Dear all,

Some weeks ago, I was coding a servlet in an OSGi context (apache felix/sling). In the process, of course, I wanted to use the triplet cocoon-pipeline, cocoon-sax, cocoon-xml, which as a result of the design goals of Cocoon 3, can be used without further dependencies. A wise thing !

Of course, a first rough attempt is to just embed the jars in the bundle. This worked. But now, I would like to take the thing an obvious step further: prepare OSGi bundles for the three sisters.

When I checked out the trunk again, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that ... cocoon-xml already is! That means that I am not the only guy in the world thinking this would be a good idea.

I prepared bundles for the other two, but ... there is a class loading issue with cocoon-sax.
1. in spite of adding the xerces bundle to felix, inside the SAX2 classes a class.forName("") gives a
org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.ProcessingException: Cannot create and prepare an XMLReader. at org.apache.cocoon.sax.util.XMLUtils.createXMLReader(
  and this is because:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser at org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory.loadClass(
2.  On the other hand, inside 'my' bundle a code like:
XMLReader reader = new SAXParser();
            reader = null;
            String className = System.getProperty("org.xml.sax.driver");
            try {
reader = (XMLReader)(Class.forName(className).newInstance());
            catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("No love...");

URL here = new URL("http://localhost:8080/some/nice/xml/content";);

            URLConnection hc = here.openConnection();
            InputStream in = hc.getInputStream();

            ContentHandler contentHandler = new MyFavoriteContentHandler();

            InputSource input = new InputSource(in);
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Can't parse your file");

So, clearly there is a classloader confusion.
But the question is: is this the right way to go inside OSGi? Probably it would be better to ask the framework what parser
services it has available for us, and then use XMLParserActivator?
We could think about adding such a method to XMLUtils.

Of course I can take the embedded solution, but this is really a third-class solution. I really think there is an interest
to transform cocoon-sax into a genuine OSGi bundle.
I do not expect problems with cocoon-pipeline, being nicely insulated from the JAXP-loading issues.
Is there any interest in this group to dig into the matter?

Please let me know. If we can set up a discussion on this matter I am willing to address the issues in my own time.


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