
First of all, this is an area that could use a lot of help, so thank you
Kyle for digging through the trove of tickets to understand all of the user

>>>>> I should have led with this. Someone wanted to mount credentials into
>>>>> the SDK harness [1]. So in this particular case the user just wants to
>>>>> mount files into their SDK harness, which is a pretty common use case, so
>>>>> resource hints are probably a more appropriate solution.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r690094f1c9ebc4e1d20f029a21ba8bc846672a65baafd57c4f52cb94%40%3Cuser.beam.apache.org%3E
>>>> Ah, that clarifies things. Would it be possible/preferable to pass the
>>>> credentials as parameters to the transform itself?
> This is very useful for testing as well. For example, to test containers
> generated for release candidates.

We have been using custom containers since day 1 to address a number of
issues.  Speaking in the abstract, a UDF might rely on system libraries or
executables — which in turn rely on a specific linux OS —  that do not
exist on the standard container.  A more esoteric example is the need to
run a different python interpreter than what is provided in the container.
In our specific case we needed to use python interpreters that come bundled
with the applications that we use to process data, many of which are only
supported on CentOS.  We also had to modify Beam to allow passing docker
options for mounting data volumes.


>From a design standpoint, I feel find-replace is hacky and backwards. It's
>>>>>>> cleaner to specify what kind of environment we want directly in
>>>>>>> the ExpansionRequest. That way all of the environment creation logic
>>>>>>> belongs inside the expansion service.
>>>>>> While Environments logically belong with Transforms, it is the
>>>>>> expansion service's job to attach the right environments to the 
>>>>>> transforms
>>>>>> that it vends. The caller should not need any visibility into the
>>>>>> environment(s) that an expansion service uses, which is an implementation
>>>>>> detail that the expansion service is free to change at any time. (In 
>>>>>> fact,
>>>>>> whether it is (partially or fully) implemented as an external transform 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> an implementation detail that the end user should not need to care about 
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> depend on.)
>>>>>> I personally think pattern matching and substitution by runners
>>>>>> (maybe more sophisticated than regexp on container names) is a reasonable
>>>>>> way to approach customization of environments. For example, suppose I
>>>>>> construct a pipeline that uses both Python and Java transforms. (I could 
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> this from Go, Java, or Python). If I want to run this locally (e.g. on 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Python FnAPI runner), I would prefer that the python bits be run 
>>>>>> in-process
>>>>>> but would have to shell out (maybe via docker, maybe something cheaper) 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the java bits. On the other hand, if I want to run this same pipeline
>>>>>> (ideally, the same model proto, such that we don't have
>>>>>> runner-dependent construction) on Flink, I might want the java bits to be
>>>>>> inlined and the Python bits to be in a separate process. On Dataflow, 
>>>>>> both
>>>>>> would live in containers. To do this, the Python runner would say "hey, I
>>>>>> know that Python environment" and just swap it out for in-process, and 
>>>>>> vice
>>>>>> versa. (For isolation/other reasons, one may want the option to force
>>>>>> everything to be docker, but that's more of a "don't make substitutions"
>>>>>> option than manually providing environment configs.)
>>>>>> On the other hand, as we go the route of custom containers,
>>>>>> especially expansion services that might vend custom containers, I think 
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> need a way to push down *properties* of environments (such as resource
>>>>>> hints) through the expansion service that may influence the environments
>>>>>> that get attached and returned.
>>>>>> It would be helpful for me to have concrete usecases of why a user
>>>>>> wants to customize the container used by some transform they did not 
>>>>>> write,
>>>>>> which could possibly inform the best course(s) of action here.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 5:07 PM Chamikara Jayalath <
>>>>>>> chamik...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 12:34 PM Kyle Weaver <kcwea...@google.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Beamers,
>>>>>>>>> Recently we’ve had some requests on user@ and Slack for
>>>>>>>>> instructions on how to use custom-built containers in cross-language
>>>>>>>>> pipelines (typically calling Java transforms from a predominantly 
>>>>>>>>> Python
>>>>>>>>> pipeline). Currently, it seems like there is no way to change the 
>>>>>>>>> container
>>>>>>>>> used by a cross-language transform except by modifying and rebuilding 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> expansion service. The SDK does not pass pipeline options to the 
>>>>>>>>> expansion
>>>>>>>>> service (BEAM-9449 [1]). Fixing BEAM-9449 does not solve everything,
>>>>>>>>> however. Even if pipeline options are passed, the existing set of 
>>>>>>>>> pipeline
>>>>>>>>> options still limits the amount of control we have over environments. 
>>>>>>>>> Here
>>>>>>>>> are the existing pipeline options that I’m aware of:
>>>>>>>>> Python [2] and Go [3] have these:
>>>>>>>>>    -
>>>>>>>>>    environment_type (DOCKER, PROCESS, LOOPBACK)
>>>>>>>>>    -
>>>>>>>>>    environment_config (This one is confusingly overloaded. It’s a
>>>>>>>>>    string that means different things depending on environment_type. 
>>>>>>>>> For
>>>>>>>>>    DOCKER, it is the Docker image URL. For PROCESS it is a JSON blob. 
>>>>>>>>> For
>>>>>>>>>    EXTERNAL, it is the external service address.)
>>>>>>>>> Whereas Java [4] has defaultEnvironmentType and
>>>>>>>>> defaultEnvironmentConfig, which are named differently but otherwise 
>>>>>>>>> act the
>>>>>>>>> same as the above.
>>>>>>>>> I was unsatisfied with environment_config for a number of reasons.
>>>>>>>>> First, having a single overloaded option that can mean entirely 
>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>> things depending on context is poor design. Second, in PROCESS mode,
>>>>>>>>> requiring the user to type in a JSON blob for environment_config is 
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>> especially human-friendly (though it has also been argued that JSON 
>>>>>>>>> makes
>>>>>>>>> complex arguments like this easier to parse). Finally, we must 
>>>>>>>>> overload
>>>>>>>>> this string further to introduce new environment-specific options, 
>>>>>>>>> such as
>>>>>>>>> a mounted Docker volume (BEAM-5440 [5]).
>>>>>>>> Agree.
>>>>>>>>> To address these problems, I added a new option called
>>>>>>>>> “environment_options” (BEAM-10671 [6]). (This option has been 
>>>>>>>>> implemented
>>>>>>>>> in the Python SDK, but not the other SDKs yet.) Environment_options,
>>>>>>>>> similar to the “experiments” option, takes a list of strings, for 
>>>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>> “--environment_option=docker_container_image=my_beam_sdk:latest”. It 
>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>> be argued we should have made “docker_container_image” etc. top-level
>>>>>>>>> options instead, but this “catch-all” design makes what I am about to
>>>>>>>>> propose a lot easier.
>>>>>>>>> The solution proposed in PR #11638 [7] set a flag to include
>>>>>>>>> unrecognized pipeline options during serialization, since otherwise
>>>>>>>>> unrecognized options are dropped. In a Python pipeline, this will 
>>>>>>>>> allow us
>>>>>>>>> to set environment_config and default_environment_config to separate
>>>>>>>>> values, for Python and Java containers, respectively. However, this 
>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>> limits us to one container image for all Python and Go transforms, 
>>>>>>>>> and one
>>>>>>>>> container image for all Java transforms. As more cross-language 
>>>>>>>>> transforms
>>>>>>>>> are implemented, sooner or later someone will want to have different 
>>>>>>>>> Java
>>>>>>>>> SDK containers for different external transforms.
>>>>>>>>> (I should also mention the sdk_harness_container_image_overrides
>>>>>>>>> pipeline option [8], which is currently only supported by the Dataflow
>>>>>>>>> runner. It lets us basically perform a find/replace on container image
>>>>>>>>> strings. This is not significantly more flexible than having a single
>>>>>>>>> option per SDK, since the default container images for all external
>>>>>>>>> transforms in each SDK are expected to be the same.)
>>>>>>>>> Environments logically belong with transforms, and that’s how it
>>>>>>>>> works in the Runner API [9]. The problem now is that from the user’s
>>>>>>>>> perspective, the environment is bound to the expansion service. After
>>>>>>>>> addressing BEAM-9449, the problem will be that one or two 
>>>>>>>>> environments at
>>>>>>>>> most are bound to the pipeline. Ideally, though, users should have 
>>>>>>>>> fully
>>>>>>>>> granular control over environments at the transform level.
>>>>>>>>> All this context for a very simple proposal: we should have all
>>>>>>>>> ExternalTransform subclasses take optional environment_type and
>>>>>>>>> environment_options fields in their constructors. As with their
>>>>>>>>> corresponding pipeline options, these options would default to DOCKER 
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> none, respectively. Then we could overwrite the environment_type and
>>>>>>>>> environment_options in the pipeline options passed to the expansion 
>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>> with these values. (Alternatively, we could pass environment_type and
>>>>>>>>> environment_options to the expansion service individually to avoid 
>>>>>>>>> having
>>>>>>>>> to overwrite their original values, but their original values should 
>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>> irrelevant to the expansion service anyway.)
>>>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>>> So, an external transform is uniquely identified by its URN. An
>>>>>>>> external transform identified by a URN may refer to an arbitrary 
>>>>>>>> composite
>>>>>>>> which may have sub-transforms that refer to different environments. I 
>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>> with the above proposal we'll lose this flexibility.
>>>>>>>> What we need is a way to override environments (or properties of
>>>>>>>> environments) that results in the final pipeline proto. Once we modify 
>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>> environments in the proto it will be reflected to all transforms that
>>>>>>>> utilize such environments.
>>>>>>>> 'sdk_harness_container_image_overrides' is such a property (which
>>>>>>>> unfortunately only works for Dataflow today). Also this only works for
>>>>>>>> Docker URLs. Maybe we can extend this property to all runners or 
>>>>>>>> introduce
>>>>>>>> a new property that works for all types of environments ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Cham
>>>>>>>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-9449
>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/f2c9b6e1aa5d38385f4c168107c85d4fe7f0f259/sdks/python/apache_beam/options/pipeline_options.py#L1097-L1115
>>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/b56b61a9a6401271f14746000ecc38b17aab753d/sdks/go/pkg/beam/options/jobopts/options.go#L41-L53
>>>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/b56b61a9a6401271f14746000ecc38b17aab753d/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/options/PortablePipelineOptions.java#L53-L71
>>>>>>>>> [5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-5440
>>>>>>>>> [6] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-10671
>>>>>>>>> [7] https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/11638
>>>>>>>>> [8]
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/f2c9b6e1aa5d38385f4c168107c85d4fe7f0f259/sdks/python/apache_beam/options/pipeline_options.py#L840-L850
>>>>>>>>> [9]
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/b56b61a9a6401271f14746000ecc38b17aab753d/model/pipeline/src/main/proto/beam_runner_api.proto#L194

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