[jira] Subscription: COCOON-open-with-patch

2009-03-18 Thread jira
Issue Subscription
Filter: COCOON-open-with-patch (107 issues)
Subscriber: cocoon

Key Summary
COCOON-2250 Wrong error message in Element.java (jx:element)
COCOON-2249 XHTMLSerializer uses entity references quot; and apos; which 
cause JavaScript parse errors
COCOON-2246 HttpRequest  should handle encoding in getParameter and 
getParameterValues in the same way
COCOON-2233 Update archetypes to current trunk artifact versions
COCOON- Add SaxParser configuration properties
COCOON-2216 IncludeCacheManager can not perfom parallel includes
COCOON-2212 jx:attribute does not check name is correct before proceeding
COCOON-2211 Support for jx:element
COCOON-2197 Making the cocoon-auth-block acegi-security-sample work
COCOON-2173 AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline: Two requests can deadlock each 
COCOON-2162 [PATCH] Fix for Paginator when accessing out of bounds Pagination 
COCOON-2137 XSD Schemas for CForms Development
COCOON-2114 fix sorting in TraversableGenerator
COCOON-2108 xmodule:flow-attr Does not accept document objects
COCOON-2104 [PATCH] Add base URI fixup support to XIncludeTransformer
COCOON-2100 Retrieving mimeType returned by pipeline executed from Flow
COCOON-2041 WebDAV Returns improper status on PUT
COCOON-2040 Union widget does not work with booleanfield set as case widget
COCOON-2037 New DynamicGroup widget
COCOON-2035 NPE in the sorter of the EnhancedRepeater
COCOON-2032 [PATCH] Sort order in paginated repeater
COCOON-2030 submit-on-change doesn't work for a multivaluefield with 
COCOON-2018 Use thread context class loader to load custom binding classes
COCOON-2017 More output beautification options for serializers
COCOON-2015 Doctype added twice because root element (html) is inlined
COCOON-2002 HTML transformer  only works with latin-1 characters
COCOON-1974 Donating ContextAttributeInputModule
COCOON-1973 CaptchaValidator: allow case-insensitive matching
COCOON-1964 Redirects inside a block called via the servlet protocol fail
COCOON-1963 Add a redirect action to the browser update handler
COCOON-1960 Pipeline errors for generator/reader already set should provide 
more information
COCOON-1949 [PATCH] load flowscript from file into specified Rhino context 
COCOON-1946 [PATCH] - Javaflow Sample errors trying to enhance Javaflow classes 
and showing cform templates
COCOON-1943 [Patch] Parameters in blocks-protocol URIs get decoded too early
COCOON-1932 [PATCH] correct styling of disabled suggestion lists
COCOON-1929 [PATCH] Reloading classloader in Cocoon 2.2
COCOON-1917 Request Encoding problem: multipart/form vs. url encoded
COCOON-1915 Nullable value with additional String or XMLizable 

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-18 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 05.03.2009 00:33, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Now I'll give a few words of comments why I find my implementation easier to 
First of all, sitemap processing is divided into a few distinct stages:
  1. Sitemap parsing
  2. Sitemap reduction
  3. Sitemap invocation
 3.1 Actions execution
 3.2 Pipeline building
 3.3 Pipeline execution
 3.4 Catching possible exception
  4. If exception catched, reduction of handle errors node
  5. Handling exception with reduction result

What's more, for most of the time code is based on immutable structures which 
is the biggest advantage. What I found
hard with current implementation hard is InvocationImpl passed around that 
quite a lot of state. If you combine it with
InvocationResult switches (cases) that every node has to return in its invoke() 
method the result isn't really
appealing. This sort of resembles mistakes from C2.x where big, mutable objects 
were passed around leading to
unmaintainable code.

I'm interested in hearing your opinions on that subject. I know that's rather 
hard to judge rather big piece of code in
unfamiliar language but I'm sure you can easily get some overall feeling about 
my implementation and ideas behind it.

I don't have the time to actually look into your implementation. I'm 
just wondering if all the insight views couldn't be used to improve the 
Java implementation rather than starting something in a different language.


Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-18 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Joerg Heinicke pisze:
 I don't have the time to actually look into your implementation. I'm
 just wondering if all the insight views couldn't be used to improve the
 Java implementation rather than starting something in a different language.

It could.

What I'm doing at the moment is sort of wild experimentation that I don't know 
where will lead me to. I'm reimplementing
sitemap in Scala because I thought that sitemap processing is something 
complicated enough to get a real feel of
programming in Scala.

It's true that anything I write in Scala could be emulated in Java but when I 
think about it I feel rather overwhelmed
by the possible verbosity of Java counterparts to Scala constructs. In my 
implementation I exploit heavily strong typing
by defining lots of types and using lots of generics. I use closures and 
pattern matching quite a lot.

Compare (Scala):
private def filterUnprefixedSimpleAttributes(attributes : MetaData) : 
Map[String, String] =
  Map() ++ attributes.flatMap(attr = attr match {
  case ua : UnprefixedAttribute = List(ua.key - 
  case _ = Nil

to translation of it (Java):
private MapString, String filterUnprefixedSimpleAttributes(MetaData 
attributes) = {
 return (new MapString, String()).putAll(attributes.flatMap(
   new Function1MetaData, ListTuple2String, String() {
ListTuple2String, String apply(MetaData x) {
  if (x istanceof UnprefixedAttribute) {
 UnprefixedAttribute ua = (UnprefixedAttribute) x;
return new ListTuple2String, String().add(
  new Tuple2String, String(ua.key(), 
  } else {
return new ListTuple2String, String();

And no, I didn't take the most complicated example from my code because I don't 
it find funny to write such a spaghetti

So certainly I could write the same in Java but I honestly believe that in Java 
operating on strongly typed, immutable
collections is NOT fun and that's the reason nobody seems to do.

And if you skim through my code you'll find that it's more or less only about 
mapping, reducing and filtering strongly
typed collections.

Still example above does not prove anything general (like Java sucks, let's do 
it in Scala) but my reimplementation of
sitemap processing should provide a nice background for a discussion what we 
want to see in C3.

For example, I'm interested in answering questions like if we are going to 
introduce any other language apart from Java
in C3. Traditionally Cocoon had other languages integrated for years 
(Javascript comes to mind) so it's rather natural
to ask this question. If answer was positive (based on some evaluation) another 
question that pops up is why it can't be

WARNING: Here follows some thoughts on personal experience with Scala that you 
my safely ignore as they are rather

Might be that I'm extrapolating but my sitemap reimplementation in Scala did 
work just after I finished all necessary
bits. I mean: I have written all the processing, integrated it into servlet so 
it could work with the rest of C3 and it
did work just immediately. I didn't have any test-cases and I didn't run my 
code while writing it.
After extensive testing with all samples C3 provides I found exactly one bug[1] 
in that code. Of course, this does not
mean I don't have any other bugs but the probability that I have many of them 
is really small.
Does Scala make me magically not making any mistakes? Certainly not. It only 
informs me about them at the time of
writing code by reporting compilation errors.

This experience convinced me to have following standpoint:
 If we are going to introduce any secondary language in Cocoon,
 I would really prefer if it was strongly typed one.

Oh, and if you wonder how on the hell I could be typing non-trivial stuff for 
more than one day without introducing
almost any bugs. It might be because my code cotains 5 if statements, no 
return, break or continue statements and only a
few raw loops (like while,  for or repeat). I believe that's the reason...

And yes, I have to admit that sitemap processing is somehow special case where 
the power of concepts I've used simply


Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski