[api-dev] Re: Unfocussing a non-modal dialog

2007-11-10 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Mathias Bauer napisał(a):
 Zbigniew Banach wrote:
 As I've said, the setFocus() call comes after the dialog is created and
 displayed. Is the dialog creation process somehow asynchronous? If so,
 you could be right that the setFocus() call comes too early. Would I
 need to set a focus listener or something like that to catch the right
 At least on some platforms it can be asynchronous. As you seem to use
 Linux: yes, possible.

Yup, that must be it. Now I've run the same code on Linux (Ubuntu) and
Windows 2k, and under Windows setFocus() works as expected, while in
Linux the focus is not transferred. Guess I'll have to put some
Linux-specific hacking exploration on my TODO list :)

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction once again, Mathias!


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: Unfocussing a non-modal dialog

2007-11-09 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Hi Mathias,

Thanks for your response.

 I'm astonished to read that a setFocus call at either the
 ContainerWindow or the ComponentWindow didn't work for you. At least
 that's what OOo is doing in its own code when it wants to move the
 focus to a document.

Once the dialog is shown (using setVisible()), I've tried calling
setFocus() on the document frame's ContainerWindow and ComponentWindow,
obtained though calls to
XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentController().getFrame(), but to
no avail. At first I thought it might be the wrong frame, but it seems
there's not much other choice.

 Perhaps you called it too early, before even your dialog got the focus
 from the operating system?

As I've said, the setFocus() call comes after the dialog is created and
displayed. Is the dialog creation process somehow asynchronous? If so,
you could be right that the setFocus() call comes too early. Would I
need to set a focus listener or something like that to catch the right

Any further ideas appreciated :)

Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: Cursor Position during DD operation

2007-11-09 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Hi Sascha,

 Is there any way to set the ViewCursor to a specified position?

It's a TextCursor, so you can use gotoRange() on it, passing some other
cursor as the target position.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Unfocussing a non-modal dialog

2007-10-17 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Hello folks,

More dialog problems from me, I'm afraid. A quick and (hopefully) easy
question today. I've created and displayed a non-modal dialog in the
standard way:

smgr = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
dialogModel = smgr.createInstance(
controlContainer = smgr.createInstance(
toolkit = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
  com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit, ctx)
controlContainer.createPeer(toolkit, None)

(BTW, I've found that, strangely enough, the setVisible() call is not
necessary to display the dialog -- createPeer() already does that).

What I want is to display the dialog from Writer and immediately restore
focus to the document, so the user can keep typing and use the info in
the dialog for reference (it's a glossary, FTW) without having to click
the document or Alt+Tab to it. But after creation, the dialog is
focussed and I can't find a way to shift focus back to the main document
window. I've been examining the frame/window properties and even when
the dialog is focussed, the document frame is still reported as the top
and active frame, and no combination of setFocus(), toFront(), toBack()
etc on the dialog or the document window seems to do the trick.

I hope I'm just missing something trivial here, and I'd greatly
appreciate a pointer in the right direction.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: Accessing a dialog from the frame hierarchy

2007-10-11 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Paolo Mantovani napisał(a):

 First I create and display the dialog in one macro -- pretty standard
 stuff except that I pass the current frame's container window as the peer:

 smgr = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
 ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
 dialogModel = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
   com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel, ctx)
 dialogModel.Title = FooBar
 controlContainer = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog, ctx)
 toolkit = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
   com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit, ctx)
 containerWin = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentController()
 controlContainer.createPeer(toolkit, containerWin)
 This is the old way, when men were men and created their own AWT-Windows :-)
 Apart from jokes, is there any reasons for not using the (relatively) new 
 css.awt.DialogProvider ?
 In this way you could design the dialog in the Starbasic IDE and then recall 
 it from anywhere.

Yes, I rather prefer the manly way -- visual IDEs are for wimps :)
Actually, I made an initial design decision to create all the dialogs
for my app from code exclusively, so I could contain everything in a
single file to ease distribution and installation later on. Looking back
I'm not so sure it was the best choice, but it works so far, so I'm
sticking with it :) That aside, it seems to me that my problem of
accessing an open dialog would still apply, regardless of whether the
dialog was created in code or instantiated from a ready model using the

 Perhaps I can propose an idea for a workaround, see below:
--- 8 ---
 As you can see, the dialog is now attached to a frame that belongs to the 
 frames hierarchy.
 In this way you can access to your dialog from anywhere in (more or less) 
 (Basic example - adapt to your context)
 oMyFrame = StarDesktop.findFrame(MyOwnFrame, _
 oDialog = oMyFrame.ComponentWindow

Paolo, you're the best :) This is exactly what I needed - just had to
find someone with a better understanding of the whole UI structure than
myself, and who better than you. Thanks a million!

 And if not, what could I do 
 to get a similar effect (maybe abandon dialogs and create a window some
 other way)? 
 Of course you can use a TopWindow instead of an UnoDialog this would give you 
 more flexibility but at the cost of some more code lines, especially for the 
 UnoControls management

That's why I was reluctant to let go of the UnoDialog-based approach --
it's convenient and pretty intuitive to work with, as it is basically
similar to other GUI frameworks I've used previously (Swing, wxWidgets etc.)

Thanks for your help, Paolo, this will have me well on my way :)


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Accessing a dialog from the frame hierarchy

2007-10-10 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Hi everyone,

I posted a similar question a few months back, but now I'm more or less
running around the same problem. I've done some extra research, so I
hope someone will be able to help.

I want to create and show a non-modal dialog from one macro (I'm using
Python) and once it's open I want to access and modify its controls from
another macro. I haven't found a way to store a global reference to the
dialog window, so I'm trying to access it through the frame hierarchy.
It's almost there, but I'm finally stuck.

First I create and display the dialog in one macro -- pretty standard
stuff except that I pass the current frame's container window as the peer:

smgr = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext().ServiceManager
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
dialogModel = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
  com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel, ctx)
dialogModel.Title = FooBar
controlContainer = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
   com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog, ctx)
toolkit = smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
  com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit, ctx)
containerWin = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentController()
controlContainer.createPeer(toolkit, containerWin)

Now the dialog is displayed (non-modally, because I used setVisible()
instead of execute()), I want to access it via the frame hierarchy from
another macro. Using through the same frame's toolkit and going through
its TopWindows, in a separate macro I've managed to get hold of what
seems to be the dialog's container window (it's the only one with a
Title, and it's the same Title as for my dialog):

tk = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument().getCurrentController().getFrame()
for i in range(0, tk.getTopWindowCount()):
currWin = tk.getTopWindow(i)
if Title in dir(currWin) and currWin.Title == FooBar:
dialogRef = currWin

(For non-Python speakers, dir() returns a sequence of available
attributes). Now dialogRef is an XTopWindow and XDialog, and a call to
its getWindows() shows an XWindow and XButton (presumably the dialog
window and default close button). However, I can't find a way of getting
the dialog model from dialogRef nor its inner XWindow, which is what I
really need.

So my question: is it at all possible to achieve what I'm doing, i.e.
access the controls of an open dialog window through the frame
hierarchy? If so, am I going the right way? And if not, what could I do
to get a similar effect (maybe abandon dialogs and create a window some
other way)? For my original question, Mathias Bauer suggested
implementing a singleton UNO service for the dialog, but I was hoping
for some simpler way. I'm basically trying to create a glossary window
for my app, acting something like the OOo Stylist (non-modal,
always-on-top) and fully accessible to macros from the API.

Bit long for a question, but it seems to me a useful problem to resolve.
Hope someone can help me out here.

Thanks in advance,

Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: paragraph enumeration causes mysterious cursor movement....

2007-09-20 Thread Zbigniew Banach
ashok _ napisał(a):
 Okay,I will do that... is there any other alternative than using
 getString()  to get the text content for the range ? (I guess not...
 :-( ... )

Well, I don't know if that's what you need, but I've just recently found
out you can enumerate the content of the text range. This will give you
an enumeration of paragraphs, and for each paragraph you can enumerate
portions, whose strings you can then concatenate to get the full string
of the range. See Noelson Duarte's 19.09 reply to my own question for a
code sample.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: Getting the string of a numbered list item

2007-09-19 Thread Zbigniew Banach

 Because the numbering character and delimiter can be more or less
 anything (if user-defined), it's impossible to universally strip them
 off (especially as the delimiter can be omitted).

 Is there any way of getting just the string? Any help will be greatly
 appreciated, as I really need this and I've been going in circles with
 the issue.

 I think you've to enumerate your Paragraph:
 sub testParaNumberRules
doc = thiscomponent
texto = doc.getText()
enum = texto.createEnumeration()
while enum.hasMoreElements()
   txt = enum.nextElement()
   nrules = txt.NumberingRules
   if not IsEmpty(nrules) Then
  enum2 = txt.createEnumeration()
  paraString = 
  ' get all TextPortions
  while enum2.hasMoreElements()
 portion = enum2.nextElement()
 paraString = paraString  portion.getString()
  print paraString
   end if
 end sub

Thanks a lot, I'll look into using this approach!

 Here's a issue about:

I'm sort of glad it's a bug - I was starting to think there's something
wrong with me :) Doesn't look like there's much happening around it, but
I've just voted for it anyway.

Thanks again for your help.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Getting the string of a numbered list item

2007-09-18 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Hi all,

Some time ago I posted a question about lists in Writer documents, and I
am still having problems. I thought I'd simplify the question and
re-post now.

How can I get the actual text string of a numbered list item? Calling
getString() on a TextCursor or Paragraph returns the numbering character
as well, so e.g.

foobar--- Paragraph.getString() returns foobar
- foobar  --- Paragraph.getString() returns foobar
1. foobar --- Paragraph.getString() returns 1.foobar

Because the numbering character and delimiter can be more or less
anything (if user-defined), it's impossible to universally strip them
off (especially as the delimiter can be omitted).

Is there any way of getting just the string? Any help will be greatly
appreciated, as I really need this and I've been going in circles with
the issue.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Identifying numbered lists

2007-08-21 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Hi all,

I've been looking (unsuccessfully) for a way to determine whether a
paragraph in a Writer document is a numbered list. So far I know you can
check a com.sun.star.text.Paragraph's NumberingIsNumber property to find
out if you're dealing with a list at all, but this property is true both
for numbered and bulleted lists.

The reason I need to differentiate between a numbered and a bulleted
list is that I've got a macro that works on document text fetched using
Paragraph.getString(), and for a numbered list I'm getting undesirable
results. To illustrate:

foobar--- Paragraph.getString() returns foobar
- foobar  --- Paragraph.getString() returns foobar
1. foobar --- Paragraph.getString() returns 1.foobar

My macro relies on the paragraph starting with a certain character
sequence, so I need a way of telling whether the paragraph is a numbered
list so I can ignore the initial number (though maybe someone knows a
way of getting the paragraph text without the number appended -- if so,
do tell :)).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: Resetting to default character style

2007-07-12 Thread Zbigniew Banach
 Have you thought of using the DispatchHelper api ?
 Something like (in basic):
 dim args(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
 args(0).Name = Template
 args(0).Value = Default
 args(1).Name = Family
 args(1).Value = 2
 dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, .uno:StyleApply, , 0, args())

Thanks for the suggestion, but after a quick test it seems to me that
the style name supplied here (in this case as args(0).Value) still has
to be the style name from the UI, which for the default style gets
localized (and thus setting Default would only work in an
English-based locale). This is the exact same problem I'm having with
TextCursor.CharStyleName, so it seems using the dispatch won't help.
Other suggestions most welcome :)


Zbigniew Banach

 I'm trying to reset the character style in a piece of Writer document
 text to default from the API (using a Python macro). To illustrate, I've
 got a com.sun.star.text.TextCursor full of selected text with the
 character style 'foo' (set earlier via TextCursor.CharStyleName) and I
 need to reset the selected text character style to default . I've been
 trying to crack this for a looong while now, but with no luck, so I
 guess I need professional help now :)

 The Reference says (section 8.4.1): The office comes with a set of
 default styles. These styles use programmatic names on the API level.
 (...) Additionally the built-in styles have two different names: a true
 object name and an alias that is displayed at the user interface. This
 is not usually visible in an English OpenOffice.org version, except for
 the default styles that are named Standard as programmatic name and
 Default in the user interface.

 This explains why the CharStyleName property cannot be used to directly
 set the default style (it only has the localized UI name). Elsewhere
 (can't remember where), I found the information that the default isn't
 a proper style, but a feature that simply clears all formatting and
 styles from the text. So how can I access it from the API? AFAIK
 TextCursor's only property/method related to character styles is
 CharStyleName, which in this case is useless.

 Googling around I've found others had this problem, but I found no
 answers. So far I'm relying on a hack based on the observation that the
 default style is always (?) last in the style list accessible via
 document.getStyleFamilies().getByName(CharacterStyles), but it's
 hardly elegant and seems asking for trouble.

 I'd appreciate any help or ideas, as I've been going in circles on this
 for the last few months.

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[api-dev] Re: Resetting to default character style

2007-07-12 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Fernand Vanrie napisał(a):

 you can also use *setAllPropertiesToDefault*(); as a direct change to
 the selctect text

Thanks for the hint -- that set me in the right direction. I just want
the character style set to default, so the actual call I need is:


And it works! Thanks a bunch.


Zbigniew Banach

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[api-dev] Re: Getting the parent of a dialog

2007-05-23 Thread Zbigniew Banach
Mathias Bauer napisał(a):

 The parent is the one you gave to the toolkit when the dialog is
 constructed. In your case it is obviously None. So it's not surprising
 that you don't find a parent. :-)

Ah, the marvels of copy-and-paste programming. Duh. Thanks a lot for
pointing this out, Mathias, I'll try specifying a parent (maybe the
Desktop) and see where I go from there :)

 In case you have one dialog for all macros you want to use you should
 consider something like a global variable. That works in Basic, don't
 know about Python.

From what I've experienced with Python macros so far it seems that you
can't have a global variable value that is persisted between macro calls
(but maybe someone can prove me wrong).


Zbigniew Banach

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