Re: Module Proposal: PDF Mod

2010-02-19 Thread David Nielsen
2010/2/19 Bastien Nocera

 On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 19:39 -0800, Gabriel Burt wrote:
  I'm not exactly excited to enter a possible flame fest when I'm happy
  doing my hacking and having users find me and tell me they like the
  results.  But, in case others agree GNOME could benefit from this, I'm
  proposing PDF Mod for inclusion in GNOME 2.30.

 Too late for GNOME 2.30, the proposal ended on October 26 last year,

  Purpose: a simple tool for doing basic manipulations of PDF documents.
   It can rotate, move, remove, and extract pages, merge documents, edit
  their basic metadata (title, author, etc), and extract images.  Future
  feature scope includes being able to change page sizes, and possibly
  do imposition (prep for printing).

 I'd say that although useful[1], it doesn't really fit with what people
 expect from the default applications on a Desktop.

I love PDFMod, I find it very useful ad hope to one day see it grow to be a
powerful PDF editing tool that retaining it's intuitive simplicity and
elegance. I am though not convinced either that this is desktop material, it
would help if we had some better idea of what kind of user PDFMod aims to
please and what use cases we are aiming at addressing.

E.g. I have often found myself reading slides or books in evince and pages
of ads are inserted, blank pages or itemized lists being added over several
slides which is useful during presentation but when reading the slides often
can be annoying. In these cases it would be very useful to be able to call
up PDFMod from evince and simply remove them. This doesn't though sound like
a sufficiently normal scenerio to warrant presence in the default desktop.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Call for a Gnome Media Center

2007-02-14 Thread David Nielsen
ons, 14 02 2007 kl. 11:02 +, skrev Ross Burton:
 On Wed, 2007-02-14 at 10:44 +, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
  there was a proposal for the desktop places on the wiki:
  which is entirely doable now that we have an API to access local
  bookmarks (GBookmarkFile in GLib).  applications can install a bookmark
  for their folder, which has a title that can be translated like we
  localise schemas for GConf and desktop entries for the menu, and point
  it to the unlocalised directory on disk:
Music - file:///home/ebassi/Music
Photos - file:///home/ebassi/Photos
 So Sound Juicer would install a Music bookmark, right?  Rhythmbox and
 Muine would want to do the same, so what happens here?  Would these be
 physical files so would conflict when packaged?  Should the desktop
 ship a standard set of bookmarks, or should there be some way of merging
 multiple identical bookmarks.

I already consider it a bug that f-spot forces ~/Photos on me, if it
becomes the norm to assume that people speak English or even like their
interface in English I'd have to dig my eyeballs out or something to
bear the pain.

There has to be a way to ensure we get proper i18n names on those

- David

Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible
propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.” 
-Thomas Jefferson 

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desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New Control Centre

2007-02-05 Thread David Nielsen
man, 05 02 2007 kl. 19:19 +, skrev Alex Jones:
 It's slow.
 Now when I want to quickly get to my sound settings I have to click
 System, Control Centre... *wait 3 seconds*, figure out where Sound
 should be and then click that. And then I have an extra window to close
 when I'm done, which really does annoy me.
 IMO this was just a proper bad idea. If we had a proper control centre
 app like Mac OS's then it would be a different story, but this thing is
 just a glorified application launcher that introduces an unnecessary
 layer of separation.
 Down with control centre.
 I want my menus back. Changing settings just isn't the quick
 in-and-out-in-5-seconds-flat job it used to be.

I agree 100%, I like the idea but the current implementation is
extremely slow and it seems pointless since it just launches yet another

- David Nielsen

Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible
propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.” 
-Thomas Jefferson 

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desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposed module: tracker

2007-01-10 Thread David Nielsen
ons, 10 01 2007 kl. 10:36 +0530, skrev Ritesh Khadgaray:
 On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 20:26 +, Richard Hughes wrote:
  Grab some high-up redhat, suse, ubuntu distro people and ask them why
  they ship beagle by default and not tracker. If you can come up with a
  convincing argument, and one of the big three [1] start shipping the
  code then it becomes much easier convincing us difficult-to-please GNOME
  guys. :-)
 Out of curiosity, Was tracker around and known when beagle was
 included ?

Generally no. 

Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible
propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.” 
-Thomas Jefferson 

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desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

2006-12-07 Thread David Nielsen
tor, 07 12 2006 kl. 13:31 +0100, skrev Marco Barisione:
 Il giorno gio, 07/12/2006 alle 12.28 +0100, Paolo Maggi ha scritto:
   2. Include a standard language picker widget.  Lots of applications
   are going to want this, and it's going to become messy if people can't
   just drop in something.  This has applications beyond spell-checking
   too.  I personally feel that it's nicest to check words in the union
   of selected languages, so that users don't have to micro-manage
   settings for each UI element that they may potentially be typing in.
  I agree.
 For long texts it would be good to have an algorithm to recognize the
 language of a single paragraph, Microsoft Word does it, but I don't know
 how it works.

So far as we spell check as each word is entered, if we hit above say
90% known in one dictionary then it's probably that language. A good
guess is easy to make and will often be correct. Naturally this solution
is far from perfect but it should give us a good indication within the
first sentence or so. Or am I just spouting bull?

- David Nielsen

Ridicule s the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible
propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them.” 
-Thomas Jefferson 

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desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: getting on a longer release cycled

2006-09-07 Thread David Nielsen
tor, 07 09 2006 kl. 11:24 -0700, skrev David Trowbridge:
 What in particular isn't possible with the 6-month cycle?

I honestly don't think it's about the cycle length as much as the slight
fear we seem to have of setting major goals for the project. 

I doubt we can do Topaz within the comfort of our tried and true 6 month
cycle and we do need to decide what Topaz is going to be at some point.
As the honorable Jono Bacon put it, he would hate to go to GUADEC 2007
and have Topaz still be something we talked about rather than actually
worked on. This is likely to require someone to take the probably
unappricated position of Topaz direction manager (or Topaz dictator,
asbestosuit included). 

Basically I think Hub has the right idea but the wrong approach. We need
to start thinking about what we want and if that requires us to extend
the cycle, do things in parallel or whichever solution we need then we
absolutely need to do it. 

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New panel layout for GNOME 2.18?

2006-08-22 Thread David Nielsen
tir, 22 08 2006 kl. 17:53 -0300, skrev theblues gnr:

 I don't think an usability test has ever been done with the current layout. 
 At least I never heard of one.

BetterDesktop seems to have done this, slab is part of the result of
those tests.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New module decisions for 2.16

2006-08-09 Thread David Nielsen
ons, 09 08 2006 kl. 22:55 +0800, skrev Davyd Madeley:
 On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 03:08:40PM +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:
  On mar, 2006-08-01 at 14:31 -0600, Elijah Newren wrote:
+ Sticky notes
  = mostly duplicates functionality of Tomboy
  = general agreement to deprecate sticky notes for now and remove
 it in a later release
  = 'deprecation' means hidden from the user and some kind of
 warning for those trying to use it
  Davyd, is there anything we can do to help here, or is this something
  you can handle?
 Ok. Here is a suggested migration path.
 Since some users will not be able to use Tomboy (on systems that are
 not Mono enabled), we should keep stickynotes around. I propose we
 do the same as we currently do with mini-commander, that is by
 default it will transparently upgrade people's stickynotes to
 We then have a --enable-stickynotes flag, that will cause
 stickynotes to be compiled and installed (installing with this flag
 will also cause people's whose stickynotes to get upgraded to Tomboy
 will then cause it to go back again). We then leave it up to package
 distributors to decide if they want to break this out as a separate
 package or not.
 Sound reasonable?

To avoid this debate in the future it would be nice if we could come up
with a standard protocol for handling application replacements. Aside
preserving the users data, deciding how we rid ourselves of the old
program is an acceptable fasion would be nice.

If we do seperate out the program out with the option to reenable it,
then how long do we keep it that way, one cycle, two cycles or more? I
mean we definately don't want a situation where such programs sit around
forever. We also shouldn't encourage a situation where the norm is as
long as it's desired because that means defacto shipping both
applications and maintaining them both to a degree forever (there will
after all always be a group of users however small that would like to
keep a given program).

I would favor something general like, --enable-deprecated=application
and have the standard be keeping it during the cycle we mark them and
the next one, after which they get removed from the shipped product. If
someone wants to pick it up and maintain it seperately after scheduled
removal then that would be a fine solution for the code rather than
death. We might also want to keep a centralised list of items scheduled
for removal along with rationale like the kernel does, it seems to work
nicely for them so odds are it will be a decent solution for us as

What kinds of warnings do we want to display to the user or should we
leave that to the vendors? If they want to keep an application around
telling their users that it will go away would not be the best possible
approach. I think it should continue to work as always, a vendor has to
take active steps to reenable a given application with the knowledge
that it will go away after a given date and as such can take the steps
they see fit to either move over to the new application or arrange for
maintainership of the old one at their leisure.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: name change for gnome-volume-manager?

2006-08-07 Thread David Nielsen
søn, 06 08 2006 kl. 15:43 -0400, skrev Robert Love:
 On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 19:32 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:
  When it was introduced I pointed out that volume is very often associated
  with audio volume[1] and likely to confuse users - I freely admit it
  confused me intially - but since it made sense to developers my concerns
  were dismissed. 
 The reason I was for g-v-m back then, but support the g-d-m (uh-oh, bad
 acronym!) change now is because the scope of g-v-m has changed from just
 volumes to all devices.  G-v-m is now, in fact, our general policy
 manager on top of HAL for all hardware.  Toward that end,
 gnome-hardware-manager makes sense, too.

Of the proposed names I would personally favor using the term hardware,
it's much nicer for users as device has certain techie feel to it.

Would there be any sense in merging g-v-m and the preferred application
thingy, as a user they seem to serve pretty much the same kind of
customization. Then again from there it's not a far cry from saying that
the gstreamer setup application and g-p-m could also fit in there and
voila we have a control panel - I'm not sure that's entirely desirable.

Maybe rethinking where information is displayed would make sense, if we
call g-v-m the hardware manager then for all intents and purposes things
like the keyboard handler would go in there as well, it is hardware
after all. As would the monitor settings and many other things. 

The whole preferences submenu has always seemed like a mess to me
honestly, I would love to see it structured better. It has a feel of
having had an item added everytime we got a new feature from somewhere
rather than having followed the GNOME way and undergone some UI-fu for
sanity and ease of use.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Baobab

2006-07-27 Thread David Nielsen
ons, 26 07 2006 kl. 17:47 -0700, skrev Jeff Waugh:
 quote who=Emmanuele Bassi
  The GNOME Utilities package is a small package that GNOME has kept since
  the 1.x era (and before); it provides some application other than baobab,
  like the screenshoter, the file search dialog, the dictionary and the
  system log viewer, that are not sufficiently big to warrant their own
  package but at the same time are considered part of the basic offering of
  GNOME itself.
 I think Davyd's question was more about whether Baobab (or its function) is
 suitable to be considered part of the basic offering of GNOME itself. I am
 not convinced it should be there myself.

It's a nice little tool, however as the user only has access to a subset
of the data stored on the system representing data in the manner Baobab
does might not be the best option we have.

For me the only reason to use such a tool would be if I'm running out of
space and I need to find the best place to start the deleting.

Now it strikes me that the correct way to handle that use case is:

1) Available diskspace goes below a set limit*, libnotify me that I'm
running out of diskspace.
2) The system offers to clean out the trash for me
3) If I'm still not above the limit then we could present the user with
some suggestions for files in his homedir that he has never accessed to
be moved to tagged for removal.

This sounds dangerous but at least we know nobody ever touched them so
it might be safer than having him find big files with baobab without a
helpful suggestion and just deleting away. I've seen people remove
everything except the .exe file from applications on Windows to save
space, since that was all they used - much to their surprise it stopped

Baobab on as a regular user makes little sense, as a sysadmin on a
system with a lot of users it would be very handy to spot which users
are storing a lot of irrelevant data in their homedir etc. 

I don't really think it has a place on a regular desktop, it would be
most welcome in a administration application set for GNOME along side
Sabayon, pessulus and most of gnome-system-tools though. 

* calculating this limit can be tricky, no one setting will ever hit the
mark for all cases. The reserved block feature in ext3 is a perfect
example of how not to do this.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Putting the 'Mono debate' back on the rails

2006-07-24 Thread David Nielsen
man, 24 07 2006 kl. 16:47 +0100, skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Iain * wrote:
 The other example is gstreamer, I am sure they can share with us 
  their decision to go with parallel-installable version of 0.8 and 
  0.10 was a
  pleasant exercise. Of course they were facing similar situations as 
  is now.
  Speaking as aGStreamer application author and user, it was very
  pleasent. It allowed me to use applications that had been ported to
  0.10 and applications that had not...all at the same time!
 Good :).
 But for how long? 6 months, 1 year or 3 years? I guess you don't to 
 want to
 do that for very long :) or many versions.

For as long as it takes for the applications to be ported or replaced
with ones that use the new superior technology. Users will encourage a
port if the functionality of the programs based on the newer instance is
better, they will want what that adds in the applications that don't
take advantage of it. We saw this with the GTK1 to GTK2 transition, sure
it took a while but in the end most applications have either died out
for lack of use (and been replaced with other ones if needed) or been
ported because that turned out the best possible solution.

You don't see many people saying, I'm going to develop a kickass
application and I'm going to use GTK1 for the interface anymore - we've
all realized that GTK2 is better for all involved.

The upcoming release of Fedora finally managed to push GTK1 entirely out
of the Core distribution, it took a while but it's inevitable progress. 

Smaller changes that the toolkit transition will of course take less
time, gstreamer 0.10 adaption has taken surprisingly short time, I
believe out of all the application I use only Thoggen has yet to be
ported. The same should happen with the bindings.

So long as we don't break things for the user it should matter much
while the change happens. Parallel installability makes this possible.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-24 Thread David Nielsen
man, 24 07 2006 kl. 19:49 +0100, skrev Jamie McCracken:

 I dont doubt that but FWIW when it comes to adding Tracker to gnome 
 2.18, I would like notes to be added as a first class object and stored 
 in Tracker's DB. Tracker already makes it easy to add tagging, 
 extensible metadata and linking to other objects so adding such support 
 to sticky notes (and Tomboy too if maintainer allows) is one way of 
 improving things in that regard. Im not commiting myself to fixing all 
 your gripes in sticky notes just giving it a bit of tracker power that 
 will hopefully make them more manageable and powerful.

I have no gripe with sticky notes, hell up till a few days ago I had
blissfully forgotten it's existence. This is also not about Tracker,
this is about Tomboy - the argument was starting to center around the
notion that we could just fix sticky notes and my point was that
Tomboy is a much better application today and users generally love it.

Sticky Notes comes no where near it and bringing it to the same state
would take a lot of hard and pointless work. 

Merely adding spell checking (and I agree we should have a common spell
checking API and HIG spec but that aside) and stuffing it in Tracker
(which isn't an option TODAY as tracker is nowhere near ready either, by
your own admission the plan for proposal is 2.18) won't magically make
it Tomboy.

Tomboy is the product of innovation, it works well and is stable. I see
no reason to not include it what so ever. I don't really see a reason to
keep Sticky Notes either, it's not discoverable and I doubt many people
actually use it - furthermore all the things you'd do in Sticky Notes
can be done in Tomboy with ease. It's minimally different interfaces and
modes of operation but it would be better to do a UI review of Tomboy
and have one application, one good default.

If you want the same exact behavior as Sticky Notes, simply don't use
the linking feature, voila - you have the same thing (but with spell
checking, reference ability, etc). That is where Alex and I differ in
opinion, I think we can replace Sticky Notes based on that observation.

But please don't retrofit Tomboy on Sticky Notes just because of the
politics around Mono and don't bring up Tracker as a solution. We can't
make decisions based on software we haven't even examined and debated
for inclusion. I imagine the Beagle people might have arguments for and
against their system for that debate when it comes around in 6 months or

That's my opinion.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-24 Thread David Nielsen
man, 24 07 2006 kl. 22:58 +0100, skrev Alan Horkan:

  I have no gripe with sticky notes,
 Doesn't sound like it.  You are advocating it be removed and the Tomboy
 author is not.

I honestly don't, my gripe is with duplication of functionality, if we
include Tomboy, which I believe was the discussion at hand. We would be
providing the basically same functionality twice, this seems to go
against what I've come to know and love about GNOME over the many years
I've been a part of the community. In fact the very feature that
converted me from KDE long ago got replaced, acme or whatever the name
was of the first no frills, no configuration, just work multimedia
keyboard thing. The functionality got even better by being replaced in
my opinion.

 It is all too easy to disregard all the work put into more peripheral
 tasks or documentation and ongoing maintainance.

I'm a translator, trust me I'm not disregarding tasks aside programming,
in fact I translated Tomboy just the other day and I'm about to put my
work through peer review within my designated team. 

 APIs get deprecated, but applications get removed entirely.
 Sometimes the option to keep using what you were happy with really is
 better than having to learn a new different application.

I have yet to actually meet a user who used Sticky Notes, but lets say
they exist and are plentiful, I would have expected at least one to
chime in and make an practical argument against removing it. However if
none do and no concensus can be made on replacing Sticky Notes what do
you propose then.. I would be perfectly fine with keeping Sticky Notes
on for a few releases although I'm afraid it will end up never getting
removed just like I'm afraid that will happen to gnome-cd-player. If we
can make a cut off date sufficiently far in the future would that work
for you, they both die say in 2 years. That should after all be plenty
of time to write documentation of all kinds and you have my word I will
help out all I can.

For these kinds of things it would be really nice to have the same kind
of system the kernel uses, we mark something off as deprecated with a
given date in this case we could say come branch time for 2.21 the
following gets removed, please stop relying on it today. 

If we can't outright remove a given program at least we should agree on
a policy to do so gracefully in all cases henceforth.

 I'm not suggesting Sticky Notes be made tomboy but the whole process of
 removing older applications bothers me.  I'd like to see them
 frozen/deprecated in some way and remain available and then maybe removed
 at some major milestone or at least after a few releases.  This really has
 nothing to do with Tomboy, I felt similarly strongly about keeping
 gnome-cd-player when sound juicer was proposed.

Yes and when exactly did you imagine we'd get to remove it? This is why
we need a policy and a strong leader. No even I'm not that arrogant as
to suggest that would be me - in the past Jeff has served this position
as our pantsless leader, though his current commercial ties might cause
for accusations of bias. If the foundation could afford it that would be
one position I'd love to see filled. Someone like Quim Gil has shown a
tremendous ability to coordinate and energize people so I'd probably off
hand propose him or someone with the same qualities.

Actually I've thought about that for some time now, ever since GUADEC
where I happened to catch some of the board meeting via the stream. It's
also apparent by listening to the community that they think we flutter
around to much and need direction. A strong leader and some road maps
for desired goals would do us some good and help bring back the
community's faith in us.

 Stability for those who do use it.  Why force users to change?  Dont try
 to assume you know best.

Why force people to do anything, why force them to use GNOME - I believe
the majority will elect to migrate for reasons of functionality and
stability of these new products. But we have forced change on them
before, gpdf - evince, gtk1 - gtk2, sometimes forcing users a bit is
needed for progress to be ensured. Imagine if we never removed code.

There are also other ways of ensuring stability than keeping code
extensive use of build testing would be just one (maybe we could look at
GStreamer here, they have a fine set of tools in use but we can improve
on them over time, I know Fredrico would probably like some automated
performance measurements as well e.g.). 

Stability is also for those that seek it, GNOME is pretty damn stable
but we can do better.. Did we ever turn the critical to fatal thing back
on again for development, it seemed to hit bugs left and right, great
testing feature for those of us who have the strange hobby of filing

I apologize for any stop energy I might have released accidentally.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-24 Thread David Nielsen
man, 24 07 2006 kl. 19:45 -0500, skrev Shaun McCance:
 On Tue, 2006-07-25 at 02:02 +0200, David Nielsen wrote:
  man, 24 07 2006 kl. 22:58 +0100, skrev Alan Horkan:
   APIs get deprecated, but applications get removed entirely.
   Sometimes the option to keep using what you were happy with really is
   better than having to learn a new different application.
  I have yet to actually meet a user who used Sticky Notes, but lets say
  they exist and are plentiful, I would have expected at least one to
  chime in and make an practical argument against removing it.
 Sorry, I voiced my concerns in a more general fashion.
 I try not to posit myself as the user in discussions,
 because somebody always comes back with the you're
 not our target user crap.
 I use Sticky Notes.  I have maybe half a dozen notes
 at any given time.  They're mostly transient notes,
 and most of them get deleted within a couple weeks
 or so.  I mostly use them as TODO lists, although I
 occasionally use them to jot down other random crap.
 If I did an upgrade[1] and Sticky Notes wasn't there
 anymore, I'd be pretty pissed.  That's my data.  It
 was probably important.  And it's gone.  Sure, I'll
 bet it's buried in a dot directory somewhere.  I'll
 bet I could find it.  I'll bet my mom couldn't.
 And, for what it's worth, I'm fond of the non-window
 behavior of Sticky Notes, though the ability to show
 only selected notes would be appreciated.  When I'm
 coordinating what to do with a note, it's nice to
 have a visually distinct note sort of floating on
 top of things.
 None of this is to say that Tomboy isn't an incredible
 and innovative application (it is).  What I'm saying
 is that I find Sticky Notes meets my needs for what
 Sticky Notes does, and that losing data sucks hard.
 [1] Yes, what's still there after an upgrade depends
 entirely on how one upgrades, which is outside the
 scope of Gnome.  I usually upgrade my distro with
 a clean install.  I keep my home directory on its
 own partition and wipe the rest.  OK, I'm weird.

I stand corrected, and yes losing your data does suck rather badly, we
should avoid that naturally. I tend to follow the same upgrade method
and it normally works for me, I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't
or shouldn't do as you expected. This regrettably is a bug, I hope
nobody else encountered it, losing data is the one thing that really
piss users off in my experience - I fondly remember once being called
out at 4am to recover the prepared exam questions for the next day for a
teacher who's son had upgraded the system at an unfortunate time.. This
kind of experience makes users cry.

I'd be rather upset if I upgraded my system and my carefully arranged
Tomboy notes went boom. However we have already debated this and there's
even a thread now on migration from one system to another (Gnoperinus
migration to Orca), a similar conversion would be needed if we replace
Sticky Notes with Tomboy, now or at the future date.

We can replace applications but the users data should remain. They trust
us with it, we should be flattered.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-22 Thread David Nielsen
lør, 22 07 2006 kl. 12:08 +0100, skrev Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro:
 Sáb, 2006-07-22 às 00:10 +0200, David Nielsen escreveu:
  lør, 22 07 2006 kl. 02:33 +1000, skrev Jeff Waugh:
   quote who=Jeff Waugh
 * Should we include Tomboy in the Desktop suite? (completely
   independently from the fact that it uses Gtk#/Mono)
   Here's my point of view, completely independent from the fact that Tomboy 
   built with Gtk#/Mono. Here it is in point form, because I seem to be doing
   pretty well with it:
* Without a doubt, Tomboy is pure awesome.
  No argument from me, Tomboy is nothing short of life changing.. praise
   I disagree.  Tomboy is nice, but it tries to do too much.

It does what it has to do to provide useful functionality.

   Tomboy looks like a hybrid (or should I say mutant) wiki page system
 and mind mapping software.  Well, for a Wiki system I'd rather use a
 real web based one (I hate writing wikis in these tiny windows).  For
 mind mapping, I'd rather use a real mind mapping software; alas, we
 don't have a good gtk2 mind mapper, but freemind is pretty good.  For
 simply taking notes, sticky notes is more than enough.

Tomboy is a little like a useful wiki (don't ever ask me to type in real
wikis, I hate them) with a sane interface on your desktop, we could even
do a plugin to export wiki code and publish it with say a xml-rpc
interface. But for bringing some of the useful nature of a wiki with an
interface that's more like what I'm used to, Tomboy is brilliant. 

Tomboy isn't a mindmapping tools, I guess you could use it like one but
I would frankly rather have a real seperate mindmap application, maybe
something where I could branch out freely and make mapped items links to
a Tomboy note. This would allow for a quick visual overview and
revealing more details by opening up the specific subset of thoughts.
The idea needs more fleshing out, maybe it could be done as a plugin to
Tomboy, although it feels like tying a few cats together to make a

   Sticky notes applet is awesome in its simplicity; let's not remove it,

Sticky Notes tends to get cluttered up for note taking while project
managing, it's an all or nothing interface whereas Tomboy allows me to
show only related notes. I normally prefer having only the set of
post-it notes I care about displayed rather than having my screen
covered in yellow goodness.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Putting the 'Mono debate' back on the rails

2006-07-21 Thread David Nielsen
On lør, 2006-07-22 at 00:03 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

   - a social/business/non-technical issue may persist regarding GNOME using
 or endorsing a Microsoft derived technology; some users/vendors may not
 appreciate that, to the point that they may choose to disassociate from
 the GNOME project (this shouldn't be dismissed out of hand)

There are also those amongst the users who are getting royally tired of
this debate, we want to contribute and we want to do it using Mono. I'm
personally getting to the point where if a decision is not made as to
whither or not I will be allowed the freedom to develop for my desktop
of choice in my language of choice I'll go on a puppy killing spree.

The point being the issue goes both ways, if we keep Mono as the bastard
child of the platform a lot of upcoming developers will get tired of
waiting and seek other pastures.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-21 Thread David Nielsen
platform that exposes ways of exchanging information and a set of
guidelines for it's design (basically the HIG) - we could then provide a
reference platform that uses these services if needed. I guess that
kinda makes GNOME into really but what is the middle
ground here, either we pick a set of core use cases to solve and let the
distros fill in the gaps or we fill them in. The less we set in stone in
terms of solutions, provided we spec out and provide functionality to
solve them, the more likely it is that the distros will converge on a
set of applications that will win out on excellence for the use cases
the distro selects, but everyone is equally able to hook in and replace
a given application.

-David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Tomboy in Desktop

2006-07-21 Thread David Nielsen
fre, 21 07 2006 kl. 17:57 -0500, skrev Shaun McCance:
 On Sat, 2006-07-22 at 00:10 +0200, David Nielsen wrote:
  lør, 22 07 2006 kl. 02:33 +1000, skrev Jeff Waugh:
* If Alex wants to adopt the GNOME release cycle and strategy for Tomboy,
  that's *fantastic*... but we can approach that differently.
  Tomboy being largely feature complete and stable would need mostly
  maintenance, this is up to Alex to sign on for though - Ekiga e.g.
  doesn't follow the GNOME cycle religiously either so long as it works
  with the desktop we ship and doesn't fall into an unmaintained state
  Tomboy should be fine.
  Following the cycle is mostly about:
  * deploying bugfixes
  * adopting platform changes
  * adding required features  
  And being sure that users actually get this supportable version of your
  software in hand. 
  * letting translators translate, unless the developers
want to translate their program into 45 languages.
  * letting documentation writers write documentation,
unless the developers want to do it.
 There are *many* advantages to a stable release cycle, and
 a number of those reasons have to do with the fact that the
 programmers are not the only people producing what we ship.

I feel ashamed now.. How could I forget translations when I'm on the
Danish team - my bad.

I'll go sit in a corner now

- David

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: What about Embedded?

2006-07-20 Thread David Nielsen
tor, 20 07 2006 kl. 23:24 +0100, skrev Jamie McCracken:

 The D language offers the best of all worlds IMO *without* compromising 
 on speed, resource usage or bloat. It would be madness to use a VM instead!
 (of course its not as integrated into Gnome yet and lacks an IDE but if 
 someone puts the work in you will have a killer platform than no VM 
 based platform can match)

... in about 10 years, once D exits beta and someone sits down to write
a proper IDE, the bindings, etc.. Mono is here now, it has basically all
the tools we want, the Mono maintainers care about GNOME and as an added
bonus we get to market GNOME to all the college students who are
currently being trained with .NET in mind.

Aside such things as the existence of tons of books, documentation,
classes and existing programmers for .NET, I agree D is a shoe in..

I have confidence in Miguels team, I'm sure they'll optimize the crap
out that sucker if we hit serious problems providing GNOME using Mono.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Focusing on innovation re: mono, python et al

2006-07-19 Thread David Nielsen
 than in C but let's not make any assumptions on performance or
ressource use till we've had time to gather data.

 Splitting our user community will also lead to less influence.
 Third-party projects already ignore very basic HIG recommendations. And
 in fact: Why should they bother? It's not that GNOME appears to be the
 leading Linux desktop, isn't it? If we split due to the desktop release
 depending on Mono, it will be even harder to convince third-party
 projects to follow our example.

We offer ISVs and core developers yet another piece of technology to use
when they want to integrate into GNOME - how is this bad - C# is after
all one of the languages that's being pushed hard in college classes
currently and looking at job ads the demand for .NET development is
there. Providing this for GNOME is good, it will bring more applications
and more programmers to our platform.

 Mono seems like a good platform so it should be able to sell itself. On
 the other hand, the risks of forcing users to opt-out instead of
 letting them opt-in are immense.

What risks? we add more technology, get better apps - the only users we
risk loosing are those do listen to the anti-MS crowd and frankly if you
use GNOME because you hate Windows and not because you love GNOME maybe
you should reconsider your reasoning. GNOME is a fantastic desktop, I
love it dearly, I wouldn't feel at home in another desktop but I want it
to move forward and I want it to live after the current generation of
developers move on. We simply won't do that on C.

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Mummy, I made a platform in my pants! [Was: focus!]

2006-07-19 Thread David Nielsen
ons, 19 07 2006 kl. 12:41 -0500, skrev Federico Mena Quintero:

 In terms of code and APIs, we are *done*.  If you remember the Advisory
 Board meeting at GUADEC, what ISDs asked for was not more APIs, but the
 polish things:

A common spell checking system would be extremely nice, currently GNOME
ships with several applications which use different systems to present a
spell checking interface to the user.

Spell checking in GNOME makes puppies cry... please think of the

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Time to heat up the new module discussion

2006-07-16 Thread David Nielsen
søn, 16 07 2006 kl. 23:33 -0500, skrev Jason D. Clinton:

While you provided a fine run down of arguments, I believe you forgot a
vital one, Mono can be optimized, we can cut down ressource consumption,
we can indeed do better - we cannot however make C development as fast
development in C#, nor as fun. Twice the memory consumption is as I
understand it not the lowest common denominator but rather the worst
case under the new garbage collector - but nobody has provided hard
numbers for the highly contested ressource use yet.

Mono comes with a complete set of tools and the only reason we even have
to have this debate is the excellence of the applications it enables us
to ship... this is a luxury problem. The question isn't if we want to
rewrite all of GNOME in C# but do we want the applications it enables us
to ship or don't we. 

Yes, beagle sometimes eats small furry children for breakfast but we
aren't debating beagle for inclusion.. yet, by the time we will being
having that debate, naturally it would prudent to examine if it still
displays grotesk ressource abuse and if we can fix it. We are
specifically talking about Tomboy this time around. 

- David Nielsen

desktop-devel-list mailing list