I've been getting these errors on main the last few weeks:
[ERROR] Failures:
[ERROR]   ActionEventInterceptorTest.testInterceptComplete:247
[ERROR]   ActionEventInterceptorTest.testInterceptException:261
[ERROR]   ActionEventInterceptorTest.testInterceptStartAsync:234
expected:<Starting VM[.  Id: 0 Name: null]> but was:<Starting VM[]>

I've tried different maven versions and checked the java version, but
have not found the golden clue yet. Did anybody else see these errors?
btw, in intellij there are no errors on these tests and also when run
as an isolated test suit they pass : `mvn -P developer,systemvm clean
install -Dnoredist -DfailIfNoTests=false -pl server
-Dtest=ActionEventInterceptorTest`. Only when building the entire
system with `mvn clean install -P developer,systemvm -Dnoredist` do
these fail.

Any hints/clues or similar experiences?


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