I'm sorry I haven't had the summertime cycles to dig into this, but am
wondering on the cusp of an httpd 2.4.40, we've learned a bunch about
possible apr pool and especially debug traps that meta

What code remains to be considered for inclusion in an apr 1.7.1?

What is apr 1.8 waiting for, if we think we can slightly twist things?

Do we agree you can't jump between APR_POOL_DEBUG and retain ABI to the
non-debug build?

Have we eliminated the cause for APR 1.x folks to ship a release based on

What proposals are we still working to commit to apr trunk, for deep
inspection within snapshot/dev tooling builds?

Which other questions did I overlook?

Maybe a whiteboard (wiki page) for all the proposals under consideration,
or assemble these under STATUS on trunk?

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