+dev <dev@beam.apache.org>

On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 8:20 AM Chad Dombrova <chad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the simplest solution would be to have some kind of override/hook
>> that allows Flink/Spark/... to provide storage. They already have a concept
>> of a job and know how to store them so can we piggyback the Beam pipeline
>> there.
> That makes sense to me, since it avoids adding a dependency on a database
> like Mongo, which adds complexity to the deployment.  That said, Beam's
> definition of a job is different from Flink/Spark/etc.  To support this, a
> runner would need to support storing arbitrary metadata, so that the Beam
> Job Service could store a copy of each Beam job there (pipeline, pipeline
> options, etc), either directly as serialized protobuf messages, or by
> converting those to json.  Do you know offhand if Flink and Spark support
> that kind of arbitrary storage?
> -chad

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