Re: Cayenne callback listener in single transaction

2019-12-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Hi Artem,

> In fact I am interested in second scenario. 

> 1. open transaction
> 2. perform main sql INSERT (db assign PK for new record)
> 3. perform callback operation (newly generated PK is accessible )
> 4. close transaction

Sure. Here is how to do it with CommitLogModule:


  public class MyCommitLogListener implements CommitLogListener {
  public void onPostCommit(ObjectContext originatingContext, ChangeMap 
changes) {
 // Here put the code for step #3. 
 // ChangeMap should have all the info on changed objects...

> On Dec 27, 2019, at 12:23 PM, Artem Kravchenko  
> wrote:
> Hello Andrus
> Thanks for your replay.
> Not sure how it works butfor example:
> I need to insert some Entity and on @PostPersist get the PK of this record.
> So the question is:
> will 'insertBefore' collect all changes (main commit and callback) first and 
> then apply bulk SQL (inserts/updates)
> or
> 1. open transaction
> 2. perform main sql INSERT (db assign PK for new record)
> 3. perform callback operation (newly generated PK is accessible )
> 4. close transaction
> In fact I am interested in second scenario
> first one doesn't fit for us

Re: Cayenne callback listener in single transaction

2019-12-27 Thread Artem Kravchenko

Hello Andrus
Thanks for your replay.

Not sure how it works butfor example:
I need to insert some Entity and on @PostPersist get the PK of this record.
So the question is:

will 'insertBefore' collect all changes (main commit and callback) first 
and then apply bulk SQL (inserts/updates)


1. open transaction
2. perform main sql INSERT (db assign PK for new record)
3. perform callback operation (newly generated PK is accessible )
4. close transaction

In fact I am interested in second scenario
first one doesn't fit for us

Re: Cayenne callback listener in single transaction

2019-12-20 Thread Aristedes Maniatis

On 19/12/19 1:18am, Artem Kravchenko wrote:
So the problem which I faced with: the commits (main one and 
subsequent from listener) are two different jdbs transaction, which is 
reasonable in fact. But in such case the data consistency is not 
guaranteed - second commit might be failed. It is really important for me.

At first glance, I cannot understand why wrapping them in a single 
transaction would not be the default behaviour here. Adding records in 
@PostPersist is likely something like:

* audit records to track changes

* financial transactional data (eg writing to a general ledger when 
invoice is created)

* updating denormalised data (eg. contact.owing) which might be done for 
search or performance reasons.

In each case I can think of, rolling back the whole transaction would be 
a more appropriate behaviour in case of failure.

