Re: producing arabic pdf

2004-12-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
nafise hassani wrote:
I look at the arail.ttf.xml file which
org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader makes it I found
that some charachter's unicode does'nt exist in it for
example arabic lowercase charachres
this leads to showing lowercase chars same as
Characters without a glyph in the font would show as
a sharp sign (#). The PDF serializer doesn't substitute
characters on its own.

Re: producing arabic pdf

2004-12-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
now i have figure the problem 
and thats because you are writing from right to left 
If that's the problem: the PDF serializer has no BIDI support
at all: no rl writing direction, no character reordering, no
fo:bidi support. This means rendering arabic text is almost
out of the question, with the possible exception of snippets
with blocks which don't have more than one line and which
can be reversed beforehand by some other means (which may be
complicated by inline markup and numbers which have to be
rendered lr instead of rl).

Re: how to list all sitemap components

2004-12-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
David Crossley wrote:
Geoff Howard wrote:
I'd just use eclipse to find every class that implements the right
interface(s).  Would that work?

Thanks Geoff. However, command-line tools only
because i need to script it. Sorry, i forgot
to specify that.
A bit of BCEL should do the trick.

Re: help needed (OWQL)

2004-08-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Though job. The lazy way would be to use a PipeStream to
pipe the content written to the PrintWriter to a SAX parser
running in another thread. That's likely to course trouble
in some circumstances.

I don't see anything lazy about this :)
IMHO, lazy way is to use StringWriter and then parse resulting text with 
SAX parser using one of the Cocoon's Util classes.
I always thought I was lazy. But then:
 running in another thread. That's likely to course trouble
I thought I even spell-checked the message before sending!

Re: help needed (OWQL)

2004-08-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
Halgurt Mustafa-Ali wrote:
I am tryong to itegrate OWQL in to the cocoon framework, I implemented a 
Transformer for that purpose (see the Attachment please). 

The OWQL tool has a method printAnswerAsXML (String reqxml, PrintWriter pw)
do you have an idea how can I convert pw to SAX events?
Though job. The lazy way would be to use a PipeStream to
pipe the content written to the PrintWriter to a SAX parser
running in another thread. That's likely to course trouble
in some circumstances. Another way would be to implement
a PrintWriter subclass and an InputSource subclass in order
the get the character stream through a parser. NIO char
buffers seems to be yet another approach.
The most clean way would be to hack the OWQL tool to provide
SAX events to the outside world, of course.

Re: [OT] Re:

2004-04-30 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jorg Heymans wrote:
On a side note: Thunderbird is not keeping track of threads anymore in 
the cocoon mailinglists,
Works fine with Thunderbird 0.7 on Win2k. You appear to post through
GMANE, maybe they have an issue?

Re: FOP with embeded SVG doesn't render at correct size in Cocoon

2004-03-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
It's the 0.20.5 release, but built with our Batik 1.5. I guess the FOP 
people must clarify if this made any sense or not. IIRC we had the 
released Fop jar in our CVS and got complaints for problems with Batik 
after Batik update. So we rebuilt Fop with this new Batik and the 
problems seemed to be gone.
Odd. If it compiles, it shouldn't complain about missing methods
at run time. There may be behaviour changes though, has someone
checked the Batik change log?

Re: PDF Encryption

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
Torsten Curdt wrote:
But the way through the user config
file seems to fail. Maybe someone
else has an idea why?
I implemented only setting the renderer options from the
CLI. I don't think anybody added setting encryption options
(or any other non-font related renderer options beside PDF
filters) from the config file.

Re: [Help]writing SAX Transformer

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
roy huang wrote:
 if I delete a b using startRecording the source code turns into:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 left many blank and tab. How to solve it or I am in the wrong way?
The whitespace is already there in the source (look
carefully). I don't think it hurts, and deleting it
selectively is not all that easy.

 Question 2:
 in the transformer I also and some xinclude tag,like:
super.startTransformingElement(, include, xi:include, attr);
super.endTransformingElement(, include, xi:include);
 the xml is fine,but can't be transform by XInclude transformer,

I think you missed the namespace for the xi:include element, but
added the href attribute in the namespace instead. Try
 include, xi:include, attr);
 include, xi:include);
Dealing with namespaced elements and attributes in APIs is
tricky, study the topic carefully.


Re: PDF Encryption

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
Torsten Curdt wrote:
 From the FOP documentation I got the impression I could
pass them as shown in the wiki. But does that mean these [1]
are the only options besides fonts that are currently available?

Without diving into the fop codebase - is it much work to add?
How much is much? It would require hacking several files and
some reengineering of the tests whether encryption is available
which are currently in the CLI class. Given that encryption
has several major deficiencies in the maintenance branch code
and that the code is to be abandoned anyway, I don't think it
will be done.

Re: FOP with embeded SVG doesn't render at correct size in Cocoon

2004-02-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
Torsten Curdt wrote:
Can anyone tell me how the Cocoon fop and batik jar files are 
generated and how that is different from the jars supplied with FOP?
THere were some Cocoon releases which shipped with a different
Batik jar than the corresponding FOP release, partly due to
interface changes in Batik which forced FOP to use a CVS
snapshot. I don't know of the current state, but the latest
Batik was released after the latest FOP release, if Cocoon
grabbed the latest Batik jar, there are certainly some differences.

Re: PDF Encryption

2004-02-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Torsten Curdt wrote:
What about a wiki page how you got this working?
for how to set up the infrastructure and the relevant
cocoon pages for passing options to the renderer.

Re: serialization to jpeg/png error

2004-02-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
yangontha Maung wrote:

I am using cocoon 2.1.3 on Red Hat Linux 9.0; Tomcat
I try to view the samples and when I view svg, it is
But when I click the jpeg and png links, there is an
error message.
The image
http://myserver:/samples/batik/hello.jpeg; cannot
be displayed, because it contains errors.
Standard drill:
- Check the Cocoon logs for error messages
- Save the file to disk and display in a text editor. Is
 there palin text  at the end? If so, it should contain
 further hints about the problem.

Re: Mail thread headers (was Re: source resolving in 2.2)

2004-01-30 Thread J.Pietschmann
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Actually, Unico is not the only one. What I've found is that Mozilla 
uses the In-Reply-To header whereas Outlook (at least some version) uses 
Thread-Topic and Thread-Index.

Outlook's headers seem strange to me, as I don't know how a mailer can 
rebuild a thread tree with just an indentifier for the thread, but no 
information about the posts relationships.
*bg* my pet topic...
The Internet Mail Service mentioned there is MS Exchange Server,
which actually is the culprit responsible for the Thread-Topic
and Thread-Index headers.
Even for the Clients sending In-Reply-To and References, there
are some caveats:
The Mail Client sending a bogus Referers header is actually Eudora
5.0 (7.0 is ok).
Any ideas where this would fit in the Wiki or somewhere? Perhaps

Re: Saxon as the default XSLT procesor

2004-01-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
But... I swapped Xalan with Saxon 6.5.3 in Forrest and I get a NPE :-(
That's not unusual. Did you use the most recent Cocoon?

I suppose there are no document() calls in the style sheet,
because at least in the Cocoon releases I used it gets passed
null as Source quite often for no obvious reason. Xalan tends
to ignore this, while Saxon barfs.

Re: Saxon as the default XSLT procesor

2004-01-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
document() calls in the style sheet,
There are. I'm gonna remove them soon, nut for now they are there, and 
will the possibility to use them will remain some time for backward compat.

because at least in the Cocoon releases I used it gets passed
null as Source quite often for no obvious reason.

I think it's a Cocoon bug. The first invocation of the pipeline is ok,
but in followup incovations the XSLT processor often gets a null
SourceResolver (not Source, sorry). Xalan uses its own URIResolver in
this case, while Saxon (6.x series) takes it literally. That's one
of the dark corners of the TrAX spec, I couldn't find any regulations
guiding the behaviour.
The null is not a MT problem, it happens even for low load. I think
it has something to do with incorrect re-initialization of the pipeline
after the SourceResolver has been recycled and the reference had been
Given the added problem that document() referenced stuff doesn't influence
cache validity, I switched to aggregation. If the document() gets the
URI from source XML, this can be painful (XSLT to an XInclude source,
then Xinclude, the the final XSLT instead of just one XSLT). The worst
thing is that you can't easily test the XSLT any longer with command
line tools, even though none of the dynamic features (like cocoon: URIS)
are used. If you've to ftp the damn sources to the app server, this really
slows down development :-/ .

Re: Build failure because of proxy-firewall

2003-11-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
Geoff Howard wrote:
new Boolean(false));
Alternatively, try Boolean.FALSE


Re: [d'oh!] java APIs are not powerful enough to handle the XML spec!!

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
The day somebody asks you why java needs to be replaced, one answer will 
be 'it only supports 16-bits chars'. laughable as it might seem, it's true.

yes, people, a Unicode char is not 16 bit (as I always though!) but 32!!
This is a misconception.
Unicode is an odd mixture: at the same time it defines codepoints for
representing characters and surrogate characters for encoding
non-baseplane characters (whose codepoints don't fit into 16 bit).
ISO 10646 originally intended to use full 32bit for 2^64 characters.
Because of slow progress an complaints about wasting space, the
Unicode consortium was formed which made quick progress on specifying
a 16-bit charcater set. The surrogate characters were built in in case
more than 2^16 characters came along, and for giving people plenty of
room to experiment themself in the private areas there. Meanwhile,
ISO-10646 and Unicode converged: ISO limited the charset to 0x11
characters, which should be enough for everyone, and Unicode dropped
the 16 bit charset notation, they just define codepoints.
Unfortunately for them, they can't undo the surrogate character mess
and other wicked problems they now like to get rid of (singletons,
certain compatibility characters, some presentation forms, ligatures).
A Java char variable can't hold non-baseplane Unicode charaters, but
Java strings can. For Sun JVMs, they are basically a UTF-16 encoded
Unicode strings. BTW there are JVMs out there which use UTF-8 in
Java Strings, the same way strings are stored in class files.
The point is of course: can the run time libraries handle non-baseplane
characters? The java.text.BreakIterator can, but that's no magic. I
have no idea whether for example AWT display routines can display non-
baseplane characters, mainly because I've yet to get an appropriate
font. The TTF unicode mapping tables allocate, lo and behold, 16 bits
for the character. Who's complaining about Java?
BTW Mozilla can't deal with non-baseplane characters either, to the
chagrin of the MathML folks who use them for mathematical presentation
forms. Guess what's the main reason, beside fonts: C's wchar_t is 16 bit
now, if you thought you could take the character() SAX event and create 
a String out of it and do something useful with is (like print it, for 
example), forget it. The result will very likely not be the one you expect.
That's an interesting observation. I never had problems in this area.
But this may have something to do with the fact that I never went out of
the Unicode baseplane with my chars. Heck, I'
Another reason not to use Stings at all.
Stings are bad, of course :-)
Strings are another matter. In fact, Strings should be preferred over
char arrays because they can hide the actual representation of the Unicode
strings. If you use character arrays, you have to deal with surrogate
character pairs yourseelf. A substring() could be implemented to deal
with non-baseplane characters correctly. Of course, Java was invented
when people thought of Unicode as 16 bit charset, and the standardized
behaviour is that the String methods operate on the internal char array.

Re: Random comments and bugfixes

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
... 0xd800 is not a legal XML character.
   high-unicode ...#65536;/high-unicode

Now: whose problem is this Slide's or JDOM's?
JDOM, I'd guess without looking at the code. This is a very general
problem: The surrogate Unicode codepoints are illegal for itself in
XML, but of course in Java strings there is no way to express
non-baseplane characters other than as two surrogates. Problem:
if the test for illegal surrogates is before character reference
expansion, illegal surrogates may sneak in as char refs. If the test is
after character reference expansion, a non-baseplane character may
trigger a false positive. Obviously, the test has to be done twice,
once for literal characters and once as part of dealing with character
I personally wouldn't loose much sleep over this particular problem.
Unless you are into MathML or obscure historic scripts, non-baseplane
characters are more of a curiosum.

Re: Random comments and bugfixes

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Ermm... not that I will loose sleep, but what is a baseplane 
A sloppy phrase :-)
The Unicode base plane covers the code points U+..U+,
i.e. characters which can be represented using a 16 bit value.
There are characters assigned to code points above 65536.
Check for details.

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 23299] - [PATCH] UTFDataFormatException: String cannot be longer than 32k.

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
?? Who should fix it that it works like expected, i.e. one text node in 
one p element?
XSLT processors generally hide the issue, whether by normalizing
the input while or after the tree is built or by other means.
The interesting stuff of course are XPath processors working on
potentially unnormalized DOM structures, in particular Cocoons
XInclude processor and the XPath transformer. I'd say you'll get
all kind of interesting behaviour.

Re: HTML editor widget (was Re: [proposal] Doco)

2003-10-30 Thread J.Pietschmann
Bruno Dumon wrote:
I've only just started with some little javascript experiments, so it's
not like any code has been written yet.
You can look at
for a start.
* support for both Mozilla and IE is important.
That's going to give one or two headaches more :-)


Re: [vote] Changing the mime type setting of a reader [was [RT]...]

2003-10-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
Joerg Heinicke wrote:
No one really missed it until now
This isn't quite correct. :-)

However, it isn't actually a really incompatible change, at least
for the provided Reader classes, it just adds a feature.

[humor] New idea for Cocoon block

2003-10-06 Thread J.Pietschmann

Wouldn't this be a great enhancement for the Cocoon
website? :-)

Re: [RT] Starting 2.2

2003-08-28 Thread J.Pietschmann
Timothy Larson wrote:

I also wondered about Subversion when the repositories started multiplying :)
Is this a possibility?  Is there a good CVS-Subversion repository converter?
What's good? The Subversion project has a converter, last time
I checked they said it still can't convert branches, and that this
was *the* killer for declaring SVN to be production ready. Trunk
only CVS repositories seem to work for a long time already
(disclaimer: gathered from various messages, I didn't try personally).

Possible Wiki vandalism

2003-08-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
could someone have a look at
and perhaps clean up, just in case this wasn't intended...

Re: [RT] the value of being wrong

2003-07-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Or, if you want to rephrase, 
... the communitytator?


Re: [RT] Adaptive Caching

2003-07-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
Berin Loritsch wrote:
Speaking of accademic, anyone have a Java implementation of tanh(x)?  The
java.lang.Math class only has tan(x) or atan(x), but no hyperbolic 
Trivial, see
(yeah, wolfram research is for mathematics on the net what
wikipedia is for the rest)
 double tanh(double x) {
  return (Math.exp(x)-Math.exp(-x))/(Math.exp(x)+Math.exp(-x));
Have fun!
