Re: Proposal: revisiting menus in Gnome

2017-04-11 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Hi Michael, Alberto and Hashem,

First off, thank you for your welcoming and positive responses!

I did know GUADEC was coming to Manchester, and I've been intending to
look into it in more detail. Judging by last year's schedule I think I
just need to get on with it and register. (For the completely
uninitiated, perhaps GUADEC's website could include some links to info
about last year's event, as a rough guide to what to expect?)

Hashem, thank you for your suggestions.

I hadn't thought of removing Quit completely, and it's worthwhile to
consider, but on balance I think there are good reasons to keep it:

- Some apps continue running when their last window is closed (or
might want to) – for example music players, Transmission and some
messaging clients can be configured to do this. In this case, Quit is
a different action from just closing the last window. Firefox doesn't
have this to worry about.
- Some apps are commonly used with multiple windows, for example
LibreOffice, Eye of Gnome, GIMP and Nautilus. A single button to quit
the app is more useful than having to close each window individually.
- It's already there, so we should only remove it if we have a
compelling reason.

I wasn't aware Firefox was switching away from icons in their menu. I
actually had the idea to copy the system menu before I realised
Firefox was already doing something similar. I guess the fact Firefox
ever did it shows it can work in practice.

Perhaps the reason jump list options aren't used often is that they're
difficult to discover? :) The intent is that these are major
entry-points into the app – an email client's might be “Inbox” and
“Compose New Message”, and a web browser might have “New Window”, “New
Private Window”, “Bookmarks” and “History”; Evolution and LibreOffice
could show each of their components. And remember, the dash menu also
contains options to switch between windows, plus the options to manage
the app itself, which we can show even for uncooperative third-party
apps. I think that's a reasonably useful menu.

I see your point about having a dock in the top panel. Personally I
like the focus of only showing the active app. I also wanted to avoid
proposing such a substantial change, which might be less likely to get

The App Indicators suggestion is really a whole other proposal, but
very briefly: an App Indicator comprises a status icon for a running
app, plus some menu items that are relevant now. Instead of having a
separate system tray, let's treat these as what they are: running apps
– show the app's icon in the dash, overlay the status icon as an
emblem, and put those menu items in the app's dash menu. The protocol
is supported well enough that we could finally get rid of legacy
system tray icons, and we wouldn't end up with loads of apps polluting
the top bar's system status area.

And lastly, I've made some mockups. The mailing list doesn't seem to
like large attachments, so:

Greg K Nicholson
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Proposal: revisiting menus in Gnome

2017-04-11 Thread Hashem Nasarat
Thanks for writing this up, Greg! The pamel menu has always been a pet 
peeve of mine in GNOME. You've argued well why it hasn't worked out, and 
I hope the the design and gnome-shell teams engage with your ideas.

Couple things come to mind:

* Maybe you could add your ideas to the wiki under a candidate GNOME 

* Some design mockups would help understand some of your suggestions, 
like having icon buttons in the headerbar menu, and your comment about 
supporting AppIndicators in the panel menu.

* gedit, at least, changes its ui when it detects that there is no panel 
menu in the current desktop environment. It moves the app-wide menu 
items into the headerbar menu. This is workable, but I really like your 
idea of a Help> menu item group.

Gedit (updates ui):
nautilus (like most gnome apps, just shows icon button in top left):

* Firefox currently uses icons in the last row of their menu for help 
and quit. With the new redesign though I wonder what they've learned...
From a design screenshots:
	- it seems like they're moving away from the button group in the last 
row of the app menu.
	- They don't show Help being a submenu, but in the current version of 
firefox the Help icon indeed is a submenu so I think this might just be 
an oversight in the design screenshot.
	- they don't show Quit any more: this makes sense to me as the most 
common way of closing an app is just clicking the [x] in the titlebar. 
This makes it clear to me that we don't need to have 'Quit' in the 
headerbar menu.

* I'm unconvinced that duplicating the jumplist menu in the panel menu 
is the right way to go. I never use the jumplist options in GNOME. I 
asked my friend who uses Mac and iPhone, and she never uses the dock 
right-click jumplist on the Mac, or the pressure-activated app icon 
jumplist on the iPhone.

* For such seldom-used functionality, it seems wrong to me to dedicate 
space in the top pamel to that. I'd maybe propose as an interim, we can 
leave the functionality of the pamel menu as is, and merely duplicate 
Help and Preferences in the headerbar menu of apps. We can say the panel 
menu is deprecated and will soon go away, and then we can think about 
better utilizing the screen real estate instead of showing the app icon 
and panel menu. I don't think the panel has been well received, and has 
been the cause of much of the push-back from GNOME. Perhaps integrating 
something like would better 
suit our users by being more similar to most other desktop operating 
systems (well-understood and established designs, making the switch to 
using GNOME easier) and also allowing for faster app switching (so 
"power users" don't complain about GNOME as much). While I love the look 
of the vanilla GNOME 3 panel, I've taken to using this extension because 
app switching with the Activities popover (or with Alt+Tab) doesn't work 
well when there are 10+ windows.

Again, thanks for thinking about this and writing a very clear proposal.

I hope we can run with this.


On 04/10/2017 05:07 PM, Greg K Nicholson wrote:

Hi folks,

This is going to be a long one. Check you have a cup of tea before you dive in.

# Summary

We should improve how Gnome apps organise their menus.

We should move the contents of the panel menu into the headerbar menu,
where Preferences and Quit should be styled like in the Shell's system
menu. The panel menu should duplicate the contents of the focused
app's dash menu.

- Users expect those options to be inside the application window.
- Independent apps don't use the panel menu, which leads to an
inconsistent experience in Gnome Shell.
- Other desktop environments don't have a panel menu, so Gnome apps
have to reorganise their menus when used outside Gnome Shell.

# About me

I'm Greg K Nicholson. I've used Gnome and followed its development for
10 years. I switched to Ubuntu (6.10) from Windows XP because I wanted
Gnome. I now use Fedora for the same reason.

I live in Manchester, Great Britain. My day job is doing quality
assurance for a web development company, which involves testing for
bugs and also testing user experience design from a user's point of
view. I was part of the team that built the current iteration of, which launched in 2015.

# Intent behind the existing design

(This is from my memory of the discussions around the time of Gnome
3.0. Corrections and clarifications are welcome!)

- Users think in terms of “documents, which can be manipulated using
various applications” rather than “applications, which allow
manipulating their documents”.
- Applications commonly have multiple windows.
- Each app window 

Gnome3 shell is still poor, needs changes

2017-04-11 Thread Erik Chendo Tegon
Hello everybody.
I'm a old user of unity7
I am new here, well I wanted to share with you the reason for my resistance
to the use of gnome3.

I was gnome user when this was gnome2.

When this arrived I felt very frustrated by the interface with no
I was kind of frustrated when I came back from unity7 to gnome 3.20. It
gave me the impression that nothing has changed since the release of gnome3.
But let's go.

1 You need to organize this shell structure. There is no sorting filter
2º The dock disappears all the time. (I know there is a "dash to dock" ).
That is not a way to easy hold this together with a browser
3º There is not a easy way to keyboard shortcuts like unit7 does(to show
the help from keyboard shortcuts unity we just need need to hold the window
botton (super) by 3 at 5 seconds to show a graphic help.
4º The problem of 2º problem is because if i have 30 windows opened and i
just want to see the tree from only one like nautilus windows i need to
open the windows botton and see all windows togetther, this is a problem.

I hope I have helped

I'm not adept at putting extension to change anything, I'm very
uncomfortable with that.
Please do not get frustrated with me.

Some fetures from this link are something we would like have as default

*Erik Chendo Tegon*

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Re: GitHub Development Platform for GNOME

2017-04-11 Thread Tobias Mueller

On So, 2017-04-09 at 15:44 -0400, Walter Vargas wrote:
> Canonical's recent decision about not maintaining unity for Ubuntu makes it
> quite clear that Desktop is not the priority anymore, IoT and Mobile are the
> priority now,
Hah. Before it was the Cloud™, SOA, IVI, other form factors, ...  I
think it's fair to say that we've felt this threat for at least a

Now that doesn't necessarily make your point moot, but it may give a
perspective on why people seem to be relatively calm about the newest
coolest kid on the block.

>  and now GitHub is the world leading development platform.
True.  But it wasn't the case five years ago and it might not be the
case anymore in five years.
I interpret your statement such that we should focus more on being on
Github, because it's where everybody else is and we surely want them to
make GNOME better.
I don't think we want to pay any price associated with getting the
maximum number of potential contributors.  The question then becomes
whether we are willing to pay the price associated with "switching to
Github".  For certain values of "switching to Github", the answer is
probably no; see below.

> Since the primary goal is to provide a developer experience that does not act 
> as
> a barrier to new contributors,
I believe our primary goal is to produce excellent Free Software to
enable as many people as possible to do their computing.
But there will surely be someone who would argue otherwise and the more
people you ask the more answers you will get.

Providing a smooth contribution experience is certainly a means to
achieve that goal.  And I think we have to work on making it much more
smooth for people to produce code.

> Should we be more pragmatic about that and reconsider GitHub as an option?
That's a fair question to ask.  I am wondering about that myself for a
while now.  I believe we are reluctant to accept having to rely on a
party sitting between us and the people wanting to make GNOME better.
 The reasons are manyfold.  My personal objection is that requiring
someone to agree to the ToS of a third party is a lot to ask for.  We
don't control the third party and it may very well decide to not
conduct business with certain people we would want to be able to
contribute. Just to invent a scenario: American companies may not be
allowed to deal with embargoed countries or people living there.  Now
that's not a concrete issue right now (AFAIK) but it may well become
one. (Also, the Github ToS, in particular, have stirred up some debate

On the other hand, it's probably fair to say that most people do have a
Github (Google, Facebook, ...) account already, so we're arriving here:

> Is it a dogmatic foundational decision not to evaluate GitHub because it is 
> not
> Free Software?
To me, not being Free Software feels like the straw that breaks the
camel's back.

But it's not that we're not using Github.  We have invested some time
to have our self-hosted git mirrored to Github.  Some people also
accept patches via Github.
Are you thinking of using Github more?

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