real intentions of this issue. Moving the buttons to
the left is not a change for the sake of change as someone earlier

No, they are keen enough at Canonical's and have weighted this
carefully. As is admitted in the mean time the movement has to do with
freeing space on the right side of the desktop. But they cannot say why,
for it is somewhat controversial. And neither Microsoft as Apple has
done this so far.

It's all about introducing commercials to the desktop!

Yes people, as off Ubuntu 10.10 we can enjoy banners, pop-up windows and
so on.

Such as: “You have been busy for an hour now, take a Coca Cola for new

or if you typed the word “boat”: 
“Happy Hollydays offers you a 3-day mini-cruise to the Bahamas for the awsome 
price of $...”.

Oh, you don't like advertisements on your desktop? Well Cannonical can
supply you with a commercial free version of Ubuntu at the reasonable
price of $49.99.

Is this weird? Time will learn. It works this way on the internet. For
this moment take a deep breath (or two).

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Mr. X
 My mouse cursor usually hovers around the right side
 of windows because the vertical scroll bars are on the
 right. Also, since I read left-to-right, it seems easier to
 interact with windows at the right side.

That's a very good point.

There's no sense moving the min/max/close buttons to the left, if the
scroll bars are still in the right.

Perhaps the UI designers were trying to open space for the
notifications? A better solution would be to display the notifications
in the bottom right.

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
On 19/03/10 10:53, Mr. X wrote:
 My mouse cursor usually hovers around the right side
 of windows because the vertical scroll bars are on the
 right. Also, since I read left-to-right, it seems easier to
 interact with windows at the right side.
 That's a very good point.

 There's no sense moving the min/max/close buttons to the left, if the
 scroll bars are still in the right.

Our design roadmap calls for us to reduce the visibility of scrollbars,
and emphasise:

 - touch scrolling
 - scrollwheels

Most people don't scroll with the scrollbar any more. The use the
scrollbar to gauge how much fo the document am I seeing.

 Perhaps the UI designers were trying to open space for the
 notifications? A better solution would be to display the notifications
 in the bottom right.

No, notifications were not the primary driver. Moving the window
controls to the left does ease the interaction with the notifications,


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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Bernhard
 No, notifications were not the primary driver.

Why not simply say that you cannot tell us the reason? :)

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Paul Sladen
** Description changed:

  Please centre the window title like in previous Human theme, and also
  re-order the window controls in classic order, positioned on the right
  side (menu - title - minimize, maximize close).
  To revert to old layout, enter in terminal:
  $ gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string 
  Use this PPA:
  This option will also fix the graphical appearance of the buttons.
  Canonical design team leader - Those pesky buttons - 2010-03-10
+ (30-minute 
interview starting at 39:10)
  Mark Shuttleworth's reply (on this bug report) - 2010-03-15
+ ~10 following replies
  To maintain a respectful atmosphere, while commenting please follow the code 
of conduct - .

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Philippe Escarbassière

Scrollbars are still very useful even with a mousewheel, when navigating
in a large document for example by either scrolling the bar or middle
clicking, please don't kill them at least *before* something as useful
is implemented :)

Furthermore, a lot of users (at least around me) don't even know how to
use touch scrolling (or hate it because it's 'hard' to use).


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Mr. X
Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
 Our design roadmap calls for us to reduce the visibility of 
 scrollbars, and emphasise:
  - touch scrolling
  - scrollwheels

If you are actually considering touch scrolling, than you should also
consider that touch screens are much less precise than mouse pointers:
the mouse contact area is exactly 1 pixel, while fingerprints spread
across a significant area. That is a good reason to keep the close
button out of the way.

I really love Ubuntu, and want it to succeed.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Scaine
Shouldn't this bug, by now, be assigned to someone on the desktop
experience team?  And can anyone confirm when a decision will be made
regarding this?

And still no comments from anyone who was responsible for this?  Other,
obviously, Mark himself.  Or any rebuttal to comments made in post 71?

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Martin Meyer
Forgive me if I'm confusing this bug with the one about moving buttons
back to the right side of the window, but I actually like this order:

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string

It seems to me that there is some argument is around having the close
button so close to non-destructive menus. So why not move it back on the
right and leave the other two on the left? I'm finding that I kind of
like having minimize and maximize over on the left, just not close so

FWIW, I do prefer minimize on the left of the maximize button. I can't
really explain why.. it just seems right. It could just be an i've-
always-had-it-this-way thing. I can't be sure.

Would it be possible to put a new tab in the Appearance capplet to
control position of the window manager buttons? Maybe if we make this
easily configurable (via GUI) it will enough for people? It'd be nice to
have a little preview of what the top border would look like and allow
the buttons to be dragged to different positions.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread splashis
I totally agree with all the people that don't want such a big change in an LTS.
As Mark said: He wants to free space for something NEW, but people want to 
work with an LTS for several years and don't want to be bothered by a design 
based on an in between conception. 
If you're sure you want to do it, ok, keep discussing with the community and 
implement it in 10.10 but NOT IN A LTS-Version!

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Yann

Our design roadmap calls for us to reduce the visibility of scrollbars,
and emphasise:

 - touch scrolling
 - scrollwheels

Most people don't scroll with the scrollbar any more. The use the
scrollbar to gauge how much fo the document am I seeing.

Hum... I think the very long list of concerns in current bug is a very
good test to see how much this is wrong (as navigating in any long
single paged document, like source code...).

Experiment using a touchpad or a scroll whell on this report and hear
your fingers complain! Scrollwhell is useful for line to line precise
navigation. Elevators are more appropriate to move quickly on large

So both are usefull and current global ergonomy, after about 25 years of
fine darwinian tunning process, again really make sense.

This would be another error, for mainstream computer use IMO.

Maybe for a MID or a tablet interface, something else could make sense:
But I don't see touchscreens going in generalist computer area, there is
too much people upset by fingermarks on a computer screen for this
concept having any future oustide very specific use cases.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread hills
According to comment #208, if we are going to change button position and order, 
this is the best:
(left:) maximize, (right:) restore, minimize, close.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread scholli
I hear alway touchscreens as argument. But it's a funny argument in my
eyes. The pick-up'ed Icons on the panel, switch off - button on the
panel, control-buttons (right or left), hide windows-applet, ... all is
too small for that feature. Honestly it needs a different Desktop-
Interface like the Ubuntu-Remix for Netbooks is, but THAT as an argument
is ridiculous.

# 253: I think it's a bad idea separate the control-buttons. Firstly
it's looks hideous and second ... mhh I don't know. Don't like it.
Before that, better put it all together to the right side. The best is
left. Menu, toolbar-buttons etc. all in a ratio near together. I am
faster now and have shorter mouseways since the new change. ,)

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Baron Flopsy, the Candy king
My opinion...
Love em on the left!!

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread John Lewis
My 2 cents worth:-

1. From a purely productive point of view, having the minimize, maximize
and close buttons near the menus saves having to move the mouse pointer
to the opposite side of the screen under certain circumstances.
Personally I would rather waste untold seconds of my life enjoying a
good book or a nice wine than moving my mouse pointer unnecessarily.

2. I totally agree with the view that this isn't and shouldn't be a
democracy. Coming from a Gentoo background, when Daniel Robbins left
(along with autocracy), and the council came into existence (the
beginning of democracy/meritocracy), seemed to be the start of some
problems with Gentoo.

Basically when everything has to be decided by committee/consensus view
it a) slows the decision making process down a lot and b)  some pretty
silly decisions get made in the interests of trying to keep everyone

Personally I would rather have things move forward and improve quickly
at the expense of a minority of decisions I don't agree with. The crux
may come when a lot of decisions aren't agreed with by a lot of people
and then the distribution becomes crap. We aren't there yet and as long
as Mark Shuttleworth and others in the upper echelons remain
conscientious it probably won't happen.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Jakarta
I think most people are right handed and now their way (with the mouse) is 
greater than before.
Please let the icons on the right side of the bar. Users who come from another 
OS are confused and so they 
search for an alternative OS. Stop this wired things.!!

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread MattW
ok. guys.. I didn't read all the posts because the bickering started to
make my head hurt. I am as passionate about Ubuntu as most of the people
that posted here. I'd show you the tattoo but it's in a private place.
:) Seriously, the passion of this argument is good but not directed in
the right place.

Stop and think for a second.. Dismiss all the personal attacks and clear
your mind. What is one of the primary reasons that people have embraced
Ubuntu so passionately? Most of your personal answers can be boiled down
to one point: openness. The ability to make it your own. While I
understand the reasoning to dress up the new OS to a more appealing
look, it changes the usability of the interface. I don't agree with it,
but I understand it.

It has been assumed many times that the purpose of improving Ubuntu is
to increase market share. Considering where the majority of the market
share lies, Ubuntu defaults should focus on making those users (who are
primarily very, VERY non-technical) comfortable with switching over.
It's a sad fact, but if you make non-technical users have to think about
basic usage actions, they will be less likely to switch. Most of them
don't even know what a DOS prompt is in their old OS, much less a
terminal in this new OS. Look at it from the perspective of the target
audience, not the perspective of us that have been using it for years.

If one of the goals of the new release is to pull users from the OSX
religion, you are on the right track. However, I can tell you that you
won't be nearly as successful as you would be targeting another market.
You're are not investing your resources well at all.

Rhetorical question: How hard would it be to add a toggle button under
Customize Theme in the Appearance dialog? If it restricts the ability to
build custom themes or opens a can worms, fine.. toss a shell script
somewhere safe for those of us that could actually find it, instead of
requiring non-technical users to find threads like this to feel

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread BavarianPH
Window-Buttons-Editor or *mwbuttons* (Metacity Window Buttons}, as the
original script

was called, (c) 2010 Pablo Seminario

Is a simple GUI script to place the buttons on the Titlebar in any order,
and right or left.

Create a link, put it in the menu, desktop, menubar, etc.-

The only thing missing is an option to center, or right and left the *Title
text* in the Title bar.

I am sure that a script could be created and added to enable Title centering
into the

Window-Buttons-Editor or Metacity Window Buttons script, perhaps also
adding a

Window-manager icon (/usr/share/pimaps/other/Windowmanager.png) to the

or what ever icon you wish to choose.

The *attached* file is the script for Window-Buttons-Editor.

Ubuntu forever!

** Attachment added: Window-Buttons-Editor

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Nandox7
Amazing, what a fuss just because it was decided to move some buttons to
a different side

This is a setting and not a hard coded feature... it can be changed by the user.
Let me guess all here complaining still have the default wallpaper, theme, 
login splash, ... you never changed nothing
from the default settings.

What is actually the problem when this setting can be easily changed?

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Atel Apsfej

I make no claim that this particular issue is as important as the
emotion displayed in the discourse would suggest.

It's like when I have a big argument with my wife over something small.
Once the emotions are spent and we rationally talk through why the out-
of-proportion argument happened..It's never just that one small thing.
It's a series of small things..and that one just happened to be the one
that triggered the release of built up frustrations.  More often than
not the underlying problem is that one of us is not communicating well
enough about requirements,intentions and plans to the other person.

Maybe the out-of-proportion response here is indicative of a systemic
lack of communication from the design team about their plans and vision.

Contrast how the Canonical design team works with how the recent Gnome
hackfest participants communicated what was going on at the event.

Out of all the listed participants on that page with blogs... how many
of the non-Canonical employees made an effort to communicate back about
the event to the Gnome community via the Gnome planet. I can count
multiple posts from participants employed by several other companies
making a concerted effort to communicate to the rest of us in the Gnome
community where the design discussion was going from their expert pov.
How many Canonical employees made a proactive effort to communicate what
was going on? I don't remember seeing a single Canonical employee who
participated in those design discussions blogging about it in the Gnome
planet feed.

I mention that little caveat because I think it speaks to the underlying
problem..a problem that will persist and color all future interactions
with the community over differences of opinion in design decisions. That
problem is a a lack of proactive communication on the part of the
Canonical design leaders about what's going on.  This should be a big
concern for the community watchdogs inside Canonical. How the design
team, and its growing influence over the Ubuntu experience could be the
genesis of a systemic, insular corporate culture inside Canonical that
is more concerned about dealing in a reactionary manner to community
feedback as a drain on their productivity instead of proactively
communicating a roadmap and soliciting the community for feedback early
on in the design process.

It's really easy to brush the egregious emotion over this one design
issue aside and chalk it up to a small number of malcontents. But even
Shuttleworth got dragged into making uncharacteristic personal attacks
in this report. That should send up a red flag. There's something else
going on here that is causing an out of proportion response. And if I'm
right about the underlying problem, then the communication break down
between designers and the community is just going to get worse unless
its dealt with.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread anton.pussep
It is my opinion as well that the button should be in the right edge,
because this is where ALL users are going to look for it.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread owen.c
I would just like to add that this is very hard to trackpad users.
Pushing the mouse to the right takes longer and is harder to do. Pulling
your finger is much easier.

If I had to test a location for the buttons I would use the center.

Hopefully you consider laptop users in the decision.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread enb
Fine, move the button thingies to the left. Whatever. But the least you
could do is give the users the ability to move it back using the gui, by
putting something in the preferences appearance config menu, so they
don't have to mess with gconfig to get the buttons to where they are
consistent. Is that too much to ask for, Marky?

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread bwat47
I agree with Luiz Felipe Talvik.

Changing it is not only completely pointless but it is just annoying the
users and it is completely inconsistent with every previous version of
ubuntu and every other distro (for no reason)

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread CyrusCT
I think the real problem here isn't whether the controls are on the left
or on the right.  If users don't like something, they will find a way to
change it, and share those changes with other like minded users.  The
real issue seems to be about whether or not the novice user will be able
to make such changes and how the applications and user interface respect
those changes if specified.

In xubuntu, there is already a solution to this issue.  When selecting
the theme, there are options on the right side of the Window Manager
window where the user can select which elements are represented in the
title bare and where they are placed.  These options to modify become
unavailable when they are not supported by the theme.  Since both Gnome
and Xfce are based on Gtk, it shouldn't be too hard to add these
configuration options to ubuntu.  I would recommend including them so
that they can be accessed by opening Appearance Preferences, going to
the Theme tab, clicking on the Customize... button, and having them be
somewhere on the Window Border tab of the Customize Theme window.

As long as the process for changing the setting can be found intuitively
by a novice, I don't care where the default position is.

As for my own preference, that would be on the right, in order to be
consistent with the KDE apps I use, when I rdesktop in to one of the
computers at work (which much to my dismay run Win98 and WinXP).

I can see the merit of clearing the space for things to come, and not
wanting the LTS release to look outdated, but if it will be 2 year
before the things to come actually arrive, e.g., not implemented in
10.04.1, 10.04.2, etc., then I fail to see the benefit of doing this in
an LTS.  I would greatly appreciate it if Mark S. would indicate some of
the intended uses, or indicate that he is not at liberty to disclose
that information, and why (such as a statement indicating that Canonical
can't afford the risk of their business competitors getting a hold of
the prospective uses for the area).  The secrecy without reason will
only aid Microsoft's FUD-mongering.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Benjamin Geese
I did not read all the comments here, but some of them are really
annoying and stupid. i got used to the new position and now i like it.
The only thing which confuses me is the shutdown button still being on
the right.

All these people here complaining about the issue with google chrome
having the button on the right side: it costs you only 20 seconds to
change that: open the chrome options menu, click on options, change to
the personal stuff tab und choose use system title bar and borders.
not really a hard.

In my opinion, new themes look great. with kms and plymouth, its the
most beautiful booting, login and desktop experience i've ever seen on
any desktop os and by far superior the the older ubuntu releases.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Avinandan
It's very disappointing to know that people don't like to try anything
new, they always like to be happy whit whatever going on and usual,
Lucid tried somthing new this time and all of you are disagreeing with
it :(

Very bad! i like th new feature and it's good! I strongly contrary to
this bug!

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
On 19/03/10 18:52, Atel Apsfej wrote:
 Contrast how the Canonical design team works with how the recent Gnome
 hackfest participants communicated what was going on at the event.

 Out of all the listed participants on that page with blogs... how many
 of the non-Canonical employees made an effort to communicate back about
 the event to the Gnome community via the Gnome planet. I can count
 multiple posts from participants employed by several other companies
 making a concerted effort to communicate to the rest of us in the Gnome
 community where the design discussion was going from their expert pov.
 How many Canonical employees made a proactive effort to communicate what
 was going on? I don't remember seeing a single Canonical employee who
 participated in those design discussions blogging about it in the Gnome
 planet feed.

As it happens, Canonical was a sponsor and host of that summit. We had
folks attending. We agreed not to have our entire design team there so
as not to swamp the event and make it too Canonical, which was a
concern expressed by some of the people involved in planning the event.
Without us, it would not have happened. We are very serious about
improving the way design is done in GNOME, and invested a lot to help
all the participants improve their user experience analysis skills and

Now, you are welcome to draw your own conclusions, but please accept
that your assumptions about other people's intent and motivations may
just be mistaken.


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Jordan Erickson
From a support standpoint this is a nightmare.

I can see that if this was a smaller project, it wouldn't create many
waves. But come on, Ubuntu is #1. I'm moving to Lucid from Hardy because
of LTS. I run LTSP servers for thousands of students and teachers. They
are ALL going to complain to me. As easy as it is to fix w/gconf, this
is going to make Ubuntu look very inconsistent to them. That is not good
for the image of Ubuntu to its users.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Atel Apsfej

I did not make any assumptions about intent or motivations on the behalf
of anyone at Canonical.

What I am saying is that maybe...just maybe the Canonical design team
isn't communicating enough about intent and motivation so that the
external community can see individual changes in context of the long
term vision. I've sketched what the consequences of a lack of
communication can look like...but I've not spoken to what I think
Canonical's motivations are in failing to layout a bright roadmap for
externals to use to put changes into the correct context. But man, I'm
so hoping its revenue generating Google Adwords in window
titlebars...but I haven't actually said that yet.

What I am suggesting is that there is a lack of communication from the
Canonical design team outward into the larger community.  Did I at any
point question the fact that Canonical cares about usability and design?
I know very well Canonical sponsored the Gnome event. But sponsoring a
small team event, is not the same as communicating the vision created in
that event. I saw a lot of people making an effort to really communicate
a larger vision of what is going on in an effort to prepare the wider
community for the UI changes that are going to result of that peer-
expert meeting. And because of that effort to communicate, its going to
be much easier for externals to understand how each individual change
fits into a broader context.  Did any of the Canonical participants at
that Gnome hackfest blog or any other way communicate their experience
of the Gnome hackfest? Sure Canonical sponsored it...but did any of the
Canonical attendees communicate to the wider Gnome community outside
that room?  Its effort to communicate expert opinion to non-experts that
aids in the acceptance of the larger vision...not the simple fact that
the experts are in fact experts.

What I am suggesting is that you and your team need to be mindful of a
pattern of behavior that disregards the power of external proactive
communication to set the context of a discussion over individual
changes.  I'm not speaking to what is motivating that pattern of
behavior, what's motivating the lack of discussion about the benefits
opening up the right side of the titlebar.  I'm just pointing out its a
deficiency in your communication strategy in that you haven't laid down
a roadmap where this change makes sense in context. If individual design
decisions continue on like this, communication is going to become more
shrill which each such change.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread dfoerster
Already now a large number of people are upset  by the changed placement
of the window controls. There's still time to fix it before the release
though. Just admit people don't like the change and revert it! Put up a
poll if you don't believe it. Releasing this change would have a major
negative impact on usability and alienate a lot of supporters and

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Jordan Erickson
@Mark Shuttleworth: You said in #248,

 Most people don't scroll with the scrollbar any more. The use the
 scrollbar to gauge how much fo the document am I seeing.

Can you site any references to this? Scrolling through this bug report,
for instance, would take a LONG time with a mouse wheel.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Atel Apsfej

I don't think you can hold up webpages this long as typical or even moderately 
common usage.
Having to scroll all the way to the bottom to see newest comments and to get to 
the  Add comment box in Launchpad is more indicative of a design failure of 
the launchpad web interface itself than it is an example of the necessity of 
keeping an emphasis on scrollbars.  Note the word emphasis

I think we can agree that if you have to flick your finger 100+ times
on your scroll wheel or your trackpad or on your multi-touch
get to an input box...the webpage is broken by design.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Jordan Erickson
@Atel, Yes, the web is broken. Ubuntu is changing it's design, and the
web is not compatible with it. The web must change.


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Pablo Quirós
@Atel I ALWAYS use the scrollbar to scroll, and I know more people who

I just hope this possible change isn't made the same way that the
buttons', and some usability testing is done before doing changes that
may seriously affect lots of people like me.

Not to talk about having to redesign lots of websites on the internet...
and scrolling large documents in OpenOffice... are we kidding??

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread j_baer
It appears there are two items causing concern with this team.

  The first – the window control buttons are now located in the upper
left hand quadrant of the window frame.

  The second - the order of the buttons has changed.

There is plenty of data to support locating the buttons in the upper
left corner or upper right corner of the window frame. Which is better?
I do not know but my assumption is folks do not choose an OS based on
the placement of the window frame controls. If that were true Mac OS or
MS Windows would be different.

My belief is this decision was not made by the flip of a coin, the toss
of a dart, or the personal preference of any single individual. I
believe the concept was discussed, debated, and evaluated as to adding
value to Ubuntu as it exists today and what it will become tomorrow.

As to the order of the buttons, the same arguments apply.

My suggestion is let’s not be too quick to judge and give it a try. I
see a work-a-around is already in place for those who feel strongly
the placement is incorrect.

In my opinion the community should be willing to take reasonable risks
to advance the user computing experience and stand ready to accept the
challenges when the bar is raised.

The number of comments offered on this subject stands as evidence to the
strength of the community as everyone who participates takes pride in
what the final solution becomes.

Maybe the communication wasn't as good as it could have been but folks
are busy and things will be missed. In some circumstances there is no
right or wrong - just different.

Lucid will be a success and that success is something we can all be
proud of as I believe it will set the standard for all future releases.


Artwork Team

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread solca
Respectfully I want to say that moving the buttons to the left and
changing buttons position is a very bad idea, if you want to do that
create a new theme and don't make it the default for the minority that
wants that.

Sure, I'll vote with my feet too if you ship like that because you are
not validating your users, maybe it's time to return to Debian, and I
really liked Ubuntu... :(

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread Rafael Gattringer
Luckily I know understand that I can configure the buttons with
gconftool. My anger is finally gone. After many times scanning the
gconftool shell command I actually didn't understand the meaning of :.
The good outcome of this bug is that I have my minimize and close button
back on the right. Furthermore, I killed my maximize button. I don't
need it as I double click on the title bar.

As long as I have the power and especially knowledge (!) on how to configure my 
interface I don't care what the default solution is.
 After every ubuntu installation I rearrange many interface settings anyway, 
like reducing the workspace to a single one or moving the taskbar to the top.

For the distro upgrades I would recommend keeping the buttons at the same 
location. Sensible users who don't understand how to rearrange the buttons 
would surely get confused.

Regarding the decision making process I think it is good that Mark backs the 
decision of the design group. That gives the groups security that their 
decisions are respected. However more transparency might be helpful and for the 
community to help adding research (like usability studies) and discussion. The 
teams then can still decide on their own.
 Or perhaps we just don't know enough about how these special groups operate 
and it is a lack of communication / informaton.

At last an off topic wish. As a micro Karma contributer it is still very 
unclear to me where to post what in the Ubuntu landscape. We have brainstorm, 
launchpad, mailinglists with similar topics, all where wishes can be placed. 
With a wish of mine I went through launchpad, gnome bugzilla, a gnome 
mailinglist, an ubuntu mailing list and finally got no reaction, not even where 
it would be best to place my wish.

So please give us better instructions where to contribute - perhaps with
a very easy to find single (!) page as a signpost (e.g. ubuntu
lighthouse) with explanations and short use cases. Goto x when y ...

Thank you. Rafael

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread RegPerrin
As far as I know, there have been no papers or research published on
window button placement, or the advantages/disadvantages of any of the
suggested positions and combinations.

What we do know already is that it appears that MS arbitrarily chose the
top-right position, and Apple chose the left because they didn't want to
follow MS. As with many decisions taken in the infancy of UI design, it
was probably a well that seems alright or a can't think of anything
better right now type of decision. These decisions have stuck with us
for many years now, so there is much to be said for keeping it that way.
It may just happen to be that the initial top-right position is in fact
the best or close to the best position possible, and that the initial
designers just got it right first time.

There is a natural ease of movement of the arm and wrist of right-handed mouse 
users in an arc roughly centred on the elbow/wrist area. A natural pivot-point.
This means that the top-right position for most-used buttons is an easily 
reached one. Top-left buttons would appear to be reached via a non-natural 
wrist movement, or a movement requiring small movement of the whole arm which 
entails more effort from the user. There are of course a series of 
mouse-movement enhancers (like acceleration) in the software which are designed 
to mitigate these problems.
There is a natural tendency to throw the mouse pointer towards the known 
position of a button, and anything which makes this easier or harder will be 
embraced or rejected by users.

There is also the principle of positional constancy to be considered.
If there is no conclusive evidence to show that repositioning buttons will be 
advantageous, then it is better to keep the status quo. There is a saying if 
it ain't broke, don't fix it. People often quote this for good reason: they 
don't like change.
Even if something is broken, there is often such widespread acceptance of the 
broken item, that changing it causes more alienation and or user rejection 
than the efficiencies a correction or fix would create.
A good example is the 'qwerty' keyboard.
The layout was set when manual typewriters could not keep up with the speed of 
key strikes by operators. The 'qwerty' layout is designed to slow down the 
user. This obviously does not now apply in the digital age, yet changing the 
vast majority of the populace away from a known bad design, to a proven better 
layout (e.g: dvorak) would be extremely difficult if not impossible.
Any hardware manufacturer insisting on this would most likely see a large drop 
in sales.

Keeping it all in perspective, as window buttons are probably not on the same 
level of user-interaction importance as the main interface device (keyboard), I 
would be all for change if there was good evidence showing improved window 
management with button repositioning, with only relatively small retraining or 
disruption involved. However, as I mentioned before, there does not appear to 
be any research to support such a change.
I would suggest there is a whole PhD in such a research topic!

If a window button layout, which is different from the accepted status-
quo, is imposed upon users, then it is my considered belief that this
will be detrimental.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread reida010
i hope this was not already mentioned (i can't read 283 comments now) but when 
you use gnome-shell the buttons are very near to the activity button.
sometimes i open the overlay mode when i want to use the buttons.
This can suck ;-)
on the other side when i don't use gnome-shell i prefer the buttons on the left 

David Reichling
ps: Lucid will rock no matter if they are left ore right :-)

** Attachment added: gnome-shell.png

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-19 Thread scholli
# 281:

Really the minority? I had understand in a post before that 99.9% are
happy with it and 0.1% unhappy... they come here in search of shout loud
somewhere! and let a comment. :-) ... Well, maybe I am only saturated a
little bit with the 280 comments: yes, not, anger, off-topic, chantage,
ideas, datas, ...

Seriously. If there a good idea for 10.10 out and the buttons have to be
on the left for that reason, why don't let them do! I was skeptic at
first, too, but I noticed, with time, that it isn't so bad everybody is
shouting out. Surely it will exist something for change the side quickly
for everybody who want have it really on the right side or because the
third-game-theme looks better with the buttons on the right side
Maybe a ratio-button in the preferences or a simple and little Metacity-
Tool!? I think we should be curios and begin to thing different and not
be a old, conservative and all new hating person. I saw that someones
aren't really against this, but the reason that this is a LTS, they are
in panic. But if 10.04 have it finally on the right and 10.10, 11.4, ...
on the left; for the mentioned new feature, the LTS will be 2 years long
a strange creature! But this had said Mr. Shuttleworth yet.

Good night. :-)

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Jordi Puigdellívol
XDD I'm really impressed how this decision has made so many noise,
they're are just buttons!! and can be changed!! so, where's the problem?
that everybody is used to the buttons to the right?, well, everybody is
used to other OS too

1. I agree in putting buttons to left, they're better when you're used to them 
(So you need to use them for a while)
2. Everybody can do what he wants, even change its position, so why bothering?

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Shuttleworth

The problem with your Forums post is that it says this is what really
happened and is, in fact, quite incorrect.

Some members of the design team asked that the window controls be
grouped on the left, and presented the visualisation. So it wasn't that
I prefer it that way. I didn't like it initially, anticipating that it
would generate a great deal of resistance. However, it does line things
up nicely for work I would like us to do in future. And the major
argument against it appears solely to be we're used to it here, which
is important, but not overriding.


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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
On 17/03/10 22:34, fewt wrote:
 you don't get to second-guess their decisions
 You don't get to see a lot of what they see unless you're on that team.
 being an open community is not the same as saying everybody has a say in 
 There aren't any good reasons for that
 we are not voting on design decisions.

 So, its your ball, it isn't a community ball and if we don't like it we
 shouldn't use your distribution because it belongs to you, your team,
 and no one else.

 I get it now.

 Thanks for the clarification, and all of these great one-liners.


There's a job waiting for you at a tabloid, if that's how you treat
commentary. Isolating snippets and using them out of context is just rude.

You can throw your toys out of the cot, but other than expressing a
personal preference, you haven't informed the discussion at all. Most
importantly,  you do NOT have a say in *everything*. Anybody is welcome
to participate, and it's worth building a reputation for yourself as
being competent at something. If the community process *works*, that
competence will be rewarded with the ability to make tough decisions.

At the moment, your approach is not highlighting any particular
competence on your part, other than for aggressive and unhelpful
argument backed by a willingness to twist people's words - not something
we have a department for in Ubuntu.


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Paolo Filardi
I suggest one simple thing.
Move to another distribution if you don't like Mark/Canonnical's philosophy
GNU/Linux world is big enough to find the distribution that fit your needs.
Personally i don't find polite the way someone treated Mark (and at the same 
time Mark treated the community) but i don't use Ubuntu because Mark is a nice 
I use Ubuntu because it rocks.
I will open gconf-editor, it's not a problem.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Paolo Filardi
I'd like to add just a simple thing:
it's not easy to make every user happy...
... yes but it seems that nobody's happy..  :-D

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread fewt
Hi Mark.  I didn't take anything out of context, those were your words,
I just put quotes around them to emphasize how ridiculous they were.  If
that's a problem maybe you shouldn't have said them.

As for personally attacking me, well I guess when you cannot win an
argument on merit, go for the jugular, right?

As for not informing the discussion I believe someone who I don't know
quoted me in comment #170, so there is something to chew on.  Also I
seem to remember making post 133 also.

As for my competence, I just thought it was worth mentioning here that
your users are backlashing against your decision, but what the hell do I
know I just work on the core team of a distribution that listens and
adapts to direct input from its users.   I am also not the one trying to
make the case for moving window controls to the left of the screen just
because I like it better that way.

Aggressive?  FU.  Wait, that's what you are telling your community.


/unsubscribed and no longer wasting my time with this thread OR Ubuntu.

Your welcome.

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Alvaro Kuolas
Mark, I want to ask you: What is you vision about GnomeShell? It fit's
with what you are planing? Can we see blueprints of you plans?

At first I disliked the change, now I don't care. But I must say that I
hate half baked solutions... like the new GDM (you must admit it, the
default theme is horrid). I've seen lately (since Hardy) that Canonical
is pushing half made software in it's sane default, in the hope that
more eyeballs would lead to acceptance and better software.

Alpha and Beta testers doesn't make better software, programers do.

The success of most of the greatest software protects is because of
programing skills and good taste. That's the example of the Linux kernel
witch is based on Linus taste.

On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 08:28 +, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
 The problem with your Forums post is that it says this is what really
 happened and is, in fact, quite incorrect.
 Some members of the design team asked that the window controls be
 grouped on the left, and presented the visualisation. So it wasn't that
 I prefer it that way. I didn't like it initially, anticipating that it
 would generate a great deal of resistance. However, it does line things
 up nicely for work I would like us to do in future. And the major
 argument against it appears solely to be we're used to it here, which
 is important, but not overriding.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Milan Bouchet-Valat
Yes, Mark: flamewars aside, please ensure buttons on the left are not
turning into a nightmare when GNOME Shell is used. I can confirm that
reaching e.g. the icon button in the left corner of a maximized window
is very likely to lead you to hit the hot corner, especially on
touchpads - and even for experienced people.

It's a common practice to move the cursor to the top right corner of the
screen, and then move it down to the close button of a window, instead
of fighting to reach it directly. This won't work when Ubuntu switches
to GNOME Shell, and reverting this after Lucid would be too bad.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread hills
Mark Shuttleworth:
 However, it does line things up nicely for work I would like us to do in 
 future. And the major argument against it appears solely to be we're used to 
 it here, which is important, but not overriding.

There are many places in applications, like tabs and panels, where close
buttons are on the right. Please consider Nautilus, Firefox,, all KDE applications. Consider also GNOME panel and
GNOME Shell: left side for starting and opening, right side for closing
session. The last sentence voices the mental model for all user

This bug breaks user's habits, but also makes lack of cohesion in all
user interface, so new habits will not revive.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dayo
Maybe Shuttleworth should let his Communitizer handle this, if he can't
keep his cool among the very community he claims this purple OS is
about? Very unbecoming to lose your temper like that. Even for a

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Shane Fagan
This is a very simple matter of people who feel strongly against a
change always seem to shout the loudest. I have the feeling that 99.9%
of users dont feel strongly about this issue either way. That the .1% of
people are just against change. Ive been using the buttons on the left
side since the update of lucid a while back and it feels ok it takes
about 15 minutes to get used to.

It makes sense to me that the top left hand side of the screen is to
open and close apps and the top right of the screen is for my attention.
So notifications are in that corner and so are the app indicators so I
glance up there to check whats going on without having distractions like
window management. So my immediate attention is drawn to that corner. So
I like the controls on the left.

I remember more or less the same argument when Notify-OSD was put in the
top right. They wanted it anywhere but there because it got in the way
of the window controls and the searchbox in Firefox. Moving the window
controls to the left and moving Notify-OSD slightly down fixed that

I think there will always be many chefs and not enough cooks.

Oh and just a note, quoting polls is completely useless because unless
its taken from a controlled group the results are always biased. So if a
random set of 100 people who use Ubuntu was polled it would be a lot
more reliable than a quick question at the end of a blog post because
the people who care about the issue most will always vote and most other
who people who dont care wont.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dariocaruso
@ Mark Shuttleworth

I'm happy to see how launchpad and canonical is open to personal 
contribute, but it i don't understand what we can promote and what no.

We have for example ubuntu brainstorm, forum, and other ways to comment 
your work, but please, you have to say at all community exactly what we can 
say about the project and what we can do for canonical EXACTLY.

So if we only can release feedbacks and bugs report for canonical team
without influence them, why we have to spend time to promote our ideas?

I'm happy that you Mark stay here to speak with us, but you have to
clarify in every one canonical service where is the limit. And i'm
talking about ubuntu brainstorming first of all.n say about the project
and what we can do for canonical for

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dariocaruso
forget to say that Launchpad is a good way to integrate our support in
development of application

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dayo
I have the feeling that 99.9% of users dont feel strongly about this
issue either way.

Oh and just a note, quoting polls is completely useless because unless
its taken from a controlled group the results are always biased.

Are the poll results as biased as your feelings, man? Comic stuff,
that there. At least the community ran a poll. How about canonical?

Tell you what's going to happen over the next month or two. You'll have
a huge portion, people like fewt and I, who will no longer be using
Ubuntu, and will no longer endorse or recommend it. You'll have a huge
portion of people who'll simply fork ubuntu and bring that thing back to
the community, because they take the humanity to others thing quite
seriously, and are not just in it for the buck, like Shuttleworth, who
basically bastardized the true Ubuntu spirit for corporate gain

And then you'll be left with a dwindling group of less and less
convinced fanboys. It's happened to other projects, and Canonical's put
Ubuntu in a cloudified sports car in the fast lane to that very same

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Shane Fagan
You can contribute anywhere you can so if you can write a good bug report join 
the testing team. 
If you can develop start contributing code and apply to be a contributing 
You can become a MOTU. 
Just go to the irc channel of the team you want to join and ask where to start. 

There are lots on non canonical employees contributing to make ubuntu
better. All you have to do is apply whatever skills you have.
Contributing ideas and opinions is helpful but as I said above I think
there will always be many chefs and not enough cooks.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Shane Fagan
Are the poll results as biased as your feelings, man? Comic stuff,
that there. At least the community ran a poll. How about canonical?

I didnt say it wasnt based on feelings I said it was useless because not
everyone feels strongly enough to choose right or left because they
simply dont care.

I dont think there would be a fork of ubuntu with just the window
buttons moved to the other side. It takes a lot of effort to distribute
software so it seems a little excessive to fork.

I believe everyone has the right to comment on the issues at hand but if you 
cant think up a reason against it other than 
A. Im not used to it
B. Its not like how windows does it
C. Misquoting fitts law
then you shouldnt comment at all. Trolling and repeating the same reasons isnt 
at all helpful.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Ben Romer
Can we please focus this bug on the actual problems? There are at least two 
that have been reported:
- The theme preview in the GNOME appearance panel shows the buttons on the 
right for these themes.
- Switching to the theme moves the buttons to the left, but switching away from 
the theme does not restore them to the right.

Perhaps the first problem could be fixed, and the second dealt with by
having a light-themes-right package, or right-handed versions of the
themes included in the light-themes package. Then, it's just three
clicks (system-preferences-Appearance, Theme, Ambiance-Right or
Radiance-Right) to the old way instead of a command-line workaround that
might scare new users.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Pablo Quirós
We all make Ubuntu, but we do not all make all of it. In other words, we
delegate well. We have a kernel team, and they make kernel decisions.
You don't get to make kernel decisions unless you're in that kernel
team. You can file bugs and comment, and engage, but you don't get to
second-guess their decisions. We have a security team. They get to make
decisions about security. You don't get to see a lot of what they see
unless you're on that team. We have processes to help make sure we're
doing a good job of delegation, but being an open community is not the
same as saying everybody has a say in everything.

First of all, thank you to take the time to answer personally. I'm sure
lots of people, including me, appreciates that.

Don't take me wrong, I think a meritocracy is a good way of doing
things, but, as you say, there have to be processes to make sure the
delegated job is properly done -- and there's where the community has a
part. In the end, it is us, users, who judge wether something is good or
bad. This is the same in any bussiness: consumers, in the end, decide.
And if there is a majority of users, or consumers, who thinks something
is wrong, then the delegation you where talking about is not working

The new design team has made really good changes to the system, and the
new branding is really good. That said, I think they've shown some
inexperience. A good design team would have done 1) a good reasoning on
the need for this change. A basic rule of usability is to be easy and
predictable; when you are going to change something like this, you have
to be sure that it is *really* for the better. 2) Usability tests. As I
said, it's a big change with a great impact, and you shouldn't just
try something, you have to experiment with real users and good tests,
to gets sure the decision is the best. 3) Get the opinions of the final
user. In the end, the change is something to make his life better. If he
doesn't like it, it has no sense at all.

If you accept an advise, I think what you are lacking in the design team
is an usability expert... or maybe there is? the point is that the
design team should take usability more into account.

I've read someone who, regarding this matter, said that he is tired of
designers telling him how he should use his computer. And he is right. I
think you are wrong in one thing: you say this is not a democracy, but,
in the end, it is. Design is a democracy. If users don't like a design,
if they are unhappy with it, or it makes their life worse, it has no
sense at all. Design is for users, and if they don't like it, it's

And I'd like to comment on other issue as well: openness. You said that
only the teams responsible for something have all the information on
that matter; I don't see the reason, and it goes strongly about my sense
of a community. Openness is good for everyone; it's one of the strengths
of free software, and one of the pilars of a community. If reasoning of
the decisions taken is closed, and plans for the future are hidden, the
community is weakened and it will be much more difficult for us to feel
part of the project. Lots of communities, and most of the information in
this very community, is opened to access by everyone, and it works well
this way. There's no reason to hide anything... and there is a risk we
won't feel part of this project anymore. Just users. And it changes

Thanks for your time, and congratulations, as Lucid might be one of the
best releases ever for what I've seen to the moment.


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dayo
I believe everyone has the right to comment on the issues at hand but if you 
cant think up a reason against it other than
A. Im not used to it
B. Its not like how windows does it
C. Misquoting fitts law
then you shouldnt comment at all. Trolling and repeating the same reasons isnt 
at all helpful.

A. where in this thread did I say that?
B. where in this thread did I say that?
C. where in this thread did I do that?

Let me tell you something, my friend. If lies and backtracking are the only way 
for you to defend this fiasco,
then probably it is you who is the troll.

You ask for reasons against moving the window buttons? How about reasons
FOR it? other than Shuttleworth's vague hand-waving at experiments for

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dayo
The fact that requests for valid reasons for this drastic change is
perpetually met with such childish defensiveness, just goes to show that
there wasn't any design team who came up with this. Order from above.
In true dictator fashion.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread dayo
@Pablo Quiros, I wish YOU were the Community Manager. Excellent post.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Shane Fagan
@dayo read the second paragraph
All the 3 reasons I quoted were mentioned multiple times everywhere.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread sentvid
Initially I didn't like the design change either. But looking at other
design improvements, I decided to forget (forgive may be a strong word)
about the decision. previously I used Sidux and that came only with KDE.
Since I like gnome I had to install gnome.

I guess its just 3 clicks to change the button placement / change to a
different theme. I can see a lot of other people already released
Radiance-right themes.

Its just matter of time...People...Dont get too personal...

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread scholli
This thread would be shorter, better and more serious for the design
team if we 'switch of' emotions finally.

# 194 is a back to topic and has interesting points. The design team
needs good points and facts for take good decisions. Stay by topic is
the most helpful thing that we can do.

One solution is maybe a left(default)/right-switcher somewhere in the
preferences. ,)

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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
On 18/03/10 14:01, dariocaruso wrote:
 We have for example ubuntu brainstorm, forum, and other ways to comment 
 your work, but please, you have to say at all community exactly what we can 
 say about the project and what we can do for canonical EXACTLY.

Brainstorm is great, and lots of good comes out of it. There are many
cases where knowing what lots of people think, or creating a forum for
*anybody* to publish their ideas, is useful.

My point to fewt is simply that there are also many areas where we
explicitly don't run things by vote or consensus.

Ubuntu is plenty big enough that there is an area where anybody can make
themselves an expert, take on responsibility, and lead. But it's also
big enough that if we try to make everybody feel like they can weigh in
on *every* decision, we'll grind to a halt.

This is a flashpoint, but most decisions are not as contentious as this
one. I'm backing this decision because I think it's the right one in the
long term. It may be right, it may be wrong, but I have a mandate to
take the decision. The same is true of our kernel lead, and our
community governance leads. They are fallible (I certainly am) but they
are nevertheless empowered to take decisions.


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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
On 18/03/10 14:07, dayo wrote:
 ... are not just in it for the buck, like Shuttleworth, who
 basically bastardized the true Ubuntu spirit for corporate gain

Time will tell. I feel quite good about the contribution I'm making, but
you're entitled to disagree. I'm sure you have a complete perspective on
the many things that I do, and therefor are in a good position to make
that judgment.


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Re: [Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
On 18/03/10 14:31, Pablo Quirós wrote:
 I've read someone who, regarding this matter, said that he is tired of
 designers telling him how he should use his computer. And he is right. I
 think you are wrong in one thing: you say this is not a democracy, but,
 in the end, it is. Design is a democracy. If users don't like a design,
 if they are unhappy with it, or it makes their life worse, it has no
 sense at all. Design is for users, and if they don't like it, it's

Yes, design is a democracy in the sense that users vote with their feet
- they choose the products that work well for them. If we fail badly
with this, or any other piece, they will go somewhere else, and we lose.

Look, I understand this is risky. In my judgment, it's worth the risk.
Being able to tackle risky things is one of the things that gives us the
chance to catch up to the big guys, and beat them. That doesn't mean we
should be cavalier, but I'm not going to shy away from an opportunity to
do something much better now just because Microsoft did something a
particular way 20 years ago.


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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread andybleaden
I personally have found the change from left to right strange but easier
for me to use...but that may be the way my brain works

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Vish
** Description changed:

  Please centre the window title like in previous Human theme, and also
  re-order the window controls in classic order, positioned on the right
  side (menu - title - minimize, maximize close).
  To revert to old layout, enter in terminal:
  $ gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string 
  Use this PPA:
  This option will also fix the graphical appearance of the buttons.
  Canonical design team leader - Those pesky buttons - 2010-03-10
  Mark Shuttleworth's reply (on this bug report) - 2010-03-15
+ ===
+ To maintain a respectful atmosphere, while commenting please follow the code 
of conduct - .

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread scholli
Off-Topic... who cares now!

@ Mark:

Lucid Lynx is frightening good and nice-looking. Microsoft will spend
you another travel to the space for free; better said to the moon,
because they wish you out of the planet earth after the release surely!
Hold the course ... Bug [1]. :D

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread Louis Taylor
** Changed in: light-themes (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl)

** Changed in: light-themes (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) = (unassigned)

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread bigbrovar
@Mark You honestly feel that this change of windows button to the left
is best for Ubuntu? And the best time to make such change is in an LTS?
Personally I am less concerned about the windows way or the apple way
but rather that whatever usability decision the design team make should
have usability impact on the users. Left for me There are many things
that needs fixing on the Ubuntu desktop usability wise and windows
button are just not one of them. But that is just me. The way I see this
not one person had complained or felt that they was a problem with the
window button being on the right. Even the people who claim to prefer it
on the left or adjust to it that way many of them never had a problem
with it being on the right. All I can say is that it would be nice if
things like usability and design should be open more to the community.
Canonical always have their veto but at least the community would have a
sense of participation.

One thing I would love to hear is how the design team hopes to get round
issues of breaking consistency with the rest of the Linux desktop. That
is a issue that would need to be addressed. Many people on Ubuntu would
be using emerald compiz window decorator  will that be patched too to
respect this new window button replacement?. others would be using
openbox. some of us also have kde installed on our system. How is the
design team going to get round the issue of consistency which if not
sorted would lead to bigger usability issues than was created by the
window buttons being on the right.

Also would this window button redesign be implemented in other ubuntu
variants like kubuntu, Xubuntu, lubuntu? Because if design team is
telling us that this change is in fact the best thing then surely there
wouldn't wont to exclude ubuntu variant from the best usability

Maybe there should be a check button that asks the user way he would
like his windows button placed. (but that too would add more level of
complexity to the install process and make it less human friendly)

Personally as a sysadmin in charge of a university where Ubuntu is used
solely by all our staffs, students, and faculties. This change should
never have come in an LTS release (if it most be made at all) and in my
humble opinion is just a solution looking for a problem. It doesn't in
anyway increase my  workflow  or that of my users and having to resort
to gconf command or installing extra ppa everytime  I install ubuntu for
my users (and I do that alot) is not something am looking forward to.
But then maybe am not as long sighted as Mark.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread hills
Mark Shuttleworth :
 That doesn't mean we should be cavalier, but I'm not going to shy away from 
 an opportunity to do something much better now just because Microsoft did 
 something a particular way 20 years ago.

It is something more than Microsoft whim. In the West culture we are
reading from left to right, from top to bottom. These are natural
starting and ending points. So, the most convenient place for close
button is a bottom right corner of window. That's why big buttons
(Close, Apply, OK etc.) in bottom right corner of windows works so well.

Top right is the worst place for close button. Think of moving close
button to the top right or even bottom right.

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[Bug 532633] Re: [light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to menu:minimize, maximize, close

2010-03-18 Thread hills
Edit: Top *left* is the worst place for close button.

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