Re: [PROPOSAL] GNOME Goal for 3.8: No more Python 2

2012-07-03 Thread David Malcolm
On Tue, 2012-07-03 at 10:13 -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
 On 07/03/2012 05:04 AM, Bastien Nocera wrote:
  On Tue, 2012-07-03 at 09:23 +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:
  On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 09:44:52AM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
  As per earlier discussions, I am proposing that we target GNOME 3.8 as
  our first all Python 3 release.
  Total lack of responses + 3.8 is far away: IMO ok.
  Most likely because people don't know what's required. What's the
  contingency plan? Will we be able to ship 2 version of Python, 2
  versions of the bindings and have old and new apps work as expected?
  What's needed for plugins?
 Speaking as someone who did the Python 3 conversion for both Orca and
 Accerciser (code review pending), what I learned in the process is that
 there are many things which are both Python 2 and Python 3 compatible.
 In fact, the bulk of the changes are because quite a bit got backported
 into Python 2. Mind you, those things which did get backported are
 definitely in Python 2.7, might or might not be in Python 2.6, probably
 are not in 2.5
 Thus if everyone can start with the changes which are both Python 2.7
 and Python 3 compatible, our contingency plan could be a minimum
 required version of Python 2.7.
FWIW, I've found this library to be extremely helpful when maintaining
.py code for the common subset of the 2.x and 3.* dialects:
It may be worth thinking about blessing this as a dependency.

Hope this is helpful

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: build system alternatives (Was: Using vala in GNOME)

2008-07-01 Thread David Malcolm
On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 17:51 +0200, Pavel Rojtberg wrote:
 Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
  On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 23:45 +0300, natan yellin wrote:
  On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:59 PM, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
   2008/6/30 Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 12:01 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:
 Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
   On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 15:07 +0100, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
   Plus, CMake is getting more mature and stable and it
   already supports
   VisualStudio and XCode project files conversion, lack of
   extensibility being its only downside at the moment.
   Lack of extensibility, and use of another arcane custom
   made programming
   language (if we can call it that) for everything.
   No, CMake is not an answer.  It is not significantly
   better than
   autotools to justify a switch to it IMHO.
 CMake *is* considerably better. Xcode/VisualStudio are
   killer features which
 alone would make a switch worth it.
 I disagree that Xcode/VisualStudio are killer features.  A
 programming language and extensibility are way better
   features IMHO.
 Does a significant percentage of GNOME developers use any of
   these IDEs?
 Without such data you can't assert that those are killer
 For the case of Vala, I don't see how CMake handles it any
   better than
 Can we please start to organize ourselves and try to move
   forward with
 switching to another build system?
 We can't switch to any single build system any more than we
   can switch
 to a single DVCS.  Or to a single programming language, for
   that matter!
 Different developers value different features.  Modern
   developers have
 to adapt to different environments.  I, for example,
   regularly program
 in C, C++, and Python.  I know how to use cvs, subversion,
   bazaar, git
 (poorly), and mercurial.  In particular I use subversion,
   bazaar, and
 mercurial very regularly, all at the same time, git not so
   much only
 because I didn't need to.  I can hack plain makefiles,
 autoconf/automake, waf, and scons.
   And is this an acceptable barrier of entry to Gnome
  Agreed. While the skills that you mentioned do come with time no
  matter what, you want to avoid forcing beginner developers to chew
  more than they can swallow.
  That is a moot point.  A beginner chooses *one* project to hack on,
  that's all.  All he has to know is the programming language and tools of
  that single project.
  That is an issue when a developer wants to transition to another module,
  at which point he is probably no longer a beginner.
  This is basically the same thing as with programming languages.  Do you
  think everything should be coded in C in order to lower the required
  skill set of beginner hackers?  What about Python, C++, Vala, C#, Perl?
  We ban modules written in those other languages because they force
  developers to learn a new programming language?
  Besides, making life easier beginner contributors, fine, I'm all for it.
  But that has to be balanced with keeping the mental sanity of the
  contributors we already have.
 I dont think the point is that moot. Being one of the beginner 
 developers you refer to, I can say that autotools are really daunting.
 As is that most of Gnome Modules are written in C.
 Up to now I tried write some patches, but always capitulated because of 
 some autotools and/ or C weirdness.
 And honestly I dont see why I have to learn that freaking tools, when 
 there is Scons/ Python which are beginner friendly and which I 
 personally use for my own projects.
 So my contributions this far were limited to the parts of gnome written 
 in python.

Rereading, this has turned into a rant, but posting in the hope that it
will be useful:
It often puts me off, as an experienced C developer.  When I first
started looking at GNOME (and indeed Linux) I was an experienced C
developer, having worked on various commercial videogames, finding ways
to save a few hundred bytes here and there to get stuff to fit in RAM on
the target platform... and I still have trouble with the GNU autotools:
I want to spend my brainpower thinking about the problem domain of the
program, my users, and my code, not having to deal with a pile of hacks
upon hacks for 

Re: Composition [was Re: gnome-session proposal]

2008-06-26 Thread David Malcolm
On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 23:02 +0100, Iain * wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Patryk Zawadzki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nah, one thing about a compositor is that it keeps off-screen copies
  of all the windows so it does not have to invalidate regions when the
  stacking order changes.
 To be totally honest, I've never really thought of that as being all
 that important.
 I don't think I've ever thought You know, I wish that window would
 redraw faster when I've restacked it
 but maybe thats just me.
 If a compositor just kept off screen copies of windows, and didn't
 have live previews etc etc, would you honestly use it?

Yes - it's great when running an app remotely, using X forwarding with
ssh, avoids having to send all the redraws across the internet.
Probably are better ways to do this, but it's a godsend for me when I
need to.

Hope this helps

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: focus!

2006-07-19 Thread David Malcolm
On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 11:02 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
 On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 11:17 +0100, Bill Haneman wrote:
   Big tangent:  the GNOME Certification plan will help in defining what
   is a good GNOME application and what isn't.  That certification will
   include things like consistent lookfeel [insert a lot of handwaving
   about how to quantify this...]
  /me points to 
  Gnome Accessibility Guide For Developers, , and 
  Testing Gnome Applications for Accessibility:
 The Testing guide is really nice, because it's essentially a checklist
 that you can run through your application.
 Bill, do you know if any of the points in there could be automatically
 checked with LDTP or some other ATK-based automation suite?
Keyboard bindings are queryable via ATK, so you can do some of the
testing automatically, but I think ultimately you need a human to do
part of this: you'll only see stuff via ATK if it's already at least
somewhat accessible.

I believe many of the specific test cases are automatable, for example
KEY__001: You could automatically inject keyboard events to simulate
tabbing through the UI, and look at the XY extents of the widgets, and
flag bogus tab orderings that way.

 Accessibility will definitely be one of the things required to attain
 the highest certification level for GNOME apps.  I hope that
 (especially) governments will look for this high mark of certification.
 desktop-devel-list mailing list

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: System Monitor Graph Style Suggestions

2006-02-14 Thread David Malcolm
On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 20:54 -0400, Steven Garrity wrote:
 Taking a quick look at the Gnome System Monitor today, it occurred to me 
 that the graphs have a distinct EGA-graphics-circa-1986 visual feel to 
 them. These graphs are ripe for some Tufte-fication [1].

On the subject of Tufte and gnome-system-monitor, I've implemented a
GtkCellRenderer subclass for sparklines and implemented it for the
per-process CPU usage:

 Here's a quick mockup of the dialog with some suggested color (and only 
 color) changes:
 In the hopes of keeping potential implementation simple, I have only 
 changed is the background color, grid color, and changed the default 
 user-configurable colors to some I picked quickly from the HIG [2]. Of 
 course, smoother lines would be nice too...

Going slightly beyond the above, both X and Y axis ought to be labelled,
probably with a simple 100% at the top of the Y axis, and perhaps
minutes on the axis axis.  (an unlabelled axis is one of Tufte's peeves)

Going much beyond, who is the intended user of gnome-system-monitor, and
what is its purpose?  Is it simply a GTK replacement for top, or is it
intended to show something that's meaningful to:
- end-users?
- sysadmins?
- software developers?
(I don't think that top is particularly good for any of the above)

My primary use of sparklines is when I'm wondering why my CPU spiked 10
seconds ago and I only just got control back over the UI (by which time
the constantly shifting CPU stats aren't helpful - what if the process
isn't around anymore?)


Hope this helps

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposing gobby?

2005-11-16 Thread David Malcolm
On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 17:51 +, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
 Qua, 2005-11-16 às 18:23 +0100, Philipp Kern escreveu:
  On Nov 16, 2005, at 15:53, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:


   Sure.  I know it's only 0.3.0.  Maybe that means Gobby needs 6 more
 moths to improve the protocol.  That's perfectly fine and doesn't mean
 it is any less a great program.  It's just that we need to cope with
 some users that, erm, let's say are not very smart :P

Our users _are_ smart [1]; they're just not knowledgeable about the
internals of how a particular technology works, and the ways in which
it's counter-intuitive to their experiences in the rest of their lives.


Dave (who both loves Gobby and is paranoid about security)

[1]: hey, they chose to use our software, right?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Enable accessibility by default in development releases?

2005-11-11 Thread David Malcolm
Currently, a11y is not enabled by default in GNOME, as it has a
performance cost (CPU and memory usage).

But that means that there's a huge amount of code that isn't being
exercised by most testers and developers.

So here's a (possibly crazy) suggestion: during development releases,
enable a11y by default, and during stable releases, disable it by
default.  That way people running jhbuild, GARNOME etc would be running
all of the a11y code, and any bugs in that layer would be discovered
more quickly.

As I understand it, the GConf
key: /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility determines whether a11y is
on.  The schema for this key is provided by the libgnome tarball; here's
a link to the schema file in CVS (hopefully not too mangled):

How sane would it be to link that file so that the key's
default is true for an odd-numbered release and false for an
even-numbered release?  Or to set this up with a boolean in the Or simply to change it back and forward manually? (since
maybe we'd want to disable it by default again in the last development
release before a stable release, in case we've broken the off case)

Is this crazy?  Been tried before?


Dave trying to undo all the good work on performance-list Malcolm

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Some notes on LDTP and Dogtail

2005-10-28 Thread David Malcolm
I just noticed this criticism of me on Nagappan's blog [1]; copied
inline here:

 DogTail ideas copied from LDTP !!!  
 Do you believe ? One of the main Dogtail Author Dave Malcolm was
 interacting with me in person in GUADEC 2005. He collected all the 
 details from me !!! and in Boston submit, I came to know that Dogtail
 has been released. When I checked the list of authors Dave Malcolm was
 one among them and most of the CVS commits in dogtail project was done
 by him. In GUADEC 2005, I requested Dave to get some RedHat QA
engineers to involve in LDTP project, he assured me that he will try
 his level best. So, I assumed that he will try to get somebody for
:LDTP, Actually what happened is totally reverse. Dave tried copying
 the ideas from LDTP and gave it as DogTail ;) 

I'm sorry to have to post this to desktop-devel-list but I don't blog
and I think it might be worth a detailed public explanation of the
LDTP/Dogtail situation as I see it.

We've been looking at automated testing for the whole time I've been at
Red Hat (since well before LDTP's original announcement).  The framework
developed by LDTP isn't the first Free/Open Source testing framework,
and it isn't the first one to leverage the excellent a11y layer
available in GNOME [2].  Thanks to everyone who's worked on the a11y
layer, especially everyone at Sun.  

When LDTP first was announced, we were excited, and looked at it.
Unfortunately, we quickly concluded that the framework they had
implemented was unsalvageable.  It was 
(i) a large chunk of C code (why C??!!! - Python, C#, Java - anything
but C, please, I have too many large chunks of C code in my life
already) that 
(ii) implemented application maps, as the sole way of communicating with
applications:  application maps are a legacy of the approach used by
automation tools in the Microsoft Windows environment, where you don't
have the rich metadata about the GUI available.  It's a big complex
unnecessary thing that the scriptwriter has to keep up-to-date.  It's
never up-to-date, and your scripts break regularly for various reasons.
(iii) It used a totally custom system for driving tests - why not use a
real scripting language?

As far as we could see, once you've eliminated the extraneous elements
like the application maps, there wasn't anything of use in the project,
so we continued to work on our own internal system.

At this point, we could have approached the LDTP project and said that
we admire the spirit of their project but want to totally reimplement it
from scratch.  In retrospect, maybe we should have done.  I wonder what
their response would have been; from my experience in the open source
software world I wouldn't have expected them to go for it.

The LDTP framework went through a number of releases.  We continued to
build our own system, and observe theirs.

Nagappan and the rest of the LDTP team have done a good job of improving
their framework: for example, creating a Python wrapper that removes
objection (iii) above.

In the process the LDTP team has uncovered a number of a11y bugs.  This
is valuable work, and kudos to the LDTP team for doing this: this has
been of use to the Evolution project, for example.

However I think that in spite of their good work in this area the
framework has enough deep flaws (mostly (ii) above, but partly (i) as
well), sufficiently so that, given a blank slate today I'd be doing a
rewrite from scratch, rather than trying to fix the framework.

I attended GUADEC 2005, and was in a difficult situation: our framework
was at the time an internal project by Red Hat's Quality Assurance team,
and I can't talk about internal projects.  I did my best in my questions
and interaction with Nagappan to raise my concerns with LDTP's technical
approach: the usage of application maps, and the usage of C.  I went
back to the QA team within Red Hat and tried to come up with a way
forward.  The approach we settled for was to open-source Dogtail, and
make it available to the various open source communities: GNOME,
mozilla, etc - and to our competitors.

Right now I'm half-wishing we hadn't open-sourced it.  Looking at it
from a cynical business standpoint, I think Dogtail gives Red Hat a
significant competitive advantage over companies who are trying to use
LDTP to automate their regression testing.  But ultimately I want GNOME,
the Mozilla Project, and friends to have some tools to
help get good releases out of the door, and I'm glad we open-sourced our

Some possible ways forward: I have the beginnings of an emulation layer
written that fakes the LDTP framework, taking the interface exposed by
the Python bindings and reimplementing it on top of Dogtail (which
leverages the various quality-of-life-for-scriptwriter things that
Dogtail adds to the mix: automatic highly-readable logging, the
robustness of the search algorithm, the avoidance of hard-coded sleeps,
etc).  I've been concentrating on improving Dogtail