Re: Extension of PropertiesFileModule

2007-01-25 Thread Nicole Hochleiter
Mark Lundquist lundquist.mark at writes:

 Hi Nicole,
 In terms of the current code base, for overriding one properties file 
 with another the most parsimonious solution is to instantiate a 
 ChainMetaModule in cocoon.xconf.  Declare it to chain two 
 PropertiesFileModule instances — first the one for, 
 then the one for  No new classes required 
 But maybe it will be felt that supporting multiple properties files in 
 a single output module is desirable — in that case, it might be better 
 to just enhance PropertiesFileModule rather than add an additional 
Hi Mark,
thanks for your answer and the hint with the ChainMetaModule. Since Cocoon is so
big you sometimes don't see, that it already has a solution for your problem,
like it is in my case. I didn't know the module and what it can do. But next
time I will look for existing solution or ask the mailing list first. :-)


Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Giacomo Pati

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Alexander Klimetschek wrote:

Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 14:10:53 +0100
From: Alexander Klimetschek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in

I think the idea is to have separate release cycles and thus different 
versions for each block. So there is no general cocoon version any more, this 
version, like currently 2.2, only regards the core modules.

But as we are having our own version of cocoon 2.2 including our patches 
during development, I know the problem of going through all poms and changing 
the version number... At least there is this pom-updater tool in tools/ which 
automatically modifies all poms. It can be modified quite easily (it's XSLT) 
to do other things with the version number.

We've managed other projects with lots of module by the 
dependencyManagement section in the root pom where all dependencies 
are listed with version numbers. Module poms will thus never have a 
version defined in their dependencies.


Mark Lundquist schrieb:

 On Jan 21, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Mark Lundquist wrote:

  I need to learn how to manage multiple local artifact sets in my Maven 
  repo.  I have *two* different trunk build areas on my machine under svk 
  (my local mirror of the ASF repo, and a local development branch), but I 
  haven't put all the pieces of that story together w.r.t. Maven...

 I think what is standing in my way right now is all the hard-coded version
 ids in poms.  What's the deal with that?  There are a handful of unique
 ones in trunk right now, there must be some reason why they are all
 hardcoded into the individual project poms instead of defined as
 properties in the root pom or the several intermediate parent poms... and
 I just don't know the reason?

 If they were properties, then I could trigger a profile using file
 activation in my settings.xml and override the version property/ies,
 setting them uniquely for whatever local branch I'm building in.

- -- 
Giacomo Pati

Otego AG, Switzerland -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
Version: GnuPG v2.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Hi Bruno

Excellent work !!

regards Jeremy

On 21 Jan 2007, at 15:04, Bruno Dumon wrote:


I've replaced the calendar, the help and validation message popups and
the multi-value editor with dojo-based implementations. Thanks to  

for upgrading to dojo 0.4, which made this possible and easier.

For the first 3, these now use dojo's popup-things, which has the
user-visible advantages of using a backing iframe in IE (so the popups
are displayed on top of other input fields), correct positioning of  

popups in IE, and at most one popup is open at the same time.

Since validation messages are also displayed via these popups, any  

content in them will now be preserved.

For the calendar, it now supports date, time, and datetime selection,
this is driven by the 'variant' attribute of the formatting date
convertor. As before, the server-side date/time patterns are also also
used on the client. The calendar is internationalized, for the precise
supported languages see the dojo-languages parameter in

If anyone notices problems, feel free to fix or report them.

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RE: Continuation exception - 2.1.10 upgrade

2007-01-25 Thread Gary Larsen
Hi Antonio.  Thanks for taking a look at this.

 hi Gary, would you confirm if the issue is similar to:

The issue is similar in that I'm using a flow function and jx template with
a continuation.  The behavior is reversed as my first continuation throws an
exception and after that the continuations work.  

My exception is thrown at FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_request (rather than
FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_continuation) but my guess is that they are both due to
currentCall being null.

I'm using the rhino js-1.6R5.jar that installed with 2.1.10.  (this is
another reason for upgrading to hopefully be able to install in WebLogic)

In case it's helpful the matchers and flow are below. Maybe a different
coding approach would work better?

I'm lost inside Cocoon code so any pointers on debugging this would be
helpful.  I tried adding some debug logging in FOM_Cocoon but that didn't
help me.


map:match pattern=form/do-*
 map:call function=handleForm
   map:parameter name=function value=do_{1}/
   map:parameter name=definitionURI
   map:parameter name=bindingURI

function do_netvisnAdministration(form) {

 var appContext = cocoon.context.getAttribute(applicationContextKey);
 var bean =;


map:match pattern=form/display-*
 map:generate type=jx label=debug1
 map:transform type=forms label=content1/
 map:call resource=simple-page2html label=content2
  map:parameter name=file

map:match pattern=*.continue
   map:call continuation={1}/

Re: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-maven-reports:jar:1.0 missing

2007-01-25 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
If not, we should vote on the rules. It will be a lot of fun to read 
dozens of mails about coding conventions ;-)

Yet again? Give it a rest, follow the book [1].


Re: Keys for cache are insufficient when using multiple block servlets

2007-01-25 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Alexander Klimetschek skrev:


when using multiple block-servlets in one cocoon application (2.2), 
they will all use the same EHDefaultStore as cache. If there are 
similar matchers in the sitemaps, eg. images/header.png, the key for 
the cached resource will be the same for both blocks (just 
images/header.png), and, as the cache is global, the same cached 
object will be returned for both requests. This happens with 

This should be fixed by adding a unique key prefix for each 
block-servlet or by one cache per block-servlet, but I do not know how 
to configure this.

The Spring bean name for the block-servlet would work fine as an unique 
bean prefix.

Prefix from parent sitemap used to be part of the key, IIRC. Works even better.

And it is available from ServletConfig.getServletName() in 
the block-servlet. The next and more complicated question is how to get 
the identifier to the caching key ...

... or how to fix the regression.


Re: Sprinifying CForms

2007-01-25 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko skrev:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

  void setWidgetDefinitionBuilders(Map wdbs) { this.wdbs=wdbs; }

Hint: this operation is map lookup. So you have replaced one lookup 
from injected object with another lookup on another injected object. 
Net result: no change. :-P
The important change is that Map not is container specific. You can use 
the component by just filling a map and testing it. No container 


But thinking further on it, it doesn't matter that much in the 
particular scenario of forms. It is only the various builder and manager 
classes that use selectors. And they are not useful by them self anyway. 
So DI and avoiding container dependencies makes much more sense for the 
widgets than for the builder infra structure.

Well but, generally speaking, if you have container (especially dependency on 
specific container implementation - like spring web context - instead of 
dependency on base interface) and/or servlet API dependencies, it makes that 
much harder writing JUnit tests.

And the map is provided by a factory bean that looks up all beans 
that implements an interface and get the selector role from a property:

  property name=widgetDefinitionBuilders
bean class=o.a.c...BeansByIntefaceFactoryBean
  property name=inteface
  property name=roleAttribute value=role/

This is *exactly* what we have now: nested declaration. And this is 
*exactly* what causes the problem: there is no way to easily extend 
standard configuration.

There should be a way to add declarations of new forms component as 
stand alone spring beans, and forms should be able to pick them up. I 
figure we just should re-use existing machinery used in the sitemap. 
It certainly beats introduction of Yet Another Way To Lookup Components.
I guess my description was to terse. What I tried to describe is an 
adaption of the whiteboard pattern from OSGi, that is used precisely for 
allowing pluggable extensions.

The BeanByIntefaceFactoryBean above is not a nested dependency at all. 
It is a factory bean that searches for all components in the container 
that implements a certain interface. For each such component it looks up 
the value of a property and then create a map that contains associations 
between  property values and the components.

A more complete example would be that we define a number of components, 
that could be spread out in many independent blocks:

bean id=o.a.c.f.validation.WidgetValidatorBuilderSelector/length
 property name=type value=length/

bean id=o.a.c.f.validation.WidgetValidatorBuilderSelector/range
 property name=type value=range/

Then we have components like that use the widget components that 
currently depends on selectors, they could be configured like this:

bean id=o.a.c.f.f.WidgetDefinitionBuilder/form
 property name=type value=form/
 property name=widgetValidatorBuilders
   bean class=o.a.c...BeansByIntefaceFactoryBean
 property name=inteface

Where the BeanByIntefaceFactoryBean looks up the beans fulfilling a 
certain interface as described above.

It is rather verbose, but yes, it does solve the problem.

But, again, in this particular case it is probably not worthwhile to 
strive for complete DI. Implementing a Spring selector as Giacomo 
described in the original mail is probably the simplest way to create 

My only concern - please use same lookup method consistently. Both sitemap 
looking up generators/etc and forms manager looking up widgets should use same 


Re: Object pooling considered harmful

2007-01-25 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
What is this object pooling about? Once, long time ago, Java was really 
slow in creating and destroying objects ...

Now with modern JVMs (1.2 and later), things has changed dramatically. 
Creation and destruction of objects is amazingly fast. A new Object() 
is about 10 machine instructions ...

In Cocoon pooling was mostly for (relatively heavy) sitemap components. Problem 
is not memory allocation (new FooGenerator()) - this is the fastest part - 
problem lies in component lifecycle. If you combine costs of instance 
initialization, contextualization, configuration, setting service manager for a 
component, you'd arrive to much greater number.

Granted, some of the sitemap components are trivial to create (e.g: 
StripNamespacesTransformer), but some others might take ages. There is no one 
size fits all solution, I'm afraid.

If pooling is dropped completely, heavier sitemap components would have to be 
split up into back end components doing heavy lifting and front end 
components with simplified lifecycle. I18nTransformer could be thought of as an 
example of this pattern. It won't help though mid-weight components, whose fat 
is mostly located in the configure() method.


RE: Continuation exception - 2.1.10 upgrade

2007-01-25 Thread Gary Larsen
I just tried my application using 2.1.9 and the forms/continuations are
working OK.  This Cocoon version is using rhino1.5r4-continuations-R26.jar
so I would like to move to 2.1.10 if possible.

I'm not sure if this is a problem of my configuration/code compatibilty with
2.1.10 or possibly a bug in that version.

Any suggestions on how a non-cocoon-dev person can track down this problem
(if that's possible :-) would be great.


  hi Gary, would you confirm if the issue is similar to:
 The issue is similar in that I'm using a flow function and jx 
 template with a continuation.  The behavior is reversed as my 
 first continuation throws an exception and after that the 
 continuations work.  
 My exception is thrown at FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_request (rather than
 FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_continuation) but my guess is that they are 
 both due to currentCall being null.

Re: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-maven-reports:jar:1.0 missing

2007-01-25 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
If not, we should vote on the rules. It will be a lot of fun to read 
dozens of mails about coding conventions ;-)

Yet again? Give it a rest, follow the book [1].

aren't you missing it? We haven't had a coding conventions discussion for months 
(or even years)! :-p


Carsten, in a previous mail you said that you used a stripped down version of 
rules. But of what rules, the Sun rules that Vadim refers to? I assume you did 
this because the Sun rules caused too many errors and warnings and made the 
report unreadable, didn't it?

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer  (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?

2007-01-25 Thread Bart Molenkamp

I can't start Cocoon 2.2, because the file
WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml isn't valid. I get the following

Line 30 in XML document from ServletContext resource
[/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching
wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The
matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element

I really don't understand why this error occurs. The file is created by
cocoon's webapp archetype, and I was able to run my application before
today. If I open the file in Eclipse (using WTP's XML editor, it also
notices the errors).

Does anybody have any clue (I'm using spring 2.0.2, cocoon


Re: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?

2007-01-25 Thread Leszek Gawron

Bart Molenkamp wrote:


I can't start Cocoon 2.2, because the file
WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml isn't valid. I get the following

Line 30 in XML document from ServletContext resource
[/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching
wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The
matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element

I really don't understand why this error occurs. The file is created by
cocoon's webapp archetype, and I was able to run my application before
today. If I open the file in Eclipse (using WTP's XML editor, it also
notices the errors).

Does anybody have any clue (I'm using spring 2.0.2, cocoon

The syntax you're using is outdated (I also have hard time to keep up 
lately). Your applicationContext.xml should state:

beans xmlns=;

  !-- Activate Cocoon Spring Configurator --

  !-- Configure Log4j --
  bean name=org.apache.cocoon.spring.configurator.log4j
property name=settings ref=org.apache.cocoon.configuration.Settings/
property name=resource value=/WEB-INF/cocoon/log4j.xml/

  !-- Activate Avalon Bridge --


no cocoon:settings/ anymore...


RE: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?

2007-01-25 Thread Bart Molenkamp
Thanks, I just found out myself while looking at the resources in the


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Leszek Gawron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: donderdag 25 januari 2007 16:29
 Onderwerp: Re: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?
 Bart Molenkamp wrote:
  I can't start Cocoon 2.2, because the file
  WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml isn't valid. I get the following
  Line 30 in XML document from ServletContext resource
  [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is
  org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching
  wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element
  Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c:
  matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for
  I really don't understand why this error occurs. The file is created
  cocoon's webapp archetype, and I was able to run my application
  today. If I open the file in Eclipse (using WTP's XML editor, it
  notices the errors).
  Does anybody have any clue (I'm using spring 2.0.2, cocoon
 The syntax you're using is outdated (I also have hard time to keep up
 lately). Your applicationContext.xml should state:
  beans xmlns=;
!-- Activate Cocoon Spring Configurator --
!-- Configure Log4j --
bean name=org.apache.cocoon.spring.configurator.log4j
  property name=settings
  property name=resource value=/WEB-INF/cocoon/log4j.xml/
!-- Activate Avalon Bridge --
 no cocoon:settings/ anymore...

Re: Continuation exception - 2.1.10 upgrade

2007-01-25 Thread Antonio Gallardo

Hi Gary,

We hit the same issue last week. It is a bug in the new rhino jar. Same 
as you all our flow applications fails with the new rhino introduced in 

We also spent 2 days trying to fix it inside the rhino code. Our work 
around after 2 days was to continue using 
rhino1.5r4-continuations-R26.jar. The latest cocoon revision using the 
later jar on subversion is 479984.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

Gary Larsen escribió:
I just tried my application using 2.1.9 and the forms/continuations are

working OK.  This Cocoon version is using rhino1.5r4-continuations-R26.jar
so I would like to move to 2.1.10 if possible.

I'm not sure if this is a problem of my configuration/code compatibilty with
2.1.10 or possibly a bug in that version.

Any suggestions on how a non-cocoon-dev person can track down this problem
(if that's possible :-) would be great.



hi Gary, would you confirm if the issue is similar to:
The issue is similar in that I'm using a flow function and jx 
template with a continuation.  The behavior is reversed as my 
first continuation throws an exception and after that the 
continuations work.  

My exception is thrown at FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_request (rather than
FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_continuation) but my guess is that they are 
both due to currentCall being null.

RE: Continuation exception - 2.1.10 upgrade

2007-01-25 Thread Gary Larsen
It good to know it's not only me.  I'll try the revision you suggested.

Thanks again for help,

 -Original Message-
 From: Antonio Gallardo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 10:52 AM
 Subject: Re: Continuation exception - 2.1.10 upgrade
 Hi Gary,
 We hit the same issue last week. It is a bug in the new rhino 
 jar. Same as you all our flow applications fails with the new 
 rhino introduced in 2.1.10.
 We also spent 2 days trying to fix it inside the rhino code. 
 Our work around after 2 days was to continue using 
 rhino1.5r4-continuations-R26.jar. The latest cocoon revision 
 using the later jar on subversion is 479984.
 Best Regards,
 Antonio Gallardo.
 Gary Larsen escribió:
  I just tried my application using 2.1.9 and the forms/continuations 
  are working OK.  This Cocoon version is using 
  rhino1.5r4-continuations-R26.jar so I would like to move to 
 2.1.10 if possible.
  I'm not sure if this is a problem of my configuration/code 
  compatibilty with 2.1.10 or possibly a bug in that version.
  Any suggestions on how a non-cocoon-dev person can track down this 
  problem (if that's possible :-) would be great.

  hi Gary, would you confirm if the issue is similar to:

  The issue is similar in that I'm using a flow function and jx 
  template with a continuation.  The behavior is reversed as 
 my first 
  continuation throws an exception and after that the continuations 
  My exception is thrown at FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_request (rather than
  FOM_Cocoon.jsGet_continuation) but my guess is that they 
 are both due 
  to currentCall being null.

Re: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-maven-reports:jar:1.0 missing

2007-01-25 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
If not, we should vote on the rules. It will be a lot of fun to read 
dozens of mails about coding conventions ;-)

Yet again? Give it a rest, follow the book [1].

aren't you missing it? We haven't had a coding conventions discussion 
for months (or even years)! :-p


Carsten, in a previous mail you said that you used a stripped down 
version of rules. But of what rules, the Sun rules that Vadim refers to? 
I assume you did this because the Sun rules caused too many errors and 
warnings and made the report unreadable, didn't it?

My guess: he does not like Sun's whitespace policies :-P


Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Bruno Dumon napisał(a):

 I've replaced the calendar, the help and validation message popups and
 the multi-value editor with dojo-based implementations. Thanks to Jeremy
 for upgrading to dojo 0.4, which made this possible and easier.

 If anyone notices problems, feel free to fix or report them.
I would like to ask if Forms are still supposed to work without JS
enabled? If so there is an issue with validation errors, see [1]. I
think it's quite easy to fix this particular issue (I can take care of
it) but I would like to know about general guidelines. Also there is
still issue with loading forms resources in C2.2, but it's topic for
another thread. I'll start it now.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

RE: Bug in cocoon-22-archetype-webapp? (was: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?)

2007-01-25 Thread Bart Molenkamp
I just hit the send button too early, sorry...

I was looking at the archetype source, and saw that the configuration
for log4j pointed to the file:

But the file isn't in /WEB-INF/cocoon, but just in /WEB-INF. This seems
to cause an exception when starting the webapp...

So, I think the file should be moved to the cocoon/ directory, or the
applicationContext.xml should be updated.


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Bart Molenkamp
 Verzonden: donderdag 25 januari 2007 16:39
 Onderwerp: Bug in cocoon-22-archetype-webapp? (was:
 not valid according to schema?)
 Looking at the archetype, I see the configuration:
  -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
  Van: Bart Molenkamp
  Verzonden: donderdag 25 januari 2007 16:32
  Onderwerp: RE: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?
  Thanks, I just found out myself while looking at the resources in
   -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
   Van: Leszek Gawron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Verzonden: donderdag 25 januari 2007 16:29
   Onderwerp: Re: applicationContext.xml not valid according to
   Bart Molenkamp wrote:
I can't start Cocoon 2.2, because the file
WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml isn't valid. I get the following
Line 30 in XML document from ServletContext resource
[/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The
wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for
I really don't understand why this error occurs. The file is
cocoon's webapp archetype, and I was able to run my application
today. If I open the file in Eclipse (using WTP's XML editor, it
notices the errors).
Does anybody have any clue (I'm using spring 2.0.2, cocoon
   The syntax you're using is outdated (I also have hard time to keep
   lately). Your applicationContext.xml should state:
beans xmlns=;
  !-- Activate Cocoon Spring Configurator --
  !-- Configure Log4j --
  bean name=org.apache.cocoon.spring.configurator.log4j
property name=settings
property name=resource
  !-- Activate Avalon Bridge --
   no cocoon:settings/ anymore...

Bug in cocoon-22-archetype-webapp? (was: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?)

2007-01-25 Thread Bart Molenkamp
Looking at the archetype, I see the configuration:

 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Bart Molenkamp
 Verzonden: donderdag 25 januari 2007 16:32
 Onderwerp: RE: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?
 Thanks, I just found out myself while looking at the resources in the
  -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
  Van: Leszek Gawron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Verzonden: donderdag 25 januari 2007 16:29
  Onderwerp: Re: applicationContext.xml not valid according to schema?
  Bart Molenkamp wrote:
   I can't start Cocoon 2.2, because the file
   WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml isn't valid. I get the following
   Line 30 in XML document from ServletContext resource
   [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is
   org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The
   wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element
   Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c:
   matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for
   I really don't understand why this error occurs. The file is
   cocoon's webapp archetype, and I was able to run my application
   today. If I open the file in Eclipse (using WTP's XML editor, it
   notices the errors).
   Does anybody have any clue (I'm using spring 2.0.2, cocoon
  The syntax you're using is outdated (I also have hard time to keep
  lately). Your applicationContext.xml should state:
   beans xmlns=;
 !-- Activate Cocoon Spring Configurator --
 !-- Configure Log4j --
 bean name=org.apache.cocoon.spring.configurator.log4j
   property name=settings
   property name=resource value=/WEB-INF/cocoon/log4j.xml/
 !-- Activate Avalon Bridge --
  no cocoon:settings/ anymore...

Block resources in 2.2 (Forms in particular case)

2007-01-25 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

I've tried Forms blocks using /core/cocoon-webapp block(?) lately and
I've found that resources loading does not work. I would like to fix it
but in the manner of using blocks-fw as it seems to be mature enough. It
is, right? So my questions are:
1. Should block resources be served directly by block owning them? I
mean, should request for some javascript files be dispatched (by
blocks-fw dispatcher) directly to forms block and some matcher in there
would catch up the request?
2. Or maybe always block that uses forms block should catch the request
for resources and redirect them (by using some source from block-fw?) to
the forms block?
3. What about paths? Are they supposed to be absolute? If not, which
block (and phase of processing request) is responsible for link
rewriting and what technique is advised?

Thanks for any pointers, advices. I would like to say, that I'm going to
document all these sort of things when I was confident enough myself.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Bruno Dumon napisał(a):
 On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 17:39 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:  

 I think you forgot your [1] link.
Sorry, here it goes:
I'm aware that this particular problem has other reason that need to be
fixed but this shows exactly what happens were there is no js.
 All the things I've changed were already Javascript based, so I see
 little problems there. It's of course possible to override the default
 XSLs to do something non-javascript based.
I know, but AFAIR before dojo transition if js had failed to load
validation still have been displayed. Or it wasn't the case then?
What is more important, if there is any agreement on treating this kind
of issues? Should we just require JS for Forms or try create html output
that easily fallbacks if there is no js? Is it possible and worth the

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 18:34 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 Bruno Dumon napisał(a): 
  On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 17:39 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:  

  I think you forgot your [1] link.

 Sorry, here it goes:
 I'm aware that this particular problem has other reason that need to
 be fixed but this shows exactly what happens were there is no js.
  All the things I've changed were already Javascript based, so I see
  little problems there. It's of course possible to override the default
  XSLs to do something non-javascript based.

 I know, but AFAIR before dojo transition if js had failed to load
 validation still have been displayed. Or it wasn't the case then?

Ah yes. That could be easily fixed by adding the validation error icon
as part of the widget-defining element (i.e. the element that gets
replaced by the dojo widget).

 What is more important, if there is any agreement on treating this
 kind of issues? Should we just require JS for Forms or try create html
 output that easily fallbacks if there is no js? Is it possible and
 worth the effort?

Some stuff simply requires javascript (popups, datepickers, etc). But
you're right that the validation error icon should always be displayed,
even if the js fails to load. Not sure if you want more than this?

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 17:39 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 Bruno Dumon napisał(a):
  I've replaced the calendar, the help and validation message popups and
  the multi-value editor with dojo-based implementations. Thanks to Jeremy
  for upgrading to dojo 0.4, which made this possible and easier.
  If anyone notices problems, feel free to fix or report them.

 I would like to ask if Forms are still supposed to work without JS
 enabled? If so there is an issue with validation errors, see [1]. I
 think it's quite easy to fix this particular issue (I can take care of
 it) but I would like to know about general guidelines. Also there is
 still issue with loading forms resources in C2.2, but it's topic for
 another thread. I'll start it now.

I think you forgot your [1] link.

All the things I've changed were already Javascript based, so I see
little problems there. It's of course possible to override the default
XSLs to do something non-javascript based.

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

RE: Continuation exception - 2.1.10 upgrade

2007-01-25 Thread Gary Larsen
 We also spent 2 days trying to fix it inside the rhino code. 
 Our work around after 2 days was to continue using 
 rhino1.5r4-continuations-R26.jar. The latest cocoon 
 revision using the 
 later jar on subversion is 479984.
When I extracted this revision it looks like Tortoise extracted the trunk
version of the blocks so I get compile errors:

Compiling 380 source files to
iptable,,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.Object) in
ascript.Context cannot be applied to
script = ctx.compileReader(new StringReader(jsText), // in
I guess I'll try 2.1.9 unless there is an easy way to get a revision where
the blocks work also.


Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Bruno Dumon napisał(a):
 On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 18:34 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

 Ah yes. That could be easily fixed by adding the validation error icon
 as part of the widget-defining element (i.e. the element that gets
 replaced by the dojo widget).
Could you take care of it or should I apply the patch?
 Some stuff simply requires javascript (popups, datepickers, etc). But
 you're right that the validation error icon should always be displayed,
 even if the js fails to load. Not sure if you want more than this
Let it be that only basic functionality should work without JS, the rest
that makes Forms intriguing demands  JS working properly, dot. I'm
fine with that.
Also thanks for your effort, new dojo-based widgets rock! :)

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 25, 2007, at 3:01 AM, Giacomo Pati wrote:

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Alexander Klimetschek wrote:
But as we are having our own version of cocoon 2.2 including our  
patches during development, I know the problem of going through all  
poms and changing the version number... At least there is this  
pom-updater tool in tools/ which automatically modifies all poms. It  
can be modified quite easily (it's XSLT) to do other things with the  
version number.

We've managed other projects with lots of module by the  
dependencyManagement section in the root pom where all dependencies  
are listed with version numbers. Module poms will thus never have a  
version defined in their dependencies.

For the standard case (not my local branch problem), I think  
dependencyManagement could be used and we could get rid of the  
pom-updater.  At first I (Maven noob) thought it wouldn't work because  
Cocoon is no longer a monolithic project, i.e. a person should be able  
to do an isolated checkout of a block and build and develop on it,  
without having all of trunk checked out.  But then I realized (d'oh!)  
that the root pom and other aggregating poms are in artifacts that will  
be fetched into the local maven repo, they don't have to be built  
locally.  So, it looks like using the standard dependencyManagement  
instead of custom pom-updater is using the right tool for the right  
job, WDOT?

Now can we please get back to talking about my local branch problem? :-)

dependencyMangement of course does not help me, because the only  
things you can set in an ad hoc local profile are repository locations  
and properties.  Everything else was deemed too dangerous [1] by the  
Maven developers, because it militates against build reproducibility  
(they call it portability).  IMHO, that was a bad decision and the  
wrong solution to the reproducibility problem!

How can I have multiple local builds of the same artifact coexisting on  
my machine, without modifying any Subversion-controlled resources (e.g.  
poms)?  That's the question.  I'm in need of some brilliant ideas here,  
does somebody have any?



Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Alexander Klimetschek

Mark Lundquist schrieb:
dependencyMangement of course does not help me, because the only 
things you can set in an ad hoc local profile are repository locations 
and properties.  Everything else was deemed too dangerous [1] by the 
Maven developers, because it militates against build reproducibility 
(they call it portability).  IMHO, that was a bad decision and the 
wrong solution to the reproducibility problem!

Full ACK. When I read about what you can put in a profile and what not, 
I was thinking the same thing. They should have simply allowed it, but 
with a big warning sign in the documentation to not use it the wrong way...

How can I have multiple local builds of the same artifact coexisting on 
my machine, without modifying any Subversion-controlled resources (e.g. 
poms)?  That's the question.  I'm in need of some brilliant ideas here, 
does somebody have any?

What's with the properties idea you suggested? Put properties for all 
child-pom-versions in the root pom and overwrite them in your profile.


Alexander Klimetschek

Re: Keys for cache are insufficient when using multiple block servlets

2007-01-25 Thread Alexander Klimetschek
I just wrote a pipeline that fixes my other problem [1] (by selecting 
between two different pipelines based on the actual running mode) and 
included this fix for the caching key which works fine. I have to pass 
through each of the ProcessingPipeline methods anyway and in each call 
that has the Environment as parameter I change the uri prefix set in it:

private void fixEnvironmentForCachingPrefix(Environment env) {
if (this.fixMissingCachingPrefixWithBlockServlets 
(env.getURIPrefix() == null || env.getURIPrefix().equals())) {

ServletContext context =

if (context instanceof BlockContext) {
// use the mount path of the block as the prefix
String mountPath =
((BlockContext) context).getMountPath() + /;
env.setURI(mountPath, env.getURI());

The trick is using the static method 
BlockCallStack.getCurrentBlockContext() and using the mount path as a 
unique and short URI prefix, which is then used by the caching pipeline 
implemenations. You are free to consider it as a dirty hack ;-)



Vadim Gritsenko schrieb:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Alexander Klimetschek skrev:


when using multiple block-servlets in one cocoon application (2.2), 
they will all use the same EHDefaultStore as cache. If there are 
similar matchers in the sitemaps, eg. images/header.png, the key for 
the cached resource will be the same for both blocks (just 
images/header.png), and, as the cache is global, the same cached 
object will be returned for both requests. This happens with 

This should be fixed by adding a unique key prefix for each 
block-servlet or by one cache per block-servlet, but I do not know 
how to configure this.

The Spring bean name for the block-servlet would work fine as an 
unique bean prefix.

Prefix from parent sitemap used to be part of the key, IIRC. Works even 

And it is available from ServletConfig.getServletName() in the 
block-servlet. The next and more complicated question is how to get 
the identifier to the caching key ...

 or how to fix the regression.


Alexander Klimetschek

Re: cforms dojo updates: calendar, help and validation messages, multivalue editor

2007-01-25 Thread Bruno Dumon
On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 19:02 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 Bruno Dumon napisał(a):
  On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 18:34 +0100, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

  Ah yes. That could be easily fixed by adding the validation error icon
  as part of the widget-defining element (i.e. the element that gets
  replaced by the dojo widget).

 Could you take care of it or should I apply the patch?

I could have a look at it in the weekend, but a patch is welcome.

Bruno Dumon
Outerthought - Open Source, Java  XML Competence Support Center

Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Jorg Heymans

Mark Lundquist wrote:

What I'm trying to have is (a) a reference build of trunk that does 
not have any of my local fingerprints on it, and (b) a local development 
build (or even, potentially, more than one of those).  Then I can play 

How about having 2 local repositories ? Put a settings.xml in your 
reference checkout and invoke maven using -s settings.xml. Do the  same 
for your local dev checkout and make sure that the localRepository 
element [1] in both is different.

Each lower-level pom would use the appropriate ${cocoon.verision...} 
property in setting its version, and would similarly use these 
properties to define versions of its dependencys.  If e.g. trunk 
development requires, say, that some level have a different version 
number, then it would be changed at that level in the root pom's tree of 
version property definitions.  (I'm talking about controlled changes in 
Subversion here, not local changes).  (Note, there would be no more need 
for the pom-updater in this scheme).


Now, this breaks good design because the root pom has to know details 
about the whole project tree, which countervails decomposition by 
hierarchal project aggregation.  But... it does allow me to have 

countervailing decomposition by hierarchical project aggregation, mind 
if i use that one in my next presentation to senior management? :P

multiple builds that can coexist because they do not create artifact 
clashes in my local maven repo, because I can trigger a build profile 
that overrides whichever version properties I require to be unique for 
that build.

Mark, i think you have a lot of great ideas about improving our build. 
At this point i cannot say whether any of them will fully work, you 
should just try it out a bit and report back.

Maven2 is not bug-free by any means, and some of its advertised ways of 
how it should work (eg dependencyManagement) simply don't. For 
example, my experience with version properties in the root pom is that 
the variable interpolation on artifact deployment time is buggy. Perhaps 
this has been fixed already, if so then great but everyone will need to 
upgrade to 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT for it to work. Also, if you cram the 
dependencies of 100+ modules and their version numbers in the root pom 
then this can become a management bottleneck as well as this pom will 
need to be managed and included in the release process of every module.



Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 25, 2007, at 11:46 AM, Jorg Heymans wrote:

countervailing decomposition by hierarchical project aggregation, 
mind if i use that one in my next presentation to senior management? 

Ha Jorg, I *challenge* you to slip it in somewhere into your very next 
presentation to senior management, whatever that may be! :-) :-)


Re: Sprinifying CForms

2007-01-25 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Vadim Gritsenko skrev:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko skrev:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

A more complete example would be that we define a number of 
components, that could be spread out in many independent blocks:

bean id=o.a.c.f.validation.WidgetValidatorBuilderSelector/length
 property name=type value=length/

bean id=o.a.c.f.validation.WidgetValidatorBuilderSelector/range
 property name=type value=range/

Then we have components like that use the widget components that 
currently depends on selectors, they could be configured like this:

bean id=o.a.c.f.f.WidgetDefinitionBuilder/form
 property name=type value=form/
 property name=widgetValidatorBuilders
   bean class=o.a.c...BeansByIntefaceFactoryBean
 property name=inteface

Where the BeanByIntefaceFactoryBean looks up the beans fulfilling a 
certain interface as described above.

It is rather verbose, but yes, it does solve the problem.

It is verbose, but using the xml extension mechanism in Spring 2.0 we 
could create a shorter notation as e.g.:

 bean id=o.a.c.f.f.WidgetDefinitionBuilder/form
  property name=type value=form/
  property name=widgetValidatorBuilders

Or even shorter by parsing the bean id for /form, don't think it is 
such a good idea to parse ids though.


Re: Object pooling considered harmful

2007-01-25 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Vadim Gritsenko skrev:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
What is this object pooling about? Once, long time ago, Java was 
really slow in creating and destroying objects ...

Now with modern JVMs (1.2 and later), things has changed dramatically. 
Creation and destruction of objects is amazingly fast. A new 
Object() is about 10 machine instructions ...

In Cocoon pooling was mostly for (relatively heavy) sitemap components. 
Problem is not memory allocation (new FooGenerator()) - this is the 
fastest part - problem lies in component lifecycle. If you combine costs 
of instance initialization, contextualization, configuration, setting 
service manager for a component, you'd arrive to much greater number.

Sure, but these life cycles steps is much cheaper for a Spring managed 
bean that uses prototype scope than for an ECM managed single threaded 
component. For a Spring managed bean in prototype scope the 
configuration is only needed to be parsed once at container setup time 
while the configuration needs to be traversed at every component 
creation for Avalon components that are single threaded. Likewise for 
service lookup and contextualization.

Of course some components might still be so heavy to create that pooling 
is worthwhile. But compiler development together with that Spring 
framework works differently than ECM, changes the situation so that many 
components that many components that were worthwhile to manage with a 
pool once, is  much cheaper to recreate today.

Granted, some of the sitemap components are trivial to create (e.g: 
StripNamespacesTransformer), but some others might take ages. There is 
no one size fits all solution, I'm afraid.

If pooling is dropped completely, heavier sitemap components would have 
to be split up into back end components doing heavy lifting and front 
end components with simplified lifecycle. I18nTransformer could be 
thought of as an example of this pattern. It won't help though 
mid-weight components, whose fat is mostly located in the configure() 

There is no reason to drop pooling for Avalon components as we have an 
implementation of pooling in the Avalon-Spring bridge.

For the components that we convert to Spring managed POJOs, it is in 
general better to try to rewrite them as you describe above as pooling 
doesn't fit well together with the way the Spring framework works.


Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 25, 2007, at 11:46 AM, Jorg Heymans wrote:

How about having 2 local repositories ? Put a settings.xml in your 
reference checkout and invoke maven using -s settings.xml. Do the  
same for your local dev checkout and make sure that the 
localRepository element [1] in both is different.

LOL, Reinhard suggested the same thing earlier on in this thread.  I 
might end up trying to do it this way temporarily, if that's what it 
takes to get some work done.  The main problem with it is that because 
it's not location-dependent, it's not set-and-forget, which means it's 
not foolproof, which means that ML is guaranteed to cock it up within 
the first 24 hours (either through confusion or sheer forgetfulness) 
:-/  It's also kind of a heavy-handed kluge that goes against the 
spirit of Maven (IMHO alternative local repo locations should only be 
used for testing purposes), but that's a secondary issue...

Maven2 is not bug-free by any means, and some of its advertised ways 
of how it should work (eg dependencyManagement) simply don't. For 
example, my experience with version properties in the root pom is that 
the variable interpolation on artifact deployment time is buggy. 
Perhaps this has been fixed already, if so then great but everyone 
will need to upgrade to 2.0.5-SNAPSHOT for it to work.

Right, and I realize that Maven 2 is a work in progress.  In spite of 
that, and even though it gets harshed on by a lot of people in the Java 
world, I think the Mavenization of Cocoon will turn out to have been 
one of the best decisions for Cocoon ever.  That and the 
Springification... so 2.2 is really something to hang your hat on.  
Many thx to all you guys for all the great work.

Anyway [ahem]... Maven may not be perfect yet, but like Eric Raymond 
said, all bugs are shallow given enough eyeballs, and there are a lot 
of eyeballs on Maven right now, so I think it will get better.

Also, if you cram the dependencies of 100+ modules and their version 
numbers in the root pom then this can become a management bottleneck 
as well as this pom will need to be managed and included in the 
release process of every module.

Yes — a pain.  I don't like centralizing this.  Anyway, w.r.t. while 
there may yet be a role for dependencyManagement in our build system, 
it looks to me like it does not help with the intra-project 
dependencies, because it only addresses the dependent side and not the 
installing side.  The reference [1] doesn't say anything about 
dependencyManagement affecting the version of any artifact being 
built.  It just says anybody that uses artifact Foo, you get version 
XYZ of it.  If I'm actually building Foo though, this doesn't make it 
build version XYZ, it still builds whatever its project/version says.


Re: Block resources in 2.2 (Forms in particular case)

2007-01-25 Thread Daniel Fagerstrom

Grzegorz Kossakowski skrev:


I've tried Forms blocks using /core/cocoon-webapp block(?) lately and
I've found that resources loading does not work.

Are you using it the standard way: 
http://localhost:/blocks/cocoon-forms-sample/ or are you using it 
through the blocks-fw? In the former case resource loading seems to work 
for me.

I would like to fix it
but in the manner of using blocks-fw as it seems to be mature enough. It
is, right?

It should be stable enough, although I'm working on changing the naming 
as discussed in 
But that will only change some names for the user, so it will be easy to 
adapt any work that you start to the new naming.

So my questions are:
1. Should block resources be served directly by block owning them? I
mean, should request for some javascript files be dispatched (by
blocks-fw dispatcher) directly to forms block and some matcher in there
would catch up the request?

In most cases this should be the best solution.

2. Or maybe always block that uses forms block should catch the request
for resources and redirect them (by using some source from block-fw?) to
the forms block?

This requires more work and means less separation of concern as the 
using block must know and repeat the resource handling of the used block.

But in cases where you want the used block to be internal only, (i.e. 
not mounted on any path and just usable through the block protocol or 
named dispacther), alternative 2. is the best option.

3. What about paths? Are they supposed to be absolute?

It makes the the using block slightly less reusable, as it assumes that 
the used block is mounted at specific position. But for a normal 
application that not is supposed to be reused in other, unknown, 
applications, it is OK to use absolute paths for resources (relative to 
the context though).

If not, which
block (and phase of processing request) is responsible for link
rewriting and what technique is advised?

You can use the block-path module together with the 
LinkRewriterTransformer in the linkrewriter block. A setup like:

  link-attrshref src/link-attrs

have worked before, but I haven't tested for a while.

It would simplify use to have a special purpose transformer or maybe 
even a servlet filter, that took care about the rewriting.

Thanks for any pointers, advices. I would like to say, that I'm going to
document all these sort of things when I was confident enough myself.


What I wrote above is my preliminary thoughts. More use is needed before 
we can have any more authoritative best practice.

It would be interesting to hear about the thoughts from other people who 
 are using the blocks-fw.


Re: Hardcoded artifact versions (was Re: Multiple local snapshots in Maven)

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Lundquist

On Jan 25, 2007, at 11:12 AM, Alexander Klimetschek wrote:

Mark Lundquist schrieb:
dependencyMangement of course does not help me, because the only 
things you can set in an ad hoc local profile are repository 
locations and properties.  Everything else was deemed too dangerous 
[1] by the Maven developers, because it militates against build 
reproducibility (they call it portability).  IMHO, that was a bad 
decision and the wrong solution to the reproducibility problem!

Full ACK. When I read about what you can put in a profile and what 
not, I was thinking the same thing. They should have simply allowed 
it, but with a big warning sign in the documentation to not use it the 
wrong way...

Well, I've been studying this some more, and I think that even if 
dependencyManagement were overridable within an external profile, it 
would not be enough (see my recent reply to Jorg)...

How can I have multiple local builds of the same artifact coexisting 
on my machine, without modifying any Subversion-controlled resources 
(e.g. poms)?  That's the question.  I'm in need of some brilliant 
ideas here, does somebody have any?

What's with the properties idea you suggested? Put properties for all 
child-pom-versions in the root pom and overwrite them in your profile.

It's just sort of disgusting :-/.  I think it would work, but... there 
are like 248 poms in Cocoon, up to 4 levels deep.  I doubt we really 
want to mirror that structure in the root pom.  This would have to be 
kept in sync with the source tree at all times, even for local changes, 
and that introduces new friction for refactoring efforts, or even just 
adding a new block.  Also, modules will go away and people will forget 
to delete the corresponding properties from the root pom, so it will 
get cluttered with obsolete stuff.

As I was thinking about this, at one point just a bit ago it seemed to 
me that this really cries out for IOC for poms!  I was thinking, what 
if your external profile could intercept any pom in the build and 
override something therein?  Then I started looking through the pom 
elements, and it appears the only thing that's at all reasonable to 
override on an ad hoc basis (i.e. without touching controlled files 
like poms) is the version id for subprojects.  I also realized that I 
was too liberal in my criticism of the Maven approach to ad hoc 
profiles, because this is a very legitimate measure to preserve build 
reproducibility in the committer = repository direction.  Everything 
else in the pom would break reproducibility under local overriding, but 
this one thing does not: the version id to use for (a) building module 
X and (b) for satisfying dependencies on X within this top-level 
project.  So we don't need or want a general-purpose IOC here.  What 
we need is a very specific profile-driven mechanism in Maven for 
addressing the specific problem of allowing multiple coexisting project 
builds on one machine so as to not result in artifact clashes in the 
repository.  That's it.

A very quick and dirty workaround would be to for Maven to introduce a 
localRepository element (a la settings.xml) in an external profile.  
It's un-Maveny and inelegant, but it would be relatively easy and 


Re: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-maven-reports:jar:1.0 missing

2007-01-25 Thread Niclas Hedhman
On Friday 26 January 2007 00:26, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 My guess: he does not like Sun's whitespace policies :-P

Code convention written by vi and emacs nerds of the 80s, with 80x24 character 
VT100 terminals, really sux... Saving screen real-estate is not a concern 
anymore. Readability is.

But change in this field is like mass conversion of religious devotees... ;o)
