Re: new external dependency: libview

2008-05-28 Thread David Trowbridge
It would be very nice to port these widgets to C and get them wrapped
properly in C++.
As awesome as parts of libview are, a lot of people who might
otherwise use it pass
over it because of the C++ requirements.

I don't know when any of us at VMware will have time to do it, but if
it would mean
merging these things into GTK+, we could probably find someone to do
it over the next
few months.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Hubert Figuiere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 03:00 +0200, Étienne Bersac wrote:
 libview has some interesting widgets that may worth entering Gtk+
 FieldEntry, Header, etc.). Other should be merged inside Gtk+ itself
 (DeadEntry, ContentBox, UndoableTextView, etc.)

 Except that FieldEntry, Headers, DeadEntry, ContentBox and
 UndoableTextView are implemented using Gtkmm, in C++. This would cause a
 circular dependency between Gtk+ and Gtkmm. Nonwithstanding that I doubt
 that C++ code would be acceptable in the Gtk+ codebase.


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Re: Moving spellcheckers into the Gtk+ stack

2006-12-06 Thread David Trowbridge
As the author of SexySpellEntry/xchat-gnome, here are my (biased) suggestions:

1. Use a subclass of GtkEntry -- not only does this make porting
easier (since SexySpellEntry is implemented as such), but most of the
entry boxes inside UIs don't need spell-checking.  There are some
improvements I'd like to make if porting SexySpellEntry directly,
which I'm happy to talk about with interested parties.

2. Include a standard language picker widget.  Lots of applications
are going to want this, and it's going to become messy if people can't
just drop in something.  This has applications beyond spell-checking
too.  I personally feel that it's nicest to check words in the union
of selected languages, so that users don't have to micro-manage
settings for each UI element that they may potentially be typing in.

3. Merge the backend for the spell-entry and textview spellers.
GtkSpell3 (currently only in cvs) shares a lot of similarity with
SexySpellEntry, and it was always my intention to merge them together.
 There's an opportunity to do some nice spell-context API for
extending spell checking facilities into custom widgets too.

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Re: getting on a longer release cycled

2006-09-07 Thread David Trowbridge
What in particular isn't possible with the 6-month cycle?


On 9/7/06, Pat Suwalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hubert Figuiere wrote:
  I would like to suggest at one point to try to break with the 6 month 
  schedule of Gnome to do a major release with a certain number of feature
  that would involve possible infrastructure changes in the platform.

 I have been thinking about this as well, just from observing how shit
 hits the fan near the end of the cycle.

 I'd like to throw out a suggestion that perhaps GNOME should alternate
 on a six-month-twelve-month release cycle, regardless of major release
 or not. It might make planning a little more complicated, but I'm sure
 it would be appreciated by developers and users alike.

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Re: RFC GnomeGoal #3

2006-08-11 Thread David Trowbridge
gnome_config is deprecated, in favor of GKeyFile.

Unfortunately, GKeyFile is a lower-level API than gnome_config, making
you do things like figure out where to put the file yourself (and
really, with key:value files, figuring out where to put it is the
harder part).


On 8/11/06, Shaun McCance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-08-11 at 11:22 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
  I've written up on GNOME Goal #3:
  Currently, a lot of applications will be using GConf to save state, like
  window sizes, whether or not a window is maximised on startup, etc.
  This is against GConf policy, as GConf might be read-only, or locked
  down, but this sort of information should still be saved run-to-run.
  I'm awaiting comments on this, before making it official. Vincent
  mentioned that it would be a good idea to get code to save state in a
  library, although there isn't that much code to be shared IMO.

 We have a very easy library for doing this: libgnome.  The
 gnome_config family of functions are easy to work with for
 something this simple.

 It's what Yelp uses to store the width and height of its
 window.  See here:

 Search for window_configure_cb.  Search again.  And now
 a third time.  Ah, there it is.  And the code for getting
 that information is in the window_init function.  It's way
 less code than using GKeyFile.

 And since we're on the subject, I consider it a fundamental
 flaw in all of these approaches that we're storing window
 positions and sizes without regard for what machine we're
 running on.  (Yes, Yelp has this flaw too.)  If I'm running
 multiple machines off the same NFS home directory, and one
 of them has a smaller resolution, bad things will happen.


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Re: Bring a conlusion please

2006-07-19 Thread David Trowbridge
 And regarding what Gnome is and to whom it caters discussion, after 14
 releases I think it's too late to start such a topic.

It's never too late to reevaluate where you are, what you want to do,
and how to do it.  The computing environment that GNOME 1.0 fit into
is different than the one 2.0 did, different from the one 2.14 did,
and it will be different in 2.30 (maybe we'll hit 3.0 by then ;).
Every so often, someone will propose *something* that won't fit into
the current vision for what is GNOME and if it's compelling enough,
that vision may have to be redefined.  We've seen this debate come
from mono-based applications for a while (vis-a-vis desktop
environment vs. platform), and we're starting to see it with the
software surrounding mobile platforms such as the N770 and OLPC.  To
say that we're going to keep GNOME focused on the same vision of a
desktop that fueled 2.0 will only serve to limit possibilities and
frustrate the developers who are working so hard on cool things.

 Lastly, Gnome needs a new next-gen language. Please elect/find a product
 manager that most Gnome devs and the Board agree that is good for the job
 (could even be someone inside the Board too, or the Board itself), let him
 read the lists, research and let him decide if the next-gen language of
 Gnome is Python, C# or Java. Point of the matter is that fewer and fewer
 graduates learn C++ and even fewer learn C. For Gnome to appeal to new
 programmers, a new, fully supported by Gnome, environment must be found.
 This is being stated over and over again for 3 years now, but no one does
 anything about it because people can't agree. This is why a product manager
 (or a Board that takes technical decisions) is much needed to give an end to
 these disagreements after they have studied all opinions and pros and cons.

One of the strengths of the GNOME platform is that you're not limited
to any one language.  Blessing a single language as the next-gen
language of GNOME will cause nothing but flamewars and animosity
between people who are really working towards the same thing.  We have
excellent environments for both python and CLI languages, and a lot of
the other bindings (such as Java and ruby) are improving rapidly.
Surely a platform with robust bindings into many languages is a better
option than just catering to the university-taught-platform du jour.

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Re: libnotify and the HIG

2006-04-19 Thread David Trowbridge
Also consider what it would be like with 3 or 4 of those bubbles all
over the screen; this is not an uncommon experience with some other
notification systems, and it feels a bit like whack-a-mole.  One of
the things that struck me as nice about the n-d design was that most
notifications popped up in a predictable location.

Just because an application has a visible presence on the screen
doesn't mean it has to be used as an anchor point;  I remember seeing
in a mock-up somewhere a disk full notification pointing at the
computer icon on the desktop!

Your song notification would be just as meaningful, if not more, in
the lower right, with a now playing label and the muine bass clef
icon.  The amount of response elicited by that notification is pretty
limited, since it's mostly informational.  Add a next song action
and you'll probably cover most of the interaction that would result
from it.

Icons, text and actions can all serve to associate a notification with
the application or data it's about.  For things like new song
playing or power unplugged, the important thing isn't the icon on
the screen, it's the music coming out of the speakers or the plug
which just came loose on the back of the laptop.

Anchored notifications have their place, but please consider whether
it's really useful to do it.


On 4/19/06, Wouter Bolsterlee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 På Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 11:58:17AM +0100, Mike Hearn skrev:
  I can't think of any compelling reason why you would need to associate a
  power management notification with some widget on screen, because it's not
  really to do with anything on screen specifically. It's just computer

 Being able to point notifications at widgets is a great feature that should
 not be underrated. Consider [1] and imagine the same bubble appearing at a
 random location on your screen without any clue what it belongs too.

   mvrgr, Wouter

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