Re: GNOME 3 cleanup status update

2010-01-22 Thread Kristian Rietveld
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
 In general I have the feeling that the GTK+ stack on Windows is on a
 downward slope. Each new release introduces new stuff that never gets
 fully implemented/tested for Windows, like the client-side windows.
 Note that I am not blaming anybody, not even myself, just stating the
 obvious. It might well be that GTK+ 2.16 and GLib 2.20 was the most
 usable combination there will be, until somebody gets the
 inspiration / resources to dig into it.

Just meant to second Tor here, but from a Mac OS X support point of
view.  At the moment I don't know how well gobject-introspection works
on the Mac.  I don't have the resources to look into this in the near
future either.  It is possible to get glib, pango, gtk+ to build from
git master without having gobject-introspection built with some m4
file copying, but even this has caused numerous issues for people
building the gtk+ stack from git.  I guess the same holds in case glib
gets a hard dependency on dbus ...

To repeat Tor: not blaming anybody, but just stating the obvious ...


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Proposed external dependency: libnotify

2007-08-01 Thread Kristian Rietveld
On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 12:51:22AM -0700, Christian Hammond wrote:
 I would love to get libsexy's widgets bundled into GTK+, but that will
 require some extensions to widgets such as GtkEntry and GtkLabel to allow
 subclasses to better hook into the PangoLayouts of the widgets (by providing
 a signal indicating that the layout has been created and can now be
 modified). This would get rid of some of the hacks we have to use in
 libsexy, which would increase the chances of getting into GTK+. Any help
 would be appreciated here.

 widespread they both are these days? Or just allow libsexy and use that as
 motivation to getting GTK+ in shape to be able to include its widgets?

An item called libsexy cherrypicking has been on the list of features
for GTK+ 2.12, but unfortunately didn't make it.  If anybody wants to
pick up the ball on this, and create a patch against GTK+ that adds the
most useful libsexy features (I am thinking of things like adding an
icon inside GtkEntry, etc) to GTK+, that would be great.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

The new tooltips API in 5 minutes [Was: Re: Whats coming in GTK+ 2.12, continued]

2007-06-12 Thread Kristian Rietveld
On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 10:38:44AM +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
 There's also a new GtkTooltip object. Could we have some more information 
 about how this should be used and if it replaces any existing API, please?

Sure ;)  As Matthias pointed out in one of his other mails, GTK+ 2.12
has a brand-new API for doing tooltips, replacing the aging GtkTooltips
object.  There are several ways for showing tooltips using the new API,
increasing in complexity as the complexity of the wished tooltip

 1. If everything you need is a tooltip displaying a simple text string,
with or without Pango markup, the only thing you have to do is
just setting the tooltip-markup property.

 2. When you need a tooltip with a little more fancy contents, like
adding an image, or you want the tooltip to have different contents
per GtkTreeView row or cell, you will have to do a little more work:

  - Set the has-tooltip property on GtkWidget to TRUE, this will
make GTK+ monitor the widget for motion and related events
which are needed to determine when and where to show a tooltip.

  - Connect to the query-tooltip signal on GtkWidget.  This signal
will be emitted when a tooltip will have to be shown.  The
signature is:

  gboolean (* query_tooltip)  (GtkWidget  *widget,
   GtkTooltip *tooltip);

The arguments are pretty much straightforward, and here we see
where the new GtkTooltip object comes to play.  The GtkTooltip
is the object that we are about to display as a tooltip, and can
be manipulated in your query-tooltip callback using functions

   void gtk_tooltip_set_icon (GtkTooltip  *tooltip,
  GdkPixbuf   *pixbuf);

there are likewise functions for setting the tooltip's markup,
setting an image from a stock icon or even for putting in a
custom widget.

Important is the return value of query-tooltip: when you return
TRUE the GtkTooltip will be shown, when you return FALSE it will
not be shown.

 3. In the, probably, rare case where you want to have even more control
over the tooltip that is about to be shown, you can set your own
GtkWindow which will be used as tooltip window.  This works as

- Set has-tooltip and connect to query-tooltip as under 2).

- Use gtk_widget_set_tooltip_window() to set a GtkWindow created
  by you as tooltip window.

- In the query-tooltip callback you can access your GtkWindow
  using gtk_widget_get_tooltip_window() and manipulate as you
  wish.  The semantics of the return value of query-tooltip are
  exactly the same as with 2): TRUE will show the tooltip
  window, FALSE will not show it.

In the GTK+ source code you will find a test app testing all of the
above methods in gtk+/tests/testtooltips.c.  There are examples for
simple tooltips on buttons (also insensitive buttons!), tooltips on
GtkTreeView rows, tooltips on GtkTextView tags and a small example with
tooltips on specific areas of a GtkDrawingArea.  (Yes, I know the tree
view example is a little broken -- it will be fixed RSN).

Some small details are still left to be worked out; think of improving
tooltips positioning, probably popup-tooltip-directly-on-demand and at
some later stage greater flexibility and customizability.  Watch
gtk-devel-list for the latest news ;)

I hope this gives you enough information to get started!


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GnomeClient replacement?

2006-07-19 Thread Kristian Rietveld
On Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 11:36:28AM +0100, Bill Haneman wrote:
  Well, the other thing that the gnome_program_init provides (as I 
  understand it) is the bug-buddy hooks. However, IMHO, this is more of a 
  distro thing. Ubuntu's solution 
  ( seems to be better here, 
  as distro specific stuff can make great efforts to get symbols, etc.
  -- Ben
 gnome_program_init also loads the accessibility support, calling gconf
 in the process.  It's not clear to me that this could conveniently be
 put elsewhere without complicating the dependencies of other modules...

Another thing which needs to be done there is for example setting up the
URI handler for GtkLinkButton.  There'll always be some things which
need to be initialized in a way depending on the platform.  As for the
URI handler, the handler will differ on UNIX, Win32, OS X, etc.

During GUADEC Matthias and I talked about maybe having support for
some kind of runtime modules with one for each backend/platform.  The
module would contain a function that initializes stuff specific to that
platform and GTK+ will run that during initialization.  Just like what
happens with the file system modules right now, we could ship a
default simple module for GTK+-only apps on Linux and have some other
GNOME package provide a GNOME runtime module, which initializes a11y,
sets the bugzilla hooks, etc.

Just some thoughts, no real concrete ideas ...


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