
FYI  point 2 is covered in the community bylaws (Section 3.4.3)

3.4.3. Release Plan
- Defines the timetable and work items for a release. The plan also nominates a 
Release Manager.
- A lazy majority of active committers is required for approval.
- Any active committer or PMC member may call a vote. The vote must occur on 
the project development mailing list.

On point 1, "...a roadmap would be defined to guide the community through the 
year." Is this something ridged or a fluid list of things people think they'll 
be putting in as they go along?

Also, you haven't covered WHO is doing these releases that the community is 
committing to.  Otherwise a +1 means that the voter was committing themselves 
to working on the release.

3.1.2. Voting may take four flavors:    +1 "Yes," "Agree," or "the action should be performed." In 
general, this vote also indicates a willingness on the behalf of the voter in 
"making it happen"

Kind regards

Paul Angus

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Bräscher <> 
Sent: 10 September 2021 14:15
To: dev <>
Subject: Re: [Discussion] Release Cycle

Hi all,

Looks like we are moving forward and raising important points.
Summing some key factors pointed in this discussion:
- CloudStack is getting stable.
- From the developers' side, the costs of releasing and maintaining an LTS are 
high. There is a "human" limitation in terms of how many releases the community 
can spin per year.
- From the users' perspective, upgrading CloudStack infrastructures has its 
costs (Pierre also raised this and I totally agree). Many users end up 
upgrading their infra once a year (or once in 2 years).

With that said, I would like to propose the following:
1. The project compromises in having 1 LTS per year, and eventually one 1 
Regular. For that, a roadmap would be defined to guide the community through 
the year.
2. It should be no problem to have an "extra" release in a specific year.
For that, a volunteer would propose such release raising the reasons behind it. 
Each "extra" release proposed would require a VOTE.

Please let me know if the proposed points look good. If that's the case, then I 
will move forward to present a draft to be added to the wiki.
If you think it would be better to kick a separate VOTE thread for it I can 
also raise it.


Em qui., 9 de set. de 2021 às 07:52, Rohit Yadav <>

> Hi Gabriel,
> Agree with your conclusion - let's go with (at least) two major 
> releases in a year.
> I would add that there's no real logistical difference between a 
> regular vs LTS release, so for example someone could propose and work 
> on a "regular" release but it can become LTS if there are 
> volunteers/contributors who want to maintain a release. That said - by 
> all means just go ahead, propose and do release management!
> ps. And on a ".0" being stable I suppose it is somewhat stable in last 
> few years as we've got our CI/CD systems quite robust for a subset of 
> smoketests, all our releases thankfully at least go through a round of 
> smoketests across three hypervisors - that is not to say no release 
> has no reported issues (in fact they all do 🙂).
> Regards.
> ________________________________
> From: Gabriel Bräscher <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 18:39
> To: dev <>
> Subject: Re: [Discussion] Release Cycle
> Thanks all for helping with the discussion.
> Yes, Rohit. I need to answer a few pings, sorry for the delay :-) I 
> totally agree with you and Paul, the costs of releasing are high, 
> especially for the release manager(s) which dedicates a lot of energy 
> and time to it.
> This is one of the reasons behind this discussion; when we formalize 
> and document the release pace it is easier to plan a year knowing how 
> things will roll out, from the perspective of RMs, devs, or users.
> Going in the same direction as Rohit, I also agree that we are getting 
> each year stabler, maybe one LTS per year is better than the current pace of 
> 2.
> Therefore, I would propose 1 LTS and 1 Regular per year; I see it as a 
> good balance between stability and agility.
> Additionally, most users do not upgrade from an LTS to another twice a 
> year, it takes time to plan and execute such tasks (and they always 
> have some risks).
> From my experience, an LTS per year would perfectly match the needs of 
> most users.
> I do understand that many adopt ".0" as an "unstable"/"Regular" LTS.
> However, I don't think this is the best approach.
> Additionally, many users do not see a ".0" LTS (which is how we brand 
> in documentation, website, and release announcement) as a "Regular".
> I think that LTS, regardless of being the first spin or not, should be 
> as stable as it can get. Having a Regular release could avoid the idea of ".0"
> not being a stable release.
> As an example, I've seen (Regular) running in production with 
> no issues regarding stability, while also bringing features that 
> otherwise would be available only in 3-5 months.
> It was as stable as many ".0" LTS and I do believe that it also 
> provided crucial feedback for the (LTS).
> Regards,
> Gabriel.
> Em qua., 8 de set. de 2021 às 04:58, Rohit Yadav < 
> escreveu:
> > Gabriel, all,
> >
> > I suppose it depends, there's no right answer just trade-offs. 
> > Here's my lengthy brain dump;
> >
> > 0. our LTS definition is really to tag a set of releases and show 
> > intent that they are "stable" and will be supported and get 
> > maintenance
> releases.
> > We don't really do LTS releases like larger projects whose support 
> > lasts multi-years (3-5yrs, sometimes 7-10yrs). Fundamentally all our 
> > major .0 releases are just regular releases, with really the 
> > minor/maintenance releases making them stable or LTS-que. I like 
> > what Pierre-Luc is suggesting, but then say a 2-year "LTS" release 
> > means users don't get to consume features as they would only use 
> > "LTS" releases and wait for 2
> years
> > which may not be acceptable trade-off.
> >
> > 1. so if we leave what makes a release regular vs LTS for a moment, 
> > the important question is - do our *users* really want releases in 
> > production that may be potentially buggy with possibly no stablised 
> > releases (i.e.
> > minor releases)? Most serious users won't/don't really 
> > install/upgrade
> the
> > .0 release in production but wait for a .1 or above release, maybe 
> > in
> their
> > test environments first - this is true for most of IT industry, not 
> > specific to CloudStack.
> >
> > 2. a typical major release effort would allow for at least a month 
> > of dev before freeze, then another month or two for stabilisation 
> > with multiple RCs, tests/smoketest/upgrade tests, getting people to 
> > participate, votes and wrap up the release do post-release 
> > docs/packages/announcements/websites etc; so speaking from 
> > experience and burnt hands a major release can eat up 2-3 months of 
> > bandwidth easily irrespective of what we call it (regular or LTS).
> >
> > If the development freeze is done for at least a month, you can 
> > theoretically do 12 major releases in a year but you would end up 
> > having intersecting release cycles and overlaps - you would also 
> > need a
> dedicated
> > release team. One major release may be too less in a year for 
> > project's health, two in a year is what we're currently sort of 
> > trying (usually
> Q1/Q2
> > has a major release, and Q3/Q4 has another). Three is possible - maybe?
> But
> > I think four would be just pushing it with people's 
> > time/bandwidth/focus eaten by release work than dev work.
> >
> > 3. the *main* issue is practicality and feasibility which Paul has 
> > mentioned too - do we've time, resources, and bandwidth to do 
> > multiple major releases, especially when we struggle to get the 
> > community to collaborate on issues and PRs (I'm looking at you 
> > Gabriel not responding
> to
> > my comment for days and weeks sometimes 🙂 - we all do it don't we 
> > 😄)
> and
> > then participate, test, and vote for releases when RCs are cut.
> >
> >
> > 4. all said ^^ we do have an inclination to move fast break things 
> > and
> try
> > things, and for this we do now have nightlies or daily snapshot 
> > builds
> for
> > people to try out features/things without waiting for formal 
> > releases
> (but
> > without the promise of upgrade paths) - 
> >
> >
> >
> > 5. finally - I would say if you or anyone wants to work on a release
> (call
> > it whatever, regular, LTS) - just propose and do!
> >
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Daniel Augusto Veronezi Salvador <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 22:07
> > To: <>
> > Subject: Re: [Discussion] Release Cycle
> >
> > Hi Gabriel, thanks for opening this discussion.
> >
> > I'm +1 on it. My considerations:
> >
> > - We've to put a lot of efforts to support 3+ LTS simultaneously, 
> > which doesn't make sense. Regular versions will give us some breath 
> > and will reduce rework.
> > - Although the EOL is well defined, it seems we don't have a solid 
> > criteria to define new versions, because they don't have a pattern.
> > Users don't know when they will have a new version. Also, we don't 
> > have much planning to do the implementations.
> > - We've been seeing Ubuntu life-cycle working for a long time, and 
> > we know it works well. It's a good reference to follow, we will not 
> > need to reinvent the wheel.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Daniel.
> >
> > On 31/08/2021 14:44, Gabriel Bräscher wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I would like to open a discussion regarding the project release cycle.
> > More
> > > specifically on the following topics:
> > >
> > > 1. LTS and Regular releases
> > >
> > > 2. Releases period
> > >
> > > 3. Enhance roadmap and Release cycle for users
> > >
> > > #### 1 LTS and Regular releases
> > >
> > > It has been a while since the last regular release. Nowadays there 
> > > are
> > only
> > > LTS releases; maybe we should get back to having regular versions 
> > > in between LTS.
> > >
> > > With a “Regular” release users would be able to trade stability 
> > > for new features. Additionally, developers and users would have a 
> > > “pilot” of
> the
> > > next LTS which could anticipate issues and result in a stable 
> > > long-term release.
> > >
> > > Please, let me know what you think of this. Should we get back to
> > releasing
> > > Regular releases in between LTS releases?
> > >
> > > For reference, here follow the past releases:
> > >
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | Release | Type    | Release date | EOL         |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.15    | LTS     | 19 Jan 2021  | 1 July 2022 |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.14    | LTS     | 26 May 2020  | 1 Jan 2022  |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.13    | LTS     | 24 Sep. 2019 | 1 May 2021  |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.12    | Regular | 4 April 2019 | N/A         |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.11    | LTS     | 12 Feb. 2018 | 1 July 2019 |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.10    | Regular | 6 July 2017  | N/A         |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > > | 4.9     | LTS     | 25 July 2016 | 1 July 2018 |
> > > +---------+---------+--------------+-------------+
> > >
> > > #### 2 Releases period
> > >
> > >
> > > We had in the past a new LTS per year. Then, we got into two new 
> > > LTS
> per
> > > year. This led from having 2 LTS maintained at the same time to 3.
> > > With that said, I think this is neither documented nor has it been 
> > > discussed in the ML.
> > >
> > > We have the LTS minimum and maximum support dates well defined, 
> > > but so
> > far
> > > there is no definition/guidelines towards the release period.
> > > I would like to open this discussion so we can update the 
> > > CloudStack
> wiki
> > > page [] 
> > > and
> > have
> > > a clear definition of when the community should expect each release.
> > >
> > > #### 3 Enhance roadmap and Release cycle for users
> > >
> > > This topic is an extension of Topic 2. Once we have “Topic 2” well
> > defined
> > > we will be able to present a draft of future releases.
> > >
> > > The main idea of this email is to look for project stability and 
> > > predictability with a release cycle/roadmap similar to what is 
> > > done by Ubuntu [].
> > > We would then be able to give users and developers a roadmap to 
> > > look
> > after.
> > > I would also suggest such a release cycle to be presented on the
> website,
> > > in addition to the “cwiki” page [
> > >].
> > >
> > > Please let me know what you think.
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > > Gabriel.
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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