Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-30 Thread Alexander Larsson
On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 17:04 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 I wrote down the schemas for the current information stored by
 various apps. Here those are, essentially 5 kinds of object:
 Firefox/Epiphany/etc. Browser Web Site Login
Domain (exact domain:port we logged in to)

Please use another name, like host or something. Domain is so overloaded
in the keyring domain (like windows domains, etc).

 GNOME Keyring Schema for File Shares (NETWORK_PASSWORD)
Windows Domain
Protocol (http, sftp, etc.)
Object (i.e. random metadata string depending on type)
Password (secret)

There is also authtype for dav.

 1) stuffing the other four into the gnome-keyring NETWORK_PASSWORD
 type is just wrong. NETWORK_PASSWORD makes no sense except for file
 shares. I think the Gossip patch trying to use it is wrong and the
 NetworkManager usage of it is wrong. They should use GENERIC_SECRET
 and have their own sensible field names. (By using NETWORK_PASSWORD,
 people are doing the equivalent of picking an existing, unrelated
 database table for their new data, and if they have an integer they
 pick some random column in the existing table that happens to be an
 integer, and put their integer in there... even if it meant something
 totally different before)


 2)  There's a confusing thing about gnome-keyring, which is that it
 stores metadata like account name, but *it stores one item per secret,
 not one per account or whatever* - i.e. the metadata is just a way to
 look up the secret. gnome-keyring can be abused to store the metadata,
 but that isn't really the point of it. Really gnome-keyring is only
 intended to be the canonical store for the password, and you'd have
 some other storage for the account details.

Yeah, it really is a password/secret store. Not a general application database.

 c) use gnome-keyring only for the *secrets*. i.e. say you query the IM
 accounts API, you would *separately* query gnome-keyring for the IM
 password (if you needed it). We still need docs for gnome-keyring that
 simply list the field names you can use to look up each secret.

I agree. 

There is another possible usecase for gnome-keyring too. Take the
firefox remember-input-fields hack. Instead of storing that in
clear-text or hacking it into gnome-keyring directly (which might not
fit well), just generate a random key and store that in the keyring,
then when you save the input-fields, encode it with the key (perhaps
just using xor or something simple). This is an easy way to make things
like firefox more secure, while not forcing it to totally restructure
the way it stores stuff.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-30 Thread Stef Walter
Havoc Pennington wrote:
 I guess my simpler API suggestion amounts to the same API currently
 used for network password, but with varargs for the properties so it
 can be used for any set of lookup properties
 So, I could have just said that I guess, sorry for the longer mail.
 The varargs are more convenient even for network password I think,
 because functions with tons of args are a pain to use - you have to
 keep carefully checking back to the header to be sure you have the
 right args in the right order. Especially when a bunch of them are

We can add something like this for 2.22.

Sadly the protocol between the daemon and library has been abused by
binding authors [1], but I don't think any of these changes would need
to affect the protocol.

Stef Walter


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Alexander Larsson
On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 18:23 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Thanks for the bug links, those are helpful.
 Here are some questions I have about conventions for storing stuff in
 the keyring, which would be relevant to the Gossip bug (and future
 similar bug against Pidgin, etc.)
  - when do you use default/NULL vs. session keyring? (I think I've
 asked this before, but I forget)

I see stef replied to this. Basically, session means don't save this to

  - the Gossip patch sets user=havoc.pennington and
 for my account, but why does it set server and not domain, and
 when would something set domain? Is domain intended for web
 passwords only?
  - what is the object field in gnome-keyring supposed to be for?
 NetworkManager vpn stuff sets it to password and group_password,
 the Gossip patch doesn't use it
  - Gossip patch sets protocol field to jabber, NetworkManager to
 org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc, ... ? when is this field used
 and what's its intended content?

First of all you have to realize that gnome-keyring is very free-form in
its objects. What you can do is map a set of key-value pairs (where
values are ints or strings) to a secret. And, when you query you query
for a secret you do so by passing a set of key-value pairs which will
return a list of matching secrets, ordered so that the most specific
comes first (i.e. has more keys set).

So, for instance, you could save with just the keys type, user,
server. And then query only on type and server, which will give
you all the users + secrets stored for that server.

So, back to the specific fields you're talking about above. They are
used by the helper function like gnome_keyring_set_network_password. All
these do is make it easier to handle typical network passwords. You
don't have to use these specific fields, or you could set them using the
lower level calls, its just a utulity functions. That said, here is what
the fields are used for in gnome-vfs:

user: the username
domain: Windows domains for the user (smb)
server: server hostname or ip number (as string)
port: the tcp port on the server
object: protocol-specific object reference:
 smb: the share name
 http: the authentication real
 sftp: ssh key name (for saving passphrases)
protocol: http/ftp/sftp/smb
authtype: for htp: basic or proxy, for sftp: password or publickey

The protocol field is basically used to define what type of secret this
is, so that when you add that as a filter you don't find other types of
secrets. I'd recommend to have this for all secrets. The rest of the
keys can be used (or not) in a per-protocol specific way that makes
sense for that protocol.

  - I would think in Gossip or Pidgin you can create two accounts with
 the same username/password (true? or do they stop you?) - how would
 that be handled?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Two accounts on different types of
IM systems? That would be handled by specifying more details than just
the user/password (like protocol, etc).

 Ideally I think we'd allow Gossip and Pidgin to ask something like
 give me all XMPP accounts on the keyring, I guess that would use the
 protocol field? Would the results be sane if Gossip or Pidgin
 merged this resulting list of accounts with their own app-specific
 list of accounts? How should that merge be done? What if you delete an
 account in the app's account manager screen?

Its certainly possible to use gnome_keyring_find_items (or the helper
gnome_keyring_find_network_password) specifying only protocol=xmpp,
which will give you all the items where you can read both the username
and the other details and the password.

This is how a http authentication works in gnome-vfs. We only feed
gnome-keyring protocol=http, the server, port, authtype and the object
(the auth realm). This gives us a list (typically of lenght 1) where we
can read the username, as well as the secret password.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Bryan Clark
On 8/28/07, David Zeuthen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 17:33 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
   - fix Firefox to use the keyring, or at least let apps query Firefox
  password manager storage
   - have some mechanism for smart deductions, like I can guess you
  have an XMPP account that matches your username/password -
  maybe this just has to be in the apps, not sure

 One important thing about the gnome-keyring prompts is that they display
 information the user should be able to trust / understand. Things like
 that App X is trying to use the key stored by App Y. [1]

 AFAIK, to do this in a secure way, the prompts stem from a separate
 process [2] and the code looks at the callers process id to determine
 what application (on Linux via /proc/pid/exe) is making the requests
 and then uses that name in prompts like these
 (actually this instance of the dialog, btw, looks pretty hostile to end
   users. Maybe I'm just not using gnome-keyring correctly from
   gnome-mount to save the LUKS pass phrase in the keyring. Shrug.)

 The key here is that information you show in these prompts absolutely
 needs to be trusted; you just cannot let the caller of the keyring API
 pass in random junk; you cannot trust them.

 So I wonder how this would work with Firefox. Ideally you want to

 The website
 (and ideally also display some kind of icon whether the
   website in question is signed by a trusted third-party.)

 instead of

 The application Firefox

 As I see it, to do this the keyring prompts would need to trust the
 Firefox process to get this information or you run the risk of
 displaying wrong information to the user... Sounds like a pretty hard
 problem to me.

 Just some thoughts / ramble. Hope it's useful.


 [1] : In fact I'm skeptical that most users will do more than just click
 through these prompts... if we didn't care about protecting secrets on a
 per-application basis we would be just as well off with encrypted
 homedir and just store secrets in plaintext. And then we wouldn't need a
 keyring API at all.

 [2] : Which is good as it means it's possible to

 1) Restrict access to the keyring database to a specific security
 context etc. that only the gnome-keyring programs run in; and

 2) In the future use of XACE to paint different window decorations to
 make the dialog look more trusted (doubtful approach to security
 but I thought I'd mention it anyway); and

 3) Show the dialogs it on a different X server (e.g. the gdm greeter)
 possibly using a Secure Attention Key (ctrl+alt+del) to get there.

I'm probably missing lots of understanding of how this system works, but I
have a few questions I'd like your feedback on for initially reducing the
amount of password prompting.  I'll start with this one and see where it
goes before I ask more.

Can an application that stores a secret be able to retrieve that same secret
without unlocking the keyring?

I never really understand why NetworkManager, the one who put certain
secrets into my keyring needs to ask my permission to get those secrets
back.  Sure those secrets are my passwords, but I already gave them to NM
once, why does it need to ask to get them again?  If it wasn't a good idea
to give those passwords to NM the first time, it's too late because it
already has them.

If Firefox, for some reason, wanted access to the secrets that
NetworkManager stored I think that has cause for some alarm.  The warning
for this situation is a little easier, because it's less often and probably
shouldn't happen unless something is really wrong.

Even though the keyring is locked, it seems like the application that set
the secret should be able to retrieve it.  I don't know how you want to make
sure it's the same calling application, there might be some tricks in that.
But this would reduce the number of login / access the keyring dialogs.

Perhaps my vision of the keyring is more of a secure little area where
applications can save data that's reliable and encrypted and I have the
master password to; however if an application wants to save some random
secret bits in the keyring that only it will retrieve later I find it pretty
harmless.  Is that a false assumption?


One key to having better security is to not cry wolf to our user all the
time.  In reality, even without crying wolf they are going to click through
whatever dialogs we bring up so we might as well work with the mindset in
our designs to not bring up the dialogs at all.  They'll likely be some
exceptions where we feel a dialog is necessary, however each dialog really
means we've failed at being secure and passed the buck on to our users.

~ Bryan
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Stef Walter
Bryan Clark wrote:
 Can an application that stores a secret be able to retrieve that same secret
 without unlocking the keyring?

Yes for sure.

 I never really understand why NetworkManager, the one who put certain
 secrets into my keyring needs to ask my permission to get those secrets
 back.  Sure those secrets are my passwords, but I already gave them to NM
 once, why does it need to ask to get them again?  If it wasn't a good idea
 to give those passwords to NM the first time, it's too late because it
 already has them.

Odd, it shouldn't do that. I've never seen it do the ACL prompt for the
application that stored the secret. However with previous versions of
GNOME (previous to 2.20) it did need to prompt for a passphrase once per
session in order to unlock the keyring. This nonsense has now been solved:

 Even though the keyring is locked, it seems like the application that set
 the secret should be able to retrieve it.  I don't know how you want to make
 sure it's the same calling application, there might be some tricks in that.
 But this would reduce the number of login / access the keyring dialogs.

Yes, this is already the case. When a new secret is stored, an ACL is
automatically added to that item for the application that stored it. If
the originating application accesses that item, then no prompt should
ever be issued.

If you see a prompt in a certain case, then it's definitely a bug.

 One key to having better security is to not cry wolf to our user all the
 time.  In reality, even without crying wolf they are going to click through
 whatever dialogs we bring up so we might as well work with the mindset in
 our designs to not bring up the dialogs at all.  They'll likely be some
 exceptions where we feel a dialog is necessary, however each dialog really
 means we've failed at being secure and passed the buck on to our users.

For sure. And the access prompts that occur when one application
accesses another applications secrets (usually legitimately) are very
dumb from the perspective of the user.

This is a hard problem, as David pointed out. In fact our current
'prompting' solution only really works for C applications (with their
own unique executable path), so I would call it fundamentally broken.

Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Stef Walter
David Zeuthen wrote:
  (actually this instance of the dialog, btw, looks pretty hostile to end
   users. Maybe I'm just not using gnome-keyring correctly from
   gnome-mount to save the LUKS pass phrase in the keyring. Shrug.)

I would suggest storing the secret with human readable text as the
display name of the item. You can store HAL ids in the item attributes,
and then use them to find the appropriate item later.

Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Ray Strode

 Even though the keyring is locked, it seems like the application that set
 the secret should be able to retrieve it.  I don't know how you want to make
 sure it's the same calling application, there might be some tricks in that.
 But this would reduce the number of login / access the keyring dialogs.
So, at some point a password has to be asked for, because that
password is used to unencrypt the data.  In theory only one password
should need to be asked for though, the password (or smart card PIN
code) you type when you login.  That's the whole single sign on dream,
and what pam_gnomekeyring is trying to tackle.

 Perhaps my vision of the keyring is more of a secure little area where
 applications can save data that's reliable and encrypted and I have the
 master password to; however if an application wants to save some random
 secret bits in the keyring that only it will retrieve later I find it pretty
 harmless.  Is that a false assumption?
If the data is encrypted then the application won't be able to get to
the data until it's unencrypted, which means asking for a password.

Are you asking for an unencrypted area that only one application has
read access to?  If so, you might be able to do something like that
with SELinux (or AppArmor?), but I don't think it would be a very
robust solution.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Alan Cox
 Are you asking for an unencrypted area that only one application has
 read access to?  If so, you might be able to do something like that
 with SELinux (or AppArmor?), but I don't think it would be a very
 robust solution.

The Linux kernel key service can do this for session/user/user+session
and other key types, and you can use SELinux labels on it.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Ray Strode

On 8/29/07, Alan Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you asking for an unencrypted area that only one application has
  read access to?  If so, you might be able to do something like that
  with SELinux (or AppArmor?), but I don't think it would be a very
  robust solution.

 The Linux kernel key service can do this for session/user/user+session
 and other key types, and you can use SELinux labels on it.

But the kernel keyring isn't persistent across reboots is it?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Alan Cox
On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 16:39:04 -0400
Ray Strode [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/29/07, Alan Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Are you asking for an unencrypted area that only one application has
   read access to?  If so, you might be able to do something like that
   with SELinux (or AppArmor?), but I don't think it would be a very
   robust solution.
  The Linux kernel key service can do this for session/user/user+session
  and other key types, and you can use SELinux labels on it.
 But the kernel keyring isn't persistent across reboots is it?

It provides a mechanism to manage the keys and to use SELinux labels on
them to control access. If you want to save them across reboots then that
would need user space involvement as well. 

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Stef Walter
Havoc Pennington wrote:
 I wrote down the schemas for the current information stored by
 various apps. Here those are, essentially 5 kinds of object:
 Firefox/Epiphany/etc. Browser Web Site Login
Domain (exact domain:port we logged in to)
Username Input Field Name
Password Input Field Name

Sadly an HTTP login is far more complex than just that. In basic and
digest authentication 'realm' is sent from the server, which is really
what defines which login to use.

Also digest authentication has the concept of a 'domain', which is the
URI prefixes with which a login should be automatically used.

 1) stuffing the other four into the gnome-keyring NETWORK_PASSWORD
 type is just wrong. NETWORK_PASSWORD makes no sense except for file
 shares. I think the Gossip patch trying to use it is wrong and the
 NetworkManager usage of it is wrong. They should use GENERIC_SECRET
 and have their own sensible field names. (By using NETWORK_PASSWORD,
 people are doing the equivalent of picking an existing, unrelated
 database table for their new data, and if they have an integer they
 pick some random column in the existing table that happens to be an
 integer, and put their integer in there... even if it meant something
 totally different before)

If we want we can make additional gnome keyring item types, but these
would need to be fairly far well established groupings. It may be that
we add an item type for IM accounts, another for email accounts, etc.

I think one reason people are using the network password type is because
there are gnome-keyring convenience APIs for using this type.

 2)  There's a confusing thing about gnome-keyring, which is that it
 stores metadata like account name, but *it stores one item per secret,
 not one per account or whatever* - i.e. the metadata is just a way to
 look up the secret. gnome-keyring can be abused to store the metadata,
 but that isn't really the point of it. Really gnome-keyring is only
 intended to be the canonical store for the password, and you'd have
 some other storage for the account details.

Yes, the main limitation is that of one secret per item. If you wanted
to use it for account data that would be possible with that limitation.
The ACL infrastructure (where applications can specify something as for
them only) might be handy when storing accounts.

But perhaps account data has a better life elsewhere, like you noted.

Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Havoc Pennington

On 8/29/07, Stef Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sadly an HTTP login is far more complex than just that. In basic and
 digest authentication 'realm' is sent from the server, which is really
 what defines which login to use.

 Also digest authentication has the concept of a 'domain', which is the
 URI prefixes with which a login should be automatically used.

You're talking about http auth here, I'm talking about the feature
where Firefox fills out your login in the html page. (password
manager - see that mozilla wiki link I sent in the original post,
which describes the schema)

http auth can probably use the NETWORK_PASSWORD type as nautilus does for DAV.

 If we want we can make additional gnome keyring item types, but these
 would need to be fairly far well established groupings. It may be that
 we add an item type for IM accounts, another for email accounts, etc.

 I think one reason people are using the network password type is because
 there are gnome-keyring convenience APIs for using this type.

It may also be due to total lack of any docs ;-)

I think maybe it would be better to do something like:

 - have a super-convenient, simpler API for the normal app use case:
store, list, and delete

 - split this API out to the top of the file with a big comment
   and then another after it:

 - also have a comment/docs describing the property names to use for
some of the common schemas I just mentioned

Anyway, the point is do a convenience API that just makes it simple to
use the property names, and then rearrange the header and docs so you
just see the few things most apps care about and don't have to try to
dig through that huge gnome-keyring.h header. Most of the API is only
useful for a keyring manager and other obscure cases.

 Yes, the main limitation is that of one secret per item. If you wanted
 to use it for account data that would be possible with that limitation.
 The ACL infrastructure (where applications can specify something as for
 them only) might be handy when storing accounts.

 But perhaps account data has a better life elsewhere, like you noted.

That's my opinion, if only because realistically apps are not going to
port to store their main list of accounts in gnome-keyring, and
there's no real benefit if they do anyway. I'd say keep it simple and
say gnome-keyring is just for secrets.

Here's a sketch of what I think a simpler API might be like:

enum {
} StorageScope;

char *the_secret_data = top secret;

/* store a secret, so it can be looked up using the provided properties */
store_secret(SAVE_TO_DISK, the_secret_data, username:string, hp,
port:int, 80, server:string,, NULL);

/* load all secrets matching the provided properties */
KeyringSecret **secrets = load_secrets(username:string, hp,
port:int, 80, server:string,, NULL);

/* delete all secrets that match the provided properties */
delete_secrets(username:string, hp, port:int, 80,
server:string,, NULL);

/* delete a specific secret */

char *my_secret = secret_get_secret(secrets[0]);

/* not even sure this is needed... should already be known to the app */
char *username = secret_get_string(secrets[0], username);

Concepts the app developer could avoid knowing to use this simpler API:
 - KeyringResult
 - KeyringItemType
 - AttributeList
 - KeyringFound
 - default vs. session
 - create/delete non-default keyrings
 - item IDs
 - ACLs
 - special network password schema and related API/datatypes

those are all useful sometimes, but not needed in a convenience API.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-29 Thread Havoc Pennington

I guess my simpler API suggestion amounts to the same API currently
used for network password, but with varargs for the properties so it
can be used for any set of lookup properties

So, I could have just said that I guess, sorry for the longer mail.

The varargs are more convenient even for network password I think,
because functions with tons of args are a pain to use - you have to
keep carefully checking back to the header to be sure you have the
right args in the right order. Especially when a bunch of them are

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Alan Cox
  - have some mechanism for smart deductions, like I can guess you
 have an XMPP account that matches your username/password -
 maybe this just has to be in the apps, not sure

This needs some care. There are evils that lurk on the web side of this.
One big one is that if a central service provides a guessed
login/password from another source to firefox, I can steal it using
javascript into a hidden form which might be bad if I can trigger wrong
guesses. For pure web use this problem doesn't normally arise as the URI
gives a scope which makes sense, once you take guesses from outside you
don't know enough to guess where to paste them.

 I just started thinking about this today, so let me know what's missing.

One of the things you can use the TPM for in a treacherous computing
system is simply as a poor quality smart card. And for that matter
working with a proper smart card is similar. Being able to share my
keyring simply by

- Bluetooth
- Internet
- Smart Card
- TPM (where there is a common root key)

including merging entries from multiple sources. PAM already lets me
direct sensitive system authentication questions to a seperate trusted
display (my phone) which I can't currently do for the other apps.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Bastien Nocera
On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 17:33 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Anyway, I'm thinking about how to clean up the password-storage situation.
 Here is the current situation:
  - Pidgin just sticks passwords in plain text in app-specific XML files
  - Gossip does the same thing, plain text in XML files
  - Firefox has its whole own thing, though they have plans to use the
 Keychain on OS X they are not planning to use gnome-keyring according
 to possibly-outdated wiki page:

As usual, Firefox' integration in the desktop stinks. That's why a
number of us use Epiphany. FYI, that's what's missing to get Epiphany to
use the gnome-keyring:

Pidgin has the same disease as Firefox, wants to be everywhere, thus is
integrated nowhere. OpenSUSE seems to have a patch to make use of the
gnome-keyring though. I found it in:

Gossip should really know better though:


Bastien Nocera [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington

Thanks for the bug links, those are helpful.

Here are some questions I have about conventions for storing stuff in
the keyring, which would be relevant to the Gossip bug (and future
similar bug against Pidgin, etc.)

 - when do you use default/NULL vs. session keyring? (I think I've
asked this before, but I forget)
 - the Gossip patch sets user=havoc.pennington and
for my account, but why does it set server and not domain, and
when would something set domain? Is domain intended for web
passwords only?
 - what is the object field in gnome-keyring supposed to be for?
NetworkManager vpn stuff sets it to password and group_password,
the Gossip patch doesn't use it
 - Gossip patch sets protocol field to jabber, NetworkManager to
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.vpnc, ... ? when is this field used
and what's its intended content?
 - I would think in Gossip or Pidgin you can create two accounts with
the same username/password (true? or do they stop you?) - how would
that be handled?

Ideally I think we'd allow Gossip and Pidgin to ask something like
give me all XMPP accounts on the keyring, I guess that would use the
protocol field? Would the results be sane if Gossip or Pidgin
merged this resulting list of accounts with their own app-specific
list of accounts? How should that merge be done? What if you delete an
account in the app's account manager screen?

A specific use-case is that if I've already logged in to Google in
either Firefox or BigBoard, I think Gossip or Pidgin when first
started up should default to knowing that same account info.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Alex Jones
On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 22:56 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:

 Gossip should really know better though:

FWIW, Gajim uses the keyring. Which is nice.
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Stef Walter
Havoc Pennington wrote:
 I forgot to mention taking the encrypted keyring blob and sticking it
 on a server somewhere, but (I think) that's an independent issue from
 getting everything to use the same keyring and same keyring entries.

Well there are obviously security issues to this.

Perhaps there should be a way of having a single certain keyring (with a
given name) stored online, and applications could choose whether or not
to store passwords in that keyring.

My reasoning is in part because, in the next cycle gnome-keyring is
getting support for encryption keys (SSH, X509). If those were stored
online, it would negate their value a good deal. If encryption keys were
downloadable using a password, then why use an encryption key for things
like SSH at all?

Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Stef Walter
Alan Cox wrote:
 I just started thinking about this today, so let me know what's missing.
 One of the things you can use the TPM for in a treacherous computing
 system is simply as a poor quality smart card. And for that matter
 working with a proper smart card is similar. Being able to share my
 keyring simply by
   - USB
   - Bluetooth
   - Internet
   - Smart Card
   - TPM (where there is a common root key)
 including merging entries from multiple sources. PAM already lets me
 direct sensitive system authentication questions to a seperate trusted
 display (my phone) which I can't currently do for the other apps.

You can do this via USB today with gnome-keyring. There's currently not
much UI for it (I'd like to implement the UI properly), but it should work:

If properly thought out, it seems Internet storage of a keyring could
work in a similar way. More on this later...

Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Stef Walter
Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Anyway, I'm thinking about how to clean up the password-storage situation.
 Here is the current situation:
  - Pidgin just sticks passwords in plain text in app-specific XML files
  - Gossip does the same thing, plain text in XML files
  - Firefox has its whole own thing, though they have plans to use the
 Keychain on OS X they are not planning to use gnome-keyring according
 to possibly-outdated wiki page:

I believe the epiphany guys have been working on this, at some point:

  - BigBoard puts things in gnome-keyring
 Looking in gnome-keyring-manager, there's barely anything in there.

Yeah, one big problem with gnome-keyring was the problem of having to
enter your password twice, which really bugged users. I hope that with
the PAM integration in 2.20, this major excuse for not using
gnome-keyring will be no more.

Evolution, for example, has gnome-keyring support but is rarely compiled
with it due to the above.

 Looking at gnome-keyring-manager does hint at one problem, though;
 gnome-keyring is too policy free and free-form. It provides a shared
 password facility, but no real guideline for _how_ to store the
 passwords or how to find the password for a particular thing or
 particular site.

Yes a spec does seem necessary to help coordinate what is stored in each
of the individual attributes. We ran into this problem with seahorse and
gnome-gpg, each of which wanted to store passwords for PGP keys in the

We probably also want to add one or more keyring item types, eg: for web
form data.

The current list of item types:


  - have some mechanism for smart deductions, like I can guess you
 have an XMPP account that matches your username/password -
 maybe this just has to be in the apps, not sure

Along with what Alan said, pushing this too far down the stack opens up
many possibilities for password retrieval attacks, like the recent spate
of attacks that exploited this in Firefox and Safari.


Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread David Zeuthen

Hi Havoc,

Cleaning up and making more apps use the keyring is definitely a
worthwhile effort in my mind.

On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 17:33 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
  - fix Firefox to use the keyring, or at least let apps query Firefox
 password manager storage
  - have some mechanism for smart deductions, like I can guess you
 have an XMPP account that matches your username/password -
 maybe this just has to be in the apps, not sure

One important thing about the gnome-keyring prompts is that they display
information the user should be able to trust / understand. Things like
that App X is trying to use the key stored by App Y. [1]

AFAIK, to do this in a secure way, the prompts stem from a separate
process [2] and the code looks at the callers process id to determine
what application (on Linux via /proc/pid/exe) is making the requests
and then uses that name in prompts like these
 (actually this instance of the dialog, btw, looks pretty hostile to end
  users. Maybe I'm just not using gnome-keyring correctly from
  gnome-mount to save the LUKS pass phrase in the keyring. Shrug.)

The key here is that information you show in these prompts absolutely
needs to be trusted; you just cannot let the caller of the keyring API
pass in random junk; you cannot trust them.

So I wonder how this would work with Firefox. Ideally you want to

 The website 
 (and ideally also display some kind of icon whether the
  website in question is signed by a trusted third-party.)

instead of 

 The application Firefox 

As I see it, to do this the keyring prompts would need to trust the
Firefox process to get this information or you run the risk of
displaying wrong information to the user... Sounds like a pretty hard
problem to me.

Just some thoughts / ramble. Hope it's useful.


[1] : In fact I'm skeptical that most users will do more than just click
through these prompts... if we didn't care about protecting secrets on a
per-application basis we would be just as well off with encrypted
homedir and just store secrets in plaintext. And then we wouldn't need a
keyring API at all.

[2] : Which is good as it means it's possible to

 1) Restrict access to the keyring database to a specific security
context etc. that only the gnome-keyring programs run in; and

 2) In the future use of XACE to paint different window decorations to
make the dialog look more trusted (doubtful approach to security
but I thought I'd mention it anyway); and 

 3) Show the dialogs it on a different X server (e.g. the gdm greeter)
possibly using a Secure Attention Key (ctrl+alt+del) to get there.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Bastien Nocera
On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 18:23 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 Thanks for the bug links, those are helpful.
 Here are some questions I have about conventions for storing stuff in
 the keyring, which would be relevant to the Gossip bug (and future
 similar bug against Pidgin, etc.)

I'm not sure anyone's really thought of the conventions behind using
each field for something specific. You'd need to ask Alex, he wrote it
after all :)

 Ideally I think we'd allow Gossip and Pidgin to ask something like
 give me all XMPP accounts on the keyring, I guess that would use the
 protocol field? Would the results be sane if Gossip or Pidgin
 merged this resulting list of accounts with their own app-specific
 list of accounts? How should that merge be done? What if you delete an
 account in the app's account manager screen?

Apps would need to agree on what/how to store it. I guess that right
now, it's good enough if the app that inserted the details can read it

 A specific use-case is that if I've already logged in to Google in
 either Firefox or BigBoard, I think Gossip or Pidgin when first
 started up should default to knowing that same account info.

How? I personally log in to google with my personal mail address, don't
have any GMail account, and have a Jabber address. I'm
not sure how apps are supposed to link all those (and they'd need access
to the cookies, another thing to share, to be able to screenscrape).

Bastien Nocera [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Stef Walter
Havoc Pennington wrote:
  - when do you use default/NULL vs. session keyring? (I think I've
 asked this before, but I forget)

Use NULL (which automatically maps to the default keyring) when you
don't care what keyring a password is stored in, but you want it stored
for good. In many cases this will be the 'login' keyring which is
automatically unlocked when the user logs into their session.

Use 'session' (this should really be a #define in gnome-keyring.h) when
something should only be stored for the session.

gnome-keyring just got its documentation this cycle (
doesn't seem to have it yet).

  - the Gossip patch sets user=havoc.pennington and
 for my account, but why does it set server and not domain, and
 when would something set domain? Is domain intended for web
 passwords only?

Domain, as far as I know was intended for windows network shares.

  - what is the object field in gnome-keyring supposed to be for?
 NetworkManager vpn stuff sets it to password and group_password,
 the Gossip patch doesn't use it

This was originally used for the share name in windows network shares,
and I've seen it used for for 'paths' underneath the main hostname.

 Ideally I think we'd allow Gossip and Pidgin to ask something like
 give me all XMPP accounts on the keyring, I guess that would use the
 protocol field? Would the results be sane if Gossip or Pidgin
 merged this resulting list of accounts with their own app-specific
 list of accounts? How should that merge be done? What if you delete an
 account in the app's account manager screen?

So what you're really talking about is storing the concept of an
'account' with all related information in gnome-keyring. So far the
focus has been on passwords and secrets. This is certainly possible, but
like you said needs a solid spec to get anywhere. The way current
applications store information in the keyrings just isn't structured

Stef Walter

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington

On 8/28/07, Stef Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Havoc Pennington wrote:
  I forgot to mention taking the encrypted keyring blob and sticking it
  on a server somewhere, but (I think) that's an independent issue from
  getting everything to use the same keyring and same keyring entries.

 Well there are obviously security issues to this.

 Perhaps there should be a way of having a single certain keyring (with a
 given name) stored online, and applications could choose whether or not
 to store passwords in that keyring.

Right, I think it would be an option of some kind.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington

On 8/28/07, Stef Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   - have some mechanism for smart deductions, like I can guess you
  have an XMPP account that matches your username/password -
  maybe this just has to be in the apps, not sure

 Along with what Alan said, pushing this too far down the stack opens up
 many possibilities for password retrieval attacks, like the recent spate
 of attacks that exploited this in Firefox and Safari.

I think you guys may understand this backward from what I meant. I am
saying if you logged in to google (or Flickr, or whatever) in the
browser, then your desktop apps could get at that login info. I'm not
saying that the browser could get stuff from the desktop - JavaScript
remains sandboxed as usual. (Though as long as somethingis tagged with
a domain, and the domain is exact-matched, that might be fine too I
would think. But of course it would have to be very carefully defined
what the domain field means and who sets it.)

The functionality I'm after is the same thing we already have for, where if you are logged in to the web site, then the
desktop can use the same cookie to sign on to the XMPP server.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington

On 8/28/07, Bastien Nocera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure anyone's really thought of the conventions behind using
 each field for something specific. You'd need to ask Alex, he wrote it
 after all :)

I am hoping he'll read the thread ;-)

  Ideally I think we'd allow Gossip and Pidgin to ask something like
  give me all XMPP accounts on the keyring, I guess that would use the
  protocol field? Would the results be sane if Gossip or Pidgin
  merged this resulting list of accounts with their own app-specific
  list of accounts? How should that merge be done? What if you delete an
  account in the app's account manager screen?

 Apps would need to agree on what/how to store it. I guess that right
 now, it's good enough if the app that inserted the details can read it

That's the point though, I don't think it's really a good situation;
if I create a guest account right now, I have to log in to Google
three times to get it all going, and that's just one example.

Without sharing between apps gnome-keyring doesn't do a whole lot
other than throw up allow-or-deny dialogs like Vista. ;-)

The ideal is that one local login and one login is
all you need, then your keyring is downloaded and has all other
logins. (yes, it will be optional, to head off the inevitable

  A specific use-case is that if I've already logged in to Google in
  either Firefox or BigBoard, I think Gossip or Pidgin when first
  started up should default to knowing that same account info.

 How? I personally log in to google with my personal mail address, don't
 have any GMail account, and have a Jabber address. I'm
 not sure how apps are supposed to link all those (and they'd need access
 to the cookies, another thing to share, to be able to screenscrape).

It won't work if you have a setup like that, or would require more
effort to make work. But for example it's easy to make work for my
Google setup which is all

This isn't something that has to work every time or in every corner
case to be useful. It's just something that's nice to do whenever we

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington
the one thing that drives me nuts about gmail is that it doesn't
default to reply all...

On 8/28/07, Havoc Pennington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/28/07, Stef Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So what you're really talking about is storing the concept of an
  'account' with all related information in gnome-keyring.

 Well, maybe. I was just thinking about that a bit and it seems
 probably too ambitious.

 I'd be happy to start if apps could just ask for a list of
 username/password pairs by category, like XMPP, Google, Flickr,
 or whatever. I think that's enough for apps to do something reasonably
 nice. Not sure though.

  So far the
  focus has been on passwords and secrets. This is certainly possible, but
  like you said needs a solid spec to get anywhere. The way current
  applications store information in the keyrings just isn't structured

 Exactly, yep. I can write some simple spec up, but first I want to
 understand all the current thinking (so far it sounds like there's a
 pretty blank slate for spec'ing this out)


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread David Zeuthen

On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 18:48 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 The functionality I'm after is the same thing we already have for, where if you are logged in to the web site, then the
 desktop can use the same cookie to sign on to the XMPP server.

If cookies are all you want, then all we need is just to make (all)
the browser and (all) the apps use the same underlying HTTP library,


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington

On 8/28/07, David Zeuthen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One important thing about the gnome-keyring prompts is that they display
 information the user should be able to trust / understand. Things like
 that App X is trying to use the key stored by App Y. [1]

Yeah. I'm not sure these dialogs make sense, but for now I'm ignoring
them and just worrying about how all apps can share the same login
knowledge (you'd still have to allow/deny each app).

For why I don't think they make sense, it's pretty much the same issue as
Either you have a secure setup or you don't, dialogs are just a really
annoying-to-the-user way of writing if (TRUE) and don't affect the
security materially.

A better approach, for example, would be to have selinux or signatures
or something such that apps that come with the OS are automatically
trusted and the dialog or other obscure procedure only arises for
third-party apps. Then people don't get as used to just clicking yes
all the time and _might_ slow down for the dialog when it really

But, it's a somewhat separate topic from what I was wanting to mess
with right away.

 [1] : In fact I'm skeptical that most users will do more than just click
 through these prompts... if we didn't care about protecting secrets on a
 per-application basis we would be just as well off with encrypted
 homedir and just store secrets in plaintext. And then we wouldn't need a
 keyring API at all.

I think the keyring API is most useful for sharing the login info
between apps, and potentially storing the login info on a server (or a
USB key, or whatever)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Havoc Pennington
resend to list...

On 8/28/07, Havoc Pennington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/28/07, David Zeuthen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 18:48 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
   The functionality I'm after is the same thing we already have for, where if you are logged in to the web site, then the
   desktop can use the same cookie to sign on to the XMPP server.
  If cookies are all you want, then all we need is just to make (all)
  the browser and (all) the apps use the same underlying HTTP library,

 I didn't mean cookies literally, I meant the thing where you log in
 to one conceptual server only one time per desktop session

 But yes, we need the shared HTTP lib too. ;-)


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread Alan Cox
  Exactly, yep. I can write some simple spec up, but first I want to
  understand all the current thinking (so far it sounds like there's a
  pretty blank slate for spec'ing this out)

You might want to have a chat with Dave Howells at Red Hat as well. Dave
did the Linux kernel side key management which handles keys on a thread
through to user and group level.

Documentation/key* in the kernel.

This is used to manage keys needed for things like file systems but can be
used for other stuff too. It also supports callbacks so the kernel can
ask user space about keys.

Currently this is used by the ecryptfs and AFS/RXRPC file/net system
layers, and also by the MMC/SD layer for managing passwords to encrypted
cards. It'll probably soon get used by libata to manage passworded disks
(and thus passworded compact flash)

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: cleaning up keyrings

2007-08-28 Thread David Zeuthen

On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 19:08 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 A better approach, for example, would be to have selinux or signatures
 or something such that apps that come with the OS are automatically
 trusted and the dialog or other obscure procedure only arises for
 third-party apps. Then people don't get as used to just clicking yes
 all the time and _might_ slow down for the dialog when it really

Certainly. Maybe add to your spec that there needs to be an easy way for
OS vendors / site / system admins to maintain a whitelist of apps that
are always allowed to access a certain types of keys without having to
nag the user. Means you need a grouping/type concept though. (And FWIW I
think path-based security is more than sufficient here.)


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