Dear Cocooners,

First of all I would like to thank the community for the great experience here. 
I really loved being part of the team! :)
Now, a few minutes before the extended deadline, I am finally _done_. All 
samples work, docs are written and tests pass! Its a great feeling ;)

Here is a little description of what I did:

It is now possible to write separate collections of widget definitions and 
bindings which can be dynamically included. These are called libraries and can 
be imported into other libraries or form definitions/bindings. This doesn't 
mean these are automatically used in the including definitions or bindings, but 
they are available for reuse. Also, cache validation is checked recursively 
through all dependencies, so if a library deep in the inclusion tree changes, 
the complete path to the final definition or binding will be invalidated. This 
is something I always disliked with <xsl:include/>, so I fixed it here.

There are three features implemented now:
- Importing of external libraries into another library or form definition
  This works by mapping names to uris like so '<fd:import prefix="name" 
uri="some/uri/to/a/library"/>'. Widgets inside the library can be referenced 
using "name:widgetId".

- Instantiating widgets from imported libraries
  This is done via 'fd:expand id="name:widgetId"/>' and directly evaluates to 
the referenced WidgetDefinition. This means that if a definition is expanded in 
a library, it can be reused in an importing definition/binding as if it was 
defined in the library itself.

- Inheriting from other definitions/bindings
  An extra attribute "extends" on any widget definition or binding will cause 
the referenced entity to be resolved and used in the initialisation of the 
current definition or binding. This way, it is possible to override things like 
ids, datatypes, labels, xpaths and such and add things like validators or new 
child widgets or bindings. Widgets may also extend other widgets in the same 
container, meaning for example two widgets in the same group may extend each 
other, or two top-level widgets in a form may do the same. Not though that it 
is not possible to form cycles as references are resolved right away and cycles 
will result in silent ignores because of nonexisting widgets. This should 
change to complaining exceptions, and the code is there, just has to be 

There are a few restrictions though: The complex Tree widget unfortunately does 
not support inheritance yet, however you can define it in a library and expand 
it in your form if you use it in many places. Also, single validators can only 
be added, not replaced or extended, since there is no way to address them right 
now. Same goes for selection list items, it is only possible to reset the 
selection list to something else.

In case you want to know more, you can read the daisy page documenting the 
library subsystem [1]. My original proposal is still on the wiki [2].
To testdrive the new forms features, do this:

- in your working copy of the trunk, cd to src/blocks/forms/trunk
- svn switch
  (svn will switch this part of the path to the repository above and update 
your working copy)
- do a build in the root of the working copy
- check out the forms samples!

Thanks again for your opportunity and I am very much looking forward to 
contribute some more!

Best regards,

Max Pfingsthorn

[1] Daisy page:
[2] Original proposal:


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