Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Rainer Pruy

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 The question is now if we need support for caching in the low level
 apis or if it is possible to have a layered approach - which would
 make the entry barrier much easier.
 Yes, this layered approach is what I'm aiming for. All the reactions in
 this thread make me think that everybody, who has commented on this
 mailing list so far (except Carsten), believes that we want to throw
 away good things that have profed to be useful in many situations.
 Rest assured, that's not the case. Carsten and I only want to break up
 this all-or-nothing situation that we (still) have now.
 What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only little
 overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies on
 third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with standard
 APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for our
 situation too.
 This means that the user of the API only needs to learn as little as
 possible. When he wants more, we offer additional modules that help him.
 Since he has a concrete need, the motiviation to learn something new is
 much higher than when he has to learn everything right from the beginning.
 If you want to learn how this whole concept *might* apply for a next
 generation Cocoon, have a look at Steven's and my Exploring Corona
 mail from last week
 The idea of Corona is having a concise core that doesn't have any
 dependencies on a particular component container (Spring, OSGi, etc.),
 source resolving mechanisms or environment (http, java  only, etc.) or
 even the type of the components (XML-SAX event stream, XML-Stax event
 stream, binary streams, etc.) that are linked together in a pipeline.
 A simple scenario could be:
   Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components
 A more advanced scenario could consist of
   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine
 or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 -
 here you are:
   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  + 
 This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java
 application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.
 Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

It's appealing to me also.

However, I'm not sure I did get the layers correctly.

I did see:

Pipeline API: responsible for composing different components, introduces the 
notion of Producer/Consumer and first and last component

Sitemap API: responsible for executing pipelines

Spring:  responsible for setting up layers and identifying implementations to 
wildcard functionality
(not really a layer for itself?)

URI API (had no better term at hand):  responsible for interpreting protocol 
strings for resource access.
Currently two implementations in dicussion: URL and SourceResolver

Pipeline Components? really a layer or just implementations of Pipeline API

Can we line out the intended or existing layers?
I do feel this would help focussing the discussion.

We then can have a track reflecting actual layers, a track exploring 
interaction among layers (e.g caching, configuration...), and a
track pondering implementation aspects.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Rainer Pruy

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
 Dev at weitling wrote:
 But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this
 Pipeline API?
 E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image data
 running through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use of
 a SAX-events generating component together with an image data
 transformer? What about something like it's used in clipboards: each
 component offers a list of importable and exportable formats?
 Do the explanations that this mail answer your question?

They answer a number of questions.

Nevertheless, the question of connection type is still open.

Ok, the answer given is it is up to the components to ensure compatibility.

However, what does this mean practically?
Will there be different Interfaces for different type of data to e processed.
(SAX events will use SAX interfaces, image data will use others)

Or will there be some tagging where a component be asked for a list of 
types it will be able to process?
(An image resizer will state PNG JPEG and GIF as being acceptable inputs 
for consumer side and PNG the type being produced, or
something along?) And compatibility will be assumed if a linked pair of 
producer and consumer share a common tag string?

Thus answering the type question might effect back to the API definitions...


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Rainer Pruy wrote:

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
The idea of Corona is having a concise core that doesn't have any 
dependencies on a particular component container (Spring, OSGi, etc.), 
source resolving mechanisms or environment (http, java  only, etc.) or even

the type of the components (XML-SAX event stream, XML-Stax event stream,
binary streams, etc.) that are linked together in a pipeline.

A simple scenario could be:

Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - here
you are:

Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  + 
Spring XML-SAX componnents

This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

It's appealing to me also.

However, I'm not sure I did get the layers correctly.

Note: All my answers are related to Corona. Here we go:

I did see:

Pipeline API: responsible for composing different components, introduces the
notion of Producer/Consumer and first and last component

the pipeline api will be enough to execute pipelines too.

Sitemap API: responsible for executing pipelines

no, the sitemap is a builder that builds pipelines and is put on top of the 
pipeline API.

Spring:  responsible for setting up layers and identifying implementations to
wildcard functionality (not really a layer for itself?)

Corona has a SpringComponentProvider which is used by the sitemap to lookup its 
components. Spring manages the components but is completly hidden behind the 
ComponentProvider interface. This makes it very easy to use alternative 
containers (e.g. OSGi).

URI API (had no better term at hand):  responsible for interpreting protocol
strings for resource access. Currently two implementations in dicussion: URL
and SourceResolver

yes. And as Sylvain and you pointed out, we maybe don't even need the 
Sourceresolver anymore.

Pipeline Components? really a layer or just implementations of Pipeline API

Steven came up with the idea of having components that belong to different 
layers. The first type is useable in every environment. This could be a 
SAX-based FileGenerator or a SAX-based XSLTTransformer. There is no need for any 
ties to the ServletAPI. Then there might be a second group of components that 
are based on e.g. the Stax-API.

A third group of components has relations to the ServletAPI in order to produce 
useful results.

In short, the idea is that the pipeline API is completly independant from any 
environments. It can only connect components that belong together.

Can we line out the intended or existing layers? I do feel this would help
focussing the discussion.

I hope that my explanations above are already helpful. Steven and I will work on 
Corona next week again and we hope that we can show how this layered design 
can be applied in code.

We then can have a track reflecting actual layers, a track exploring
interaction among layers (e.g caching, configuration...), and a track
pondering implementation aspects.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Rainer Pruy wrote:

Hi, I was off the net for some time and while catching up this discussion I
also got the feeling of being somehow lost a bit in the different aspects of
the discussions

From what I see the starting point was

the (technical) question of how to get rid of a unwanted dependency.

From that it changed to the conceptual question of how to provide flexible
support for arbitrary URI strings.

(out-of-the-box support for standard protocols and an easy extensibility
for more complex needs)

If I did get it right, the main difference between the two approaches in
discussion (URL vs. SourceResolver) is support for caching.

It was noted (and I fully agree) that adding caching later on will require
support from the lower level. (e.g. caching a file will need info about
modification times. caching a resource accessed via http might need access to
the expires header for example. This is not a place for talking about cache
*implementations* or what kind of caching is suited for what layer, it is
just a question of what information will any kind of caching require from
lower levels and will the intended implementation provide such info).

The standard URL implementation does not provide related methods (for
accessing cache control data). On the other hand URL has the benefit of being
plain standard and familiar to a large community of developers.

This to answer the initial question of can we drop SourceResolver support, 
we must answer the question Can URL be extended to support cachable

implementations of protocols? and if true Is it possible to override
standard (non-cachable) implementations of protocols with cachable ones?

If both question can be answered with YES, then it will be possible to
implement the uri interpreting layer using plain Java URL and to drop use of
source resolver.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think we have to get our hands dirty now to 
figure out all the details.

This will raise questions of semantic differences remaining. E.g. was the
default protocol implementation used for path values without protocol
different with different locations (e.g. per component implementation?)
Probably, it will then be necessary to add some glue code to keep semantics,
or point out differences for migration guidelines.

The question is also, *where* we will introduce this change (if we do it at 
all). Corona doesn't impose any constraints in terms of backwards-compatibility, 
whereas we can't drop important contracts in 2.2.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-28 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Rainer Pruy wrote:

Reinhard Poetz schrieb:

Dev at weitling wrote:
But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this 
Pipeline API? E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image

data running through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use
of a SAX-events generating component together with an image data 
transformer? What about something like it's used in clipboards: each 
component offers a list of importable and exportable formats?

See Do the
explanations that this mail answer your question?

They answer a number of questions.

Nevertheless, the question of connection type is still open.

Ok, the answer given is it is up to the components to ensure compatibility.

However, what does this mean practically? Will there be different
Interfaces for different type of data to e processed. (SAX events will use
SAX interfaces, image data will use others)

yes, that's the idea (and IIRC it is already implemented this way Corona).

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Dolg

Joerg Heinicke schrieb:

On 26.03.2008 09:14, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only 
little overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies 
on third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with 
standard APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for 
our situation too.

See, one thing that I just don't get (and already asked) is how the 
pipeline API has anything to do with uri resolving. For me the latter 
(using or source resolve) is an implementation detail. Our 
current pipeline interface [1] has no relationship to uri resolving. 
It only has a reference to SourceValidity because of caching [2].

If all this discussion is about removing this method (and the related 
getKeyForEventPipeline()) to get rid of this dependency I'm ok with 
it. The caching concern could be implemented in a separate Cacheable 
interface which should then also be decoupled from uri resolving 
(which seems to point to Peter's approach [3]).





Just as a general observation:
I'm starting to believe that I do not understand (anymore) what this is 
all about.
We're jumping from high-level concepts (caching, layering) straight 
down to the lowest level (it's just method a in class B) and then 
right back.
We're arguing that a certain feature is already existing and working, 
while talking about a rewrite-experiment that definitely does not have 
this feature.

But back to caching:
Caching appears to be incredibly important. Even to the point where no 
caching means not acceptable.
On the other hand, when trying to find out what is really necessary and 
wanted, there isn't much left. Suddenly it's just an implementation 
detail, not really important, makes no difference for the user.

Forgive me for being blunt, but all this appears to me like I need that 
feature. I do not care how it is implemented or how it works. I just 
have to have it.
I did not expect this kind of discussion on a dev list. (I even have a 
hard time accepting this from a paying customer).

But since it's just a not very important implementation detail, I added 
a (simple) caching approach to Corona. (I hope to get a patch ready today)
Perhaps this is all just too abstract and far fetched without any common 
basis (iow. code).


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread David Crossley
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
 A simple scenario could be:
   Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

 A more advanced scenario could consist of
   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

Is sourceresolve where the Apache XML Commons Resolver
is hooked up?

I would be concerned if our base offering enabled
mis-use of net resources, e.g. processing an xml file
which declares a DTD, causes an extra network trip if
we don't have the xml entity resolver.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Steven Dolg wrote:

Joerg Heinicke schrieb:

On 26.03.2008 09:14, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only 
little overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies 
on third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with 
standard APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for 
our situation too.

See, one thing that I just don't get (and already asked) is how the 
pipeline API has anything to do with uri resolving. For me the latter 
(using or source resolve) is an implementation detail. Our 
current pipeline interface [1] has no relationship to uri resolving. 
It only has a reference to SourceValidity because of caching [2].

If all this discussion is about removing this method (and the related 
getKeyForEventPipeline()) to get rid of this dependency I'm ok with 
it. The caching concern could be implemented in a separate Cacheable 
interface which should then also be decoupled from uri resolving 
(which seems to point to Peter's approach [3]).





Just as a general observation:
I'm starting to believe that I do not understand (anymore) what this is 
all about.
We're jumping from high-level concepts (caching, layering) straight 
down to the lowest level (it's just method a in class B) and then 
right back.
We're arguing that a certain feature is already existing and working, 
while talking about a rewrite-experiment that definitely does not have 
this feature.

But back to caching:
Caching appears to be incredibly important. Even to the point where no 
caching means not acceptable.
On the other hand, when trying to find out what is really necessary and 
wanted, there isn't much left. Suddenly it's just an implementation 
detail, not really important, makes no difference for the user.

Forgive me for being blunt, but all this appears to me like I need that 
feature. I do not care how it is implemented or how it works. I just 
have to have it.
I did not expect this kind of discussion on a dev list. (I even have a 
hard time accepting this from a paying customer).

But since it's just a not very important implementation detail, I added 
a (simple) caching approach to Corona. (I hope to get a patch ready today)
Perhaps this is all just too abstract and far fetched without any common 
basis (iow. code).


one of the greatest strengths of community-driven opensource development (I 
don't talk about projects like Spring, Eclipse or many other company-driven 
projects but about those projects here at the Apache Software Foundation) is the 
diversity of the people who participate. At the same time it is also one of its 
weaknesses because things need time to grow.

In addition, we people here have different development and language skills and, 
don't forget that we both have already had many discussions about what a 
reimplementation is about and how we intend to implement this layered design.

I'm happy that people are catching up and participate in the discussion on 
different levels. I'm sure that we will become more focused in the future - and 
I think that you are right that code will help. At least people will finally 
come up with their requirements in more detail (I need caching is too 
general!) finally so that terms like layered design and caching become more 

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread Reinhard Poetz

David Crossley wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

A simple scenario could be:

  Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

Is sourceresolve where the Apache XML Commons Resolver
is hooked up?

no, I was talking about the Excalibur Sourceresolve component.

I would be concerned if our base offering enabled
mis-use of net resources, e.g. processing an xml file
which declares a DTD, causes an extra network trip if
we don't have the xml entity resolver.

Resolving XML entities is important and we will definitly offer solutions for it 
in the future too.

Corona, Steven's and my proposal of a Cocoon reimplementation, is about doing 
things differently so that Cocoon becomes easily embeddable and reuseable from 
within as many environments as possible. We think that a layered design is the 
key to achive this goal. When you put all layers together, the result (= a web 
application framework) should be nearly[1] as powerful as that what we have today.

For that purpose Steven and I have also started to reimplement existing concepts 
instead of doing everything from the scratch. First, we believe that many of the 
existing concepts are good as they are and second, this makes it easier for 
others to chime in because if you see Corona as a black box, it should (more or 
less) provide the same results as 2.x.


[1] The only exceptions are things that we want to remove, e.g. sub sitemaps 
etc. - see the Micro-Cocoon discussion:

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread David Crossley
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
 David Crossley wrote:
 Reinhard Poetz wrote:
 A simple scenario could be:
   Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components
 A more advanced scenario could consist of
   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine
 Is sourceresolve where the Apache XML Commons Resolver
 is hooked up?
 no, I was talking about the Excalibur Sourceresolve component.

Yes, i know. However that might involve the Catalog Entity Resolver too.
This configuration used to be done in Cocoon, then we
moved it to Excalibur so that it would be more widely used.

 I would be concerned if our base offering enabled
 mis-use of net resources, e.g. processing an xml file
 which declares a DTD, causes an extra network trip if
 we don't have the xml entity resolver.
 Resolving XML entities is important and we will definitly offer solutions 
 for it in the future too.
 Corona, Steven's and my proposal of a Cocoon reimplementation, is about 
 doing things differently so that Cocoon becomes easily embeddable and 
 reuseable from within as many environments as possible. We think that a 
 layered design is the key to achive this goal. When you put all layers 
 together, the result (= a web application framework) should be nearly[1] as 
 powerful as that what we have today.
 For that purpose Steven and I have also started to reimplement existing 
 concepts instead of doing everything from the scratch. First, we believe 
 that many of the existing concepts are good as they are and second, this 
 makes it easier for others to chime in because if you see Corona as a black 
 box, it should (more or less) provide the same results as 2.x.

Yes it does.


 [1] The only exceptions are things that we want to remove, e.g. sub 
 sitemaps etc. - see the Micro-Cocoon discussion:
 Reinhard P?tzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH
 Member of the Apache Software Foundation
 Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

David Crossley wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

A simple scenario could be:

 Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

Is sourceresolve where the Apache XML Commons Resolver
is hooked up?

no, I was talking about the Excalibur Sourceresolve component.

Yes, i know. However that might involve the Catalog Entity Resolver too.
This configuration used to be done in Cocoon, then we
moved it to Excalibur so that it would be more widely used.

And now we have a better version back in Cocoon for 2.2 :)


Carsten Ziegeler

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Yes, using Cocoon pipelines in Ant is one of my long-time favorits ;-)


Bruce Atherton wrote:

I'm with you, too.

Just as an example, I think it might be useful to use Corona as the 
basis for a new Ant task called Pipeline. That task could do any number 
text transformations to a set of files as part of a build process. Here, 
caching is a non-issue for the most part since the point of using a 
pipeline would be to process each file only once. Rather than either or SourceResolve, we'd probably want to feed the pipeline 
based on Ant resources[1], just as the existing XSLT task is fed.

It may be that SourceResolver and an AntResourceSource is the best way 
to solve the problem, but on a cursory glance it sure looks like it is 
difficult to separate the banana from the gorilla[2] that is Avalon.


Torsten Curdt wrote:

On Mar 26, 2008, at 14:44, Ralph Goers wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

 Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap 

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 
- here you are:

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  
+  Spring


This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Just lurking but I am with you guys.

Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even 
more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

IMO this would simplify a lot as it separates concerns and the inner 
guts can be used in other projects without the pain of dependencies we 
have right now. People have been asking for this for years. I really 
think think this is the right direction.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-27 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 27.03.2008 02:25, Steven Dolg wrote:

What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only 
little overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies 
on third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with 
standard APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for 
our situation too.

See, one thing that I just don't get (and already asked) is how the 
pipeline API has anything to do with uri resolving. For me the latter 
(using or source resolve) is an implementation detail. Our 
current pipeline interface [1] has no relationship to uri resolving. 
It only has a reference to SourceValidity because of caching [2].

If all this discussion is about removing this method (and the related 
getKeyForEventPipeline()) to get rid of this dependency I'm ok with 
it. The caching concern could be implemented in a separate Cacheable 
interface which should then also be decoupled from uri resolving 
(which seems to point to Peter's approach [3]).

Just as a general observation:
I'm starting to believe that I do not understand (anymore) what this is 
all about.
We're jumping from high-level concepts (caching, layering) straight 
down to the lowest level (it's just method a in class B) and then 
right back.

I have had the same problem from the beginning [1] and expressed it in 
my question above again. What is this discussion about - if uri 
resolving has nothing to do with the pipeline API? And what do we win 
when replacing source resolve with except that we have one less 
dependency - when nobody really gets in contact with uri resolving 
anyway? I have only received half an answer to only the second question 
(standard API). Only then I started to look at the relationship between 
uri resolving and pipeline API and found only this one reference to the 
source resolve package.



Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The question is now if we need support for caching in the low level apis 
or if it is possible to have a layered approach - which would make the 
entry barrier much easier.

Yes, this layered approach is what I'm aiming for. All the reactions in this 
thread make me think that everybody, who has commented on this mailing list so 
far (except Carsten), believes that we want to throw away good things that have 
profed to be useful in many situations.
Rest assured, that's not the case. Carsten and I only want to break up this 
all-or-nothing situation that we (still) have now.

What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only little 
overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies on third-party 
software. Usually this means that we stick with standard APIs as much as 
possible - and I think this rule applies for our situation too.

This means that the user of the API only needs to learn as little as possible. 
When he wants more, we offer additional modules that help him. Since he has a 
concrete need, the motiviation to learn something new is much higher than when 
he has to learn everything right from the beginning.

If you want to learn how this whole concept *might* apply for a next generation 
Cocoon, have a look at Steven's and my Exploring Corona mail from last week 

The idea of Corona is having a concise core that doesn't have any dependencies 
on a particular component container (Spring, OSGi, etc.), source resolving 
mechanisms or environment (http, java  only, etc.) or even the type of the 
components (XML-SAX event stream, XML-Stax event stream, binary streams, etc.) 
that are linked together in a pipeline.

A simple scenario could be:

  Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - here you 

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  +  Spring

This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java application and 
Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Dev at weitling

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
The question is now if we need support for caching in the low level 
apis or if it is possible to have a layered approach - which would 
make the entry barrier much easier.

Yes, this layered approach is what I'm aiming for. All the reactions 
in this thread make me think that everybody, who has commented on this 
mailing list so far (except Carsten), believes that we want to throw 
away good things that have profed to be useful in many situations.
Rest assured, that's not the case. Carsten and I only want to break up 
this all-or-nothing situation that we (still) have now.

What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only 
little overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies on 
third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with standard 
APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for our 
situation too.

This means that the user of the API only needs to learn as little as 
possible. When he wants more, we offer additional modules that help 
him. Since he has a concrete need, the motiviation to learn something 
new is much higher than when he has to learn everything right from the 

If you want to learn how this whole concept *might* apply for a next 
generation Cocoon, have a look at Steven's and my Exploring Corona 
mail from last week 

The idea of Corona is having a concise core that doesn't have any 
dependencies on a particular component container (Spring, OSGi, etc.), 
source resolving mechanisms or environment (http, java  only, etc.) or 
even the type of the components (XML-SAX event stream, XML-Stax event 
stream, binary streams, etc.) that are linked together in a pipeline.

A simple scenario could be:

  Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap 

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - 
here you are:

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  
+  Spring


This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Your mail makes things a little bit more clear.
But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this 
Pipeline API?
E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image data running 
through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use of a 
SAX-events generating component together with an image data transformer? 
What about something like it's used in clipboards: each component offers 
a list of importable and exportable formats?

Just my 2 Räppli :-)

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Dev at weitling wrote:
But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this 
Pipeline API?
E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image data running 
through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use of a 
SAX-events generating component together with an image data transformer? 
What about something like it's used in clipboards: each component offers 
a list of importable and exportable formats?

Do the explanations that this mail answer your question?

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Dev at weitling

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Dev at weitling wrote:
But (maybe I have missed some mails) how do you want to make this 
Pipeline API?
E.g. a SAX-based pipeline is something different than image data 
running through several filters. How do you want to prevent the use 
of a SAX-events generating component together with an image data 
transformer? What about something like it's used in clipboards: each 
component offers a list of importable and exportable formats?

Do the explanations that this mail answer your question?

Quote from the text:
We hope that this gives you enough hints in order to understand Corona. 
We are

very interested in further discussions. So fire at will!

My Answer: Great work!
And yes, it answered my questions :-)

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Ralph Goers

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

  Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap 

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - 
here you are:

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  
+  Spring


This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?
Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even 
more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Steven Dolg

Ralph Goers schrieb:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

  Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap 

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 
- here you are:

  Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  
+  Spring


This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?
Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even 
more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

Just curious - do you have doubts, that this is achievable specifically 
with Java, or generally with any language?

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

On Mar 26, 2008, at 9:14 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

A simple scenario could be:

 Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap  

Do you really need both URL and SourceResolver? As Sylvain described  
it, with we should be able to implement replacement for  
all features of existing SourceResolver. I just don't think it is  
worth it, if in the end we are going to have a mix of two paradigms.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

On Mar 26, 2008, at 9:14 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

A simple scenario could be:

 Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

Do you really need both URL and SourceResolver? As Sylvain described it, 
with we should be able to implement replacement for all 
features of existing SourceResolver. I just don't think it is worth it, 
if in the end we are going to have a mix of two paradigms.

I had written this before I read Sylvain's mail. Even better, if we don't need 
the SourceResolver at all.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski
Ralph Goers pisze:
 Reinhard Poetz wrote:

   Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

 A more advanced scenario could consist of

   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap

 or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 -
 here you are:

   Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine 
 +  Spring

 This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java
 application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

 Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?
 Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even
 more complicated than what we have? I don't know.


I've got my hands dirty with URL stuff from Java and I fail to see how we can 
avoid using Source
interface, especially when caching comes in.

The issue is not about lack of the will but more about lack of ability, at 
least at this stage.
Examine current Source/SourcaFactory/CocoonSourceResolver usage patterns to see 
what I mean.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Torsten Curdt

On Mar 26, 2008, at 14:44, Ralph Goers wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

 Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap  

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core  
2.2 - here you are:

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap  
Engine  +  Spring


This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java  
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Just lurking but I am with you guys.

Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t  
even more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

IMO this would simplify a lot as it separates concerns and the inner  
guts can be used in other projects without the pain of dependencies we  
have right now. People have been asking for this for years. I really  
think think this is the right direction.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Ralph Goers pisze:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - 
here you are:

Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine +
Spring XML-SAX componnents

This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even more
complicated than what we have? I don't know.


I've got my hands dirty with URL stuff from Java and I fail to see how we can
avoid using Source interface, especially when caching comes in.

The issue is not about lack of the will but more about lack of ability, at
least at this stage. Examine current
Source/SourcaFactory/CocoonSourceResolver usage patterns to see what I mean.

Why do you want to give up even before you start? Because things _seem_ to be 

At the current stage we haven't even defined what we expect from caching. Please 
let's first put all our requirements on the table.

My (and that of many others) *main requirement is a layered software design* 
that makes Cocoon easily useable and embeddable in many different environments. 
Given, caching is important, but compared to that it is of subordinate relevance.

Maybe we have to go back to the old Source/SourceResolver solution because 
everything is impossible as some of us think, but let's decide this latter when 
we are sure that there is no better alternative.

Reinhard PötzManaging Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Ralph Goers

Steven Dolg wrote:

Ralph Goers schrieb:

Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even 
more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

Just curious - do you have doubts, that this is achievable 
specifically with Java, or generally with any language?
Taking 5 or 6 concepts (interfaces?) and trying to tie them together can 
get quite messy in Java. C++ could use multiple inheritence. While that 
would work it also brings along all the problems all the problems 
multiple inheritence introduces.  I'm sure there are other languages 
that might tie these concepts better, but off hand I can't think of one.

I'm also sure there are some interesting ways to do this in Java. 
Whether they end up being complicated (either to maintain or use) 
remains to be seen.

I'm all for letting whoever wants to move forward on this and see what 
they come up with. But I won't be willing to accept it until it supports 


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Bruce Atherton

I'm with you, too.

Just as an example, I think it might be useful to use Corona as the 
basis for a new Ant task called Pipeline. That task could do any number 
text transformations to a set of files as part of a build process. Here, 
caching is a non-issue for the most part since the point of using a 
pipeline would be to process each file only once. Rather than either or SourceResolve, we'd probably want to feed the pipeline 
based on Ant resources[1], just as the existing XSLT task is fed.

It may be that SourceResolver and an AntResourceSource is the best way 
to solve the problem, but on a cursory glance it sure looks like it is 
difficult to separate the banana from the gorilla[2] that is Avalon.


Torsten Curdt wrote:

On Mar 26, 2008, at 14:44, Ralph Goers wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

 Pipeline API  +   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap 

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 
- here you are:

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  HTTP-enabled  +  Sitemap Engine  
+  Spring


This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java 
application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Just lurking but I am with you guys.

Appealing? yes.  Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even 
more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

IMO this would simplify a lot as it separates concerns and the inner 
guts can be used in other projects without the pain of dependencies we 
have right now. People have been asking for this for years. I really 
think think this is the right direction.


Re: Layered software designs

2008-03-26 Thread Joerg Heinicke

On 26.03.2008 09:14, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

What I want to see is a concise pipeline API that comes with only little 
overhead in terms of its learning curve and its dependencies on 
third-party software. Usually this means that we stick with standard 
APIs as much as possible - and I think this rule applies for our 
situation too.

See, one thing that I just don't get (and already asked) is how the 
pipeline API has anything to do with uri resolving. For me the latter 
(using or source resolve) is an implementation detail. Our 
current pipeline interface [1] has no relationship to uri resolving. It 
only has a reference to SourceValidity because of caching [2].

If all this discussion is about removing this method (and the related 
getKeyForEventPipeline()) to get rid of this dependency I'm ok with it. 
The caching concern could be implemented in a separate Cacheable 
interface which should then also be decoupled from uri resolving (which 
seems to point to Peter's approach [3]).


