Re: GNOME 2.11/2.12 targeting GTK+ 2.8 (ie cairo based)

2005-06-13 Thread Morten Welinder

> For non-local servers without Render, Cairo will allow us to eliminate
> the round-trips... a huge win.

"Show me the money!"

Back in the real world, new code goes in and someone files a performance
bug.  Then you, Owen, seem to take that as a personal insult and close

Exhibit 1: bug 94718.  A clear, to-the-point bug report that something
(namely greying of toolbars) had gotten so much slower that it was a
problem.  It still is.

Exhibit 2: bug 123538.  Pango/GtkTreeview gets very slow with lots of
data, a situation that "less" handled well a decade or two ago.  I
routinely use "less" on files larger than 1GB or with lines that are
thousands of characters wide.  While you didn't actually close this bug
(we kept it under "Gnumeric") you seem to think I am outside what you
designed for, hence my "Hello World" poke.

Exhibit 3: bug 104683.  General Pango performance with a patch that
at the time cut 70% of cpu usage for the all-ASCII case (such as
numbers) that Gnumeric uses heavily.  You NOTABUG'd it *twice* (and
"futured" it once) as evidently Pango's performance cannot possibly
be problematic.

I am somehow reminded of the word "attitude" reading these old, but
still-open, bug reports.

> Rendering speed is 90% an X server issue.

I would normally define rendering speed as a measure of how fast you get
your pixels on the screen.  With that definition in mind, look at bugs
94718 and 104683 above and see that getting pixels on the screen got
much slower with constant X server.  The toolkit is much, much more
than 10%.

> We love you too, Morten.

I am all cuddly.  (Think Jack-Jack from a certain, recent animated

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 2.11/2.12 targeting GTK+ 2.8 (ie cairo based)

2005-06-10 Thread Morten Welinder


the problem with gtk+/cairo in a stable setting is that it has only
seen testing and been designed for "hello world".  You need to consider
something bigger!

Try putting 600-1000 pango layouts on the screen at once.  GTK+ 2.6 is
already not very snappy with that.  Then make sure your X server is
not local so you get to suffer the roundtrips also.  I would like to
hear from you that this has been considered and perhaps even tested.
We still have not gotten anywhere near the screen update speed we had
in the 1.2 days.

Wearing my application developer hat, I would say that using GTK+ 2.8
for the next Gnome is crazy.  It isn't right to enlist the unsuspecting
users as guinea pigs just because you are having trouble getting people
to test.  The Cairo integration was done prematurely and now we suffer.

Glib 2.8, on the other hand, fine.  That's not a revolution.  It
might as well get renamed back to 2.6.whatever.

And btw., we still are not near a state where the file chooser is
acceptable.  The "save-as" mode really stinks while the "open" mode
is only marginally acceptable.  See
for example.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: GNOME 2.11/2.12 targeting GTK+ 2.8 (ie cairo based)

2005-06-09 Thread Morten Welinder

> - The benefit of having cool new rendering stuff in GNOME 2.12

Being cool never got any work done.

> - The benefit of getting all this stuff tested early (i.e. before
>   GTK+ 2.8 is released, rather than after)

We are talking a serious amount of new code that I have not tested,
let alone run through Purify.  Here's a prediction: it is not going
to be pretty.

> - The extra incentive for people to help with getting the rendering 
>   stuff optimized

I read that as "performance stinks unbelievably, but don't worry -- if
we bother enough people surely someone will send us a hacky patch".

The resident grouch's summary: there are NO BENEFITS that helps any
user get any work done.  There's a lot of fluff, though.

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