Re: [RT] Revisiting Woody's form definition

2003-07-31 Thread Marc Portier

Andreas Hochsteger wrote:

I have to tell you that this thread is really a pleasure.
It's really amazing what 'shared neurons' (like Marc called it) are 
possible to do ;-)

I often have the feeling that while reading a message some ideas come to 
my mind and recognize that in the next post they are already covered.
Perhaps many do like me to just sit back and enjoy watching ideas 
evolving to genious concepts. - No need to step in ;-)

But don't saying anything and just watching might not be that good, so 
all I can contribute now are these pushing words.

So keep up that good work to all people involved here!

thx mate,

finding shared neurons over at Sylvain's brain is already great 
fun, but statements like yours above give back tremendous Energy

don't feel shy to step in and ride the wave if you feel like 
it... after all, I'ld like to return the favour :-)


Marc Portier wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Marc Portier wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

snip /

agree totally: that is the crux!
(maybe we should change the binding word: this validation is 
business-model specific)

the main thing to note is that this specific validation will also be 
executed during the form.process()

as such I looked at it as being the inline extra specification of an 
existing datatype (creating thus an anonymous inline datatype as we 
named it earlier) 

Ah, I understand ! Clever idea !

thx chap, I just extended your idea (I try to pick them up fast ;-))

in the same way this emerging 'business-specific datatype' could 
probably just be added into the datatype-catalogue I presume (for 
cross app consistency if that would make sense: e.g. suppose 
different forms for registration based on a possible of 
regular-gold-platinum-speaker case that map to the same 
uniqueness-id rule!)

Yep. This would mean a new-user datatype extending user with the 
additional validation, right ?


maybe this is explains why I added business-domain specific 
validation to be adding onto the datatype (and not be distinct from it)

but basically I just wanted to make the remark that it has nothing 
to do with the actual binding.saveFormToModel() action 

Yes, you're right. But this may have to do with the object passed to 
this method (i.e. the application data).

ah, you say that you would need the actual business-object to perform 
the validation?

blast, I feel so stupid to have overlooked that fact (guess I didn't 
recognise this yet in any of the presented examples)

I see two solutions for this :
- the messy one (IMO) : add some non-visual fields in the form to 
hold the necessary data,
- add a get/setApplicationData() on FormContext so that widgets can 
use it during form.process() if the form has an associated binding.

surely I prefer the second.

and guess what my mantra-remark is: it isn't really tied to binding :-)

what I mean is that business-specific-validation that requires the 
ApplicationData present could be driven completely from the flow 
(without it making use of the declarative data-mapping offered by the 
current binding)

in fact we might consider naming this the ValidationContextBean rather 
then ApplicationData?

snip /

basically I'm getting the feeling some of the discussions are mixing 
up what happens at different moments:
1/ while doing calls to form-manager and bind-manager (to be called 
typing? defining? setup?)
2/ while calling the form.process (datatype conversion, validation 
and eventhandling)
3/ while calling the binding.load/save (data mapping/copying)

back to this discussion:
recognising the 'business-domain-validation' stuff is IMO something 
that happens at 1/ by the form-manager even if it might be expressed 
in terms of syntax we know from the current binding definition but 
it has nothing to do with 'binding'

- not with the activity in 3/
- and probably even not with the binding-manager
more clear? 

Yes. I was fooled on the wrong track because binding was the only 
place where application data was available.

But I don't agree business-domain-validation should happen in 1/ 
since it needs the form values parsed in 2/.

sure, my mistake
what I meant was that understanding (recognising) 'what to do' as 
extra validation happens in stage 1/ (typing)

but you are right: performing the actual validation, i.e. 'doing it', 
is surely happening during 2/ (datatype conversion, validation and 

Actually, if application data is added to FormContext, it can be 
propagated in the ValidationRule's ExpressionContext (e.g. as an 
_applicationData_ variable). There will be then no difference 
between a form-only-validation and a business-domain-validation. We 
just have ValidationRules that use the application data variable and 
others that don't.

What do you think ?

I think it makes perfect sense, and even more important it shows we're 
on the same track here (also enthousiasm-wise :-))


-marc= (looking forward to your conclusions / 

Re: [RT] Revisiting Woody's form definition

2003-07-31 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Marc Portier wrote:


I see two solutions for this :
- the messy one (IMO) : add some non-visual fields in the form to 
hold the necessary data,
- add a get/setApplicationData() on FormContext so that widgets can 
use it during form.process() if the form has an associated binding.

surely I prefer the second.

and guess what my mantra-remark is: it isn't really tied to binding :-)

what I mean is that business-specific-validation that requires the 
ApplicationData present could be driven completely from the flow 
(without it making use of the declarative data-mapping offered by the 
current binding)

in fact we might consider naming this the ValidationContextBean rather 
then ApplicationData? 

Agree. There's a great probability that ValidationData (why should it be 
a bean?) will often be the same as ApplicationData, but it formally 
doesn't need to. Moreover, there are certainly many uses cases where 
ValidationData is required but the form has no binding.


Actually, if application data is added to FormContext, it can be 
propagated in the ValidationRule's ExpressionContext (e.g. as an 
_applicationData_ variable). There will be then no difference 
between a form-only-validation and a business-domain-validation. We 
just have ValidationRules that use the application data variable and 
others that don't.

What do you think ?

I think it makes perfect sense, and even more important it shows we're 
on the same track here (also enthousiasm-wise :-)) 


-marc= (looking forward to your conclusions / proposal - wiki page) 

That's today's todo, but these important and stimulating discussions eat 
up all most of my time. But we're near to the convergence point !


Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

[RT] New Input for woody

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
I think we all know how woody works (apart from me...), so perhaps
I could give some details about my idea. I don't want to propose this
as an alternative to woody, I just want to give some input. So here we go:

The idea is based on a separation between a template and
a definition or binding for it. It's a little bit
like woody but also different :)

Here is a template example:

page xmlns:dywel=;
  dywel:DWForm id=form
dywel:DWTextField id=name/
dywel:DWTextField id=street/
dywel:DWTextField id=city/

dywel:DWSubmit id=submit/

Now, I think apart from namespace and element names this looks
like a woody template (except form and submit).

The difference lies in the second configuration file, that I
call binding. It has an entry for each field used in the template:

dywel:bindings xmlns:dywel=;

  dywel:binding id=form
  dywel:binding id=submit
  dywel:binding id=name
  dywel:binding id=city
  dywel:binding id=street


How does it work? A component (a java implementation) parses
the template and the binding file, the first time it's used.
The template is compiled and the bindings are attached to
the internal tree representing the template.

A special generator uses the java component and asks it to
render the page. Now the tree is processed. Each field
knows how to render itself. To get the values for a
form field, the field asks the component for the
value for e.g. The component now has
a getUser() method and the returned user object has
a getName() method.

When the form is submitted, the same tree is processed and
the fields set the values using the component, so
getUser().setName() is used etc.
It's also possible to test via getUser().validateName()
For each form or better web page, you have to write
the java component = controller. You simply inherit
from a base class and provided methods to get your
business objects. (I'm looking to simplify this using
fom when everything else is set).
So, this solution is tied to java objects (currently).

Now, it is possible to specify additional validation and
formatting in the binding, like:
  dywel:binding id=street
validationa rule/validation
formattera formatter/formatter


This works pretty well (for me). Now I think this approach has
two advantages. The people writing the template do not have to
know anything about the binding, they simply create the
page and insert a username field (same applies to woody).
But the same mechanism is also used to insert values into the template,
it's not restricted to form fields:

dywel:DWString id=username/

and the binding

  dywel:binding id=username

The same works with repetitions etc.

As it doesn't make sense to have soo many different approaches for
form handling, I just wanted to integrate woody somehow rather
than write everything again.

So I guess the template is not the problem, replacing the namespaces
and the element names et voila.
The compilation of the template I currently use can cope with this
I guess. Now the problem is my binding. It's different from the
way woody defines things.



Re: AggregateField and SoC (was Re: [RT] Revisiting Woody's formdefinition)

2003-07-31 Thread Marc Portier

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Andreas Hochsteger wrote:


A short question comes to my mind, while reading your RT:
Is it possible to use data types which are composed of several HTML 
input fields?
We are currently using three input fields for dates (day, month, year) 
at our current form solution.

Thanks for clearification! 

Marc explained how this can technically occur using AggregatedField.

Now from a more semantical point of view, AggregateField is something 
I'm not very comfortable with. Let's consider its two use cases :

1/ Phone number example
In this example, the displayed form shows only one input box, and its 
value is split into several non-visual subfields used by the application 
(country code, area code, number). Do these non-visual subfields really 
belong to the form definition if it never displays them ? Doesn't this 
split belong to the binding more than to the form definition ?

2/ Date split in several inputs
The day/month/year inputs are just a particular visual implementation of 
a date widget (in the GUI meaning of widget). What if we finally 
decide to use a calendar popup instead of 3 inputs ? Do we have to 
change all form definitions ?

Maybe that's just nitpicking, but I find this somewhat breaks Woody's 
clean SoC.

Indeed: The aggregatefield was only introduced when we started 
thinking about binding... however, by now I have learned to 
appreciate the concept as having its own value in the woody-model

You are right: it does somewhat hook up some back-end 
business-model vision onto the form-fields... but then again the 
(other) discussion we are having on the business-model-specific 
datatyping and even business-model-specific-validation does 
introduce the same level of mixing, no?

And while we try to manage the good SoC here, the reality of the 
app will always be that people *know* (influenced by their 
business-domain knowledge on the app they write) about these 
aggregations when they model the form. And not unlikely the form 
will need to be able to exploit that knowledge.
(In fact I guess that the reality vision expressed above is the 
real drive behind your current effort to make Woody more 
lightweight and generally usable?)

Purely technical I have also the following argument: I expressed 
earlier that the Woody model should be seen as the insulation 
layer between how the end user sees things and how the 
business-models need to be presented... now, I'm ready to change 
that into: it is the insulation-POINT where the two worlds are 

The Woody form-model is what sits in between how the end-user 
consumes and edits his HTML-form and how the back-end presents 
and expects business data...

On the HTML form there is weak typing (only strings) and weak 
structuring (only a map-like structure of request-params) 
compared to the back-end view of things (rigid structure of 
staticly typed values)

The Woody-form-model takes up the responsibility of making the 
match between both, therefor it largely needs to know everything 
about both! (maybe this explains why it is perceived heavy  at 
first glance?)

So it needs
- datatype knowledge and convertors (doing the string to YourType 
in 2 directions)
- validation rules (making sure we're not handing over gibberish 
to the backend-model)
- mapping pointers into the backend-structure (binding)
- ...

What the introduction of the Aggregate-field is adding to the 
show is something I would call 'granularity of information', and 
to date I'm convinced that the woody-model needs to be aware of 
the smallest granularity either it be imposed by the end-user 
view or the back-end structure:

1/ phone number example:
 end-user sees 1 field
 back-end expects 3 distinct ones (ctr, zone, local)
  -- imposed granularity == 3
2/ date example
 end-user sees 3 fields (day, month, year)
 back-end expects 1
  -- imposed granularity == 3
The above also illustrates that the usage of the aggregate-field 
will only be useful to people actually having the intent to map 
stuff onto a backend-business model.
(but by now we already aggreed(?) that such is not really tied to 
actually using the declarative data mapping provided by the binding)

What do you think?

I also like the practical consequences introduced by the 
aggregate-field notion:

- it becomes a template-designer choice to present the date as 
one field or as separate fields

- it allows for (maybe easier) validation rules on the split parts

- it made writing the binding-stuff so easy that I could do it 
:-) (now you see how I do all effort not to overload Bruno ;-))

-marc= (in elaboration mode again, you all must think I get paid 
by the word)
Marc Portier
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at

Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 11:25 Europe/Rome, Carsten Ziegeler 

The Apache Cocoon team is proud to announce the new release
of Apache Cocoon.
Great. Thanks Carsten.

Just one little problem below:

In an era where services rather than software
will be key for economic success, a better and less expensive model
for web publishing will be a winner, especially one based on open
We must change this reference to web publishing.

I'll write something for this today and present it here.


Re: [RT] New Input for woody

2003-07-31 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 11:57, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Just a quick one: you're assuming there actually is a bean. Or to put it
in another way: to create a dywel form, you also need to create a
bean. Makes me think a lot of Struts' form beans again (i.e. beans
created especially for form handling). One of the goals behind Woody was
to make it possible to create forms without necessarily writing a

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

RE: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Just one little problem below:
  In an era where services rather than software
  will be key for economic success, a better and less expensive model
  for web publishing will be a winner, especially one based on open
 We must change this reference to web publishing.
 I'll write something for this today and present it here.
Great! Thanks, we could change the announcement then.


Re: [RT] Revisiting Woody's form definition

2003-07-31 Thread Marc Portier

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Marc Portier wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Marc Portier wrote:


I see two solutions for this :
- the messy one (IMO) : add some non-visual fields in the form to 
hold the necessary data,
- add a get/setApplicationData() on FormContext so that widgets can 
use it during form.process() if the form has an associated binding.

surely I prefer the second.

and guess what my mantra-remark is: it isn't really tied to 
binding :-)

what I mean is that business-specific-validation that requires the 
ApplicationData present could be driven completely from the flow 
(without it making use of the declarative data-mapping offered by 
the current binding)

in fact we might consider naming this the ValidationContextBean 
rather then ApplicationData? 

Agree. There's a great probability that ValidationData (why should it 
be a bean?) will often be the same as ApplicationData, but it 
formally doesn't need to. Moreover, there are certainly many uses 
cases where ValidationData is required but the form has no binding.

+1 on dropping -Bean suffix (everything in Java is a bean if you want 
it to. I was thinking about validation rules based on jxpath 
expressions of course ;-))

-0 on leaving -Context in favor of -Data:

I agree that most of the time it will be a quite passive object 
providing information elements where the custom validation-rules can 
hook into...
However I wouldn't mind if this ValidationContext can be called by 
these custom validation-rules to do some active stuff. This might very 
well make the design of these custom thingys a bit easier

So I'ld like the name to be more neutral regarding its passive/active 
position, this makes -Context a better candidate then -Data IMHO, but 
I'm open to suggestions... 

Mmmh... by active I guess you mean it provides not only data, but also 
methods ? Then you're right. But this active word must be banned to 

name this object as it should have *no* impact on the system state. It's 
the same difference that exists between sitemap matchers and actions : 
method-wise, they look similar, but only actions can have side effects.

yep again

I find -Context only slightly less passive then -Data but just a 
touch more neutral in this respect

(e.g. ValidationHandler or even ValidationProvider would have 
been overdoing it)


Marc Portier
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at

Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 13:27 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I removed references to the publishing framework and added a CSS 
stylesheet to both the cocoon directory and lenya's using a 
headinsidebody hack (dirty, but it works on all the browsers I tried 
and it downgrades nicely).
looking very nice, thanks!

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor

2003-07-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 18:48 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi  
did you guys ever programmed java with JavaStudio? it was a nice little  
app that sun released in the early java days. it was visual programming  
of java code thru LabView style drag-drop-link of javabeans.

It was sooo cool when you saw a demo.

Horrible to work with it.

why? visual programming is bullshit.

It take half an hour to write a visual representation of something like

 if (blah) {
 } else {


cvs commit: cocoon-site/src/documentation/content/xdocs/news archives.xml

2003-07-31 Thread stevenn
stevenn 2003/07/31 04:36:54

  Modified:src/documentation/content/xdocs/news archives.xml
  fixed old URI
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.4   +2 -2  cocoon-site/src/documentation/content/xdocs/news/archives.xml
  Index: archives.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-site/src/documentation/content/xdocs/news/archives.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.3
  retrieving revision 1.4
  diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
  --- archives.xml  3 Jul 2003 14:25:03 -   1.3
  +++ archives.xml  31 Jul 2003 11:36:54 -  1.4
  @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  -  link href=;Cocoon Wiki/link focuses 
on content development for the Cocoon project. It is designed to facilitate document 
development and collaboration from all levels of Cocoon users. Documents include FAQs, 
snippets, how-tos, tutorials, RTs (random thoughts), dreams, surveys, and more. The 
preliminary focus of this the wiki is to serve as a documentation breeding ground, 
where docs can grow until mature enough to become official cvs docs. However, it 
already represents a lively and valid document resource in its own right.
  +  link href=;Cocoon Wiki/link focuses on 
content development for the Cocoon project. It is designed to facilitate document 
development and collaboration from all levels of Cocoon users. Documents include FAQs, 
snippets, how-tos, tutorials, RTs (random thoughts), dreams, surveys, and more. The 
preliminary focus of this the wiki is to serve as a documentation breeding ground, 
where docs can grow until mature enough to become official cvs docs. However, it 
already represents a lively and valid document resource in its own right.
 link href=;Wikiland/link is 
an ongoing development effort to build a Cocoon-based wiki architecture. Wikiland 
features a Cocoon dictionary as the pretext to use, test and develop the wiki. The 
project is seeking Cocoon-oriented developers to further its development. For more 
information, see the link href=; Wikiland home page./link
  @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@
  \ No newline at end of file

Re: J2EE+native http 1/3 performance of integrated server!

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 13:28 Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

On page 15 I read that from the tests, they found out that running a 
native webserver and a J2EE container on the same machine was *1/3* of 
the performance of the integrated solution.
Does this mean we should all go for Orion, Jetty, or (hm) Tomcat in 
standalone mode then?

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excalibur Source or cocoonSource bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Olivier Billard
Hi all,

I have some troubles with a dynamic generated xsl. Here is the sitemap 
snippet :

   map:match select=requests
  map:generate src=.../
  map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl
  map:parameter name=profile 
  map:serialize type=xml/

   map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
  map:generate src=resources/workflow.xconf/
  map:serialize type=xml/

And I've got the following stack trace (long... but maybe usefull for 
info) :

Original Exception: 
org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in 
creating Transform Handler















   at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

   at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(

   at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(
   at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
   at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(
   at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$
Caused by: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Could not read 
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.util.EmptyStackException





   ... 30 more
Caused by: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: 



Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Steven Noels wrote, On 31/07/2003 13.32:

On 31/07/2003 13:27 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I removed references to the publishing framework and added a CSS 
stylesheet to both the cocoon directory and lenya's using a 
headinsidebody hack (dirty, but it works on all the browsers I 
tried and it downgrades nicely).
looking very nice, thanks!
On Firebird 0.6 the links are so sml...

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

Re: problem applying a generator and transformer

2003-07-31 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Miguel Carvalho wrote:

Hi, im havinf some trouble creating a Generator in XSP and after that
aplying a transformer in XSL, the problem is, that i am not able to parse
the XML returned by the generator with the transformer.

Generator code
xsp:page language=java xmlns:xsp=;

Resource res = null;
String resStr = null;
daeXmlDbApi daeApi = new daeXmlDbApi();
ResourceIterator results;
results = daeApi.getArticleSection(1).getIterator();
while (results.hasMoreResources())
res = results.nextResource();
catch(Exception e)
Here you have document/ as root element.

daeAPI is a API created by me to access to an XINDICE database that contains
XML following the current syntax:

Transformer code
?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=;
xsl:output indent=no method=html omit-xml-declaration = yes /

xsl:template match=/
xsl:apply-templates /
xsl:template match=/contents

xsl:for-each select = /article 

tituloxsl:value-of disable-output-escaping = yes
select = /title //titulo
imagemxsl:value-of disable-output-escaping = yes
select = /image //imagem


Here you match on contents/ as root element. Try to remove the line 
xsl:output/ or at least make it correct: you don't want html as result 
of this transformation. Furthermore does the XSP code return XML or a 
string of the database content, that should be XML. Fix it there. Don't 
use disable-output-escaping.


and the problem is that what i get in the view source of the browser is
something like,
lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
lt;article id=1 rating=2 sectionid=1
xmlns:src=; src:col=/db/daeDocuments
lt;titlegt;Titulo com rating 2lt;/titlegt;
lt;/articlegt;lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
lt;article id=2 rating=1 sectionid=1
xmlns:src=; src:col=/db/daeDocuments
lt;titlegt;Titulo do artigo com rating igual a 
lt;textgt;texto do artigo com rating igual a 
lt;/articlegt;lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
lt;article id=3 rating=2 sectionid=1
xmlns:src=; src:col=/db/daeDocuments
lt;titlegt;Titulo do artigo com rating igual a 
lt;textgt;texto do artigo com rating igual a 
lt;/articlegt;lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
lt;article id=4 rating=2 sectionid=1
xmlns:src=; src:col=/db/daeDocuments
lt;titlegt;Titulo do artigo com rating igual a 
lt;textgt;texto do artigo com rating igual a 
and i con't parse it in my transformer.

If anyone could give a look at the code and see what i am doing wrong i
would apreciate it :)
Thanks id advance
Miguel Carvalho

Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 13:35 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 18:48 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi  

did you guys ever programmed java with JavaStudio? it was a nice little  
app that sun released in the early java days. it was visual programming  
of java code thru LabView style drag-drop-link of javabeans.
Yep. Sugar candy appealing to lusers like myself. :-)

It was sooo cool when you saw a demo.

Horrible to work with it.

why? visual programming is bullshit.

It take half an hour to write a visual representation of something like

 if (blah) {
 } else {
Still, I found the demos pretty valuable with the process variables 
being explicitely being created in a separate pane. Makes one think more 
about what he is doing.

The nice thing of such a GUI is that it enforces people to make use of 
the exposed API, and makes hacks around it, reaching for areas where 
scripting authors shouldn't come, a bit more difficult.

- 0 -

I just had a discussion in the car with Bruno about where Apples is 
heading (basically he bringing me uptodate - thank you Bruno), and my 
layman's conclusion is that different schools of development style are 
emerging when building webapps with Cocoon.

1) glueing together ready-made available components using XSPs and the 
bag of available Actions
2) Actions and custom Avalon-Cocoon components, which tend to overload 
the sitemap with programmatic constructions in the long run
3) 'Webcontinuations flow with Javascript', where people depend on the 
availability of Javascript wrappers for common libraries (JDBC, OR 
frameworks, ...) - with the challenge of coming up with decent JS 
libraries to make sure one doesn't have to reach at too many Java stuff 
using 'Packages' - the really cool thing is of course the instant 
gratification of save/reload/test
4) 'Apples' which shifts the encapsulation of business and service 
components back to full-blown Java, with a simple Apple class calling 
upon them while exposing flow decisions in a very lighweight manner in 
order to call the correct pipelines
5) 'Dywel' which seems to be going after Struts practices with a nice 
dash of Avalonization to go with that

3) and 4) being heavily dependent on the JXTransformer approach (which 
is a Good Thing IMHO)

How we are going to manage and support these five schools of thought, I 
honestly don't know (not even if we need to be worried altogether), but 
I envision some some white-bearded guy is already chuckling in his 
corner (

interlude advise=don't take this too seriously

More stupidity being put forward, I would humbly suggest to explicitely 
name the methodologies:

1) 'Barbara', in kind remembrance of B. Post
2) 'Carsten, the Early Years'
3) 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron'
4) 'Species' - since Apples and Pears are way to generic already, and 
it's what Darwin was all about
5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly 

... in order to be able to ask a Cocoonie: what religion are you in? 
Oh, I used to be an early CultofBarbara groupie, but now I tend to 
worship the mighty SchemoVidiuChrismatron.


Kidding aside, is my categorization more or less correct? Might be cool 
to put on a slide once.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Steven Noels wrote, On 31/07/2003 13.32:

On 31/07/2003 13:27 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I removed references to the publishing framework and added a CSS 
stylesheet to both the cocoon directory and lenya's using a 
headinsidebody hack (dirty, but it works on all the browsers I 
tried and it downgrades nicely).

looking very nice, thanks!

On Firebird 0.6 the links are so sml...

I can't read it too (ie or esp. mozilla 1.4). At least one Ctrl-+ is 
required. Mind increasing the font?


RE: problem applying a generator and transformer

2003-07-31 Thread adrian . geissel
Hi Joerg,

xsp:expr/ will take its content and add it to the output as a string -
that's your problem.

Try one of the xsp-util functions to include you data as XML (I think it's
util:include-expr/, but please check)


 -Original Message-
 From: Joerg Heinicke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday 31 July 2003 14:21
 Subject: Re: problem applying a generator and transformer
 Miguel Carvalho wrote:
  Hi, im havinf some trouble creating a Generator in XSP and 
 after that
  aplying a transformer in XSL, the problem is, that i am not 
 able to parse
  the XML returned by the generator with the transformer.
  Generator code
  xsp:page language=java xmlns:xsp=;
  Resource res = null;
  String resStr = null;
  daeXmlDbApi daeApi = new daeXmlDbApi();
  ResourceIterator results;
  results = 
  while (results.hasMoreResources())
  res = results.nextResource();
  catch(Exception e)
 Here you have document/ as root element.
  daeAPI is a API created by me to access to an XINDICE 
 database that contains
  XML following the current syntax:
  Transformer code
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
  xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=;
  xsl:output indent=no method=html omit-xml-declaration 
 = yes /
  xsl:template match=/
  xsl:apply-templates /
  xsl:template match=/contents
  xsl:for-each select = /article 
 disable-output-escaping = yes
  select = /title //titulo
 disable-output-escaping = yes
  select = /image //imagem
 Here you match on contents/ as root element. Try to remove the line 
 xsl:output/ or at least make it correct: you don't want 
 html as result 
 of this transformation. Furthermore does the XSP code return XML or a 
 string of the database content, that should be XML. Fix it 
 there. Don't 
 use disable-output-escaping.
  and the problem is that what i get in the view source of 
 the browser is
  something like,
  lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
  lt;article id=1 rating=2 sectionid=1
  lt;titlegt;Titulo com rating 2lt;/titlegt;
  lt;/articlegt;lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
  lt;article id=2 rating=1 sectionid=1
  lt;titlegt;Titulo do artigo 
 com rating igual a 1lt;/titlegt;
  lt;textgt;texto do artigo com 
 rating igual a 1lt;/textgt;
  lt;/articlegt;lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
  lt;article id=3 rating=2 sectionid=1
  lt;titlegt;Titulo do artigo 
 com rating igual a 2lt;/titlegt;
  lt;textgt;texto do artigo com 
 rating igual a 2lt;/textgt;
  lt;/articlegt;lt;?xml version=1.0?gt;
  lt;article id=4 rating=2 sectionid=1
  lt;titlegt;Titulo do artigo 
 com rating igual a 2lt;/titlegt;
  lt;textgt;texto do artigo com 
 rating igual a 2lt;/textgt;
  and i con't parse it in my transformer.

Re: [Half-solved] Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excaliburSource or cocoon Source bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Olivier Billard
To be more precise, I changed the first transformer from default to xalan

Olivier Billard wrote:

I changed the default transformer from xsltc to xalan and it works...
What's wrong with the xsltc ?
That's not the first time I see things working with xalan and not 


Re: [Half-solved] Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excaliburSource or cocoon Source bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Joerg Heinicke
But please cut at least the stack trace when responsing to such a long 
mail like your original one - again 59 KB.


Olivier Billard wrote:

I changed the default transformer from xsltc to xalan and it works...
What's wrong with the xsltc ?
That's not the first time I see things working with xalan and not 


Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Jul 31, 2003, at 14:05 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi 

Steven Noels wrote, On 31/07/2003 13.32:

On 31/07/2003 13:27 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
I removed references to the publishing framework and added a CSS 
stylesheet to both the cocoon directory and lenya's using a 
headinsidebody hack (dirty, but it works on all the browsers I 
tried and it downgrades nicely).
looking very nice, thanks!
On Firebird 0.6 the links are so sml...
yeah, you're right. I've updated it now using px instead of em, (the 
only way to route around the DPI screen incompatibilities between win 
and mac)

please check if this works for you.


Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 18:48 Europe/Rome, Nicola Ken Barozzi  

did you guys ever programmed java with JavaStudio? it was a nice 
little  app that sun released in the early java days. it was visual 
programming  of java code thru LabView style drag-drop-link of javabeans.

It was a monster :)

It was sooo cool when you saw a demo.

Horrible to work with it.

why? visual programming is bullshit. 

Not if it supports full round trip, nonvisual - visual - nonvisual. 
It's much easier to quickly understand what's going on in the workflow 
by lookng at the picture instead of looking at the workflow markup (and 
it's much more complex to do roundtrip if your source is javascript).


Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote, On 31/07/2003 14.27:
I've updated it now using px instead of em, (the 
only way to route around the DPI screen incompatibilities between win 
and mac)

please check if this works for you.
Works, thanks  :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

Re: [Half-solved] Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excaliburSource or cocoon Source bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Olivier Billard
Ok sorry :) !
I just wanted to keep the original mail...
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

But please cut at least the stack trace when responsing to such a long 
mail like your original one - again 59 KB.


Olivier Billard wrote:

I changed the default transformer from xsltc to xalan and it 
What's wrong with the xsltc ?
That's not the first time I see things working with xalan and not 


Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

On Firebird 0.6 the links are so sml...

I can't read it too (ie or esp. mozilla 1.4). At least one Ctrl-+ is 
required. Mind increasing the font?


You can configure a minimum font size in Mozilla :-) 

You do recommend this to all Cocoon users? Seriously? And what to do 
about all the other web sites where font will become too large?


cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl

2003-07-31 Thread cziegeler
cziegeler2003/07/31 05:39:04

  Added:   src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl
  Create new base class for caching, remove unused method
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.10  +6 -54 
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
  --- AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline.java31 Jul 2003 03:54:22 -  1.9
  +++ AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline.java31 Jul 2003 12:39:04 -  1.10
  @@ -57,17 +57,11 @@
   import java.util.ArrayList;
   import java.util.Date;
  -import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable;
  -import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException;
  -import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentManager;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.ParameterException;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
   import org.apache.cocoon.ConnectionResetException;
   import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
   import org.apache.cocoon.caching.*;
  -import org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.AbstractProcessingPipeline;
  -import org.apache.cocoon.components.sax.XMLDeserializer;
  -import org.apache.cocoon.components.sax.XMLSerializer;
   import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Environment;
   import org.apache.cocoon.transformation.Transformer;
   import org.apache.cocoon.util.HashUtil;
  @@ -76,8 +70,8 @@
   import org.apache.excalibur.source.impl.validity.DeferredValidity;
  - * This is the base class for all caching pipeline implementations.
  - *
  + * This is the base class for all caching pipeline implementations
  + * that check the different pipeline components.
* @since 2.1
* @author a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Carsten Ziegeler/a
  @@ -85,11 +79,7 @@
* @version CVS $Id$
   public abstract class AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline
  -extends AbstractProcessingPipeline
  -implements Disposable {
  -/** This is the Cache holding cached responses */
  -protected Cache  cache;
  +extends BaseCachingProcessingPipeline {
   /** The role name of the generator */
   protected String generatorRole;
  @@ -103,11 +93,6 @@
   /** The role name of the reader */
   protected String readerRole;
  -/** The deserializer */
  -protected XMLDeserializer xmlDeserializer;
  -/** The serializer */
  -protected XMLSerializer xmlSerializer;
   /** The cached byte stream */
   protected byte[]   cachedResponse;
   /** The timestamp of the cached byte stream */
  @@ -148,30 +133,12 @@
   protected abstract void connectCachingPipeline(Environment   environment) 
throws ProcessingException;
  - * Composable Interface
  - */
  -public void compose (ComponentManager manager)
  -throws ComponentException {
* Parameterizable Interface - Configuration
   public void parameterize(Parameters params)
   throws ParameterException {
   this.configuredDoSmartCaching = 
params.getParameterAsBoolean(smart-caching, true);
  -String cacheRole = params.getParameter(cache-role, Cache.ROLE);
  -if ( this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
  -this.getLogger().debug(Using cache  + cacheRole);
  -try {
  -this.cache = (Cache)this.manager.lookup(cacheRole);
  -} catch (ComponentException ce) {
  -throw new ParameterException(Unable to lookup cache:  + cacheRole, 
  @@ -970,13 +937,6 @@
* Recyclable Interface
   public void recycle() {
  -this.manager.release( this.xmlDeserializer );
  -this.xmlDeserializer = null;
  -this.manager.release( this.xmlSerializer );
  -this.xmlSerializer = null;
   this.generatorRole = null;
  @@ -989,18 +949,10 @@
   this.transformerIsCacheableProcessingComponent = null;
   this.toCacheKey = null;
   this.toCacheSourceValidities = null;
  - * Disposable Interface
  - */
  -public void dispose() {
  -if ( null != this.manager ) {

RE: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Steven Noels wrote:
 interlude advise=don't take this too seriously
 More stupidity being put forward, I would humbly suggest to explicitely 
 name the methodologies:
 1) 'Barbara', in kind remembrance of B. Post
 2) 'Carsten, the Early Years'
 3) 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron'
 4) 'Species' - since Apples and Pears are way to generic already, and 
 it's what Darwin was all about
 5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly 
 ... in order to be able to ask a Cocoonie: what religion are you in? 
 Oh, I used to be an early CultofBarbara groupie, but now I tend to 
 worship the mighty SchemoVidiuChrismatron.
 Kidding aside, is my categorization more or less correct? Might be cool 
 to put on a slide once.
More or less :) perhaps it's not correct to but my name together with 
actions at 2), we all know who checked in the Action interface...

Serious: what about a humour page on our web site with nice and funny
things like these? Especially I like 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron' !


Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 14:23 Steven Noels wrote:

1) 'Barbara', in kind remembrance of B. Post
2) 'Carsten, the Early Years'
3) 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron'
4) 'Species' - since Apples and Pears are way to generic already, and 
it's what Darwin was all about
5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly 
and Bruno reminds me of Schools I forgot about:

- the who said I shouldn't use Tomcat filters to manage Hibernate 
sessions school, just be happy that I don't system.exec() a shell 
script to do the same
- the look at me calculating a CRC checksum of a creditcard number 
using XPath school of XMLForms

I'm signing off for this afternoon, so I'll stop nagging the list with 
frivolous mails - don't you worry. ;-)

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor

2003-07-31 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Stefano Mazzocchi dijo:
 why? visual programming is bullshit.

 It take half an hour to write a visual representation of something like

   if (blah) {
   } else {

I totally agree. I can add: MS Visual programming is ...(what yoou said :)

But, there are some nice tools as VisualAge C++ from IBM. It was very easy
and fast because it was OO oriented. I used it in 1995. Also in 1993-94 I
used a CASE system from a company called Westmount that was also very
fast. It was Relational oriented, in the age when OOA and OOD was a weird
thing for most of the people.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

Re: Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excalibur Source or cocoonSource bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Olivier Billard wrote:

Hi Vadim !

Relatively to recent mails of the thread, you think it could work with 
xsltc, if some offendering xsl were removed ? 

Yes. Just added transform to xsl-dynamic-source:

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
 xsl:template match=xsl:stylesheet/xsl:template/xsl:if/p
   Hey there!!! br/
 xsl:template match=@*|node() priority=-1
 xsl:apply-templates select=@*|node()/
And it still works ok with default xslt transformer - which is xsltc. 
When/if you find a bug in xsltc please report it to xalan-dev or bugzilla.


Re: Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excalibur Source or cocoonSource bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Olivier Billard
What do you mean about Just added transform to xsl-dynamic-source ?

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Olivier Billard wrote:

Hi Vadim !

Relatively to recent mails of the thread, you think it could work 
with xsltc, if some offendering xsl were removed ? 

Yes. Just added transform to xsl-dynamic-source:

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
 xsl:template match=xsl:stylesheet/xsl:template/xsl:if/p
   Hey there!!! br/
 xsl:template match=@*|node() priority=-1
 xsl:apply-templates select=@*|node()/
And it still works ok with default xslt transformer - which is xsltc. 
When/if you find a bug in xsltc please report it to xalan-dev or 


Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
I just want to collect opinions how to manage the final release.

Now, it seems 2.1rc1 is relative stable, no real complains, some minor
issues but no showstoppers. From that we could say: the current cvs
is the final version. point. I don't think we need a rc2.

Should we take before we do the release some actions? Like...
..updating docs
..changing readme
..asking users for testing (which was a success for 2.0.3 and 2.0.4)

Whatever we do, I think a timeframe of two weeks is good, so I suggest
a final release on tuesday, 12th.


Re: Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excalibur Source or cocoonSource bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Olivier Billard wrote:

What do you mean about Just added transform to xsl-dynamic-source ?

I've just added a transformation step to the xsl-dynamic-source matcher 
to more closely reproduce your scenario and samples/sources/sitemap.xmap 
now reads:

   !-- Generate XSL source dynamically using XSP page. --
   map:match pattern=xsl-dynamic-source
map:generate type=serverpages src=style/simple-page2html.xsp/
map:transform src=test.xsl/
map:serialize type=xml/
And content of test.xsl I sent in previous email and all is working just 
fine with xsltc.


Re: Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I just want to collect opinions how to manage the final release.

Now, it seems 2.1rc1 is relative stable, no real complains, some minor
issues but no showstoppers.
I know of two bugs ATM which are kind of bugging me:
1) broken tutorial due to missing support of action sets
2) broken views wrt to resources (see Re: Treeprocessor bug with 
map:resource and views?)

From that we could say: the current cvs
is the final version. point. I don't think we need a rc2.

Should we take before we do the release some actions? Like...
..updating docs
How's your portal going? I seen that the doc has lots of place holders.

..changing readme
..asking users for testing (which was a success for 2.0.3 and 2.0.4)
 .. finish samples refactoring / cleanup
 .. fix some more bugs from bugzilla


Whatever we do, I think a timeframe of two weeks is good, so I suggest
a final release on tuesday, 12th.
I would opt for 3 weeks but 2 is good enough too.


cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/servlet

2003-07-31 Thread vgritsenko
vgritsenko2003/07/31 06:29:54

  Get message from exception
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.11  +8 -7  cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/servlet/
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.10
  retrieving revision 1.11
  diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
  --- CocoonServlet.java31 Jul 2003 03:54:22 -  1.10
  +++ CocoonServlet.java31 Jul 2003 13:29:54 -  1.11
  @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
   package org.apache.cocoon.servlet;
  @@ -1113,18 +1114,18 @@
  -} catch ( SocketException se ) {
  +} catch (ConnectionResetException cre) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  -log.debug(The connection was reset, se);
  +log.debug(cre.getMessage(), cre);
   } else if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
  -} catch (ConnectionResetException cre) {
  +} catch ( SocketException se ) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  -log.debug(cre.getMessage(), cre);
  +log.debug(se.getMessage(), se);
   } else if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
   } catch (Exception e) {

Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Steven Noels dijo:
 interlude advise=don't take this too seriously

 More stupidity being put forward, I would humbly suggest to explicitely
 name the methodologies:

 1) 'Barbara', in kind remembrance of B. Post
 2) 'Carsten, the Early Years'
 3) 'SchemoVidiuChrismatron'
 4) 'Species' - since Apples and Pears are way to generic already, and
 it's what Darwin was all about
 5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly

 ... in order to be able to ask a Cocoonie: what religion are you in?
 Oh, I used to be an early CultofBarbara groupie, but now I tend to
 worship the mighty SchemoVidiuChrismatron.

I think many of us started believing in the Cult of Barbara. After all for
many of us that never saw a hairy beasts as XSLT and Cocoon. I think
this was the easier way to start using Cocoon. Many of us saw this: XSP is
easy to learn and Java is well known, I can believe in this cult. We can
call this also The beginning, because of us started using Cocoon trying
to find better ways of development. :)

After ending the 1 application while learning Cocoon and some hard battles
with the hairy beasts. The beasts started to be tamed for us. Then we
started losing our faith in the cult of Barbara, because we saw how
dificult will be mantain the new scripting lang. called XSP. :(

At that time many of us started the exodus and at the beginning was the
cult of 'Carsten, the Early Years'. Then is the The transformers. :)
There was a time (before Flow) that the idea was use transformers and
actions for every thing. But this showed also problems related to database
intensive applications. I never being part of this. :( But the transformer
idea remain as a good legacy for the next generations.


 Kidding aside, is my categorization more or less correct? Might be cool
 to put on a slide once.

Seriously, where I can find more about Apples and Dywel? It is being
be part of Cocoon?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Geoff Howard
Steven Noels wrote:

Kidding aside, is my categorization more or less correct? Might be cool 
to put on a slide once.

I can't speak to accuracy but a page in the docs explaining these 
viewpoints could really help users make sense of docs and demos that 
seem to point in different directions.

The two biggest design differences I notice are the transformer-centric
vs. generator-centric.  Clearly this is not an either/or choice.  But 
explaining the difference between all these choices in an overview would 
be really helpful.


RE: [RT] New Input for woody

2003-07-31 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Carsten Ziegeler dijo:
 My approach is targetted at editing business objects (=java objects).
 It's not used for editing xml data or for processing form values in others
 ways, like sending emails etc.

Hi Carsten:

The idea looks great. A business oriented framework!

What can we also use to use to send mails under this framework? Sometimes
there is a need to send a automatic email notifications of some changes.
But of course we can use other approach to do this maybe encapsulated into
the business objects.

Are you thinking in persistence? How you mean this will be done? I will be
glad if we can exchange some ideas between this.

I am currenlty spending my time trying to find a new way. The idea of
create business objects. Maybe we can create a more generalized interface
to do that. I am also facing the raping changes in the Woody arena. But it
is OK. I am glad Woody that woody runs too fast!

Currently I am starting to try Woody with Beans (or may we can call it

You can also download the lastest CVS of OJB because there is a very nice
presentation that was posted 2 or 3 days ago. I think it is a worth to see
it. At the end it show how we can abstract the Data Access Tier.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

 That's why I still think that it makes sense to follow the dywel
 approach but I want to use underneath as much as possible from the
 existing features we already have.


Re: Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Geoff Howard
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I just want to collect opinions how to manage the final release.

Now, it seems 2.1rc1 is relative stable, no real complains, some minor
issues but no showstoppers.
I've seen a heated complaint on users related to a bug in XSLTC (which 
the notes say is default but is it actually configured that way?)

I know of two bugs ATM which are kind of bugging me:
1) broken tutorial due to missing support of action sets
I started looking into this and found it's just totally unimplemented. 
I didn't have time to continue on it.  Given that we are trying to 
discourage actions, maybe the tutorial should get changed?


Everything else sounds good and important, but I can't promise much 
personally right now, so I won't say much.


Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUIeditor]

2003-07-31 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 15:30, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
 Seriously, where I can find more about Apples and Dywel? It is being
 be part of Cocoon?

Apples is Marc's try at creating an implementation of the generalized
flow ideas he's been spreading the last couple of weeks.

Basically it is the same as flowscript, but your flows are written in
Java and lack continuations. So you have to implement your own logic for
figuring out the current state each time you get a request entering your

What you do get for free (compared to e.g. using actions) is an
interaction-based storage area (namely the instance variables in your
apple), which is way better and easier than using the session to store
parameters for a certain flow. It also allows you to pass data to the
view layer in a flowscript-compatible way, and the integration with the
sitemap is nicer.

For the actual code see

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

RE: [RT] New Input for woody

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Antonio Gallardo wrote:

 The idea looks great. A business oriented framework!

 What can we also use to use to send mails under this framework? Sometimes
 there is a need to send a automatic email notifications of some changes.
 But of course we can use other approach to do this maybe encapsulated into
 the business objects.

You can either use one of the existing other approaches or you can send
the mail from within your java code.

 Are you thinking in persistence? How you mean this will be done? I will be
 glad if we can exchange some ideas between this.

Yes, persistence is the key feature. Now currently you can use whatever
you want, hibernate, ojb etc. I don't want to create a layer inbetween
and I don't want to force others to use one over the other.
I just started to look at those two and currently I like ojb more. I
guess I will have to throw my ideas for some improvements into the ojb
list and see what happens.

Persistence is a separate concern so I don't want to solve this in Cocoon.
If you or me or anyone else has specific requirements for persistence
than we/you/he should try to get in contact with one of the persistence
development teams.

 I am currenlty spending my time trying to find a new way. The idea of
 create business objects. Maybe we can create a more generalized interface
 to do that. I am also facing the raping changes in the Woody arena. But it
 is OK. I am glad Woody that woody runs too fast!

 Currently I am starting to try Woody with Beans (or may we can call it
Ok, I'm interested to see the results.

 You can also download the lastest CVS of OJB because there is a very nice
 presentation that was posted 2 or 3 days ago. I think it is a worth to see
 it. At the end it show how we can abstract the Data Access Tier.

I donwloaded the latest rc and it took me some hours yesterday night to get
running. I ported my test app from hibernate to ojb and it wasn't that easy
because hibernate has some nice features ojb does not have and vice versa.


Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor

2003-07-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Jul 31, 2003, at 14:31 Europe/Rome, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

why? visual programming is bullshit.
Not if it supports full round trip, nonvisual - visual - nonvisual. 
It's much easier to quickly understand what's going on in the workflow 
by lookng at the picture instead of looking at the workflow markup 
(and it's much more complex to do roundtrip if your source is 
You are right, roundtripping makes a huge difference and you are right 
again saying that it is much harder to write a script-graphic parser 
than a graphic-script one, still not impossible.


DO NOT REPLY [Bug 21925] - [PATCH] FOM Request object does not provide access to all the request's values

2003-07-31 Thread bugzilla

[PATCH] FOM Request object does not provide access to all the request's values


   What|Removed |Added

Summary|FOM Request object does not |[PATCH] FOM Request object
   |provide access to all the   |does not provide access to
   |request's values|all the request's values

RE: Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 I just want to collect opinions how to manage the final release.
 Now, it seems 2.1rc1 is relative stable, no real complains, some minor
 issues but no showstoppers.

 I know of two bugs ATM which are kind of bugging me:
 1) broken tutorial due to missing support of action sets
 2) broken views wrt to resources (see Re: Treeprocessor bug with
 map:resource and views?)


 How's your portal going? I seen that the doc has lots of place holders.

It's going pretty's usable and stable but far from being finished.
And it will take some time to complete the docs.

 ..changing readme
 ..asking users for testing (which was a success for 2.0.3 and 2.0.4)

   .. finish samples refactoring / cleanup
   .. fix some more bugs from bugzilla

 Whatever we do, I think a timeframe of two weeks is good, so I suggest
 a final release on tuesday, 12th.

 I would opt for 3 weeks but 2 is good enough too.

3 weeks wouldn't be a problem, either.


Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Marc Portier

Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Steven Noels dijo:

snip /

Kidding aside, is my categorization more or less correct? Might be cool
to put on a slide once.

Seriously, where I can find more about Apples and Dywel? It is being
be part of Cocoon?
is Carsten's personal attempt at the form-handling-thing
- he announced it first here:
- and is now active in the woody discussions to see which parts 
of woody could serve his vision
- I think he's more or less still in the early stages of design 
and prototype (just like woody in fact)
- his blog somewhat provides a basis for follow up on the status
- he is best placed to correct/augment where needed

is my first throw at building a flow implementation framework 
that would allow for classic Java/Avalon components to be holding 
the business logic of your flow aware use cases.

- most of the ideas behind it were first expressed here:
- As for the code itself: I wrapped it up as an 
alpha-cocoon-block which for now can be found here:
- A guide into this initial design and usage is here:
- feel free to ask questions on any of this

as for community impact / adoption / participation: this is to 
date largely dreamware and tryout stuff ... your comments and 
participation are welcome

I think this kind of research helps out in getting a better 
understanding, and can generate some sensible refactorings by 
taking a different view to things

 if / when / how / why all of this ever gets adopted by the 
community (and becomes really a 'school') is not to be predicted, 
we did however have a recent thread that expressed the commitment 
from all sides to make sure these alternatives are not to become 
a basis for fragmentation of the group-effort, but rather 
supporting and goaled at integration and unification

Marc Portier
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/caching

2003-07-31 Thread cziegeler
cziegeler2003/07/31 07:28:19

  Changing type of key to allow more generic caching algorithms
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.5   +11 -9 
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- CacheImpl.java13 Jul 2003 03:10:10 -  1.4
  +++ CacheImpl.java31 Jul 2003 14:28:18 -  1.5
  @@ -50,10 +50,14 @@
   package org.apache.cocoon.caching.impl;
  +import java.util.Map;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.activity.Disposable;
  -import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Composable;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentManager;
  +import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Composable;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.ParameterException;
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameterizable;
  @@ -62,10 +66,7 @@
   import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
   import org.apache.cocoon.caching.Cache;
   import org.apache.cocoon.caching.CachedResponse;
  -import org.apache.cocoon.caching.PipelineCacheKey;
  -import java.util.Map;
* This is the Cocoon cache. This component is responsible for storing
  @@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
* @param responsethe cached response
   public void store(Map  objectModel,
  -  PipelineCacheKey key,
  +  Serializable key,
 CachedResponse   response)
   throws ProcessingException {
   try {
  @@ -128,7 +129,7 @@
* @param key the key used by the caching algorithm to identify the
  -public CachedResponse get(PipelineCacheKey key) {
  +public CachedResponse get(Serializable key) {
   return (CachedResponse);
  @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@
* @param key the key used by the caching algorithm to identify the
  -public void remove(PipelineCacheKey key) {
  +public void remove(Serializable key) {;
  @@ -146,13 +147,14 @@
* clear cache of all cached responses 
   public void clear() {
  +// FIXME this clears the whole store!;
 * See if a response is cached under this key
  - public boolean containsKey(PipelineCacheKey key) {
  + public boolean containsKey(Serializable key) {
  1.3   +7 -5  cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/caching/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/caching/,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- Cache.java13 Jul 2003 03:10:10 -  1.2
  +++ Cache.java31 Jul 2003 14:28:18 -  1.3
  @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
   import org.apache.avalon.framework.component.Component;
   import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
   import java.util.Map;
  @@ -78,7 +80,7 @@
* @param responsethe cached response
   void store(Map  objectModel,
  -   PipelineCacheKey key,
  +   Serializable key,
  CachedResponse   response)
   throws ProcessingException;
  @@ -88,7 +90,7 @@
* @param key the key used by the caching algorithm to identify the
  -CachedResponse get(PipelineCacheKey key);
  +CachedResponse get(Serializable key);
* Remove a cached response.
  @@ -96,7 +98,7 @@
* @param key the key used by the caching algorithm to identify the
  -void remove(PipelineCacheKey key);
  +void remove(Serializable key);
* clear cache of all cached responses 
  @@ -106,5 +108,5 @@
* See if a response is cached under this key.
  -boolean containsKey(PipelineCacheKey key);
  +boolean containsKey(Serializable key);

RE: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Marc Portier wrote:
 is Carsten's personal attempt at the form-handling-thing
 - he announced it first here:
 - and is now active in the woody discussions to see which parts 
 of woody could serve his vision
 - I think he's more or less still in the early stages of design 
 and prototype (just like woody in fact)
 - his blog somewhat provides a basis for follow up on the status
 - he is best placed to correct/augment where needed
Thanks Marc! You saved me a little bit of typing!

Yes, Dywel is a test do build a framework for building webapps on
top of Cocoon. I have some rough concepts and a simple nonfunctional
prototyp :) running, and as put above I want to reuse as much
as possible.
I spent the last nights with looking at the persistence layer, the next
thing (perhaps at the weeking) is the state handling. I plan to
have something similar like Apples seems to be. So perhaps I can
use something from there as well.
As soon as I have something more usable I will make it available
somewhere put I guess not in the cocoon cvs first. 
That has to be a community decision.


Flow's processPipelineTo() and FileSource

2003-07-31 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
I'm having a hell of a time using flow with processPipelineTo() and 
OutputStreams coming out from FileSource(s).

The problem is that FileSource#getOutputStream() creates a temporary 
file (... to be discussed later ...) and such file gets renamed to the 
original one only upon OutputStream.close(). Now, AbstractInterpreter, 
line 201, actually calls flush() but *never* close. As a result, 
everything is kinda ... well... screwed up.

Patch is trivial, but I'm wondering if adding out.close() in might break something: any flow experts around?

Now for the FileSource: I do understand *some* of the reasoning behind 
using a temporary file, but I have to disagree on the implementation: 
naming it [filename].tmp is a bit of a bet, since someone might 
legitimately have such a filename around. While I understand that there 
might be memory issues with large files, I guess that either:

1. keeping a ByteArrayOutputStream;
2. forget about it and just write the file;
3. use a more clever name that doesn't risk conflicts this much
are all better options.

Is that OK to you if I work on it? I don't know if I have access to the 
Excalibur CVS though...


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/portal/java/org/apache/cocoon/portal/profile

2003-07-31 Thread cziegeler
cziegeler2003/07/31 07:37:05

  Fixing javadocs
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.7   +4 -4  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
  ---  26 May 2003 13:18:19 -  1.6
  +++  31 Jul 2003 14:37:05 -  1.7
  @@ -66,14 +66,14 @@
 * Add indexed item to the itemList.
  -  * @param index, index for the position inside the list
  -  * @param item, item to add
  +  * @param index index for the position inside the list
  +  * @param item item to add
   void addItem(int index, Item item);
 * Add Item to the ItemList.
  -  * @param item, item to add
  +  * @param item item to add
void addItem(Item item);
  1.8   +2 -2  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  ---   18 Jul 2003 14:41:45 -  1.7
  +++   31 Jul 2003 14:37:05 -  1.8
  @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
* a specific layout object in the profile defined by
* the layout key.
* @param layoutKey A key describing the layout or null for the default
  - * @param subKeyThe id of a layout object or null for the root object
  + * @param layoutIDThe id of a layout object or null for the root object
* @return The layout
Layout getPortalLayout(String layoutKey, String layoutID);

[OT] Font size, Re: [ANN] Apache Cocoon 2.1 Release Candidate

2003-07-31 Thread Vadim Gritsenko
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

You can configure a minimum font size in Mozilla :-) 

You do recommend this to all Cocoon users? Seriously? And what to do 
about all the other web sites where font will become too large?


No, to all Mozilla users. Because there are many websites having to 
little fonts. For example is a bit strenuous to read in 
default font size,

Looks good to me, btw. I hadn't understand a word, but size is good :)
What I can't read is without pressing Ctrl-+  *at 
least* once (killer feature this ctrl-+!). Sometimes I do it twice ;-)

so I set it to 11px.

Of course, we should fix this (as Stefano already did), but you can't 
force all websites to increase their font sizes.

Mozilla is gaining market share, btw. is a geek site and you 
can see mozilla share around 10%+ and growing (see stats), but recently 
in the press they also noticed growing mozilla share. After some time 
those sites will have to change.


Re: Cocoon Schools of Development [was: Re: Cool (work)flow GUI editor]

2003-07-31 Thread Antonio Gallardo
Steven Noels dijo:
 5) 'Rag' - since Dywel really sounds like a mop in Dutch if slightly

Hey, Dywel is a full british name:-)

From carsten blog:

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

Woody complex multipaged form

2003-07-31 Thread Leszek Gawron
I've send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as it contains some ideas about Woody multipage

Consider such case:

You have a form for inputting report parameters. It goes something like this:

Please input all report parameters blah blah:

Customer code : _ *pick*
   Start date : _ *pick*
 End date : _ *pick*
 Ordering : __\/_

-  Submit -

A little description:

1. Customer code
you need a valid customer code here. There are a lot customer codes (for
example 10'000). In my xml form description (which is later on rendered to
html via a stylesheet) I have introduced specialized input type called
picker which renders as a readonly edit box and a button. When *pick* button 
is pressed:
1. a popup window opens which contains a form with query parameters
2. I can query a customer
3. get a list of first XXX results
4. pick a customer by clicking a table row
5. the above causes to fill-in the edit box with a valid customer code and the
popup closes automatically

2. Start and end date
I have introduced a JavaScript based calendar ( div shown in an absolute
position) so now: 
1. I do not need to worry that the date is invalid
2. the form looks really sexy :)

 * GOAL *
I'd like to achieve the same/similar functionality with Woody without too much

So first: 
1. Can I implement a widget that is not a standard one (a customer/product
picker, date picker)?

2. Can I render it my way without rewriting the whole woody stylesheet? (I
think not).

Big question now: 
3. Some users hate popup windows (me too). So I'd like to migrate to flow
based approach and after customer picker button is pressed a query page is
opened but IN THE SAME WINDOW. After picking a customer the flow goes back to
main form. As far as I understand Woody builds it's model basing on request
parameters (I do not get the whole binding concept right now so please correct
me). How can I store the main form data until flow gets back to it? Let me
remind you that the purpose of this whole thing is to write a bunch of reports
so I really do not want to write a bean for each report I implement.

A nice approach would be : 
1. Display a report form and allow user to edit data.
2. When a picker is pressed the whole form is stored (with no bean and stuff -
just the whole form) somewhere in the session context under form_name
3. Picker is displayed
4. If picker is submitted - some of picker model data is rewritten to a main
5. Main report is displayed again.

what do you think about all that?

Re: Dynamic XSL generation with cocoon: : excalibur Source or cocoonSource bug ?

2003-07-31 Thread Olivier Billard
Hi Sylvain !

How is the back-to-the-work ?
I note this for the future, but I solved this pb with the use of xalan 
instead of xslt.
But maybe an error like the one you mentionned could make XSLTC go crazy...

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Olivier Billard wrote:

Hi all,

I have some troubles with a dynamic generated xsl. Here is the 
sitemap snippet :

   map:match select=requests
  map:generate src=.../
  map:transform src=cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl
  map:parameter name=profile 
  map:serialize type=xml/

   map:match pattern=picto-filter.xsl
  map:generate src=resources/workflow.xconf/
  map:serialize type=xml/

And I've got the following stack trace (long... but maybe usefull for 
info) :


To isolate the problem, you should also try to use a static snapshot 
of the XSL. This will tell if cocoon: is the culprit.

Now I vaguely remember something about this EmptyStackException... do 
you have xsl:attribute that comes after a child element of the one 
on which the attribute is to be added ? E.g :
   xsl:attribute name=attvalue/xsl:attribute

If yes, you should move bar/ after xsl:attribute


Woody complex multipaged form

2003-07-31 Thread Leszek Gawron
I am really sorry if this is a repost but I have some problems with my smtp

I've send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as it contains some ideas about Woody multipage

Consider such case:

You have a form for inputting report parameters. It goes something like this:

Please input all report parameters blah blah:

Customer code : _ *pick*
   Start date : _ *pick*
 End date : _ *pick*
 Ordering : __\/_

-  Submit -

A little description:

1. Customer code
you need a valid customer code here. There are a lot customer codes (for
example 10'000). In my xml form description (which is later on rendered to
html via a stylesheet) I have introduced specialized input type called
picker which renders as a readonly edit box and a button. When *pick* button 
is pressed:
1. a popup window opens which contains a form with query parameters
2. I can query a customer
3. get a list of first XXX results
4. pick a customer by clicking a table row
5. the above causes to fill-in the edit box with a valid customer code and the
popup closes automatically

2. Start and end date
I have introduced a JavaScript based calendar ( div shown in an absolute
position) so now: 
1. I do not need to worry that the date is invalid
2. the form looks really sexy :)

 * GOAL *
I'd like to achieve the same/similar functionality with Woody without too much

So first: 
1. Can I implement a widget that is not a standard one (a customer/product
picker, date picker)?

2. Can I render it my way without rewriting the whole woody stylesheet? (I
think not).

Big question now: 
3. Some users hate popup windows (me too). So I'd like to migrate to flow
based approach and after customer picker button is pressed a query page is
opened but IN THE SAME WINDOW. After picking a customer the flow goes back to
main form. As far as I understand Woody builds it's model basing on request
parameters (I do not get the whole binding concept right now so please correct
me). How can I store the main form data until flow gets back to it? Let me
remind you that the purpose of this whole thing is to write a bunch of reports
so I really do not want to write a bean for each report I implement.

A nice approach would be : 
1. Display a report form and allow user to edit data.
2. When a picker is pressed the whole form is stored (with no bean and stuff -
just the whole form) somewhere in the session context under form_name
3. Picker is displayed
4. If picker is submitted - some of picker model data is rewritten to a main
5. Main report is displayed again.

what do you think about all that?

Re: [RT] New Input for woody

2003-07-31 Thread Marc Portier

it took me some time to read and re-read and map:

I kinda heard the implied question 'how to map this on woody' so 
I'll basically try to answer that...

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
I think we all know how woody works (apart from me...), so perhaps
I could give some details about my idea. I don't want to propose this
as an alternative to woody, I just want to give some input. So here we go:
The idea is based on a separation between a template and
a definition or binding for it. It's a little bit
like woody but also different :)
Here is a template example:

page xmlns:dywel=;
  dywel:DWForm id=form
dywel:DWTextField id=name/
dywel:DWTextField id=street/
dywel:DWTextField id=city/
dywel:DWSubmit id=submit/
Now, I think apart from namespace and element names this looks
like a woody template (except form and submit).

as I understood from earlier discussions this also serves as a 
form-model-definition (meaning dywel doesn't require an aditional 
file for that)

The difference lies in the second configuration file, that I
call binding. It has an entry for each field used in the template:
dywel:bindings xmlns:dywel=;

  dywel:binding id=form
  dywel:binding id=submit
  dywel:binding id=name
  dywel:binding id=city
  dywel:binding id=street

How does it work? A component (a java implementation) parses
the template and the binding file, the first time it's used.
The template is compiled and the bindings are attached to
the internal tree representing the template.
could you elaborate on 'attached'
is an instance of the business object involved in this process?
this sounds like what woody does with the form-definition file: 
build up an internal tree that represents the form and knows 
about the rich datatypes of the back-end

A special generator uses the java component and asks it to
render the page. Now the tree is processed. Each field
knows how to render itself. To get the values for a
form field, the field asks the component for the
value for e.g. The component now has
a getUser() method and the returned user object has
a getName() method.
this sounds like the business object instance values are only 
read at this time...

souds like woody's Binding.loadFormFromModel()

When the form is submitted, the same tree is processed and
the fields set the values using the component, so
getUser().setName() is used etc.
It's also possible to test via getUser().validateName()
the idea in Woody is that the commit only reaches up to the 
form-model, copying over to the business-model is a different 
decision (controlled by flow typically, and possibly via the 
assistance of the declarative data-mapping of the 'binding')

(the same 'binding' word depicts a different concept in the woody 
vs dywel namespaces, vaguely related, but different IMO)

For each form or better web page, you have to write
the java component = controller. You simply inherit
from a base class and provided methods to get your
business objects. (I'm looking to simplify this using
fom when everything else is set).
So, this solution is tied to java objects (currently).
well, it is tied to a custom-to-be-written java object

from a distance it looks like you'll need some luck for hooking 
up some existing java objects from a long-before-dywel designed 
business application (e.g. the validation method, but also the 
type of the argument in the setXXX methods, the web is presenting 
you with Strings, how is the conversion done? -- this is the 
crux of my current understanding of dywel)

if that is the case then one is going to need to write a specific 
javabean to accomodate for the intermediate step before actually 
talking to the legacy backend system

woody's proposition is to use not Java code but the 
form-definition file to describe this intermediate model... AFAIU 
both approaches use this kind of intermediate stage as a basis 
for validation and string-type conversion

(remembering Bruno's recent rumblings on jxpath addressing inside 
form-widgets the line could get very thin)

Now, it is possible to specify additional validation and
formatting in the binding, like:
  dywel:binding id=street
validationa rule/validation
formattera formatter/formatter

I'm still looking for the reverse of the formatter (string to type?)

This works pretty well (for me). Now I think this approach has
two advantages. The people writing the template do not have to
know anything about the binding, they simply create the
page and insert a username field (same applies to woody).
But the same mechanism is also used to insert values into the 

Re: [RT] New Input for woody

2003-07-31 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 17:25, Marc Portier wrote:
 As I see it now, the integration is not trivial (but possible)
 Your bean seems to provide an alternative to the declarative 
 woody-widget tree (form-model)
 We could argue about the woody-widget tree being the real CORE of 
 woody, so the 'not trivial' gets to have some meaning I guess :-)
 'Integration' then becomes making the form-model pluggable which 
   would come down to
 1/ making the woody-template-transformer can pull out the values 
 using jxpath rather then using the widget API
 2/ and the other way around the form.process(request) needs to 
 evolve to Dywel.process(bean-or-widgetTree, request); which could 
 again use some jxpath-like approach to perform its setValues...
 not trivial, maybe possible, useful?

_very_ quick skim-read, but: didn't you just reinvent XMLForm?

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

Re: Flow's processPipelineTo() and FileSource

2003-07-31 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I'm having a hell of a time using flow with processPipelineTo() and 
OutputStreams coming out from FileSource(s).

The problem is that FileSource#getOutputStream() creates a temporary 
file (... to be discussed later ...) and such file gets renamed to the 
original one only upon OutputStream.close(). Now, AbstractInterpreter, 
line 201, actually calls flush() but *never* close. As a result, 
everything is kinda ... well... screwed up.

Patch is trivial, but I'm wondering if adding out.close() in might break something: any flow experts around? 

I don't see why there should be some consequences on the flow itself... 
Just replace flush() by close() !

Now for the FileSource: I do understand *some* of the reasoning behind 
using a temporary file, but I have to disagree on the implementation: 
naming it [filename].tmp is a bit of a bet, since someone might 
legitimately have such a filename around. While I understand that 
there might be memory issues with large files, I guess that either:

1. keeping a ByteArrayOutputStream;
2. forget about it and just write the file;
3. use a more clever name that doesn't risk conflicts this much 

I would avoid 2. The reason why I used a temporary file is because of 
the streamed nature of Cocoon pipelines. If an error occurs within the 
processing, the original content is not partially overwritten. My 
preference would go to 3.

are all better options.

Is that OK to you if I work on it? I don't know if I have access to 
the Excalibur CVS though... 

As a Cocoon committer, you should.


Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/flow

2003-07-31 Thread gianugo
gianugo 2003/07/31 08:43:49

  Close the outputstream after processing is over.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.5   +2 -1  
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---  18 May 2003 16:36:40 -  1.4
  +++  31 Jul 2003 15:43:49 -  1.5
  @@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
   result = processor.process(wrapper);
   // Return whatever the processor returned us

Re: Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Joerg Heinicke
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
I just want to collect opinions how to manage the final release.

Now, it seems 2.1rc1 is relative stable, no real complains, some minor
issues but no showstoppers. From that we could say: the current cvs
is the final version. point. I don't think we need a rc2.
Should we take before we do the release some actions? Like...
..updating docs
..changing readme
..asking users for testing (which was a success for 2.0.3 and 2.0.4)
Whatever we do, I think a timeframe of two weeks is good, so I suggest
a final release on tuesday, 12th.
Claiming the user's point of view I say we must definitely fix more 
bugs. The last time such a call was made we lowered the count to 100 
from 130 IIRC. If we now fix/reject/... again 30 bugs I'm satisfied ;-) 
I know all the work on this is voluntary, but we can't ignore the users.

Some issues:

1. POI: No real problem, but what about the code move to the POI 
project? They seem to prepare the 2.0 release, so I guess they only have 
no time at the moment ...

2. XSLTC: Geoff already mentioned it. I know of two heavy bugs in our 
2.5.1 XSLTC: : stylesheet 
includes, seems to be already fixed in XSLTC CVS. : top-level 
variable with document(). This bug is so annoying because the stylesheet 
works in a way, but the cause of the failure is not obvious. And we 
don't know the reason for it until now: XSLTC command line works, Xalan 
works. But if we switch from Xalan to XSLTC in Cocoon the stylesheet 
stops working.
The simplest fix would be to make Xalan the default again, but I don't 
like this. Has anybody the time and enthusiasm to find out the reason 
for the bug?

3. Caching: There still exist some bugs related to caching:
and maybe also
Independent on this we should add more Components for Cocoon on 
Bugzilla. Core, General Components and Sitemap Components is not 
really helpful I guess.


Re: Flow's processPipelineTo() and FileSource

2003-07-31 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

I'm having a hell of a time using flow with processPipelineTo() and 
OutputStreams coming out from FileSource(s).

The problem is that FileSource#getOutputStream() creates a temporary 
file (... to be discussed later ...) and such file gets renamed to the 
original one only upon OutputStream.close(). Now, AbstractInterpreter, 
line 201, actually calls flush() but *never* close. As a result, 
everything is kinda ... well... screwed up.

Patch is trivial, but I'm wondering if adding out.close() in might break something: any flow experts around? 
I don't see why there should be some consequences on the flow itself... 
Just replace flush() by close() !
Just did it, but I didn't replace flush(), just added close() 
afterwards: it's better to be sure that there are no leftovers...

Now for the FileSource: I do understand *some* of the reasoning behind 
using a temporary file, but I have to disagree on the implementation: 
naming it [filename].tmp is a bit of a bet, since someone might 
legitimately have such a filename around. While I understand that 
there might be memory issues with large files, I guess that either:

1. keeping a ByteArrayOutputStream;
2. forget about it and just write the file;
3. use a more clever name that doesn't risk conflicts this much 

I would avoid 2. The reason why I used a temporary file is because of 
the streamed nature of Cocoon pipelines. If an error occurs within the 
processing, the original content is not partially overwritten. My 
preference would go to 3.
I see and understand. Yet temporary files, besides being somehow 
inconvenient, can be a major security hole in general. I'd rather go for 
1, then, accumulating bytes as they come on a ByteArrayOutputStream and 
writing them upon close() (and maybe flush() too?). True, this is in 
turn a possible security hole since someone might DOS the machine by 
processing gigabyte-sized files, but all in all I tend to think that 
it's a better solution... and yes, doing transaction on a filesystem is 
a PITA. :-)


are all better options.

Is that OK to you if I work on it? I don't know if I have access to 
the Excalibur CVS though... 
As a Cocoon committer, you should.
I understand that I am authorized in line of principle, just don't know 
if I need to be explicitely enabled. Anyway, I'll check it out. :-)

Thanks for everything,

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

Re: [RT] Revisiting Woody's form definition

2003-07-31 Thread Sylvain Wallez
Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Marc Portier [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Andreas Hochsteger wrote:


A short question comes to my mind, while reading your RT:
Is it possible to use data types which are composed of several HTML
input fields?
We are currently using three input fields for dates (day, 

month, year) 

at our current form solution.


No, not currently...

I had a proposing shot at this some weeks ago, see some remarks 
hidden in this posting:

in short: I think the existing aggregate-widget could be adapted 
to support this

This is an extremely important issue in a generalized form building
system.  It's more than just splitting and combining a field, you really
want to completely decouple the rendering from the form model as much as
you can.  If course that's one of the things that XSLT is all about
which takes one full circle into templating languages: at some point
isn't it just easier to find a way to plug in custom XSLT transforms for
rendering?  Maybe not full scale XSLT, but perhaps rather something
along the lines of what Schematron does (element rule matching) only for
rendering.  If the element has a rendering rule (a full scale XSLT
template inside of some XML object) you apply it to create the output
representation, otherwise you get the default rendering.  Similarly, if
the element has a collection(?) rule (what's the opposite of rendering?)
you run it as a XSLT template.  Not sure if that would work for you
guys, but it's likely where we're headed...

That's exactly what I did for an XMLForm-based prototype : a few 
UIType attributes on XMLForm's widgets drive the layout :
- UIType=calendar on a xf:textbox changes the input to a input+popup 
- UIType=table on a xf:repeat changes the group's layout to a table 
(each set of children becomes a table row) while the default behaviour 
is to layout each set of children as an html fieldset

This allows the template (going back to Woody terms) to completely 
abstract the rendering details of the layout, and concentrate only on 
the description of this layout.


Sylvain Wallez  Anyware Technologies
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }
Orixo, the opensource XML business alliance  -

RE: Cool (work)flow GUI editor

2003-07-31 Thread Paul Brown

[Vadim Gritsenko]
 [Stefano Mazzocchi]
  It was sooo cool when you saw a demo.
  Horrible to work with it.
  why? visual programming is bullshit. 
 Not if it supports full round trip, nonvisual - visual 
 - nonvisual. 

Visual programming is very old, i.e., 1960's.

( for pointers to some
resources and blog entries)

There is a level of detail and interactivity which is appropriate for
different sizes of represented objects:

High detail (e.g., expressions/lines of Java code) -- Representation
only with all interaction done with the underlying code.

Lower detail (e.g., web pages, business objects, web services calls) --
Visual manipulation via model without access to underlying code,
property panels for configuration, drill-down to code or expressions

Low detail (e.g., web applications, physical servers) -- Representation
only with real-time updates and some interactivity (e.g.,

For a platform like Cocoon, a visual representation with linkage or
drill-down to locations in configuration files or source code would be
the way to go.  The representation would have to be regenerated with
changes, but it would provide a visual overview.  (This could probably
even be done with SVG...)


-- PB

Re: Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
On Thursday, Jul 31, 2003, at 15:20 Europe/Rome, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I just want to collect opinions how to manage the final release.

Now, it seems 2.1rc1 is relative stable, no real complains, some minor
issues but no showstoppers. From that we could say: the current cvs
is the final version. point. I don't think we need a rc2.
Should we take before we do the release some actions? Like...
..updating docs
..changing readme
..asking users for testing (which was a success for 2.0.3 and 2.0.4)
Whatever we do, I think a timeframe of two weeks is good, so I suggest
a final release on tuesday, 12th.
I like the plan.

Just one thing: what about moving the wiki on 
before release?



Update excalibur datasource ??

2003-07-31 Thread Frank Taffelt
I run into problems with current excalibur datasource (1.1.1) that is
shipping with cocoon.

look at:

for brief description. The comment under revision 1.30 describes the bug and
the fix.

i know you like release version's as library's, but i think this is an
important point for upgrading to the developer version.


Re: Woody complex multipaged form

2003-07-31 Thread Antonio Gallardo

Your idea is very important. And I think currently Woody does not have
something like that. I think the picker is in database applications
terminology is called browser.

It would be cool to integrate this idea.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

Leszek Gawron dijo:
 I am really sorry if this is a repost but I have some problems with my
 smtp server.

 I've send this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as it contains some ideas about Woody
 multipage forms

 Consider such case:

 You have a form for inputting report parameters. It goes something like

 Please input all report parameters blah blah:

 Customer code : _ *pick*
Start date : _ *pick*
  End date : _ *pick*
  Ordering : __\/_

 -  Submit -

 A little description:

 1. Customer code
 you need a valid customer code here. There are a lot customer codes (for
 example 10'000). In my xml form description (which is later on rendered
 to html via a stylesheet) I have introduced specialized input type
 called picker which renders as a readonly edit box and a button. When
 *pick* button  is pressed:
 1. a popup window opens which contains a form with query parameters 2. I
 can query a customer
 3. get a list of first XXX results
 4. pick a customer by clicking a table row
 5. the above causes to fill-in the edit box with a valid customer code
 and the popup closes automatically

 2. Start and end date
 I have introduced a JavaScript based calendar ( div shown in an
 absolute position) so now:
 1. I do not need to worry that the date is invalid
 2. the form looks really sexy :)

  * GOAL *
 I'd like to achieve the same/similar functionality with Woody without
 too much effort.

 So first:
 1. Can I implement a widget that is not a standard one (a
 customer/product picker, date picker)?

 2. Can I render it my way without rewriting the whole woody stylesheet?
 (I think not).

 Big question now:
 3. Some users hate popup windows (me too). So I'd like to migrate to
 flow based approach and after customer picker button is pressed a query
 page is opened but IN THE SAME WINDOW. After picking a customer the flow
 goes back to main form. As far as I understand Woody builds it's model
 basing on request parameters (I do not get the whole binding concept
 right now so please correct me). How can I store the main form data
 until flow gets back to it? Let me remind you that the purpose of this
 whole thing is to write a bunch of reports so I really do not want to
 write a bean for each report I implement.

 A nice approach would be :
 1. Display a report form and allow user to edit data.
 2. When a picker is pressed the whole form is stored (with no bean and
 stuff - just the whole form) somewhere in the session context under
 form_name 3. Picker is displayed
 4. If picker is submitted - some of picker model data is rewritten to a
 main model
 5. Main report is displayed again.

 what do you think about all that?

WebDAV maturity (was Re: [VOTE] Commit access for Guido Casper)

2003-07-31 Thread Guido Casper
Stephan Michels wrote:
 I should mention that Stefan Michels provided an early draft in - I
 think it


 was more than 1,5 years ago but unfortunately (IMO) decided to focus
 on the SlideSource.

 Hmm, yes, perhaps a bad idea ;-) I got too few response on that. My
 experience with WebDAV taught me that all these things doesn't really
 work in real life. Perhaps, you proof me wrong :)

Hope so :) I share the experience that WebDAV maturity progresses slowly
steadily). But interoperability will be the reward. And this alone is it
worth it (IMO).


RE: Woody complex multipaged form

2003-07-31 Thread Hunsberger, Peter
Leszek Gawron [EMAIL PROTECTED] observes:

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 10:33:24AM -0600, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
  Your idea is very important. And I think currently Woody 
 does not have 
  something like that. I think the picker is in database 
  terminology is called browser.
  It would be cool to integrate this idea.
 It would be the best if more than one woody form instance 
 could be present in the session at the same time. This way 
 you can separate the picker/browser implementation from the 
 form main itself so it can be reused (for example in reports 
 you reuse customer/product/representative picker a lot)

If you don't mind a restriction (don't know how big?) on what browsers
you can use the easiest way to do this is with iframe.  Each iframe
becomes a separate request back to Cocoon (and can have it's own model).
You can use this to implement popup widgets that don't require a
separate window if you're willing to use JavaScript.  For compatibility
you can then fall back to new windows for browsers that don't support
iframe.  But for any of this to work I think you need JavaScript?

We also use iframes to support types of composition of widgets, in
particular, forms within forms...

Re: Flow's processPipelineTo() and FileSource

2003-07-31 Thread Christopher Oliver
Why can't you just call close() in your flowscript? I don't see 
anything in the contract of processPipelineTo() that indicates that it 
should close the stream. In my opinion, calling flush() but not 
close() as in the original implementation is correct.

My $0.02,


Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

I'm having a hell of a time using flow with processPipelineTo() and 
OutputStreams coming out from FileSource(s).

The problem is that FileSource#getOutputStream() creates a temporary 
file (... to be discussed later ...) and such file gets renamed to 
the original one only upon OutputStream.close(). Now, 
AbstractInterpreter, line 201, actually calls flush() but *never* 
close. As a result, everything is kinda ... well... screwed up.

Patch is trivial, but I'm wondering if adding out.close() in might break something: any flow experts around? 

I don't see why there should be some consequences on the flow 
itself... Just replace flush() by close() !

Now for the FileSource: I do understand *some* of the reasoning 
behind using a temporary file, but I have to disagree on the 
implementation: naming it [filename].tmp is a bit of a bet, since 
someone might legitimately have such a filename around. While I 
understand that there might be memory issues with large files, I 
guess that either:

1. keeping a ByteArrayOutputStream;
2. forget about it and just write the file;
3. use a more clever name that doesn't risk conflicts this much 

I would avoid 2. The reason why I used a temporary file is because of 
the streamed nature of Cocoon pipelines. If an error occurs within the 
processing, the original content is not partially overwritten. My 
preference would go to 3.

are all better options.

Is that OK to you if I work on it? I don't know if I have access to 
the Excalibur CVS though... 

As a Cocoon committer, you should.


Re: Update excalibur datasource ??

2003-07-31 Thread Geoff Howard
Frank Taffelt wrote:
I run into problems with current excalibur datasource (1.1.1) that is
shipping with cocoon.
look at:
for brief description. The comment under revision 1.30 describes the bug and
the fix.
i know you like release version's as library's, but i think this is an
important point for upgrading to the developer version.
Since we coordinate with Excalibur, can't we just ask if it is ready for 
a bugfix release?

Berin? Peter Royal?


Re: Releasing 2.1

2003-07-31 Thread Simon Hürlimann
Am Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 17.46 schrieb Joerg Heinicke:
 Some issues:

 1. POI: No real problem, but what about the code move to the POI
 project? They seem to prepare the 2.0 release, so I guess they only have
 no time at the moment ...

 2. XSLTC: Geoff already mentioned it. I know of two heavy bugs in our
 2.5.1 XSLTC: : stylesheet
 includes, seems to be already fixed in XSLTC CVS. : top-level
 variable with document(). This bug is so annoying because the stylesheet
 works in a way, but the cause of the failure is not obvious. And we
 don't know the reason for it until now: XSLTC command line works, Xalan
 works. But if we switch from Xalan to XSLTC in Cocoon the stylesheet
 stops working.

There's another XSLTC Bug that affects Cocoon. If you use a cocoon:/ URL in 
XSLTs document() function, the URI is prepended by the stylesheets path. That 
was a realy annoying bug that took me quite some time. The only fix for 
this bug is to switch back to Xalan:


Re: Flow's processPipelineTo() and FileSource

2003-07-31 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
Christopher Oliver wrote:
Why can't you just call close() in your flowscript? I don't see 
anything in the contract of processPipelineTo() that indicates that it 
should close the stream. In my opinion, calling flush() but not 
close() as in the original implementation is correct.
On second thought, yes, you're right. The OutputStream might be reused 
later, and if you call close() in the flow you miss that opportunity. 
I'm reverting the patch right now: next on the list is finding out why 
close() in flowscript was giving me problems, while putting it there 
solved everything. Probably something wrong in FileSource.


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
(Now blogging at:

Re: Update excalibur datasource ??

2003-07-31 Thread Peter Royal
On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 01:18  PM, Geoff Howard wrote:
Since we coordinate with Excalibur, can't we just ask if it is ready 
for a bugfix release?

Berin? Peter Royal?
thread started on [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get you a release :)

Re: GUMP good news/bad news

2003-07-31 Thread Peter Royal
On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 02:07  PM, Berin Loritsch wrote:

(Note that this is the only GUMP server with today's results so far)

Good news: The Excalibur XMLUtils and Store are no longer breaking 
Cocoon's GUMP

Bad news: Jing and Jaxen are.

The reason for Jaxen has to do with an incompatibility with Dom4J CVS.
Actually its a circular dependency, and the Jaxen team is (slowly) 
working to get it resolved.

Re: Update excalibur datasource ??

2003-07-31 Thread Geoff Howard
Peter Royal wrote:
On Thursday, July 31, 2003, at 01:18  PM, Geoff Howard wrote:

Since we coordinate with Excalibur, can't we just ask if it is ready 
for a bugfix release?

Berin? Peter Royal?

thread started on [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get you a release :)
Thanks!  I monitor over there (not fun lately by the way) so I may chime 
in if needed.


service manager Q

2003-07-31 Thread David Kavanagh
I'm getting my GenericTaskManager stuff running under 2.1rc1 and ran 
across a snag. I thought 2.1 was switching over to the whole Serviceable 
interface. So, I make this action I wrote implement Serviceable and ask 
the ServiceManager for a component that is defined in the cocoon.xconf 
file (the GenericTaskManager) and I get some class back called 
$Proxy2! So, that is an inner class with no package!
I look around the code and it looks like the ExcaliburComponentManger is 
still being used which deals just with Components. Should I even try 
asking the ServiceManager for components defined in the cocoon.xconf file?


AW: service manager Q

2003-07-31 Thread Marco Rolappe
hi david,

AFAIK there should be no problem with getting components from a
ServiceManager. behind the scenes an ExcaliburComponentManager is wrapped by
a WrapperServicerManager which delegates to the ECM and creates those
proxies you mentioned. one point regarding ServiceSelector's: since proxies
are being used you have to make sure that you have the respective service
interfaces defined. otherwise you'll get ClassNotFoundException's. apart
from that you shouldn't have any problems.

 -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag
 von David Kavanagh
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 22:18
 Betreff: service manager Q

 I'm getting my GenericTaskManager stuff running under 2.1rc1 and ran
 across a snag. I thought 2.1 was switching over to the whole Serviceable
 interface. So, I make this action I wrote implement Serviceable and ask
 the ServiceManager for a component that is defined in the cocoon.xconf
 file (the GenericTaskManager) and I get some class back called
 $Proxy2! So, that is an inner class with no package!
 I look around the code and it looks like the ExcaliburComponentManger is
 still being used which deals just with Components. Should I even try
 asking the ServiceManager for components defined in the cocoon.xconf file?


Moving Cocoon wiki to proper ASF equipment [was: Re: Releasing 2.1]

2003-07-31 Thread Steven Noels
On 31/07/2003 18:13 Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Just one thing: what about moving the wiki on 
before release?
I was actually thinking of asking infrastructure@ to migrate the Wiki to 
the new  beefy minotaur. As a transition, we could check whether 
mod_proxy/proxy_pass would be possible, possibly with mod_cache - people 
knowledgeable in this would be helpful. But from what I read on the 
infrastructure@ list, it appears nagoya might still be the place to go 
for heavy use Java apps, yet I understand Pier hasn't got time yet to 
upgrade/reconfigure nagoya.

Infrastructure peeps: this is about the JSPWiki-based Cocoon wiki 
running on Having run  regularly upgraded this 
beasty for considerable time, I can attest it's a neat Wiki 
implementation and runs quite well. I'd be happy to further help 
maintaining it anywhere it is hosted.

Your comments are very much welcomed.

Steven Noels
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at
stevenn at outerthought.orgstevenn at

Garbage or The Quest for the Perfect Template Language

2003-07-31 Thread Ugo Cei
These days I'm banging my head against the limitations of template
languages. I've tried XSP and it's not in any way limited, but it has
its share of problems (difficult to debug and offers too many ways to
shoot oneself in the foot), JXTemplate{Transformer,Generator} (no way to
call methods on context objects, no decent arithmetic) and Velocity
(stream based, no FP math).
I've read about Garbage but I haven't tried it. It looks promising
though, and I hope that Pier is going to really push it forward when he
finds some free time.
There are a couple of things that a good template language should do.
Consider the following requirement: given a model consisting of a list
of floating point numbers, print all of them, localizing their
represantion according to some locale, then compute and display their sum.
You can format the numbers using Velocity, but you must explicitly pass
an instance of DecimalFormat to the view. I'd like the template language
to have built-in support for the localization of numbers, currencies and
You cannot apparently sum the numbers using Velocity. I was startled to
discover, the other day, that if you try to sum doubles with Velocity,
it will instead concatenate their string representations! I hope it was
a mistake of mine, because it would really be dumb if it were indeed the
case. Anyway, whatever the language we come up with, it should be able
to correctly perform floating point arithmetic.
This is my plea for the perfect template language and I hope that,
whoever implements it, considers adding these features.

Re: Garbage or The Quest for the Perfect Template Language

2003-07-31 Thread Christopher Oliver
Ugo Cei wrote:

These days I'm banging my head against the limitations of template
languages. I've tried XSP and it's not in any way limited, but it has
its share of problems (difficult to debug and offers too many ways to
shoot oneself in the foot), JXTemplate{Transformer,Generator} (no way to
call methods on context objects, no decent arithmetic) 
What exactly is the problem with the arithmetic in Jexl and/or JXPath? 
What problem did you encounter calling methods? You should be able to 
with do that with both Jexl and JXPath.



J2EE+native http 1/3 performance of integrated server!

2003-07-31 Thread Nicola Ken Barozzi
I read this
On page 15 I read that from the tests, they found out that running a 
native webserver and a J2EE container on the same machine was *1/3* of 
the performance of the integrated solution.

Then, on page 51, it talks about how they think performance can be 
increased, and talk about SEDA, that Avalon is slowly embracing. Maybe 
Avalon should push more on it, dunno.

Nicola Ken Barozzi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)