Re: W3C XML Processing working group

2006-01-02 Thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik

On Mon, 2 Jan 2006, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

 It strikes me how, in early 2006, people are still thinking that
 another XML domain-specific language is the way to go. We are all
 learning the hard way how the XML verbiage has been useless and, to
 some extents, detrimental: from Jelly onwards (and yes, I deserve some

Hear hear !


Re: W3C XML Processing working group

2006-01-02 Thread Jason Johnston

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

On 1/1/06, Michael Wechner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not that much interested into yet another DSL expressed in XML,
and I don't feel alone at all. Actually I'd much rather drift towards
a programmatic pipeline API.

what do you mean by a programmatic pipeline API?

Uhm, part of the story is on my blog[1] but I'll give you an excerpt
and save you a click ;-)

It strikes me how, in early 2006, people are still thinking that
another XML domain-specific language is the way to go. We are all
learning the hard way how the XML verbiage has been useless and, to
some extents, detrimental: from Jelly onwards (and yes, I deserve some
blame as well) it became crystal clear how programming in XML leads to
unmaintainable, opaque and unreadable stuff. The fake myth that XML
can be written by grandmas, coupled with the low entry barrier in
creating new languages (no compiler's compiler needed, yay!) has
produced a plethora of half-baked solutions that just don't get how
grandmas aren't going to code anyway, while angle brackets get heavily
in the way of anyone who understands even just the basics of

Now, don't get me wrong: XML is great when properly used. That is,
data (some grandmas might even write data at a certain point),
information interchange and tool-oriented stuff. But please, pretty
please, when talking about programming (that is, data processing and
component connections), take those angle brackets out of the picture
and give us the power of effective syntaxes. There might be some
exceptions: transformation languages such as XSLT, having to deal with
XML all the way, are consistently expressed in XML, but that's not the
case for XML pipelines.

Pipelines are about connecting, chaining, concatenating: there's
nothing there that needs XML to be expressed. It's meta-XML, in a way,
a side order to the main XML dish. What we (well, I at least) need are
APIs: a standard and effective way to tie XML processing components
together so that data manipulation can work in a multistage
environment. We then need some machinery around it that provides
transparent adapters between the different XML processing world (SAX,
DOM, StAX) and we could definitely use some services (logging,
management, security) on top of it. But we don't need XML for that. We
might want to use it at a later point, as a sort of wrapper around the
pipeline language if, and only if, there is a clear need for tooling
that could use a well-established and easy to parse data format, but
please save our aging eyes and our carpal tunnels from angle brackets
whenever possible.

I agree that a programmatic pipeline API would be a great thing to have, 
but please don't underestimate the usefulness and appeal of an XML 
format.  I think that those reading this mailing list don't get to hear 
the success stories of how things like Cocoon's XML sitemap format 
actually *do* lower the bar and allow less-technical people or those 
more comfortable with markup to implement Cocoon-based sites.  It's not 
a myth, there actually *are* people out there who aren't programmers and 
aren't comfortable with Java or JS or other procedural code, but who are 
very good at XML markup (not just grandmas!), and the XML sitemap is 
ideal for these people.  I know... I was one of them when I started 
using Cocoon and it's one of the main reasons I got hooked.

So I'd say that the API you and others have suggested is a great idea, 
but having an XML wrapper/implementation of (a subset of) that API would 
be a must.  Just because you wouldn't want to use it doesn't mean nobody 
would.  Just my two cents.


Re: W3C XML Processing working group

2006-01-01 Thread Michael Wechner

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

On 12/30/05, Sylvain Wallez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

The W3C recently set up an XML Processing working group[1] whose
primary goal is to define an XML processing language (i.e. pipelines).

Wow, innovation at work! :-)


AFAIU the group's direction is not to reinvent something new, but to
standardize what already exists, taking as inputs two pipeline languages
that were submitted as W3C notes, namely Norman Walsh's[2] and XPL from
Orbeon[3] (that BTW they claim to be the pipeline language that has in
fact been used the most[4].

My impression is that what this WG will end up defining yet another
programming language in XML, and that this language will either be very
limited in the processing types it allows in order to be implemented on
a wide range of platforms (including browsers), or allow a lot of
extensibility, thus actually limiting its portability.

WDYT, should we join the party?

I think it would make sense to at least talk to them, or has this been 
done already?

I'm not that much interested into yet another DSL expressed in XML,
and I don't feel alone at all. Actually I'd much rather drift towards
a programmatic pipeline API.

what do you mean by a programmatic pipeline API?



Anyone has the guts to start a JSR on
that? :)

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at


Michael Wechner
Wyona  -   Open Source Content Management   -Apache Lenya

Re: W3C XML Processing working group

2006-01-01 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On 1/1/06, Michael Wechner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not that much interested into yet another DSL expressed in XML,
 and I don't feel alone at all. Actually I'd much rather drift towards
 a programmatic pipeline API.

 what do you mean by a programmatic pipeline API?

Uhm, part of the story is on my blog[1] but I'll give you an excerpt
and save you a click ;-)

It strikes me how, in early 2006, people are still thinking that
another XML domain-specific language is the way to go. We are all
learning the hard way how the XML verbiage has been useless and, to
some extents, detrimental: from Jelly onwards (and yes, I deserve some
blame as well) it became crystal clear how programming in XML leads to
unmaintainable, opaque and unreadable stuff. The fake myth that XML
can be written by grandmas, coupled with the low entry barrier in
creating new languages (no compiler's compiler needed, yay!) has
produced a plethora of half-baked solutions that just don't get how
grandmas aren't going to code anyway, while angle brackets get heavily
in the way of anyone who understands even just the basics of

Now, don't get me wrong: XML is great when properly used. That is,
data (some grandmas might even write data at a certain point),
information interchange and tool-oriented stuff. But please, pretty
please, when talking about programming (that is, data processing and
component connections), take those angle brackets out of the picture
and give us the power of effective syntaxes. There might be some
exceptions: transformation languages such as XSLT, having to deal with
XML all the way, are consistently expressed in XML, but that's not the
case for XML pipelines.

Pipelines are about connecting, chaining, concatenating: there's
nothing there that needs XML to be expressed. It's meta-XML, in a way,
a side order to the main XML dish. What we (well, I at least) need are
APIs: a standard and effective way to tie XML processing components
together so that data manipulation can work in a multistage
environment. We then need some machinery around it that provides
transparent adapters between the different XML processing world (SAX,
DOM, StAX) and we could definitely use some services (logging,
management, security) on top of it. But we don't need XML for that. We
might want to use it at a later point, as a sort of wrapper around the
pipeline language if, and only if, there is a clear need for tooling
that could use a well-established and easy to parse data format, but
please save our aging eyes and our carpal tunnels from angle brackets
whenever possible.

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at

Re: W3C XML Processing working group

2006-01-01 Thread Ross Gardler

Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

On 12/30/05, Sylvain Wallez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

The W3C recently set up an XML Processing working group[1] whose
primary goal is to define an XML processing language (i.e. pipelines).


My impression is that what this WG will end up defining yet another
programming language in XML, and that this language will either be very
limited in the processing types it allows in order to be implemented on
a wide range of platforms (including browsers), or allow a lot of
extensibility, thus actually limiting its portability.

I'm not so sure. Although I have only read the minutes of their Dec 15th 
and 22nd  meetings.

A couple of things strike me:

Scripting language has two parts: having a way to specify a sequence of 
processes and to talk about what form the data is in as it passes 
through the process. It would be nice if we could do the former without 
constraining the latter

Here the words scripting language would make one think of a 
programming language, but replace those two words with pattern 
language or template language and it may become more acceptable. At 
least to me, since that's why my work focused.

Another interesting quote is:

If you had a registry, you could identify small names for the processes 
that do things, like registering XSLT for the XSLT 1.0 process

This seems to support my interpretation of the first quote. The language 
is describing a set of processes that can be used to move from one state 
to another. By having a hierarchy of processes, each defined by 
patterns, you can do something like:

User: give me document X

App: I have document A, B and C, but need X. Engine: how do I create X 
from A, B and C

Engine: apply process 1 to docs B and E. You can create E by applying 
process 2 to A and C

App: Program execution is:
   (A, C) - 2 = E
   (B,  E) - 1 = X

User: Thank you

With respect to portability limitations, there need not be any, just 
imagine the processes run remotely (yes that introduces a whole load of 
other problems, but that is not for this WG).

Such an approach does make it possible to create a high level language 
that need not define any complex logic through conditional execution 
since it is implicit rather than explicit. I have working prototypes of 
such systems (albeit academic proof of concepts).

Of course, I'm interpreting just a few words by applying around five 
years of academic research and therefore have a very biased and 
blinkered interpretation at this time.

It should be recognised that the Cocoon sitemap is surprisingly close to 
doing this already. This has not gone unnoticed by the WG:

they [Cocoon] have a simple one-level sequence path and I've got a more 
hierarchical model. Processing subtrees is like having embedded 
pipelines. That's hard to do in Cocoon because of their syntax.

WDYT, should we join the party?

I think Cocoon could gain much from this discussion, even if it does 
turn out to be another low level XML programming language (please no).

It's piqued my interest but, I don't do anything in this area any more. 
Nevertheless, I've joined the public list, it would be nice to actually 
awaken some of those parts of my brain, maybe I'll find time to return 
to this work.


W3C XML Processing working group

2005-12-30 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Hi all,

The W3C recently set up an XML Processing working group[1] whose 
primary goal is to define an XML processing language (i.e. pipelines).

AFAIU the group's direction is not to reinvent something new, but to 
standardize what already exists, taking as inputs two pipeline languages 
that were submitted as W3C notes, namely Norman Walsh's[2] and XPL from 
Orbeon[3] (that BTW they claim to be the pipeline language that has in 
fact been used the most[4].

My impression is that what this WG will end up defining yet another 
programming language in XML, and that this language will either be very 
limited in the processing types it allows in order to be implemented on 
a wide range of platforms (including browsers), or allow a lot of 
extensibility, thus actually limiting its portability.

WDYT, should we join the party?



Sylvain WallezAnyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member Research  Technology Director

Re: W3C XML Processing working group

2005-12-30 Thread Gianugo Rabellino
On 12/30/05, Sylvain Wallez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 The W3C recently set up an XML Processing working group[1] whose
 primary goal is to define an XML processing language (i.e. pipelines).

Wow, innovation at work! :-)

 AFAIU the group's direction is not to reinvent something new, but to
 standardize what already exists, taking as inputs two pipeline languages
 that were submitted as W3C notes, namely Norman Walsh's[2] and XPL from
 Orbeon[3] (that BTW they claim to be the pipeline language that has in
 fact been used the most[4].

 My impression is that what this WG will end up defining yet another
 programming language in XML, and that this language will either be very
 limited in the processing types it allows in order to be implemented on
 a wide range of platforms (including browsers), or allow a lot of
 extensibility, thus actually limiting its portability.

 WDYT, should we join the party?

I'm not that much interested into yet another DSL expressed in XML,
and I don't feel alone at all. Actually I'd much rather drift towards
a programmatic pipeline API. Anyone has the guts to start a JSR on
that? :)

Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance:
(blogging at