Re: Low memory hacks

2008-03-17 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Simos,

Yesterday at 15:02, Simos Xenitellis wrote:

 I'll like to see some real numbers on the memory usage instead of
 numbers being thrown around.

 In Ubuntu 7.10, the PO files for en_GB are
 $ du
 -h /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES 
 17M /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/

 In Ubuntu 8.04 (alpha 6), the PO files for en_GB are
 $ du
 -h /usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES 
 2.2M /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/

 What I am missing here is that I do not know when/how Ubuntu adds this
 functionality. It would benefit other distros as well. Did Debian
 introduce with feature? Danilo, any links?

I am not handling Ubuntu packaging stuff—it'd be worth checking with
Ubuntu guys instead.  Martin Pitt is probably the right person to ask
about it, but looking at the language pack sourcepackage should give a
clue as well.

However, I'd note that en_GB is not really the right locale to do
the metrics on.

From the 2.3M + 17M MO files in Ubuntu 7.10, a typical GNOME session
 loads up a subset of the MO files,

 # lsof | grep \.mo\$ | awk '{print $7,$9}' | sort -n | uniq

 At this moment, my 7.10 is a bit messed up (I have en_GB.UTF-8 but most
 apps have en_US?!?). The figures for 8.04 with el_GR should be
 comparative of what you get now with 7.10 and en_GB:

They wouldn't be. A majority of el_GR probably uses two-byte UTF-8
sequences, while en_GB would use a majority of single byte UTF-8
sequences (i.e. ASCII).

 # lsof | grep \.mo\$ | awk '{print $7,$9}' | sort -n | uniq | awk
 '{printf %d+,$1}'  /tmp/bc_sums

 Using bc with /tmp/bc_sums gives the figure
 3.6M (3624412) for a standard session. This figure is a bit
 conservative, because en_GB probably did more work than el.

 With Ubuntu 8.04 (alpha6) and en_GB, the figure for the MO files is
 less than 600K (585375).
 Bastien, could you provide the proper figure for your system?

 That is a saving of at least 3M in memory.

As Bastien explained, mmap() doesn't read the entire file into memory,
but only reads it as needed.

 The stripping of unneeded messages is good, and should happen at the
 package generation level (not in GNOME, or when creating tarballs). 

Technically, I've opposed introducing this in intltool because of a
one incompatible difference:

  current gettext(Something) != such gettext(Something)

i.e. if Something was (un)translated as Something in the MO file,
gettext would return a static pointer with the string Something.  If
it was untranslated, it would return the passed pointer.

That can and was used to detect whether there is a translation in some
programs (I've seen it done), so, until gains are proven to be big
enough to warrant breaking a few programs in strange ways, I wouldn't
do it on the packaging/build time.

Of course, providing numbers to show what the gains are would help
make the decision.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Glade branched for gnome 2.18

2007-03-11 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Tristan,

Sorry for the late response,

On March 6th, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:

 I've already requested a string break for some important blockers
 (i.e. glade in 2.18 is feature incomplete without them)... and I'll
 be periodically requesting code freeze breaks for minor bug fixes
 on Glade 3.2.x (for instance I have a simple fix pending on: ).

Since I was convinced by you that this is a real issue (properties in
Glade files being lost, a serious regression), you are allowed to fix

As agreed, translators should expect to have at least another 24 hours
to update their translations since Glade3 release will be rolled out
tomorrow near the deadline (which is, to remind my fellow translators,
Monday 12UTC).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Belarussian Latin translation

2007-03-11 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi chpe,

Today at 14:05, Christian Persch wrote:

 Recently, the Belarusian Latin translation team has started adding its
 translations to many GNOME modules. However, they chose to use the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] name for their PO files, instead of following the 

Unfortunately, we'll be switching to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' instead.  The same is
probably true for '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', since they had the same problem with
getting their locale named [EMAIL PROTECTED] past Ulrich Drepper and into glibc
(who claimed that the GNU libc established practice was to use
lowercase fully-spelled-out English words for modifiers, whereas there
were only a couple of modifiers at the time, such as euro and
cyrillic: nothing I'd call a rule myself especially since cyrillic
was only used with [EMAIL PROTECTED] which was going away, but anyway)

So, even if Latn is an ISO 15924 identifier for Latin script, it made
no difference, so while [EMAIL PROTECTED] never made it into GNU libc (after
sitting in Bugzilla for ~3 years), [EMAIL PROTECTED] made it in just a
couple of days ago  (when Ulrich responded for the first time to
request to add [EMAIL PROTECTED], we already had all of GNOME translated, and
even Serbian KDE team started using it for Latin translations).

Afaik, Fedora, SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu have been shipping [EMAIL PROTECTED]
locale already, but I don't know about other distributions.

 Can we please resolve this before the GNOME 2.18 release, as to not
 create a backward compatibility problem for our users by having to
 change it in a later release?

Since SVN allows file renames, this is not as big problem as we had
with that until recently.  As far as compatibility is concerned,
people will be able to use both anyhow, and I guess Belarusian guys
are actually better off with [EMAIL PROTECTED] since that's what'll get into
GNU libc (yeah, big distributions will pick up anything people
actually use, like they picked up [EMAIL PROTECTED], but smaller ones usually
use only what GNU libc provides).

And fwiw, GNU libc has a fallback mechanism, so even if locale with
modifier is not present, the one without is used (so, if we later
rename [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED], people will only have to change 
their LC_*
settings to point to it, and it will display proper translations, but
things coming from locale such as dates will be in the wrong script).

 (This question was already asked on gtk-devel-list
 ] but apparently nobody from the [EMAIL PROTECTED] translation team has

I don't know if Uzbekistani team is aware that they'll also need to
change theirs to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (according to thread,
and especially Ulrich's response).

As far as Serbian is concerned, I wouldn't bother with it right now
since we've got really fast recode-latin-sr script in GNU gettext 0.15
and later, and I want to generate [EMAIL PROTECTED] on the fly in the future
(so, I'll modify makefiles for GNU gettext, intltool and
gnome-doc-utils to do that).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Problems with gnome-hello's OMF files

2007-01-26 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 10:00, Nickolay V. Shmyrev wrote:

 Heh, migration is finished, hopefully without new problems.

Thanks for taking care of this :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Problems with gnome-hello's OMF files

2007-01-25 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Mariano,

Today at 18:46, Mariano Suárez-Alvarez wrote:

 Someone who knows how to do it should really port gnome-hello to g-d-u,
 though. Cf.

Just so it's clear that people have seen that email, but mostly lack
the time to take on that responsibility, I'll point out:

which should help in migration, and anyone who carries it out should
be able to tell us if the docs are lacking.  Anyone on #docs will be
happy to help with minor issues that may come up in the migration.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: atk and gail branched

2007-01-17 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Bill,

On January 9th, Bill Haneman wrote:

 Danilo Šegan wrote:

 I know SVN makes no difference between tags and branches, but lets
 have at least some consistency.  Can you please move these to
 Li Yuan has pointed out the 'svn mv' command to me. Is that all that is 

I think that should do it (sorry for the late response, it's hard to
keep track of d-d-l traffic, so it's best to CC me :)

When you've done it, just let me know so I can update data.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: atk and gail branched

2007-01-08 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Bill,

Today at 17:51, Bill Haneman wrote:

 I've created gnome-2.16 branches for atk and gail.

atk seems to be under
instead of

Similarly for gail at:

I know SVN makes no difference between tags and branches, but lets
have at least some consistency.  Can you please move these to

desktop-devel-list mailing list

GNOME git repositories? (was Re: GNOME subversion migration)

2006-12-26 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Kjartan,

Today at 22:12, Kjartan Maraas wrote:

 Maybe we should consider setting up a formal git infrastructure so that
 projects that want to use git will have a way to distribute their
 repositories in a more standard way across GNOME? anyone? With a gitweb interface?

And bzr? Mercurial? (I know at least some would be interested in using
bzr, and I even remember some discussion about it on #gnome-hackers)

This would encourage developers to use non-central repositories, thus
making work of non-developers (think translators, artists,
documentors) much harder.  In other words, GNOME subprojects would
not be able to work with those other repositories as easily as with
the main CVS/SVN one.

And where do we draw the line?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME git repositories?

2006-12-26 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 22:44, Germán Poó Caamaño wrote:

 This would encourage developers to use non-central repositories, thus
 making work of non-developers (think translators, artists,
 documentors) much harder.  In other words, GNOME subprojects would
 not be able to work with those other repositories as easily as with
 the main CVS/SVN one.

 That is a big misunderstanding about how it works.  Using a distributed
 source system doesn't mean that doesn't exist any central ('main')

You misunderstood the point.  Some developers would be using GIT,
others would be using bzr, yet others Mercurial.  And anothers would
stick with SVN or CVS or something else altogether.

And you want translators, who often have problems with understanding
PO file and CVS command syntax itself, to cope with all of these?  At
the same time?  Or documentors who constantly mess up DocBook tags?
(it's not because they are stupid, it's because they are good at what
they do: translate, document, draw, etc.)

If the point is not yet clear:

Choose *ONE* RCS GNOME-wide, and stick with it

I am not saying they are any worse or better than SVN (actually, I
know they are better, except for the fact that SVN usage is so similar
to CVS that it'll be easier to migrate both developers and
non-developers to it).

 Moreover, it can works the same way it has been working until now.
 The big difference is any contributor can have his or her own copy
 of the repository (as usual) but the whole history.

Not really, if you have to handle both GIT and SVN.  And then add bzr,
mercurial, darcs into the mix.

And don't forget to think of our poor sysadmin team as well, who would
have to maintain central servers for all of these.

Gnome servers should provide enough infrastructure to help develop
Gnome and related software.  We should not aim for project hosting
services, imo (we simply don't have the resources to do that).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME git repositories?

2006-12-26 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 23:22, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:

 Even better, you don't have to give a cvs/svn account to every
 contributor.  Allowing the barrier of entry to be a lot easier.

You guys seem to be engaging in the SVN vs. GIT (or any other RCS)
again.  I thought that this discussion was over, and I am not getting
into it now ;)

I am against having more than one way of accessing source code for
GNOME source code.  It's as simple as that.  For the benefit of
translators, documentors, artists, and heck, even developers (imagine
this: to install GNOME, get gnome-panel using bzr, gtk+ and glib using
git, nautilus using SVN, ...).

I am also against GNOME SysAdmin team having to provide for different
project hosting services.  But if they feel they can take it, then by
all means, be my guests and lets have and :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

2006-12-18 Thread Danilo Šegan
On Friday at 23:42, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

 Right, and the reason Epiphany can't *solely* use the language from the 
 locale is that (as I understand it) the locale can refer to only one 
 language. There is no way to say, for example, I prefer reading stuff 
 in Swiss German, but if that's not available, give me Swiss French or 
 France French. It would be good if this list could be set system-wide.

Isn't this provided by LANGUAGE environment variable on GNU systems?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

2.18 proposed modules: i18n evaluation

2006-12-15 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi all,

This is my evaluation (with GTP spokesperson hat on) of the Gnome
modules which are proposed for inclusion in 2.18.  It's based only on
the perceived localizability of the app, usually untested, but
judging by the strings in the PO files, and how comfortable will GTP
in working with them.

I didn't evaluate anything else.  If I failed in being objective (no
doubt I did :), please point that out if you think it will affect
final 'score'.

  - No objections: no objections whatsoever to including it
  - No strong objections: all objections can be easily addressed in
2.18 timeframe
  - Strong objections: it's doubtful objections can be addressed in
time for 2.18; for modules listed below, it means they use outside
SVN and I doubt they'd be willing to switch over to Gnome CVS

Short evaluation:
  No objections: devhelp, NetworkManager
  No strong objections: Anjuta, Glade3, tracker, seahorse
  Strong objections: GnomeScan, MonoDevelop

Read below for details.


= gnomescan =

Strong objection to including it.

It seems to support l10n, but it's outside of Gnome CVS.  Strings are
otherwise fine and there seem not to be any common problems with them.
The only big problem is that it's not using Gnome CVS.

My recommendation would be to NOT include it UNLESS it's moved to
Gnome CVS before the January 15th (so translators would actually have
the time to work on it aside from string freeze period).  Of course,
if it's not moved at all, I would strongly oppose to including it in
Gnome from I18N perspective.

Only 4 translations, but the module seems small enough (~100

No docs, so no gnome-doc-utils usage concerns.

= NetworkManager =

No objections.

It uses Gnome CVS, is i18n-enabled, and everything seems to work
fine.  Based on i18n-merits, it IS recommended for inclusion.

23 languages with over 95% of a total of 192 strings translated.

No docs, so no gnome-doc-utils usage concerns.

= sea-horse =

No strong objections.

It uses Gnome CVS, is i18n-enabled, and everything seems to work
fine.  Based on i18n-merits, it IS recommended for inclusion.

6 translations above 50%, total of 745 messages.
seahorse-0-8 branch is better with 16 translations of =98%, and a
total of 527 messages (if translators would merge this into HEAD, it
would probably be much better).

Docs are using gnome-doc-utils (this is a good thing :), and they add
another 303 messages to translation.

= tracker =

No strong objections.

It uses Gnome CVS, there is some i18n support, but it hasn't been
announced for translation (so no status pages).

Only 3 translations, but the file is reasonably small (100 messages).

Docs seem to be only available as man pages, and we don't support
localizing them easily at the moment (if they used XML as a source
format, it would be much easier).


All of devhelp, anjuta and glade3 sit in the Gnome CVS.  MonoDevelop
is outside, so that's a big concern.  DevHelp and Anjuta have been
long-time Gnome modules, and they have reasonable translation support.

= Anjuta =

No strong objections.

Anjuta hasn't been updated recently, so that might be a
concern.  Otherwise, there are ~1700 messages (pretty large module)
for translation, with 10 languages over 80%.

Docs seem not to be ported over to gnome-doc-utils, so that's another
i18n concern.

= DevHelp =

No objections.

Small module (62 messages) with 21 languages over 80%. No docs so no
concern over gnome-doc-utils usage there.

= Glade3 =

No strong objections.

Uses Gnome CVS, messages seem fine.  739 messages for translation, but
with only 4 languages over 75%.  I am hoping some of old Glade
translations can be reused (~1300 msgs, 30 languages with =80%

It uses gnome-doc-utils for the docs, so that's another plus.

= MonoDevelop =

Strong objection.

It's i18n-enabled, and uses gettext PO files for translation, which is
a good thing.  There seems to be a placeholder documentation which is
not using gnome-doc-utils (but it doesn't matter much since it's a
placeholder, i.e. not real document).

The big problem is that it's not using Gnome CVS for development,
which is a serious barrier to GTP work (see gnomescan evaluation
above). also seems to be out of date (some 200 messages are
missing, out of 1336 messages total), and there are 12 languages with
~1000 messages translated.

This might still be a bigger problem then expected, since it's a large
module and former translation teams might use different terminology
from Gnome translation teams.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: 2.18 proposed modules: i18n evaluation

2006-12-15 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Don,

Today at 17:59, Don Scorgie wrote:

 What about gnome-main-menu [1]?  Is it still proposed (I may have missed
 something)?  What's the i18n teams take on it?

It's not listed in any of the ReleaseSuites on

So, what's the status on that one?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

2006-12-15 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Matthew,

On Monday at 11:48, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:

 Ideally Epiphany's language preferences wouldn't be in Epiphany, they'd 
 be in a system-wide preferences tool (as they are for Windows Internet 
 Explorer with the Regional Settings control panel, and for Safari and 
 other Mac browsers with the International preferences pane). The 
 language list it configured would also determine the default for 
 Totem's subtitle/audio language, and for any other application that 
 needs to know your preferred languages (such as an ISV's app that ships 
 with its own translations).

If I remember correctly, Epiphany uses the language from the locale as
the default (I have since set my languages in there manually, since
sr-CS, sr caused some web site to crash, and I wanted to add hr in
my list as well).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

2.18 proposed modules: i18n evaluation

2006-12-13 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi all,

This is my evaluation (with GTP spokesperson hat on) of the Gnome
modules which are proposed for inclusion in 2.18.  It's based only on
the perceived localizability of the app, usually untested, but
judging by the strings in the PO files, and how comfortable will GTP
in working with them.

I didn't evaluate anything else.  If I failed in being objective (no
doubt I did :), please point that out if you think it will affect
final 'score'.

  - No objections: no objections whatsoever to including it
  - No strong objections: all objections can be easily addressed in
2.18 timeframe
  - Strong objections: it's doubtful objections can be addressed in
time for 2.18; for modules listed below, it means they use outside
SVN and I doubt they'd be willing to switch over to Gnome CVS

Short evaluation:
  No objections: devhelp, NetworkManager
  No strong objections: Anjuta, Glade3, tracker, seahorse
  Strong objections: GnomeScan, MonoDevelop

Read below for details.


= gnomescan =

Strong objection to including it.

It seems to support l10n, but it's outside of Gnome CVS.  Strings are
otherwise fine and there seem not to be any common problems with them.
The only big problem is that it's not using Gnome CVS.

My recommendation would be to NOT include it UNLESS it's moved to
Gnome CVS before the January 15th (so translators would actually have
the time to work on it aside from string freeze period).  Of course,
if it's not moved at all, I would strongly oppose to including it in
Gnome from I18N perspective.

Only 4 translations, but the module seems small enough (~100

No docs, so no gnome-doc-utils usage concerns.

= NetworkManager =

No objections.

It uses Gnome CVS, is i18n-enabled, and everything seems to work
fine.  Based on i18n-merits, it IS recommended for inclusion.

23 languages with over 95% of a total of 192 strings translated.

No docs, so no gnome-doc-utils usage concerns.

= sea-horse =

No strong objections.

It uses Gnome CVS, is i18n-enabled, and everything seems to work
fine.  Based on i18n-merits, it IS recommended for inclusion.

6 translations above 50%, total of 745 messages.
seahorse-0-8 branch is better with 16 translations of =98%, and a
total of 527 messages (if translators would merge this into HEAD, it
would probably be much better).

Docs are using gnome-doc-utils (this is a good thing :), and they add
another 303 messages to translation.

= tracker =

No strong objections.

It uses Gnome CVS, there is some i18n support, but it hasn't been
announced for translation (so no status pages).

Only 3 translations, but the file is reasonably small (100 messages).

Docs seem to be only available as man pages, and we don't support
localizing them easily at the moment (if they used XML as a source
format, it would be much easier).


All of devhelp, anjuta and glade3 sit in the Gnome CVS.  MonoDevelop
is outside, so that's a big concern.  DevHelp and Anjuta have been
long-time Gnome modules, and they have reasonable translation support.

= Anjuta =

No strong objections.

Anjuta hasn't been updated recently, so that might be a
concern.  Otherwise, there are ~1700 messages (pretty large module)
for translation, with 10 languages over 80%.

Docs seem not to be ported over to gnome-doc-utils, so that's another
i18n concern.

= DevHelp =

No objections.

Small module (62 messages) with 21 languages over 80%. No docs so no
concern over gnome-doc-utils usage there.

= Glade3 =

No strong objections.

Uses Gnome CVS, messages seem fine.  739 messages for translation, but
with only 4 languages over 75%.  I am hoping some of old Glade
translations can be reused (~1300 msgs, 30 languages with =80%

It uses gnome-doc-utils for the docs, so that's another plus.

= MonoDevelop =

Strong objection.

It's i18n-enabled, and uses gettext PO files for translation, which is
a good thing.  There seems to be a placeholder documentation which is
not using gnome-doc-utils (but it doesn't matter much since it's a
placeholder, i.e. not real document).

The big problem is that it's not using Gnome CVS for development,
which is a serious barrier to GTP work (see gnomescan evaluation
above). also seems to be out of date (some 200 messages are
missing, out of 1336 messages total), and there are 12 languages with
~1000 messages translated.

This might still be a bigger problem then expected, since it's a large
module and former translation teams might use different terminology
from Gnome translation teams.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposal to add Orca to GNOME 2.16

2006-06-11 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 17:41, Sri Ramkrishna wrote:

 So there's been no comment on this (or I must have missed it).  Are we
 considering Orca for GNOME 2.16[1]?

It is pretty clear that we want to replace Gnopernicus with Orca,
especially since Gnopernicus maintainers support that as well.

Who are we to argue them? ;)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-themes branched

2006-03-31 Thread Danilo Šegan
Yesterday at 18:09, Calum Benson wrote:

 I've just branched gnome-themes in preparation for 2.15 development
 work; branch name is gnome-2-14 as usual.

Thanks for the notice, translation status pages updated.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: release notes: first draft

2006-03-09 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Bob,

Yesterday at 23:41, Bob Kashani wrote:

 I like this much better. It flows much nicer too. I made the changes. 

Also note that if you want translated release notes, you'll have to be
much more strict about such changes at this time.

We are only 5 days from a release, and there are only 3 or 4
translations under-way:

With Gnome 2.12 we were very successful with translation (24
languages!), but notes were finished two weeks before the release,
and stabilised at least a week before release.  I think it looked
really cool on

and it gave an impression of Gnome truly being the international
desktop it is :)


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: release notes: first draft

2006-03-09 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 0:54, Elijah Newren wrote:

 On 3/9/06, Davyd Madeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 12:27:32AM +0100, Danilo ??egan wrote:

  With Gnome 2.12 we were very successful with translation (24
  languages!), but notes were finished two weeks before the release,
  and stabilised at least a week before release.  I think it looked
  really cool on

 This is basically my fault for sucking really badly. I should stop
 offering to do things, because I suck.

 No, no, no -- you're a hero for all the work you do.  You've had to
 handle a lot more work (fewer helping out, among other thigns), plus
 we got in the way by not getting the module decisions done in a
 reasonable amount of time.  Sorry about that, btw.

 Thanks for all your rocking work on the release notes.


(...thinking... damn with that seconded thing)
Davyd, you really, really are THE PROMOTER of any new Gnome releases.
Your hot previews and work on the release notes is what energizes both
us in/around Gnome, and those just looking at it from the outside!

Keep it going :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: release notes: first draft

2006-03-09 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 1:37, Bob Kashani wrote:

 I am going to let Bob and Claus finish up with the editing, but I
 will understand if at GUADEC, any translators want to come up and
 punch me in the face.

Not really, if we can negotiate a truce. See below. ;)

 In general I think that you've done a really good job. Most of the
 paragraphs are concise and to the point. Not bad for a CS guy. :)

 I also do understand Danilo's, concerns about translators so we will try
 and minimize the changes to make it easier for them.

For any simple spelling, rewording or similar changes which don't
change meaning, can I suggest you use en translation for them
(that's what we did last year for some last-minute changes)?
That means translations will stay complete and correct without
spurious needs to update.

Of course, if you do more extensive changes in a paragraph, fix all
the small things as well ;)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

String freeze break in gnome-volume-manager

2006-02-27 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Jeffrey,

Your commit on February 24th to gnome-volume-manager broke the string

Please revert this change and instead consider:

 - branching for Gnome 2.14 before introducing this change
 - asking for string freeze break approval (highly unlikely to get
   one from me, if the sole reason is the one in bug #326955[1]),
   following the procedure outlined on:
 - putting a patch in Bugzilla and marking it as
   accepted_commit-after-freeze and committing it when you branch


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: new module decisions

2006-02-17 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Dan,

Today at 15:11, Dan Winship wrote:

 Do we have any evidence that any distro actually cares what we consider
 to be in and out of the desktop release? Is there some distro out there
 loyally shipping epiphany as its default browser and waiting for us to
 certify GIMP before they allow it into the default desktop install?

There are distros who have version freeze dates for most packages way
sooner than for our desktop components. 

I know Ubuntu and SuSE include what we declare stable even if they
don't include incremental updates of other software for at least two
months before our and their release.  I guess Fedora does the same.

I.e. distros trust our modules more than others'.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-screensaver

2006-02-16 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Vincent,

Today at 8:24, Vincent Untz wrote:

 We'll be trying something new for new modules in 2.16. I think most of
 us agree that it didn't turn out well for this cycle.

Like: lets remove all desktop modules, and reevaluate them again?

Not that it would bring any concrete results, but I'd love the
flamefest (d-d-l is seriously lacking these days :)

Now, seriously, can you at least give us a hint of what you have in
mind?  And who is we dammit? :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gnome-icon-theme branched for gnome-2-14

2006-02-12 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi guys,

Today at 2:55, Rodney Dawes wrote:

 I have just branched gnome-icon-theme for gnome-2-14, from an earlier
 date in the 2.13 cycle, where the changes to follow the naming spec have
 not yet been implemented. A couple of fixes and a new icon used by the
 search functionality added to Nautilus in 2.14, are still in however.

release-team, this is becoming a bit confusing—are we to use
gnome-2-12 or gnome-2-14 branch for gnome-icon-theme (granted, your
decision happened before dobey announced his plans for 2.14)?


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: CVS conflicts for po files in doc directories

2006-02-02 Thread Danilo Šegan
On Tuesday at 21:16, Shaun McCance wrote:

 And Danilo, that reminds me, we *really* need to get some sort of
 sans-autogen sans-make method of updating documentation po files
 into gnome-doc-utils/xml2po in the next release cycle.  I'm sure
 translators are sick of me forcing them to do full checkouts and
 actually build the software.

Agreed.  In most cases it's easy to work-out that (if a maintainer
isn't using too complex scheme to construct variables to be passed to
gnome-doc-utils.make stuff). 

But, we already have some similar rules for that in intltool? Or do we
want to tell maintainers to be a bit more restricted with it ;)

And I have something in my l10n-doc-status scripts as well (in Python)
that can work out the simpler cases.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: CVS conflicts for po files in doc directories

2006-01-31 Thread Danilo Šegan
Yesterday at 20:00, Elijah Newren wrote:

 On 1/30/06, Torsten Schoenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 why am I seeing more and more CVS conflicts for *.po files in
 documentation directories?  This happens for quite a few modules
 (gucharmap and gnome-applets come to mind); and their number is
 increasing.  Is this related to xml2po?  Can it be fixed?

 It may be related to:

 2006-01-29  Shaun McCance  shaunm gnome org

 * gnome-doc-utils.make:
 - Do not automatically update po files

 but I'm just taking a guess here...

That should actually fix things ;)

(I.e. your PO files got automatically updated before this when you ran
make, and this resulted in them being changed from whatever is in
CVS at the moment) 

So Torsten, try updating your gnome-doc-utils instead :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [BUG] Volumes not translated due wrong

2005-09-22 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 12:27, Luca Ferretti wrote:

 It's quiet obvious that we want to have those translated. Feel free to
 patch, and please don't forget to send an e-mail to

 No CVS access and no subscription to gnome-i18n :-P

 So could other brave do it?

I've just fixed it.  Thanks for the report.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: String review

2005-09-21 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 21:08, Vincent Untz wrote:

 The difficult part is, however, to make maintainers use this database
 when they add new strings. I don't know how we could do this.

I think it would be simple to make them use it provided we have a good
similarity matching algorithm. 

Also, this will only make sense doing if we provide such a mechanism
in the first place (or is anyone interested in hand-selecting all the
cases? :).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Preliminary Gnome 2.14 Schedule

2005-09-14 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Elijah,

It's wonderful that you're taking initiative to streamline our release
process!  I love all the suggestions, and I'll chip in with my thoughts.

Today at 7:42, Elijah Newren wrote:

 The specific solutions I'm proposing are:

   - Tarballs are due by 23:59 UTC on the Monday specified

Can we also add a general guideline as to *earliest* when tarballs
should be rolled out?  I know we can't be too strict on this one
(every now and then there will be a couple of exceptions; for some we
will be using very old tarballs such as previous Gnome releases), but
I believe documentation and translation projects would benefit from 
having exact date until they can work on something while being sure
that their work will end up in the release.

So far, I have always had problems answering the ultimate question of
all translators: up to when can we submit our translations to be sure
that they are making it into the release?  Yeah, every day counts.

Maybe that's what current two days in the roll out period is about,
but I just want to make it a bit more specific.  

Asking for a simple notify gnome-i18n, gnome-doc-list if you are
releasing early (just like Rich did with gcalctool in this round)
would be a great help as well.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Evolution-hackers] Evolution and Evolution-Data-Server branched

2005-09-02 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Harish,

(I've picked this from a response by Luis Villa :)

On Wednesday at 16:34, Luis Villa wrote:

 On 8/31/05, Harish Krishnaswamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The gnome-2-12 branch for Evolution and Evolution-Data-Server has been
 created. This would be the stable branch for Evolution 2.4 and
 Evolution-Data-Server 1.4

Please don't forget to CC gnome-i18n and gnome-docs-list when creating
new branches, especially this close to a release, since we may still
work on HEAD not knowing that we need to switch! 

Translators, Evolution and Evolution Data Server have been branched
for Gnome 2.12, so please use that and merge back any translations you
did in a last couple of days!  Translation status pages should show
new branches when they update.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Announcing: Project Ridley

2005-08-26 Thread Danilo Šegan
Yesterday at 17:14, Rodney Dawes wrote:

 Beyond that, the only other thing which I care about that uses expat,
 is the XML::Parser perl module, which we require for intltool.

But note that in the long run, I'd be willing to port intltool to
libxml2.  However, we all remember the problems we had with
XML::Parser migration, and libxml2 Perl modules are even less likely
to be installed.

 Most everything else in terms of Gnome, use libxml2 anyway. Gnumeric,
 Abiword, the background capplet, gconf, etc... all use libxml2.

I believe gconf uses glib-internal (and incomplete) XML parser, but
what matters is that it doesn't use expat. :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdm2 branched for 2.12

2005-08-04 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 8:06, Brian Cameron wrote:

 The gdm2 GNOME module is now branched for 2.12.

Try instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Hum, how about creating an alias?)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [BUG?] Issues in recent doc switch for gnome-panel

2005-07-21 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Luca,

Today at 8:12, Luca Ferretti wrote:

 Using g-d-u 0.3.2 if you don't declare DOC_FIGURES in images
 will be ignored. This variable needs the 'full relative' path to all
 images you want to install. See following reduced installation logs

Shaun already fixed this problem: he called install-figs only if
DOC_FIGURES was declared, so even if they would be installed by
running make install-figs manually, there was a small problem that
this target was not even called.  Naughty, naughty Shaun!

  1. Add DOC_FIGURES = figures/clocl_applet.png to and
 regenerate Makefile

  1. Add DOC_FIGURES = figures/window_list_applet.png
 figures/window_list_group_applet.png to and
 regenerate Makefile

These workarounds should not be needed anymore with CVS g-d-u.

 ### Fish ###

  1. Add DOC_FIGURES = fish_applet.png to and
 regenerate Makefile
  2. Note the missing figures/ directory in previous declaration

You're expecting too much.  I mean, it's not hard to do that, but it's
kinda wrong, ya know?  Figures can also be in any other directory.

If you're suggesting that we REQUIRE everybody to use figures
directory, I don't see why shouldn't we instead REQUIRE everybody to
use full path to the figure, and allow pictures like
to be different, yet used in the same document.

 IMHO the Fish example should work. As well as you declare only
 basenamed XML filenames in DOC_INCLUDES, I suppose the DOC_FIGURES
 should accept basenamed PNG filenames. And it should be the right

And you do.  Base in this context is where $DOC_MODULE.xml resides
(i.e. help/C).  Figures can be directly inside it as well, and they
can be deeper in the hierarchy.

 Maybe a DOC_FIGURES_DIR (or DOC_FIGURES_DIRS) variable could be useful,
 if images aren't under XX/figures/ (but for example under XX/images).

IMHO, you're complicating it too much.  You can have them under
not-figures/ already, and you just need to mention them one by one.  I
agree that there's no much point in requiring it to be figures, but
that's only a recommendation.

I mean, your suggestion is ok, but it's really not that important.  If
it was done from scratch, I'd recommend doing it, but I don't see the
value in changing it now: either make it simple for yourself by
putting all the images in figures, or put them wherever you wish and
make it harder for yourself.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [BUG?] Issues in recent doc switch for gnome-panel

2005-07-20 Thread Danilo Šegan
Yesterday at 23:51, Shaun McCance wrote:

 Probably not related.  This is likely an issue of how gnome-doc-utils
 is calling xml2po.  I think xml2po does something like take the basename
 of the po file as the language.  I remember before having to adjust how
 I called it to make sure the language codes got set right.  I suppose I
 didn't get it quite right.  I'll look into it.

I've did a small update to xml2po which should fix this.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

ANNOUNCEMENT: Gnome-Doc-Utils Migration Guide

2005-07-19 Thread Danilo Šegan
Heya hackers,

We've just written a guide to help you migrate your modules to
gnome-doc-utils, which will immensly help both documentors and

Just head straight over to:

The early winners are bug-buddy (which shaunm converted) and
gnome-panel (rock on vuntz!). chpe has been working on enlightening
the epiphany behind the scenes, and davyd is already convinced to make
g-d-u do the work for gnome-applets.

If you need any live help, you can find shaunm or danilo on IRC, but
I'm sure other guys with experience will be glad to help as well :)
(vuntz, chpe).

Worthy of mention is that if you switch your module, you'll get
doc translation statistics like those at:

(ok, they can be prettier, but that's not high priority yet :).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Clearlooks and GNOME 2.12

2005-07-19 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 22:42, Richard Stellingwerff wrote:

 Personally, I'd really prefer to keep distributing standalone
 packages, since it allows me to do more frequent releases. 

Nobody would object if gtk-engines got more frequent releases. :)

I.e. this should not impact a decision, since if clearlooks is
included and maintained inside gtk-engines, you could ask for releases
as often as you wish, or even more likely, do them yourself. 

I can't imagine anyone complaining about someone else doing the work :)

 I'm not terribly aware of the release schedules and procedures of
 GNOME. As I understand, a few weeks before the new release there will
 be a feature freeze. How would this apply to Clearlooks?

You'd switch to bug fixing mode for around two months.  New
development might happen on another branch (HEAD), while this one is
stabilised.  Though, I'm not sure if gtk-engines follows Gnome or Gtk+
schedule (they're different).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: make check failures- gnome-vfs, e-d-s, at-spi

2005-07-18 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 18:56, Elijah Newren wrote:

  Sane? Insane?

 Does it matter?  I think it'd be useful, though I'm betting libwnck
 fails and I'll be unable to fix it (I wasn't able to last time I
 tried, but thankfully people smarter than I are handling the

I managed once to build entire Gnome during 2.7 using jhbuild (with
features jamesh just introduced back then to build outside of your
checkout directory, basically mimicking what distcheck is doing,
without the make check part :), and I remember having only to fix a
few's to use $(top_srcdir) and $(top_builddir) where
appropriate.  And yeah, some gtk-doc stuff was causing big problems
for me, but I can't remember if I resolved that or I just disabled it
at the time. :(

So, I think it should be doable, and more than useful!

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Application/System Tools vs System/Administration

2005-07-08 Thread Danilo Šegan
Yesterday at 21:36, Larry W. Virden wrote:

 On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 07:43 -0700, Rob Adams wrote:
  and focus-follows-mouse is just
 silly really, despite the fact that I use it :-) ).

 Sorry - but focus follows mouse is so far from silly that 
 the word loses its meaning in context.

Let me remind everyone that this is a discussion about showing this as
a preferences capplet. 

To illustrate my point, I use the following:
 - focus follows mouse
 - double clicking titlebar shades the window
 - I don't have a taskbar anywhere on my desktop (I have a window list
   menu button though, but I rarely use it: I have a big [3x4] number of
 - I don't have minimise on my titlebar (I just have close button on
   the left side, and general menu on the right—I should probably
   remove the menu one as well, since I rarely use it, and it's
   available with a right-click on the titlebar as well)

To get to all of these, I need to use gconf-editor anyway.  I didn't
even know you could set some of these through a Windows capplet.
I'm not yet ready to become your average home user (to use all the
defaults), so I appreciate having these options, but I really don't
care about the Windows crapplet.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Control center and capplet merging

2005-06-27 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 11:09, Reinout van Schouwen wrote:

 I don't know what liboobs is, but you did remind me of the fact that the
 GNOME i18n applet still hasn't been integrated. Does anyone know the
 status of that? Can we get it in for 2.12?

While servers are still up:

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Language and Culture Capplet update

2005-06-14 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Peter, all the Gnome Hackers,

I'm CCing d-d-l since this is a discussion about l10n API addition
that will affect many developers as well. 

I've added my comments to bug Peter Nugent opened:

and I'd appreciate if any of the hackers responsible for relevant
pieces of code (glib or g-c-c, though I seriously doubt we want this
API in g-c-c) can comment on this.

I should state that this is kind of functionality that GTP seriously
wants to see in Gnome!

Peter, it'd also be nice to get a cleaner and simpler overview of the
proposed API, and the reasoning behind it (i.e. why are date/time
formats locales provide not enough, and how do we expect API users to
select each of the formats; next, why is this not possible without
introducing new API, i.e. what's the reason for it?).  I'm holding my
judgement until this is explained.

When we resolve that, we should probably discuss the way to store
settings (since it'd be hard to make Glib depend on GConf, and
introducing pluggable backends sounds like overengineering).


Today at 10:58, Peter Nugent wrote:

 I have filed a bug 307121 with updated code and screenshots for this
 capplet. I would appreciate any feedback people can provide,
 especially owners of apps which use locale data.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: i18n and GNOME hackers

2005-06-10 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Federico,

Last Wednesday at 21:02, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

 It would be great if you could start a checklist in of
 particular APIs which are widely used and upon which people need to set
 up things like gettext domains.  I could certainly use this for the
 Gnome certification thingy here :)

I added a couple of pointers to:

Not sure if that helps.  Oh, now that I think of it, when we're
talking about Gnome Certification, we should also probably mention
.desktop files, .schemas, etc even though it's mostly covered in
Malcolm's i18n guide listed second under Documentation there. 

Note that I don't know the APIs too well, and some of the online API
references seems to be pretty outdated (like libglade one I found
through Google).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: i18n and GNOME hackers

2005-06-08 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 16:27, Frederic Crozat wrote:

 So, if you are a non-english native speaker GNOME hacker (or if you are
 fluent enough to use GNOME in another language than english), please use
 it by default on your system and report bugs (when translations is there
 but not displayed). And of course, this call is also valid for
 translators who usually know which parts of applications they have
 already translated.

I support this initiative by Frederic, and let me add that apart from
misreferenced gettext domain names, it's not uncommon for programmers
to miss appropriate calls to set up translation when they switch to
GtkUIManager (from GtkItemFactory) or even miss to set up translation
domain when they load in .glade files: these kinds of omissions are
usually reflected in application menus being untranslated, so you can
notice them quite fast.

Btw, Frederic, what were the untranslated applications you noticed?
I'm running 2.10 since it came out and I didn't notice any regressions
in the apps I regularly use.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Idea for mailman lists

2005-06-01 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 13:54, Dave Neary wrote:

 Is it possible to add an RSS feed for archives of mailman lists which
 makes it easy to subscribe read-only to mailing lists using rss?
 It's that many more ways that someone can read the list, and
 eventually ignore it for days if they don't have time without getting
 hundreds of mails building up.

How about using gmane instead?

(there's even, but it doesn't cover as much lists as
the regular gmane) 

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Attempt to clean up gconf usage in gnomecc some...

2005-04-21 Thread Danilo Šegan
Yesterday at 20:52, Kjartan Maraas wrote:

 This patch tries to clean up gconf usage so we at least unref
 GConfClient whenever we use them. There are some other bits in here as
 well, but nothing controversial. Feedback is much appreciated.

I think this won't compile with GCC 2.95.* (or any C89 compiler).  Are
we sure we don't want to support them anymore?

-   client = gconf_client_get_default ();
+   GConfClient *client = gconf_client_get_default ();

(there's another similar change at the end of patch, but at the start
of nested block, so it should work even with GCC 2.95; maybe I don't
see enough context in this part, so if you're certain that you're not
introducing compatibility problems, just ignore me :)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gdm2 string freeze breakage

2005-03-21 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 13:48, Bill Haneman wrote:

 Perhaps.  But with the political issues surrounding 'Taiwan', would it
 not be safer not to introduce this string?

We're not proclaiming it's independence of China, in the same way that
we're not proclaiming Hong Kong's independence of China, even though
there's a string Chinese (Hong Kong).

Taiwan _is_ the name of the province/country (depending on who you 
are :), so I see nothing disputable there (clearly, the Hong Kong
example should indicate that we're not insisting on territories being
countries in there, since it's a Special Administrative Region of
People's Republic of China; we're simply not saying that Taiwan is
not as well, but we aren't saying that it is either).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: eog string freeze breakages

2005-03-18 Thread Danilo Šegan
Any news on this, Jens?

Last Tuesday at 22:57, Danilo egan wrote:

 Hi Jens,

 (Though I suspect this was unintentional, and Jens only forgot to
 branch EOG for gnome-2-10 [at least I don't see it], I'm using almost 
 standard mail template for string freeze breakages.)

 There have been numerous string freeze breakages (at least twelwe
 new/changed messages) in EOG:

 Both seem to be part of a single commit:

 2005-03-14  Jens Finke  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   * Merged the experimental-job-mgr branch back to head.

 What you probably want to do is to branch eog at some point before
 these changes, because I can hardly think of a reason to add 12 new
 strings in a string frozen branch now.

 If you still feel there's a need for string freeze breakage, I suggest
 to follow the procedure outlined below: 

 Basically, we need (very) good reasons why are these new strings

 gnome-i18n mailing list
desktop-devel-list mailing list

eog string freeze breakages

2005-03-15 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Jens,

(Though I suspect this was unintentional, and Jens only forgot to
branch EOG for gnome-2-10 [at least I don't see it], I'm using almost 
standard mail template for string freeze breakages.)

There have been numerous string freeze breakages (at least twelwe
new/changed messages) in EOG:

Both seem to be part of a single commit:

2005-03-14  Jens Finke  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Merged the experimental-job-mgr branch back to head.

What you probably want to do is to branch eog at some point before
these changes, because I can hardly think of a reason to add 12 new
strings in a string frozen branch now.

If you still feel there's a need for string freeze breakage, I suggest
to follow the procedure outlined below: 

Basically, we need (very) good reasons why are these new strings

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New external dependency: iso-codes ?

2005-03-07 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Simos,

Today at 22:01, Simos Xenitellis wrote:

 It looks more canonical to me to make the dependancy to the Translation

You got it a bit mixed up :)

Translation Project (TP) is basically for other programs what GTP is
for Gnome: a translation project.  You cannot add a dependency on
GTP for any software module, because it's not software, it's a group
of people and some infrastructure :)

The discussion here was whether to make iso-codes build- and run-time
dependencies of Gnome software.  That can be done several ways, and
one is to make it a soft dependency (everything would work fine even
if it's not there, except there might be no translations), or hard
dependency (package won't install if a hard dependency is not

For example, xkeyboard-config translations are a soft dependency of
Gnome keyboard preferences: you get untranslated layout names if
xkb-config is not included.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New external dependency: iso-codes ?

2005-03-07 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 21:15, Christian Persch wrote:

 I'd like to add a new external dependency to GNOME Desktop: the
 iso-codes package. It's available from cvs
 [] and tarball

FWIW, you have my support in doing this.  

If this is agreed for entire Gnome, we (GTP) are going to start
treating extensive lists of country and language names marked for
translation as bugs, so developers beware! ;)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Usability] [RFC] Announcing: Control-Center-GUI 0.1

2005-02-07 Thread Danilo Šegan
Today at 23:27, Rodney Dawes wrote:

 This is a bug, that I believe jody just fixed in HEAD. Given proper
 categories, you get the same UI that you were talking about, and that
 Mac OS X uses.

Even better!  So, what is wrong with it actually?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Xlock on login

2005-01-29 Thread Danilo Šegan
Hi Ryan,

Today at 2:51, Ryan McDougall wrote:

 I think the best place to put this pre-load optimization is the same
 place Windows XP, (I think MacOSX,) and FC4 put it: On boot they read
 into RAM a working set of files optimally arranged on disk (100MB should
 take a couple seconds), so that (hopefully) starting GNOME should rarely
 ever seek to disk.

This was discussed a couple of weeks or months back on this very same
list, I think.  Someone (Sean?) even did some benchmarks if I'm not

Or, perhaps this was only about re-arranging files on disk for better
read throughoutput, I don't remember right now.

desktop-devel-list mailing list