Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-18 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 05.03.2009 00:33, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Now I'll give a few words of comments why I find my implementation easier to 
First of all, sitemap processing is divided into a few distinct stages:
  1. Sitemap parsing
  2. Sitemap reduction
  3. Sitemap invocation
 3.1 Actions execution
 3.2 Pipeline building
 3.3 Pipeline execution
 3.4 Catching possible exception
  4. If exception catched, reduction of handle errors node
  5. Handling exception with reduction result

What's more, for most of the time code is based on immutable structures which 
is the biggest advantage. What I found
hard with current implementation hard is InvocationImpl passed around that 
quite a lot of state. If you combine it with
InvocationResult switches (cases) that every node has to return in its invoke() 
method the result isn't really
appealing. This sort of resembles mistakes from C2.x where big, mutable objects 
were passed around leading to
unmaintainable code.

I'm interested in hearing your opinions on that subject. I know that's rather 
hard to judge rather big piece of code in
unfamiliar language but I'm sure you can easily get some overall feeling about 
my implementation and ideas behind it.

I don't have the time to actually look into your implementation. I'm 
just wondering if all the insight views couldn't be used to improve the 
Java implementation rather than starting something in a different language.


Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-18 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Joerg Heinicke pisze:
 I don't have the time to actually look into your implementation. I'm
 just wondering if all the insight views couldn't be used to improve the
 Java implementation rather than starting something in a different language.

It could.

What I'm doing at the moment is sort of wild experimentation that I don't know 
where will lead me to. I'm reimplementing
sitemap in Scala because I thought that sitemap processing is something 
complicated enough to get a real feel of
programming in Scala.

It's true that anything I write in Scala could be emulated in Java but when I 
think about it I feel rather overwhelmed
by the possible verbosity of Java counterparts to Scala constructs. In my 
implementation I exploit heavily strong typing
by defining lots of types and using lots of generics. I use closures and 
pattern matching quite a lot.

Compare (Scala):
private def filterUnprefixedSimpleAttributes(attributes : MetaData) : 
Map[String, String] =
  Map() ++ attributes.flatMap(attr = attr match {
  case ua : UnprefixedAttribute = List(ua.key - 
  case _ = Nil

to translation of it (Java):
private MapString, String filterUnprefixedSimpleAttributes(MetaData 
attributes) = {
 return (new MapString, String()).putAll(attributes.flatMap(
   new Function1MetaData, ListTuple2String, String() {
ListTuple2String, String apply(MetaData x) {
  if (x istanceof UnprefixedAttribute) {
 UnprefixedAttribute ua = (UnprefixedAttribute) x;
return new ListTuple2String, String().add(
  new Tuple2String, String(ua.key(), 
  } else {
return new ListTuple2String, String();

And no, I didn't take the most complicated example from my code because I don't 
it find funny to write such a spaghetti

So certainly I could write the same in Java but I honestly believe that in Java 
operating on strongly typed, immutable
collections is NOT fun and that's the reason nobody seems to do.

And if you skim through my code you'll find that it's more or less only about 
mapping, reducing and filtering strongly
typed collections.

Still example above does not prove anything general (like Java sucks, let's do 
it in Scala) but my reimplementation of
sitemap processing should provide a nice background for a discussion what we 
want to see in C3.

For example, I'm interested in answering questions like if we are going to 
introduce any other language apart from Java
in C3. Traditionally Cocoon had other languages integrated for years 
(Javascript comes to mind) so it's rather natural
to ask this question. If answer was positive (based on some evaluation) another 
question that pops up is why it can't be

WARNING: Here follows some thoughts on personal experience with Scala that you 
my safely ignore as they are rather

Might be that I'm extrapolating but my sitemap reimplementation in Scala did 
work just after I finished all necessary
bits. I mean: I have written all the processing, integrated it into servlet so 
it could work with the rest of C3 and it
did work just immediately. I didn't have any test-cases and I didn't run my 
code while writing it.
After extensive testing with all samples C3 provides I found exactly one bug[1] 
in that code. Of course, this does not
mean I don't have any other bugs but the probability that I have many of them 
is really small.
Does Scala make me magically not making any mistakes? Certainly not. It only 
informs me about them at the time of
writing code by reporting compilation errors.

This experience convinced me to have following standpoint:
 If we are going to introduce any secondary language in Cocoon,
 I would really prefer if it was strongly typed one.

Oh, and if you wonder how on the hell I could be typing non-trivial stuff for 
more than one day without introducing
almost any bugs. It might be because my code cotains 5 if statements, no 
return, break or continue statements and only a
few raw loops (like while,  for or repeat). I believe that's the reason...

And yes, I have to admit that sitemap processing is somehow special case where 
the power of concepts I've used simply


Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-17 Thread Reinhard Pötz
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
 As Andreas pointed out, there is nothing wrong here but still my
 repo without master branch was a little bit weird. I've pushed it
 so now it clones without any warnings.
 Still the best way to checkout is to create local branch on top of
 my branch, as suggested by Andreas.
 Thanks for interest in my work.
 Just pinging. Reinhard, do you have any success/failure with my work?
 I would like to receive some feedback as I would like to continue
 with my work and prepare something more polished for our meeting at
 ApacheCon EU in Amsterdam.

Sorry, forgot to answer. I have to admit that my Scala knowledge is far
from being depp enough to understand what your code does. But I've
started to learn Scala so that I can follow your explanations next week ;-)

Reinhard Pötz   Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-17 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Reinhard Pötz pisze:
 Sorry, forgot to answer. I have to admit that my Scala knowledge is far
 from being depp enough to understand what your code does. But I've
 started to learn Scala so that I can follow your explanations next week ;-)

Ah, it's ok. :-)

Personally, I find Scala simpler language than Java we all know but still it 
takes some time to dive into it.

I recommend following materials: 
- simply good - addressing various 
doubts and covers Scala - Java
interoperability and other comparisons;title=Scala;talk=10485769 - 
a it's a great chance to listen to
Martin Odersky, Scala creator. Interesting content of course.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-17 Thread Leszek Gawron

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Reinhard Pötz pisze:

Sorry, forgot to answer. I have to admit that my Scala knowledge is far
from being depp enough to understand what your code does. But I've
started to learn Scala so that I can follow your explanations next week ;-)

Ah, it's ok. :-)

Personally, I find Scala simpler language than Java we all know but still it 
takes some time to dive into it.

I recommend following materials: 
- simply good - addressing various doubts and 
covers Scala - Java
interoperability and other comparisons;title=Scala;talk=10485769 - 
a it's a great chance to listen to
Martin Odersky, Scala creator. Interesting content of course.

Is there any decent IDE support for Scala? I am not even dreaming of 
scala refactorings.

Leszek Gawron
CTO at MobileBox Ltd.

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-17 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Leszek Gawron pisze:
 Is there any decent IDE support for Scala? I am not even dreaming of
 scala refactorings.

I know someone will ask this question eventually. ;-)

IDE support is probably the weakest of Scala. At the moment, I'm using snapshot 
of trunk version of Eclipse plug-in and
some basic functionality works most of the time.

What works:
  * code highlighting
  * code completion
  * basic refactoring (like rename but not in every case)
  * debugging
  * basic tool-tips displayed when hover on some element (e.g. method call)
  * errors reporting
  * code navigation using mouse and links in the code

What doesn't work or is annoying:
  * method call parameters hints (rather annoying)
  * JUnit integration in Eclipse with test-cases written in Scala (Maven 
executes them just fine, though)
  * Bugs, bugs, bugs. It's rather often situation that Scala editor gets mad 
and does not highlight your code or code
completion does not work.

Anyway, what I find rather reassuring is the fact that just recently (if I'm 
not mistaken) Eclipse plug-in got new
maintainer and some momentum. There is heavy refactoring happening in trunk and 
people responsible for that seem to
really know how to develop Eclipse plug-ins.

There is excellent feedback to my bug reports and most of them are fixed almost 
daily. This holds some promise for a
bright future of this plug-in.

I've heard that Netbeans plug-in offers little bit less of functionality than 
Eclipse one but is much more stable. I
have tried it myself yet, though. IntelliJ seems to support Scala quite 
seriously but I haven't tried it myself as well.

To sum it up: I find IDE support rather weak if you compare it to Eclipse's JDT 
for example but languges itself
outweighs inconveniences.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-15 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
 The last step of sitemap processing is invoking the result of the reduction. 
 It's SitemapInvoker[5] class that is
 responsible for that. This class is only partly implemented as I didn't have 
 time to deal with component factories
 needed to build actions and pipeline for execution. Anyway, this class 
 extracts two distinct sets of nodes that we are
 interested in:
   * actions
   * pipeline components

Actually this list lacks one item:
  * controllers (represeted by either call or redirect-to node)

 From this point, building a pipeline and executing actions is rather trivial 

I've refactored my code a little bit so it handles controllers and implemented 
sitemap building/execution.

The implementation is in SitemapInvoker.invokeSitemap but is rather messy. It 
uses Invocation for actual pipeline
building and execution.

Messy or not, this code somehow works. You can checkout scalaSitemapEval:

and compile it. Then just go and run samples. Some of them will work just fine. 
Some not, I have to check why they don't
work but I don't have a time right now.

One thing doesn't work completely: error handling. This is due to fact that 
Scala implementation uses completely
different logic so if we want to have error handlers working there is no chance 
to reuse Invocation class. This is not a
problem as I already plan to reimplement that part as well to make the whole 
example complete.

Apart from SitemapInvoker.invokeSitemap method I think this code is rather 
polished. It lacks some comments, though. I
plan to add some in upcomming days.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-10 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
 As Andreas pointed out, there is nothing wrong here but still my repo without 
 master branch was a little bit weird. I've
 pushed it so now it clones without any warnings.
 Still the best way to checkout is to create local branch on top of my branch, 
 as suggested by Andreas.
 Thanks for interest in my work.

Just pinging. Reinhard, do you have any success/failure with my work?

I would like to receive some feedback as I would like to continue with my work 
and prepare something more polished for
our meeting at ApacheCon EU in Amsterdam.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-07 Thread Reinhard Pötz
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 So here it comes:
 It's a branch out of our existing trunk found in svn. The only affected 
 module is cocoon-sitemap.

I tried to clone the repository by using following command:

git clone git://

and got this outpout:

Initialized empty Git repository in [some-path]/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 7860, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2229/2229), done.
remote: Total 7860 (delta 3194), reused 7699 (delta 3071)
Receiving objects: 100% (7860/7860), 963.25 KiB | 187 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3194/3194), done.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

I use git (msysgit 1.6.1-preview20081227) on Windows Vista.

Any suggestions (except changing the OS ;-) )?

Reinhard Pötz   Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member

Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-07 Thread Andreas Pieber
On Saturday 07 March 2009 10:18:58 Reinhard Pötz wrote:
 Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
  So here it comes: It's
  a branch out of our existing trunk found in svn. The only affected module
  is cocoon-sitemap.

 I tried to clone the repository by using following command:

 git clone git://

 and got this outpout:

 Initialized empty Git repository in [some-path]/.git/
 remote: Counting objects: 7860, done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2229/2229), done.
 remote: Total 7860 (delta 3194), reused 7699 (delta 3071)
 Receiving objects: 100% (7860/7860), 963.25 KiB | 187 KiB/s, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (3194/3194), done.
 warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

 I use git (msysgit 1.6.1-preview20081227) on Windows Vista.

 Any suggestions (except changing the OS ;-) )?

This has nothing to do with your OS (although I'm still the opinion that 
changing to linux won't be the worst decision :P)

The problem is that the HEAD is pointing to a master which does not exist.

Doing git branch -a showing you all branches in the git repository. For me the 
output of the command was:

[pie...@coprime apache-cocoon3]$ git branch -a

As you can see no local branch exists. This could be created with git branch -
b master origin/scalaPipeline

[pie...@coprime apache-cocoon3]$ git checkout -b master origin/scalaPipeline
warning: You appear to be on a branch yet to be born.
warning: Forcing checkout of origin/scalaPipeline.
Branch master set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/scalaPipeline.
Already on master

by the way with this command 

git checkout -b otherBranch origin/scalaSitemapEval 

you can access the other branch in the repo. With 

git checkout BRANCHNAME 

you can switch between the branches. All localbranches could be seen with the 

git branch

Hope this helps!


Re: [C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-07 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Reinhard Pötz pisze:
 Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 So here it comes:
 It's a branch out of our existing trunk found in svn. The only affected 
 module is cocoon-sitemap.
 I tried to clone the repository by using following command:
 git clone git://
 and got this outpout:
 Initialized empty Git repository in [some-path]/.git/
 remote: Counting objects: 7860, done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2229/2229), done.
 remote: Total 7860 (delta 3194), reused 7699 (delta 3071)
 Receiving objects: 100% (7860/7860), 963.25 KiB | 187 KiB/s, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (3194/3194), done.
 warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.
 I use git (msysgit 1.6.1-preview20081227) on Windows Vista.

As Andreas pointed out, there is nothing wrong here but still my repo without 
master branch was a little bit weird. I've
pushed it so now it clones without any warnings.

Still the best way to checkout is to create local branch on top of my branch, 
as suggested by Andreas.

 Any suggestions (except changing the OS ;-) )?

It's not necessary because:
1. Vista *with SP1* is usable OS and after some tweaking is a nice OS. This is 
a great improvement on initial Vista release.
2. Git on Windows is much better than it used to be one year ago. There are 
even plugins like TortoiseGit
( evolving very rapidly.

The world is better than it was one year ago. ;-)

Thanks for interest in my work.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

[C3] Sitemap implemented in Scala

2009-03-04 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

I've just finished first phase of my work to implement sitemap in Scala.

There were couple reasons why I started this work:
  1. I wasn't satisfied with current implementation that seemed to me rather 
hard to follow. Still it looks much better
than what we have in 2.2.
  2. I wanted to try Scala-Java integration in real world scenario.
  3. I wanted to find out if Scala code can be *easily* integrated into 
existing code-base
  4. I had an idea how to implement sitemap processing in quite different way 
and I wanted to find out what I'll come up
with eventually.

So here it comes:
It's a branch out of our existing trunk found in svn. The only affected module 
is cocoon-sitemap.

Now I'll describe briefly why my implementation is different. Apart from 
obvious thing that I have used different
language (Scala instead of Java) there are some more interesting things about 

The first thing that is rather apparent to anyone looking at this 
implementation that it's not OO-based. I don't want to
go into details why I think OO does not make much sense for sitemap processing 
right now. This implies that (at least in
current form) sitemap language cannot be extended in a way one can do in 
original C3's implementation. Anyway, I find
this functionality barely useful so I didn't bother myself to make it working 
with my code even if I think it would be

All classes representing sitemap nodes are simple case classes defined in 
SitemapNode.scala[1]. Think of case classes as
java beans on steroids grouped into set of distinct and well defined cases.

The class responsible for parsing sitemap xml and producing it's representation 
is SitemapBuilder[2]. I suggest to you
to skim over the code as there are couple of interesting things involved like 
pattern matching and xml literals. Mixing
XML with the code may resemble XSP but I believe this is really a different 

Next step of sitemap processing is reduction. Sitemap tree reduction is defined 
as traversing the tree and erasing all
conditional nodes like map:match and map:select. The result of reduction is a 
list of components (either actions or
pipeline components) that were contained in conditional nodes that have their 
condition satisfied. Every component is
accompanied by list of error handler applicable to the scope that given 
component is defined in.
The class SitemapReductor[3] is responsible for sitemap reduction. This class 
shows[4] how one can easily and almost
seamlessly call Java code from Scala. The only glitch is that match is 
keyword in scala but apart from that calling
Java code does not differ in any way from calling Scala code.

The last step of sitemap processing is invoking the result of the reduction. 
It's SitemapInvoker[5] class that is
responsible for that. This class is only partly implemented as I didn't have 
time to deal with component factories
needed to build actions and pipeline for execution. Anyway, this class extracts 
two distinct sets of nodes that we are
interested in:
  * actions
  * pipeline components

From this point, building a pipeline and executing actions is rather trivial 

  -- o0o --

That's the big picture of the implementation. Now I'll give a few words of 
comments why I find my implementation easier
to follow. First of all, sitemap processing is divided into a few distinct 
  1. Sitemap parsing
  2. Sitemap reduction
  3. Sitemap invocation
 3.1 Actions execution
 3.2 Pipeline building
 3.3 Pipeline execution
 3.4 Catching possible exception
  4. If exception catched, reduction of handle errors node
  5. Handling exception with reduction result

What's more, for most of the time code is based on immutable structures which 
is the biggest advantage. What I found
hard with current implementation hard is InvocationImpl passed around that 
quite a lot of state. If you combine it with
InvocationResult switches (cases) that every node has to return in its invoke() 
method the result isn't really
appealing. This sort of resembles mistakes from C2.x where big, mutable objects 
were passed around leading to
unmaintainable code.

I'm interested in hearing your opinions on that subject. I know that's rather 
hard to judge rather big piece of code in
unfamiliar language but I'm sure you can easily get some overall feeling about 
my implementation and ideas behind it.

PS. You can download the snapshot from GitHub and compile it using Maven as 
Scala distributes Maven compiler plug-in.
This proves that integration with existing Java code-base can be achieved very 

PS2. This code is just a first version. I see quite a lot of places where it 
could be made more concise and more
readable but I don't have a time right now to polish it more.

Thanks for listening.
