Re: Planning to port cqlsh to Python 3 (CASSANDRA-10190)

2018-06-01 Thread Russell Bateman
Support for, but not the very script, right? Because, as gently pointed 
out by several realists here, Python 2 is far from dead and arguably 
still the majority usage. That's only just now beginning to change. I 
think it will be more than 2 years before people begin asking what 
Python 2 was.

On 06/01/2018 10:10 AM, Jonathan Haddad wrote:

Supporting both as a next step is logical, removing support for 2 in the
next year or two seems reasonable enough. Gotta rip the band aid off at
some point.

On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 2:34 AM Michael Burman  wrote:


Deprecating in this context does not mean removing it or it being
replaced by 3 (RHEL 7.x will remain with Python 2.x as default). It
refers to future versions (>7), but there are none at this point. It
appears Ubuntu has deviated from Debian in this sense, but Debian has
not changed yet (likely Debian 10 will, but that's not out yet and has
no announced release date).

Thus, 2.x still remains the most used version for servers. And servers
deployed at this point of time will use these versions for years.

- Micke

On 06/01/2018 10:52 AM, Murukesh Mohanan wrote:

On 2018/06/01 07:40:04, Michael Burman  wrote:

IIRC, there's no major distribution yet that defaults to Python 3 (I
think Ubuntu & Debian are still defaulting to Python 2 also). This will
happen eventually (maybe), but not yet. Discarding Python 2 support
would mean more base-OS work for most people wanting to run Cassandra
and that's not a positive thing.

Ubuntu since 16.04 defaults to Python 3:

Python2 is not installed anymore by default on the server, cloud and

the touch images, long live Python3! Python3 itself has been upgraded to
the 3.5 series. -

RHEL 7.5 deprecates Python 2 (

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Jon Haddad
twitter: rustyrazorblade

Re: Evolving the client protocol

2018-04-24 Thread Russell Bateman


You have to understand the poisonous GPL. It's very different from 
Apache licensing in the sense that, roughly speaking, you're welcome to 
contribute to Scylla, but legally barred from distributing it with or 
inside any product you base on it unless your product source code is 
also open or you contract with Scylla DB. The objections raised by some 
in this thread are based on the inequality of contribution in the two models

On 04/24/2018 09:30 AM, Eric Stevens wrote:

Let met just say that as an observer to this conversation -- and someone
who believes that compatibility, extensibility, and frankly competition
bring out the best in products -- I'm fairly surprised and disappointed
with the apparent hostility many community members have shown toward a
sincere attempt by another open source product to find common ground here.

Yes, Scylla has a competing OSS project (albeit under a different
license).  They also have a business built around it.  It's hard for me to
see that as dramatically different than the DataStax relationship to this
community.  Though I would love to be shown why.

Apache Cassandra Wiki access

2017-12-07 Thread Russell Bateman
It appears that deeper access to the wiki is available for the asking? states that, "most of the 
information on this Wiki is being deprecated." Is this already done? 
Please advise.

If so, please grant this to me. I don't know that I have a "wiki 
username". If I need one, and need to give it to you, please choose from:

   my e-mail address

Note: I'm specifically looking to write a custom/secondary index 
plug-in, similar to Stratio's Lucene index.



The future: Java 9 and the disappearance of CLASSPATH

2017-09-20 Thread Russell Bateman

We're very new to Cassandra.

We implement org.apache.index.Indexdropping a JAR containing our 
custom-index service into Cassandra's /lib/ subdirectory because this 
subdirectory is on the classpath. It's early days yet, but I thought I'd 
ask about the plans for Java 9 given that Jigsaw sort of closes the door 
on classpath (though it doesn't shut and lock it absolutely).

What are Cassandra's plans in this direction? Do I have anything to fear 
long-term? Given the importance of Stratio's Lucene index extension, 
which uses this mechanism too, I'd guess no one wants to do anything 
that would destroy that either, but I need to ask.

Many thanks,
